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Chapter eight hundred and eighty fourth things

The Oara tribe, which had been completely crippled, under the management of the Dulbert tribe, re-divided the pasture areas and strictly ordered them not to migrate or gather without reason.

Li Wenzhong stayed here to implement the policies negotiated by the court, and wanted to move some of the Oara Qingzhuang to Liaodong, Yunnan and Guizhou and other places. Mongolians who moved to the inland were not allowed to speak Mongolian, wear Mongolian clothes, and were not allowed to marry each other.

Use Han surnames to force the assimilation policy...

The Duke of Ying, Fu Youde, led his troops directly towards the headquarters of several major Tatar tribes. However, some of the tribes had already been frightened and abandoned most of their livestock and fled, making it difficult to pursue them.

This was also expected. Fortunately, the purpose of this war was almost successfully implemented, and there were many small tribes who surrendered due to their power. Fu Youde divided the pastures of the Tatar kings among them.

It was also announced that herders who found it difficult to survive on the grasslands could be naturalized in the Central Plains. The court would grant them land to cultivate and multiply, and allow them to form caravans and even go to school to serve as officials.

The Central Plains is now vast and sparsely populated. As long as they can come to farm and settle, Zhu Biao is very willing to accept them. Compared with foreigners who are blond, blue-eyed or as black as ghosts, all the Tu people in or around the Ming Dynasty can integrate

Absorb your own people.


"Indolence can nourish the mind, frugality can cultivate virtue. Indulgence in sexual desires and extravagance can change one's nature. Exotic skills, promiscuous travel, and hunting are all tools that weaken the mind and harm virtue. Therefore, the mediocre master of the high platform and deep pool will perish, and the holy master of the humble palace will prosper.


"Diligence and frugality are the foundation of good health, and luxury is the source of ruin. Generally speaking, those who hold high positions are prone to arrogance, and those who enjoy themselves are prone to extravagance. If you are arrogant, good words will not come in and you will not hear them. If you are extravagant, good ways will not be established and you will not care about them. Such people are not

There is immortality.”

"The kings who founded a great dynasty practiced frugality and achieved great things, but the kings who are mediocre are arrogant and extravagant, and eat the meat of dogs and hogs, leading to resentment and anger at gods and men. They are defeated before the end. You should live within your means and save money and waste money."

, It is better to make a surplus than to make a deficiency, and do not disobey the empress’s loving instructions!”

After Zhu Biao finished speaking, he asked his younger brothers to recite it loudly several times, and ordered them to copy it ten times immediately. Then he stood up and walked out of the palace. As the princes grew older, Lao Zhu was always worried that the professor's gentlemen would hinder their status.

Noble, but too much preferential treatment, forming the habit of arrogance, luxury and laziness.

He ordered the prince to come over in person every two days to teach them principles, check their homework and give them rewards and punishments.

Zhu Biao just found this quite interesting. It only took one or two hours to decide. Moreover, overseas lands would eventually be divided into clans, but where and how big they would be depended on personal virtue. Taking this opportunity

, you can also choose to cultivate several mature ones.

The place where the princes had their classes was not far from Wuying Hall. Zhu Biao rushed over after attending the morning court. At this time, he was quite hungry, so he had lunch at Wuying Hall.

Add a bowl of rice to the pepper-vinegar shredded shrimp and goose noodle soup, and there was almost nothing left. Liu Jin brought up another bowl of rice soup. It was made of glutinous rice, old rice, millet and other types of rice. It was boiled in a pot to get the essence. The imperial doctor said it was

Drinking less after meals can help digestion, strengthen the spleen, and nourish the body and mind.

"Sir, all the commanders are waiting for the summons outside the palace."

"I'm finally back, please come in."

After a while, Liu Jin led Quan Xu in. After saluting, Zhu Biaoci sat down and said with a smile: "The impeachment memorials have been overwhelming these days. The embroidered clothes ambassador must act according to the rules in the future. We can't do it like this."

It’s so arrogant.”

The embroidery envoys came out and indeed severely rectified the local merchants and nobles, and collected commercial and grain taxes that far exceeded expectations. Otherwise, the imperial court would not be able to prepare for the mobilization of troops in northern Xinjiang and the southwest while providing disaster relief.


But correspondingly, with such a harvest, the price is naturally not small, and it is no longer something that Zhao Yan, a mere embroidered commander in name, can bear.

Therefore, two months ago, Zhu Biao had already sent Zhao Yan to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment and promoted Quan Xu to the commander of Xiuyi. If others could not do it, this direct confidant of the East Palace could always give an explanation to calm the public grievances.

If you break the law, you have to pay a price, especially this time it hurts the interests of the three classes: scholars, industry and merchants. Using coercion to open the door is the style of a bandit, not the court.

Unfairness and injustice make it difficult to convince the world and maintain the rule of law. Therefore, even Zhu Biao was not prepared to use his authority and power to suppress the dissatisfaction of the ruling and opposition parties, but was prepared to help them vent it.

"This is the fault of the general's inability to restrain him."

Zhu Biao waved his hand to indicate that he did not need to say this: "Exile with the rod is unavoidable. Soon the Ministry of Punishment will take you to the three halls for interrogation. Fortunately, the Jin Yiwei has not appeared in the past two years. You just go and restrain Huang Yuanshou on my behalf.



Looking at Quan Xu, whose expression had not changed at all, Zhu Biao also felt a little distressed: "You have not enjoyed any of the glory and wealth over the years, and you have suffered the most grievances."

Quan Xu smiled and didn't say anything. He just bowed and bowed before retreating. When he entered the palace just now, he saw people from the Ministry of Punishment waiting for him. However, because of His Highness's face, he still allowed him to go smoothly.

Went to the palace to pay homage.


"Do you feel indebted because of Quan Xu?"

After the couple settled down at night, Zhu Biao casually talked about today's events: "When I was still the crown prince of King Wu, Quan Xu worked hard with allegiance. It has been nine years since the founding of the country, and he still has no official, no title, no family, no career.


Chang Luohua comforted him and said, "I'm worried about you. It's only a matter of time before you get an official position, but you have to get married first. There are no seniors in the generals, and there is no one to arrange marriages. I will probably have to ask His Highness to marry him."

Zhu Biao squinted his eyes slightly, and the first thing he thought of was whether the princess wanted to give her concubine to Quan Xu when she mentioned the matter of marriage.

There are also two concubines in the Chang family, one has been promised to Marquis Guiyi, a political official in Pingzhang of Sichuan, and the other is a maid of honor and has reached the age of marriage.

If this was her intention, it would definitely not work. The Chang family's power had already passed. If he hadn't been very confident in himself, he would have suppressed her long ago.

But even if you don't suppress it, you can't encourage it. Flowers shining in the fire are not a good sign, and this is true for the country and the family.

Before Zhu Biao could say anything, Chang Luohua said to himself: "It's a pity that I only have one concubine in my family. It's not appropriate. I wonder if your highness has a family that suits your needs."

Zhu Biao said with a smile: "There is nothing wrong with it. It's just that even if you want to grant a marriage, you have to wait until the matter is settled. Let's say at least two or three years. It's just a matter of asking my aunt to wait for several years. If it doesn't suit your needs, it's your fault and mine.


"I have thought carefully about it, but the daughter-in-law of the Wu Xun family in the court has already made an engagement, and I really can't think of a suitable one for the moment."

Zhu Biao thought: "It's okay to be a lady in a civil servant's family. My sister..."

At this point, the couple had a tacit understanding. Chang Luohua followed the words and said: "The wedding in Lin'an will be in two months. Why hasn't His Highness called the consort back to the capital? I heard that the Grand Master has already brought his family."

The little one is on his way to Beijing."

"There's no need to rush here. He's just a wooden pile when he comes. The princess's mansion in Lin'an is well-arranged."

"That's all. Lin'an is the eldest princess. The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Etiquette are doing their best. My father, the Queen, and my mother have asked about it several times. How can anyone dare to be negligent?"

Zhu Biao still had very deep feelings for this eldest sister. Among all the princesses, she was the only one besides his biological sister, so he ordered: "Lin'an is probably very uneasy lately. You can take her to visit the princess's mansion tomorrow."

Let's go shopping and comfort her more."

"I know, I know."

The two of them relaxed and cuddled together, talking about the recent interesting things about their two sons. Because Zhu Biao ordered that the palace maids and eunuchs were not allowed to take too much care of them, the two boys, who were so tireless, had already traveled all over the palace.

Now, the dog holes are drilled vigorously.

In terms of familiarity with the palace, I am afraid no one can surpass these two young brothers. Zhu Biao has not been to the harem a few times due to taboos, let alone the palaces of the concubines.

Relying on the favor of the emperor and empress, these two people did not dare to go anywhere. Except for the entrance of the pond and the well, where they could not play alone and had to be accompanied by palace people, they would go to any lively place. They were especially happy to see the concubines quarreling and bickering with each other.



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