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Chapter eight hundred and eighty fifth son-in-law captain

In August of the ninth year of Hongwu, the crown prince and Grand Master Li Shanchang came to the capital. Zhu Biao led the officials of the third rank and above in the court to greet him outside the city in person, and entered the palace with his chariot to see his majesty to show the honor of his meritorious service.

Li Shanchang is over sixty years old, and his hair has begun to turn gray, but his energy and energy are excellent. Compared with before, he has gained a lot of weight and is very rich.

Zhu Yuanzhang held a banquet in Wuying Hall, accompanied by civil and military officials. After the big banquet, he held a small banquet to recall the glorious past, and the emperor and his ministers enjoyed each other happily.

The military officers and soldiers all felt honored, and the civil servants also rarely saw the tender side of the emperor.

After the luncheon, the officials left the palace, but the emperor insisted on keeping Grand Master Li and said that he would stay in the palace tonight. The officials were very envious.

Zhu Biao ordered people to clear out a palace next to Wuying Hall. Although Li Shanchang was over sixty years old, it was still not appropriate to live in the harem, and it didn't matter to the former dynasty.

It was a night family banquet held in Kunning Palace, and Li Shanchang's wife also entered the palace to accompany the banquet. During the banquet, several princesses were called to come to see the guests. Of course, the eldest princess of Lin'an, Zhu Jingjing, was among them.

Mrs. Li has become more stable and kind now. She is very respectful and full of praise to the princesses, and does not specifically flatter Lin'an, which also makes Lin'an breathe a sigh of relief.

Men and women had separate seats, but since it was a family banquet, they still sat in the same room, but with a screen in the middle as a separation.

Lao Zhu enthusiastically talked about the policies that the imperial court was planning to implement recently, and looked forward to what the old brother would think. However, Li Shanchang had obviously been away from the political environment for too long, and he did not discover some problems that Lao Zhu thought he could discover.

He was very good at gossiping about people around him. Lao Zhu was not harsh about this, but was very happy.

After the wine was full and his ears were warm, Li Shanchang held the wine glass and said to the drinker: "I moved sixty flower nails with my hand, and they were like beads. It was not stupid to tie the long rope to the sun. There was an old man standing in the mirror and stroking his white beard."



A few days later, Li Qi finally rushed back to the capital. This prince-in-law, who had been running around all these years, looked more like a young martial artist than a scholar. However, Zhu Biao looked at the young man who looked much darker.

I'm a little worried that my sister will look down on me.

"Your Highness, there are 5,600 guards in Shuzhong. There are currently 27 guards and 1,120 guards for 1,000 households. There are also 55 and 200 guards for 100 households now.

There are 111 establishments, with a total of more than 210,000 soldiers."

Zhu Biao heard about the commanders of the Chongqing Guards, the Chengdu Left and Right Front Guards, and the Ningchuan Guards, and nodded with satisfaction after finding out that they had not changed and had little contact with Mingsheng.

"Marquis Guiyi also ordered his ministers to convey the message to him, saying that Sichuan is now vast but sparsely populated, and the fertile farmland has been abandoned without people to cultivate it. He requested the court to relocate people from Huguang, Henan and other places."

From the fourth year of Hongwu to the seventh year of Hongwu, the imperial court successively moved many people to Sichuan, totaling two to three hundred thousand. I didn't expect that they would be digested so quickly.

However, Zhu Biao could not agree to Mingsheng's request. Nowadays, there is no need for immigration, and it is not Sichuan's turn. In a few years, there may be no need to move out of Sichuan.

Zhu Biao asked Li Qi to take a seat: "The White Lotus cult has been rampant in the past few years. In the sixth year of Hongwu, Zhang Xinchan, a mountain man in Guang'an, Sichuan, claimed to be Maitreya Buddha and gathered people to confuse people. In the seventh year of Hongwu, Zhao Yu'er from Qizhou, Huguang gathered people to burn incense and conspire to cause chaos.

In the eighth year of Hongwu's reign, King Fo'er of Luotian, Hubei claimed that Maitreya Buddha was born, and the legends about the Buddha's name deceived people.

"Sichuan has always believed in gods and Buddhas, and now there are many people who have been forcibly moved there. They are somewhat resentful of the imperial court. Do you think Ming Sheng is alert to this?"

"Wei Chen Guigui Hou, who is kind enough but lacks the means to govern the people, can still manage the people, but he may not be able to subdue the evil sycophants."

Zhu Biao nodded clearly, and still had to dispatch a tiger general to Sichuan. Although the current commanders were good and especially loyal, it was not good to promote them hastily.

The war with Luchuan is not far away. With Shu being so close, troops and food must be sent. Whether it is to suppress the local area or to have the general to cooperate in the future, this move is necessary.

Fortunately, at this time in the Ming Dynasty, there were not many others. There were almost too many powerful generals in the capital camp to count, so you could just pick out a few.

Zhu Biao asked about tea and salt again before letting Li Qi go with satisfaction. It must be said that Li Qi is becoming more and more useful, and talents are indeed cultivated through hard work.

Judging from the response just now, it is well-founded and thorough in all aspects. Such talents are enough to serve as the parent officer of the state government when it is decentralized to the local government. When it comes to the central government, it is also enough to serve as the adjutant of the department and yamen.

And at such a young age, she is worthy of the Li family and is worthy of Princess Lin'an.

"The wedding is not far away, so you can stay in the capital and familiarize yourself with the etiquette."


After answering, Li Qi pointed to the outside with some embarrassment and said: "Weichen has been running around here and there over the years and bought a lot of interesting things along the way. They are all specialties of local prefectures, towns and counties. I want to buy some."

I gave it to the princess to enjoy and relieve her boredom. I came back in a hurry last time, but I brought them all back this time, and I have to trouble Your Highness to forward them."

"Oh? Bring her to this palace to have a look."

Liu Jin responded. After a while, several sturdy chamberlains came in carrying five sandalwood boxes and put them down. Zhu Biao stepped forward. After Li Qi opened them, he explained one by one: "This is the face of a clay puppet from Fengxiang, Shaanxi, from Huaiyang, Henan."

Clay dogs from Jiangsu, nuclear-carved nuclear boats from Jiangsu... Clay figurines from Guangdong, paper sculptures from Foshan, porcelain toys from Jingdezhen, pottery toys from Yixing: paper Zhongkui Jiuxian, bamboo waist basket with hammer fish...

Zhu Biao smiled happily and said: "Children love to play. It doesn't look like I want to give it to Lin'an. It looks like you prepared it for your future children."

Li Qidao: "The princess is only twenty-eight years old."

"It's good that you know. If it weren't for the Grand Master's eagerness and your age, I would have planned to stay in Lin'an for another two years."

Zhu Biao stopped talking here. The girls were already married, so there was no way he could care about the husband and wife's affairs. He could only give a warning overtly or covertly, and then ask the imperial doctor to explain contraceptive methods. It would be a few years later.

Want children.

"You have remembered what the prince-in-law just said. Go and tell the princess in person what kind of specialties these are. Don't let the prince-in-law down."

Liu Jin had an excellent memory and was well prepared, so she would not miss a word and followed the order.

When Li Qi was summoned by the emperor to be lectured, Liu Jin came back with two big boxes and replied: "The princess was very happy to see her, and asked the slave to thank the consort on her behalf. She also specially selected some good ones and asked the slave to share them.

Let’s play with some of your young highnesses,”

Lin'an is a good and sensible boy, I hope Li Qi can cherish him.


At the end of the month, the emperor wrote in the book: "In ancient times, all kings in the world must have a daughter. Now that I have grown up, I have specially granted you the title of Princess Lin'an. I will marry Qi, the son of Grand Master Changsha King Li Shanchang. He will be the consort and you will be the princess. Now that you have entered the Li family,

You must abide by the ways of a woman to serve your uncle and aunt, keep your boudoir in order and help her at home, you are so respectful!"

The princess, dressed in nine feathers, four phoenix crowns and Zhai robes, came forward to thank her and bowed eight times. Then she went to the middle palace to thank her and bowed eight times and bowed eight times. Finally, she met the Crown Princess of the East Palace and bowed four times.

On that day, the officials of the Ministry of Rites played to invite the imperial edict to be issued. They held the imperial edict and set up a dragon pavilion. Drum music and ceremonial procession led to the Taishi's house. The Taishi set up drum music and went out to welcome him. His family first set up the incense table and the imperial edict table in the main hall.

After Li Qi finished wearing court clothes, he went to the incense table to pay homage. The official of the Ministry of Rites said that he had the system. Li Qi knelt down to listen to the order. The imperial edict said: "The way of husband and wife, the great ethics of people, marriage is based on the etiquette of the time, and the emperor's daughter is married." You must choose your honor to be married. This has the same meaning from ancient times to the present. I now appoint you Li Qi to be the prince-in-law, and you will be a strong husband. You will not be favored or arrogant, and your family will always be protected. In order to call you my dearest brother!"

In addition, as a reward, the court attire includes a silver chair, a footrest, a silver horse, a silver basin, a silver pitcher, an umbrella, two bone buds, two tooth poles and a saddle cage.

After receiving the decree, Li Shanchang took his son-in-law Li Qi, the commander-in-chief, to the Fengtian Hall and kowtowed, saying: "The saints follow the laws of heaven and earth to determine the honor and inferiority, and match the yin and yang to determine the high and low. Therefore, we established a religion, established an administration, governed Yilun, and handed down the law to the world. I am sincere and fearful. obeisance."

"His Majesty Emperor Fu Wei has worked hard to rejuvenate the country and unify the world for more than 20 years, and hundreds of millions of people have been brought under the rule of Haohao Xixi and Taihe. The head of my family, Lai Shengquan, has been honored with honor, wealth and virtue. .”

"I have been diligently thinking about it all day and night, but I have not been able to repay it. It is because I am so kind and do not take into account the stupidity of my husband Qi, so I have given the princess as husband and wife. I am so honored that the auspicious time is approaching. I would like to send you a memorial. When the time comes, my father and son will bow down. Outside the gate, I respectfully listen to my orders. I have no choice but to look up to the heavens and worship the Holy Spirit, who is so excited that I am cutting across the camp!"



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