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Chapter eight hundred and ninetieth grandson

Zhu Xiongying became a little excited after splashing for more than a dozen times, and asked with childish melancholy: "Eunuch, was my father like this when he was a child? He must be sensible and read memorials every day. He cannot be like other people.


Liu Jin called the palace maid to bring a bowl of mung bean soup, and then took it and brought it to His Highness: "The Prince was naturally like this when he was a child. Didn't I teach Your Highness, so when Heaven is about to give a great responsibility to a person, he must first work hard on his will.

You are the eldest grandson of the emperor, and in the future our Ming Dynasty, hundreds of millions of people, will depend on you, so you have to endure more hardships than others."

"But I'm afraid I won't be able to do it. Master showed me the articles my father wrote when he was a child. At the same age, I still can't understand most of them. I have to rely on Master to help explain, let alone write them out myself."

Liu Jin frowned. The Crown Prince had already ordered that no one be allowed in the small hall.

Liu Jin leaned down to Xiongying's ear and said mysteriously: "Your Highness, don't think so. I will whisper a few words to you. You don't know that the Crown Prince is usually strict with you, but in private he always praises you for your honesty and stability."

, although he is young, he is already quite organized in dealing with people and things."

"Really? Father really said that?"

"How dare I, my slave, dare to deceive you?"


"Speaking of it, Xiongying is not young at all." Zhu Yuanzhang nodded at the memorial from the Minister of Rites and said, "The memorial for the emperor's grandson comes out every now and then, so we think it's about time."

Zhu Biao responded: "After the canonization ceremony, it will be time to move to the palace. After all, Xiongying is still young, and I would like to give you a few more years of education."

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and said: "A man should be established. He should live in the main palace, serve as ministers and ministers, and nourish his spirit. He should value his body and dignity, and his majesty will come from it. Being raised under the knees of his father and ancestors for a long time and being submissive is not the way to cultivate a man."

"When you were this old, didn't we make you our heir apparent?"

Zhu Biao thought that this was indeed the case. The more outstanding the fathers were, the more likely their children would be under pressure and burden, and they would be prone to depression and decadence over time. Perhaps in the name of canonizing the grandson, moving him out of the East Palace and equipping him with ministers would be a way.

"Then I will ask the Ministry of Industry to build Taisun's Palace next to the East Palace."

"The matter of canonization should be done sooner rather than later. Let the heroes live in Wuying Hall first."



Soon the Ministry of Rites received the order, and the Minister of Rites was immediately elated. The other colleagues in the government offices also got the news, and they could only congratulate with a dark face.

For the grandson, this was a great achievement, and it was enough to protect the smooth career of three generations of descendants. Even if the eldest grandson was not registered for one day, he would not be regarded as the legitimate successor of the Ming Dynasty, and he could not add the word "tai" to his name.

Tai, the big among the big, is also called Tai. If it is too big, it is called Tai. It is the title of the Crown Prince and the honor of a half-king.

They all thought that the Holy Emperor was in his prime and the prince was in his prime, just like the sun and the moon patrolling the sky, so there was no need to establish a grandson in a hurry. That’s why this old guy stole this great power. I deeply hate him!

On the fifth day of the ninth lunar month of the 15th day of the Hongwu Period, in the Fengtian Palace, the Crown Prince read out the imperial edict: "The ancient saints who successively controlled the universe were the first to be crown princes. I have been on the throne since Jiachen, and Wushen has been the emperor. In the fifteenth year of this year,

The former was very dedicated in pacifying generals and training troops, quelling chaos, destroying soldiers in the world, and laying livelihood in the fields of the people. Since the unification, he has also been very dedicated in eradicating corruption, corruption, and tyrants.

"Now that Cang Yan is the leader, heirs should be the most important thing in order to pass down the foundation for eternity. Since ancient times, the country has established heirs, and rituals have been based on the eldest son. This is the foundation of the world. Today, the eldest son of the Prince of the East Palace, my eldest grandson Xiongying, is the first heir of the clan.

, Belonging to the will of God, the tools are far-reaching, the wind is shining, the grand plans are long-awaited, the beautiful industry is growing day by day, filial piety is the foundation of virtue, Zhou is in hundreds of actions, benevolence is an important task, and can bring peace to all people."

"I obey the edict, carry out the ceremony, obey the public opinion, tell the heaven and the earth, the ancestral temple, and the state, confer treasures in the book, and establish me as the emperor's grandson. I will enshrine the gods above and below to protect the common people, and maintain the heart of unifying the world for thousands of years."

, tell your subjects that they would like to know!"

Inside the hall, the founding dignitaries of the country were all lined up, and they all bowed down to congratulate him. Outside the hall, envoys from foreign vassals, monks, Taoists, and elders serving as civil servants, all congratulated him in unison under the leadership of the Minister of Rites.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly in the east, the sandalwood incense burned in the burnt stove in front of the palace was burning, and the purple smoke was shrouded. The grandson came in a hurry and was dressed in court uniform. Great music arose, and the ceremonial flags were fluttering, solemnly and solemnly.

Zhu Biao came out with the edict in his hand, and the official came forward and stood in the west of the hall, singing in praise: "Kneel down"

The emperor's grandson knelt down and saluted. Zhu Biao was in a trance when he looked at the small figure. The official announced: "The chief grandson Zhu Xiongying is the emperor's grandson!"

"Prostrate yourself!"

According to the etiquette that had been practiced several times, Xiongying bowed to the ground and bowed to the edict in his father's hand. Then he stood up, bowed forward, and stretched his hands above his head.

Zhu Biao did not speak, but gently placed the edict book on his son's small palm.

"Complete transmission"

The great music begins: "The emperor favors the Ming Dynasty, five stars gather together, and the omens are peace; the beasts of justice appear and nectar falls, wild silkworms turn into cocoons and good harvests grow, sweet spring water gushes from the ground, and the Yellow River flows clear."

During the ceremony and music, Zhu Biao led his son into the Fengtian Hall. Zhu Xiongying followed closely, not squinting, but he could hardly hold back the excitement in his heart. This was the first time he had stepped into this majestic hall. His grandfather founded the country.

The former dynasty of establishment.

According to the etiquette, he knelt down to thank the emperor for his kindness: "My young man Zhu Xiongying has been commissioned. I would like to express my gratitude to the emperor."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at His Highness's children and grandchildren with a sense of accomplishment in his heart. So what about Emperor Qin and Han Wu, do you dare to compare with our children and grandchildren?


Prime Minister Hu Weiyong took the jade belt from the Minister of Rites and stepped forward to put it on his grandson.


Zhu Biao took over the jade gui, which had symbolized royal power during the Zhou Dynasty, and personally inserted it into the jade belt around his son's waist to show that he was bestowed with royal power and respected only his nobility.

Zhu Xiongying saluted again and stepped out of the hall. He held his treasure in his left hand and took out the jade gui from his waist in his right hand. The civil and military ministers, feudal envoys, monks, Taoists, and elders waiting outside the hall prostrated themselves and kowtowed to the ground:

"I pay my respects to His Highness Taisun. May Your Highness live a long and peaceful life!"

May the grandson live a hundred years, the prince may live forever, and the emperor may live long. This is a false wish to show the superiority and inferiority of the succession.

The emperor's grandson rushed to Kunning Palace to pay homage, and then went to the East Palace to thank the Crown Princess, and then changed his clothes and sat in Wuying Palace. The emperor's second grandson, Zhu Yunxi, led all the concubines and princes in the East Palace and rushed there: "My younger brother Yunxi met his elder.

My brother, the grandson of the emperor, has been honored with the honor of being awarded a treasure. I cannot bear to express my displeasure. I would like to lead all my brothers to congratulate His Highness."

Zhu Xiongying couldn't bear to see his brother, but Zhu Yunxi was obviously very happy, with a smile that couldn't be hidden in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows. He was obviously very happy to see his brother become a grandson.

Zhu Biao has deliberately let mature and stable bachelors teach his eldest son since he was a child, and let knowledgeable people who have traveled across the ocean teach his second son. He does not spare the treasures of sea charts.

Now it seems that it is quite effective.


"also may."()

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