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Chapter 86 Northern Yuan Orthodoxy

Early the next morning, the army broke out of camp and set off, and the duties and powers of many generals in the army were once again adjusted.

Li Wenzhong's power suddenly expanded, and most of the power of the front, left, and right armies fell into his hands.

Zhu Biao's central army was commanded by Mu Ying, and the rear army was Zhu Biao's private territory. No one could interfere with the logistics and supplies.

Along the way, apart from meeting Zhu Biao, Chang Yuchun rarely left the Right Army tent. After all, Li Wenzhong's prestige was still somewhat insufficient.

After walking for more than half a month, they finally approached Youzhou, and the army officially entered the land of Yanyun.

At the same time, Zhu Biao also received news from the court that Tanghe, the king of Dongou, had been deprived of his title for forming a clique, engaging in corruption and bending the law, and was driven to Tongzhou to control the Japanese pirates.

Zhu Biao had already guessed this. Tang He's meritorious service was not enough to make him a king. He was Zhu Yuanzhang's tool to establish his authority.

The political situation in the DPRK was a bit chaotic. Zhu Biao and Xu Da had taken away most of the nobles, and the rest were Li Shanchang's civil servant group. To Zhu Yuanzhang, they were just meat on the chopping board.

Zhu Biao was not worried about the situation in the DPRK. It was easy for the founding ancestor to manipulate his subordinates, but he always felt that the journey was a bit too peaceful. Shanxi Wang Baobao did not send Qingqi to harass him.

Zhu Biao ordered Quan Xu, who was riding a horse to guard him: "Go and ask Lan Yu to lead Qian Qi to Peking, and ask Song Guogong Feng Sheng to come see me!"

Zhu Biao frowned. He was already here. Even if Feng Sheng, the Duke of Song Dynasty, did not come in person, he should send his deputy general to take care of him.

Moreover, there is no news about Changxing Hou Geng Bingwen.

Zhu Biao felt very dangerous since he stepped into Yanyun. He thought about it and then ordered: "Stop the whole army and let the generals of third grade and above go to the Chinese army camp."

As the Chinese army's command flag was waved, the entire army slowly stopped.

The generals in the army began to gather towards the Chinese army, and soon they all arrived. A group of people gathered around an open space, and Zhu Biao led Liu Jin over.

All the generals looked solemn. They were all veterans on the battlefield and had already realized something was wrong.

Chang Yuchun said: "Feng Sheng is calm and steady. There is no reason why he should not send someone to support the army. I'm afraid something happened in Beiping!"

Li Wenzhong said: "After the disastrous defeat of the Yuan Dynasty, it will be good if they can gather 100,000 troops. It is too fanciful to want to regain Peiping without 200,000 troops."

Liu Jin spread out the Yanyun map on the ground. Mu Ying pointed at the map and said, "What if all the other troops in the Yanyun land abandon their garrison and come to besiege Beiping City?"

Chang Yuchun thought for a while and said: "It can only be the pseudo-emperor of Yuan Ting or his prince, otherwise no one can gather these separatist generals.

Liu Bowen on the side said: "They know the intention of our Northern Expedition. If we don't gather our troops, we can only defeat them individually. We will naturally have to make a choice between life and death."

Liu Bowen paused and continued: "The fact that they were able to escape our notice means that they must have gathered elites and fled into the grassland at night, and then gathered under the hands of a very prestigious person."

Mu Ying was still a little puzzled: "Even if an army of 200,000 besieged them, it would not be possible for Song Guogong not to send any news. Beiping is so strong. As long as we hold on to the city, we can definitely hold out until our army comes to help."

Zhu Biao said calmly: "If you cooperate inside and outside, if you open a city gate when it is not prepared, you can indeed capture Peiping directly."

Zhu Biao was actually certain. After all, anyone who storms the city of Beiping would not be able to break in without spending a few months and losing 100,000 lives.

Then it can only be that there is a mole in the city, which is correct. After all, they evacuated, so how could they not leave any hidden behind?

Nanxiong Hou Zhao Yong said coldly: "After taking Peiping, we should massacre the city for three days. Those families have served in the Northern Yuan court for almost generations, so they may be of the same mind as us."

Zhu Biao sighed, let alone the north, even many families in the south still believe that the Northern Yuan Dynasty is the orthodoxy, because they actually have no national concept.

The national concept that was familiar to later generations was only gradually known to the Chinese people after 1900. During the "Anti-Japanese War" period, the Chinese nation began to become the collective name for all ethnic groups in China.

In the Mongol Empire, the phenomenon of "four kinds of people" in the early Yuan Dynasty was in the middle and late Yuan Dynasty. Because of the implementation of "Chinese policy", such as the imperial examination, large-scale entry of Han officials, and the economic policy of the Yuan Dynasty was relatively gentle, most of them were

Accepted and recognized by the family.

The Ming Dynasty started with the Red Scarf Army, a group of chaotic people. In the eyes of southern aristocratic families, they were not worthy of publicity, and they have refused to allow their children to serve as officials in the Ming Dynasty.

In fact, although Confucianism has the so-called distinction between Hua and Yi, its priority is far lower than the righteousness of monarch and minister. That is, the first thing Confucian disciples must do is to be loyal to the monarch.

This trend had actually already emerged during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. At that time, it was very common for northern minority monarchs to appoint Han ministers to govern society, and Han ministers were also loyal to the minority monarchs.

As far as the situation at the end of the Yuan Dynasty is concerned, the Yuan Dynasty was an orthodox dynasty, but Zhu Yuanzhang was a rebellious minister and traitor. Under the influence of the idea of ​​"loyalty to the emperor", the scholars of the Yuan Dynasty naturally wanted to be loyal to the orthodox court and fight against Zhu Yuanzhang, who was a rebellious minister and traitor.

, this is understandable.

This was true even in the south, which was actually ruled by the Ming Dynasty, let alone the land of Yanyun that had been lost for hundreds of years.

Zhu Biao must have thought clearly and ordered: "Since the situation is unclear, the army will shrink immediately and all the scouts will be sent out. Zhao Yong, please lead your people out to find a place suitable for defense."

At this moment, Lan Yu led several men with bloodstains all over their bodies and ran over. When those people saw Zhu Biao, they knelt down and shouted: "Your Highness, the last general Huang Bin, the Duke of Song Dynasty specially sent the last general to ask for help. The night before yesterday,

Hu Mei, the Marquis of Linchuan, rebelled and secretly opened the city gates with the powerful families of Peking and led Prince Yuan's 200,000 troops into the city. Now half of Peiping has been lost. Song Guogong is desperately resisting. Please help your Highness quickly!"

At this time, all the generals frowned, and Zhu Biao frowned and kept thinking in his heart.

Can this Huang Bin be trusted? It may be too late for the army to leave for Peiping. Do they still want to go? If Peiping is just a bait, their real intention may be his 200,000 troops.

Chang Yuchun and Liu Bowen looked at each other and knew in their hearts that they must not rush to support Peiping with a large army. If the army is tired and tired, it still has the ability to fight against the same army of 200,000.

If Zhu Biao makes a wrong decision, they will dissuade him, but they believe Zhu Biao will figure it out.

Zhu Biao exhaled: "It is impossible for the army to rush to the aid of Peiping. Lan Yumuying and you two will lead 50,000 cavalry to meet Song Guogong and ask him to abandon Peiping to preserve his strength!"

……………………… Recommended votes Recommended votes Recommended votes There is one more thing that I need to think about carefully. This is my first time writing about war *゜*::*(*▽*)*::*゜*

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