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Chapter 2 The flying saucer that landed on the earth

In one year, the earth's vitality will change. At that time, ancient martial arts training will no longer be a legend. Not to mention other martial arts methods, even the Yi Jin Jing can be practiced.

Although the Yi Jin Jing is said by novelists to be Shaolin's supreme Kung Fu, in fact it has been passed down for so many years and is just a health-preserving technique in people's eyes.

But one year later, the Yi Jin Jing is no longer a health-preserving technique, but a supreme skill that can really cultivate the inner Qi. Ordinary mortals can use the Yi Jin Jing to cultivate the inner Qi, and then rely on the inner Qi to support it.

, practice various martial arts techniques.

Therefore, a year later, all kinds of martial arts secrets on the Internet, whether real or fake, disappeared overnight. Those who downloaded them in advance were lucky. Those who did not download them could only find a master or a top martial arts academy.

.As for top-notch exercises like the Yi Jin Jing, whoever dares to practice it will be doomed as long as they are discovered.

Nowadays, it is absolutely ridiculous and unbelievable for a student to say that he gave up school to learn martial arts. A year later, this kind of thing has become commonplace.

This subverts the change of the times, just because a smart flying saucer passed through the atmosphere from outer space and landed in a certain corner of the earth.

This flying saucer is the source of cultivation on the earth, and it is also the cause of a nuclear war on the earth in the future.

Lan Xiaobu didn't know what good things were on that flying saucer. He didn't even know where exactly the flying saucer landed. The only thing that was certain was that the flying saucer landed in a certain canyon in the Kunlun Mountains.

After the UFO landed in the Kunlun Mountain Canyon, it was not immediately known. There is no data on the UFO passing through the atmosphere and falling to the earth.

It wasn't until a year later that the earth's heaven and earth vitality suddenly became strong, and many martial arts practitioners discovered that the inner energy that had always been half-real and half-false had actually been cultivated, and it was not done by one person.

This discovery was like dropping a bomb in a calm lake, causing countless people to start practicing martial arts.

After this sudden change, the country also began to investigate. Soon everyone discovered that the closer to Kunlun Mountain, the faster the internal energy is cultivated and the faster the martial arts training is. When various experts came to Kunlun Mountain to investigate

, the vitality of heaven and earth around the world seemed to suddenly explode. At this time, not only the Kunlun Mountains, but also the speed of cultivation in other places increased.

After several months of investigation, some clues were finally found through the oral accounts of some herdsmen. Once, a black line appeared over the Kunlun Mountains, as if a ravine had been dug in the sky, and finally disappeared into the depths of the Kunlun Mountains. Kunlun Mountains

There seemed to be a loud noise coming from deep in the mountain.

No one doubted the news, because the loud noise was not only heard by the herdsmen on the edge of the Kunlun Mountains, but also heard from farther away. Not only that, some people also saw many white light pillars.

Not many people saw the black line that appeared on Kunlun Mountain, but there were too many people who saw the white light pillar. I asked a few people and they all knew about it. The Earthquake Administration also gave a report about the light pillar.

The explanation is that it is the phenomenon of light tide refraction. Not many people know what light tide is.

Based on these clues, people speculate that something fell from outer space to the depths of the Kunlun Mountains, either a meteorite or something else.

The depths of the Kunlun Mountains are not only steep, but many places are even forbidden areas for humans. If you want to enter the depths of the Kunlun Mountains to find out what has fallen inside, you must naturally use technological means.

The development of things is extremely strange. Any aircraft, whether manned or unmanned, will automatically lose information after entering a certain range deep in the Kunlun Mountains, and then fall. All electronic detectors, as long as they enter the depths of the Kunlun Mountains, will

Eventually, it will become a piece of useless waste.

After several months of detection, scientists could not draw any conclusion, and finally they could only conclude that it was related to something that crashed deep in the Kunlun Mountains.

The existence of that thing can render all electronic equipment, magnetic fields and other technological means useless. Not only that, even satellites cannot catch any trajectory of this thing falling towards Kunlun Mountain.

The only way is to send people to hike deep into the Kunlun Mountains to find out what is so magical.

When it comes to such confidential issues, it is natural to keep them sealed.

Even if the country begins to block information and blockade the Kunlun Mountains, more and more people are still secretly entering the depths of the Kunlun Mountains in search of the treasure that can change the vitality of the earth. Not only domestic ones, but also some foreign ghosts and snake gods have secretly come to the Kunlun Mountains.

I want to sneak in and find out the reason.

However, all those who entered the depths of the Kunlun Mountains to search for this fallen thing from outer space ended up missing deep in the Kunlun Mountains, without any information being sent out.

In just one year since the earth's vitality exploded, various ancient martial arts sects on the earth have risen rapidly. Universities and schools have also established martial arts departments, and batches of geniuses have emerged.

Shang Wei, the first genius in Jincheng, broke through to the ultimate level of martial arts. He was the first to break the limits of the human body and entered the realm of ancient martial arts, which is rumored to be innate.

Faced with endless honors and pursuits, Shang Wei didn't care at all. Instead, he stepped into the Kunlun Mountains alone to find the thing that could change the vitality of the earth.

Like many people who entered the Kunlun Mountains to explore, there was no news about Shang Wei after entering the Kunlun Mountains.

More than four months later, when many people felt sorry for this martial arts genius, a black flying saucer soared into the sky from the depths of the Kunlun Mountains, then rushed out of the atmosphere, broke away from the shackles of the earth, and disappeared into the distant outer space.

No one knows whether Shang Wei succeeded or failed, but everyone guessed that the thing that once fell into the Kunlun Mountains and changed the vitality of the earth's heaven and earth should be the flying saucer. Because after the flying saucer left the Kunlun Mountains, everything in the Kunlun Mountains returned to normal.

Electronic equipment will no longer have problems, aircraft can enter the Kunlun Mountains again, and people who hike into the Kunlun Mountains will no longer disappear for no reason.

It became obvious that the flying saucer that fell in outer space was obtained by Shang Wei, and Shang Wei left the earth with the help of the flying saucer.

If it is Shang Wei who really got the flying saucer, then Shang Wei's character is not very good. After finding the flying saucer, he rushed out of the earth without saying a word. How much better can this character be? After all, Shang Wei can be like this

The rapid advancement into Xiantian, in addition to his talent, is absolutely inseparable from the support of the country. Besides, without the permission of the country's resources, he cannot enter the Kunlun Mountains to search for flying saucers.

How did this guy repay him? He got the flying saucer and left the earth directly without even saying hello.

It was not until fifteen years later that the black flying saucer flew back to the earth again that everyone knew that the intelligent flying saucer had indeed been obtained by Shang Wei. But this time it came back, it was the beginning of the earth's doom. The flying saucer not only brought back alien information

Many powerful men also brought back an alien fleet. For the sake of his own life, Shang Wei returned to Earth with the invaders.

As soon as these people arrived on Earth, they immediately began to slaughter and enslave people on Earth. City after city was destroyed, and countless innocent people were killed. In the eyes of these powerful aliens, all life on Earth serves them.

Lowly existence. They want to build a huge smelting plant on the earth to refine something that no one knows about.

In order to drive away these foreign invaders, all sovereign countries on the earth united and began to resist, thus starting the nuclear era on the earth...

(Second update, please support me with monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. If you don’t have a collection, please add it to your collection. This book will definitely gain weight very quickly.)

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