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Chapter 466 I don't want to marry you

Luo Caisi thought her eyes were dazzled. She saw a huge pot falling from the void. Is this pot what she was waiting for?

The pot stopped in front of her, and a young man jumped out of it.

Seeing this young man, Luo Caisi felt as if he had been hit by electricity, and his whole body froze.

Standing in front of her was the man she had thought about day and night, traveled across countless voids, and crossed realm after realm to find the man.

Once upon a time? She subconsciously thought that she was his woman?

Was it the time we spent together in the Qinling Mountains? Or was it after the words she left in her diary, 'My man is also from the Lan family, this is my father-in-law's thing, and I can naturally use it.'

Either because of one of these two reasons, or both reasons, she felt that she fell in love with this man, so in the face of countless matchmakers who found her home, she resolutely left home and traveled across time and space to find him?

Luo Caisi shook her head slowly. This was not the reason why she liked him.

Maybe after getting along for a while, she felt that this was a special man, so she had a crush on him. Because of this, she gave her his necklace and gave him the ancient road to keep.

All of these just made her think that he might be her best choice. What made her really fall in love with him was the blue-winged star.

What a beautiful diamond that is. It is what every woman yearns for. She also longs for such a diamond.

She did get it, but it was Lan Xiaobu who asked her to give it to another woman.

After knowing that the blue-winged star was given to Su Cen, she felt very uncomfortable. She really wanted to ask Lan Xiaobu, is it appropriate for you to ask one woman to give a diamond pendant to another woman?

But after that, she never saw Lan Xiaobu again.

Until one day, Su Cen got engaged, and she suddenly felt a kind of heartache. It was not for herself, but for Lan Xiaobu.

What kind of love is this that would allow you to give something like a blue-winged star to the person you like after they get engaged?

When she gave the Blue Winged Star to Su Cen, she only had love and pity for Lan Xiao Bu. Maybe it was at that moment that she vowed to find Lan Xiao Bu and tell this man that Su Cen was not the only good woman. Maybe it was at that moment.

At that moment, she really fell in love with this man.

This search lasted for a century and spanned countless realms of void.

She felt that once she found Lan Xiaobu, she would have countless questions to ask him. But when she really saw this man, she found that she couldn't seem to say a word, and all the words were blocked in her chest.

The circles under her eyes were a little blurry, although she tried hard to remind herself that she must be stronger. But some things were just beyond her control, and two lines of tears fell silently, maybe because of her own suffering, maybe because of pity for the man in front of her.

Or, she is also pitying herself. A woman who has not received any commitment travels through countless time and space to find such a man who may not even remember her.

"Caisi..." Lan Xiaobu looked at Luo Caisi standing in front of him. He also had a thousand words to say, and he also didn't know where to start.

Maybe he never thought about looking for another woman, maybe in his subconscious mind, Su Cen was his wife, whether in the previous life or this life.

Although he knew very well that he and Su Cen would never meet again in this life, deep down in his heart he still had not thought about looking for a partner. It was an inertial thought.

Until Luo Caisi appeared, when he received the necklace from Luo Caisi, he was indeed touched. He was not an idiot. It was obviously not a casual act for a girl to give him the necklace she carried with her for safekeeping.

But he knew that he was not qualified to fall in love again, because he wanted to leave the earth and take the alien spacecraft with him.

The world is changing, and every time he wants to forget those days and nights in the Qinling Mountains, the ancient roads around him will unconsciously remind him that there is a girl named Luo Caisi who lived with him, shared the joys and sorrows with him, and

He lived and died together.

Perhaps the moment Luo Caisi gave him the ancient road, she was already telling him that he must remember her.

Lan Xiaobu suddenly felt that he had gone too far. After leaving the earth, he rarely thought of Luo Caisi. Luo Caisi was an ordinary woman. If it hadn't been for the cultivation techniques, they might just be in their memories in this life, right? Lan Xiaobu was a little conceited.

Responsibility, when he saw the haggard Luo Caisi in front of him, he realized what he had almost missed?

A mortal woman, just because she obtained some cultivation techniques, left the earth without any commitment, and found herself in the vast void of the universe alone.

As a woman, how much hardship has she endured over the years? With such a woman by her side, what regrets do she have in life?

"Caisi, I'm sorry..." Lan Xiaobu stretched out his hand to hold Luo Caisi's shoulders.

When his hand held Luo Caisi's shoulder, Luo Caisi's tears flowed down like a bursting dam.

Lan Xiaobu gently wiped Luo Caisi's tears, and he had a feeling deep in his heart. He and Luo Caisi did not live together for a few days in the Qinling Mountains. It was as if he and Luo Caisi had lived together for centuries. Everything.

Everything seems so natural, everything seems so traceless.

"Lan Xiaobu, I finally found you." Luo Caisi's voice seemed to come from the sky, but also seemed to be right next to his ears.

"Caisi..." Lan Xiaobu looked at the picturesque but haggard woman in front of him. He felt guilty in his heart. He had done too little for the woman in front of him. Compared with Su Cen in his previous life, he felt guilty.

What he did to Luo Caisi was not even one thousandth.

Luo Caisi didn't seem to hear Lan Xiaobu's cry. She said to herself, "Grandpa said that I am the most beautiful girl in the Luo family. In the future, a man who is upright will come and ask me to the most beautiful place, and then I can marry him."


"Grandpa told me that my name came from '爰财董矣第东笣.云 whose thoughts? Mei Mengyongye.' From that time on, I have been thinking that maybe my man is

, he is also on the other side of the sky, I want to dress up the most beautiful..."

"I'm so stupid, but I didn't know that my man was right next to me. By the time I knew it, he had already gone far, far away..."

Luo Caisi raised her head when she said this, and tears seemed to wash her eyes, which were bright and dazzling. She looked at Lan Xiaobu, "I have walked far and wide to find him. I have been lonely, panicked, and helpless."

I helped...but I have no regrets. My only regret is that when I found him, I was not dressed up at all..."

Lan Xiaobu is a person who is not good at expressing his inner emotions. At this moment, he was also touched by Luo Caisi's words. He reached out and held Luo Caisi in his arms, "Caisi, in this vast and empty foreign land, only we come from the same land. Yours

Beauty is innate and does not need to be dressed up. When I invite you to the most beautiful place and you marry me, I will work hard to be the upright man in your heart."

"No, I don't want to marry you." There was a kind of desire and clarity in Luo Caisi's eyes.

Lan Xiaobu was stunned. Before he could react, Luo Caisi said word by word, "I want to be your Taoist companion."

Lan Xiaobu understood instantly that husband and wife are just partners. In addition to being partners, Taoist couples also need to share the same goals. Luo Caisi knew that the road they were walking on was an extremely difficult one, and the person who said this was already willing to go all the way with him.

Whether it's day or night, whether it's right or wrong, whether it's life or death.

"So this is love." Lan Xiaobu held Luo Caisi's hand tightly, and there was a voice in his heart that only he could hear. After a reincarnation, he felt love again. The only difference was that this time he felt love

It is no longer the kind of love that only you give, but the kind of love that is given to him.

Lan Xiaobu's hand got tighter and tighter than mine. He never wanted Luo Caisi to be the same as he was back then. Love is definitely not just getting or just giving, but both getting and needing to give.

Although Lan Xiaobu didn't say a word, Luo Caisi could feel the deepest voice in Lan Xiaobu's heart. She looked at Lan Xiaobu blankly and said softly, "Can you tell me about her?"

"Who?" Lan Xiaobu was stunned.

"Su Cen, you were with her at school?" Luo Caisi was thinking, why did Su Cen abandon Lan Xiaobu and get engaged to someone else?

Maybe the question wasn't important, but she just wanted to know.

Lan Xiaobu shook his head. He was reluctant to mention Su Cen, but he didn't want to disappoint Luo Caisi. After a while, he said, "That was a long, long time ago, maybe it was my last reincarnation..."

A sudden voice interrupted Lan Xiaobu's complicated emotions, "Master Bu, you forgot that you still have an ancient path."

Gudao wagged his tail and raised his head with some dissatisfaction, looking at Lan Xiaobu and Luo Caisi hugging each other. In front of Mr. Bu, he seemed to be transparent. What is the saying? Yes, it is 'show affection.

Die quickly.'

Forget it, it’s better not to die. Even if Bu Ye dies, it won’t have a good life.

"Ancient road?" Lan Xiaobu really only had Luo Caisi in his eyes, and now he realized that the ancient road was not far away.

"Yes, Master Bu, I am Gu Dao." Gu Dao shouted proudly, finally remembering it.

"How did you become a yellow dog?" Lan Xiaobu was puzzled.

Only then did Gu Dao remember that he was still disguised. He quickly shook his body and all the disguise items on his body disappeared.

"It's not like those idiots from the Liang family wanted to arrest senior sister and me..." Gu Dao saw Luo Caisi's knife-like eyes at the right moment and quickly added, "They wanted to arrest the mistress, so the mistress and I had to disguise ourselves to survive.


It was very speechless in its heart, otherwise it would be you who I would call mistress. I used to call you senior sister very well, but now that I have seen Master Bu, I can no longer call you senior sister, so I can only call you mistress.

Fortunately, Gu Dao found out that Luo Caisi didn't get angry after he called his mistress, which made him relieved.

This chapter has been completed!
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