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Chapter 578 Stone Sword Shenzong

"Brother Xiaobu, are we going to that lake?" Mu Tongzhu asked after entering the Forest of Steles.

Lan Xiaobu shook his head, "No, if we go to that lake, there is a high chance that we will be caught by some Dao Lord. Let's change places and enter the Forest of Steles, and then find a new path."

Lan Xiaobu actually didn't want to find the Godly Domain of the Forest of Steles. He didn't even want to go back to the lake to practice. He just wanted to wander around the Forest of Steles a few times to see if he could find some news about Yu Nu and Liu Li. Of course,

If the Luck Formation Disk can really lead him to the Forest of Steles Divine Realm, then it would be better.

"Okay." Mu Tongzhu agreed to Lan Xiaobu's words without hesitation.

Lan Xiaobu said with a little embarrassment, "Mu Tongzhu, actually I have one more thing I want to ask you for help with."

"Brother Xiao Bu, tell me, I can help you if I can." Mu Tongzhu responded.

Lan Xiaobu said, "I know that you, Yu Nu, and Liu Li are all maidens from Huannu Palace, and you also agreed that if you are reincarnated, you can sacrifice your blood to find someone..."

"I understand." Before Lan Xiaobu finished speaking, Mu Tongzhu said, "After arriving at the Forest of Steles, I will sacrifice blood every few days to see if I can find Sister Yu Nu and Sister Liu Li."

"Thank you, Junior Sister Tongzhu. There is no need to sacrifice blood every few days. Once we find a certain range, we will sacrifice blood once. Don't worry, I still have some divine herbs and heavenly materials and earthly treasures with me, which can make you very happy."

Recover soon." Lan Xiaobu thanked him.

"It's okay, sacrificing blood won't do any harm to me." Mu Tongzhu said immediately

At the same time, Emperor Yi's uncle Wang Xiao was already walking very fast through the Forest of Steles along the route given by Lan Xiaobu. In just half a day, Emperor Yi knew that the route given by Lan Xiaobu was perfect. Otherwise, he could pass by

The experience I have gained is now already struggling in the Forest of Steles.

With Shu Wangxiao's strength, he arrived at the lake in only about ten days. What puzzled him was that there was no one at the lake. Lan Xiaobu said in the jade slip that there were several monks before.

I practice here. I don’t know if those monks left or left for other reasons.

However, except that there is no one here, the spiritual energy is indeed as strong as what Lan Xiaobu Yu said in the slip.

Shu Wangxiao tried to operate the cultivation technique, and the next moment the rich spiritual energy swept over him. Shu Wangxiao was overjoyed. He knew that for him, the strong divine energy was not of much use. The most important thing was the world here.

Are the rules clear and whether the divine energy here can support his practice?

As a Dao Lord of Guiheng Divine Court, Shu Changxiao is not without a place for cultivation. If he had no place for cultivation, that person's cultivation would no longer be able to maintain the fifth level of the God King.

The divine world is not just Guiheng Divine Court. If you practice in any divine court and reach his level, you will always feel weak in absorbing divine energy. No matter how many divine crystals he accumulates, he still has no successor power. In other words, he absorbs

As long as his divine energy is a little bit more, or the quality is a little bit higher, he will have a chance to improve. However, no matter how he practices, once his divine energy reaches the critical point of improving his cultivation level, he can no longer improve it.

This is not a question of practicing skills, because all Dao Lords are the same. It may have something to do with the rules of heaven and earth, but it is not absolutely related. From the fifth level of the God King to the sixth level of the God King, the requirements for the rules of heaven and earth are not very strict.

Harsh. After all, the fifth level of the God King and the sixth level of the God King are almost at the same level in terms of understanding the Tao.

Shu Changxiao knew that there was something wrong with the source of the gods. When he destroyed the Shenxing Pavilion, he got a batch of high-grade divine crystals. The grade of that batch of high-grade divine crystals was very high and would not allow him to absorb the divine energy.

At that time, he felt helpless. The batch of high-grade divine crystals allowed him to almost reach the sixth level of the God King. However, the number of the batch of divine crystals was still a little less, and in the end he fell short.

The Divine Star Pavilion was completely destroyed by him, and he didn't know where those batch of divine crystals came from.

After more than a dozen weeks passed, Shu Changxiao became excited. He was sure that the strength and purity of the divine energy here were enough for him to practice. As long as he stayed here in retreat, he would sooner or later enter the sixth level of the God King, or even become the God King.

later period.

Shu Wangxiao immediately began to set up a protective formation, where he wanted to attack the late stage of the God King.

Lan Xiaobu quickly took Mu Tongzhu and passed it between the two boulders.

Boom! Almost at the same time as Lan Xiaobu passed through the two boulders, the two boulders blasted together. If Lan Xiaobu had not passed by just now, these two boulders would have crushed Lan Xiaobu into a pulp.

Mu Tongzhu's face was pale, and she had several injuries on her body. Lan Xiaobu was even more seriously injured. One of his arms was almost chopped off before.

"Brother Xiaobu, we..." Mu Tongzhu was in shock. She knew it would be dangerous after entering the Forest of Steles, but she didn't expect it to be so dangerous. If it weren't for Lan Xiaobu, she wouldn't have died many times.

Lan Xiaobu did not continue moving forward, he felt something was wrong. Ten days ago, his luck formation disk could no longer guide the correct direction, and it was always blurry. Because the direction guided by the luck formation disk was vague, so

Lan Xiaobu had to rely on his own experience to make judgments. But sometimes this kind of judgment was correct, and sometimes it was wrong. Just now, he made a wrong judgment and almost turned into a sandwich biscuit.

The luck array cannot guide you in the right direction. If you stay in the Forest of Steles, you will be waiting for death.

Click! The place where Lan Xiaobu was standing suddenly cracked open. Before the strangling vortex swallowed him and Mu Tongzhu, Lan Xiaobu escaped again with Mu Tongzhu.

This can't go on.

In the Forest of Steles, if you don't move for a long time, you might as well be moving all the time.

Lan Xiaobu walked carefully for a few steps and suddenly said, "Mu Tongzhu, let's do this. You enter my world and I will take you forward. This way, if something happens, I can escape with all my strength."

"Okay." Mu Tongzhu agreed without thinking. She and Lan Xiaobu were both in the early stage of the God-Yu Realm, but her strength was far behind compared to Lan Xiaobu.

After Mu Tongzhu entered the universe dimension model, Lan Xiaobu also entered the universe dimension model. However, he sacrificed a low-grade immortal weapon, which led the universe dimension model forward rapidly in the forest of steles.

The lower-grade immortal weapon only advanced for half an incense stick's time before it was swallowed up by the sudden sweep of yellow sand. The next moment, the lower-grade immortal weapon even had no bones or dregs, leaving only the universe model.

Lan Xiaobu could only leave the universe dimension model and stand in the forest of steles again. His original idea was to use a bunch of low-grade immortal weapons to get on the road, and if it broke, he would change one. Anyway, he had many low-grade fairy weapons, as long as the universe dimension model did not

Just bad.

The sudden yellow sand made Lan Xiaobu give up this idea. The yellow sand was not bad, at least it did not sweep away the universe dimensional model. If there was a spatial dislocation, the universe dimensional model would be involved in the spatial dislocation, although he would not

If you fall, how can you return to the Forest of Steles? You cannot even return to the God Realm.

At this moment, Lan Xiaobu didn't want Yu Nu and Liu Li to come to the Forest of Steles. With the strength of Yu Nu and Liu Li, it would definitely be a dead end when they arrived at the Forest of Steles, and there wouldn't even be a chance. As for whether the neon light disk can carry the two

When people walk through the Forest of Steles, Lan Xiaobu knows that it is absolutely impossible. If the neon light divine disk has such ability, how can it wait for Yu Nu and Liu Li to walk through the forest of steles with the neon light divine disk? Shen Yun

Xianchi has already passed through the Forest of Steles with the help of the neon light disk.

Lan Xiaobu simply grabbed the Luck Array in his hand. The Luck Array was a top treasure. He didn't believe that the Luck Array could not find the way. Didn't he use the Luck Array to find the lake before?

Holding the Luck Array Disk in your hand, the sense of direction displayed is still vague.

What is going on? If the Luck Formation Disk is not good, then how come they were safe and sound for most of the first half year? They relied on the Luck Formation Disk to find their way, and every time they found a safe path.

When did the path the Luck Array was looking for become blurry? Lan Xiaobu tried hard to recall his encounter with Mu Tongzhu in the Forest of Steles.

By the way, it was after the seventh month. Mu Tongzhu found a fourth-level divine grass, the Bone Collar Sacred Flower, on the roadside. A Gulu Sacred Flower is worth a lot of divine crystals, so Mu Tongzhu went to pick it.

.Although he and Mu Tongzhu went to pick this sacred bone flower and returned to the original path, the direction the luck array was looking for after that was a little blurry.

Several more flying swords passed through where Lan Xiaobu was standing. While Lan Xiaobu was flying to avoid it, he suddenly thought of something. The reason why the Forest of Steles is so difficult to pass through is that almost all the monks who entered the Forest of Steles perished. In addition to all kinds of

In addition to the trapped formations and forbidden areas, there is another important reason, that is, there are many phantom formations here.

Could it be that he and Mu Tongzhu entered a phantom formation?

Lan Xiaobu quickly asked the universe dimensional model to build the space dimensional model. Under the accumulation of piles of divine crystals, Lan Xiaobu avoided several crises, and the universe dimensional model finally established the dimensional model structure of the space. They did

They entered a phantom formation, which meant that after entering the phantom formation, he and Mu Tongzhu never left the phantom formation space.

The phantom array is a fourth-level divine array. Lan Xiaobu is secretly glad that he has a universe dimension model, otherwise, he would have to stay here and wait for death.

If he wants to advance to the fourth level of the Divine Formation Master, he must have enough time. In this place, he obviously does not have enough time. In addition to enough time, he also needs to have enough materials, which he does not have either.

According to the space dimensional model constructed by the universe dimensional model, Lan Xiaobu easily walked out of the illusion array. At this time, when he took out the luck formation disk again, a clear direction indication appeared on the luck formation disk.


Lan Xiaobu quickly walked along this direction. When he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes widened.

If someone said that there is another sect in the Forest of Steles, he would definitely say, are you crazy? But now he really saw a sect, and there were several formations with large characters floating in front of the sect's protective formation.

Author, Shi Dao Shenzong.

(That’s it for today’s update, good night, friends!)

This chapter has been completed!
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