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Chapter 63 Choice

Lan Xiaobu was the captain, so no one objected to his words. A group of people followed Lan Xiaobu to his room. Ding He closed the door immediately, and stood at the door with Kerr on the left and right.


After entering the room, Lan Xiaobu scanned it with his spiritual mind and made sure that there was nothing wrong with the room.

When everyone was a little uneasy, Lan Xiaobu said, "We are all recruits from Zhennuo Star. To be honest, if I hadn't led you all, I would be responsible for everyone's lives on this mission."

, I won’t ask everyone to come here.”

Feeling Lan Xiaobu's seriousness, everyone became quiet.

Lan Xiaobu continued, "Before I speak, please make the most vicious oath not to reveal anything that anyone here today said. Another point, if you have relatives or concerns about Zhennuo Star, it's best to

Don’t listen to today’s words, you can leave this room now.”

Everyone looked at each other, but no one left. The recruits here are all from various planets in the Baimo Galaxy. Even if there is a Gai Lin, his family is broken and he has no worries.

Anfei was the first to stand up and said, "If I, Anfei, leak even a word of what was discussed here today, I, Anfei, will be struck by lightning and turn into ashes, and my soul will perish..."

Taking the soul as an oath is considered to be the top poisonous oath. On the scientific and technological civilization planet, people have already touched the existence of the soul, but in what form the soul exists, until now, it is still a subject of advanced scientific and technological civilization research.

With Anfei taking the lead, everyone else stood up and swore a poisonous oath. Such oaths had nothing to do with them, as long as they did not reveal the content of what they said today.

Seeing that everyone had sworn an oath, Lan Xiaobu said slowly, "Our mission is to protect five geniuses from Zhennuo Star to participate in the galaxy selection competition. Isn't this a very dangerous mission? It's extremely dangerous.

A mission that no one is going to take on?"

"Yes." Many people said it subconsciously.

Because every recruit mission is dangerous. Until now, I have not heard that the recruit mission on Zhennuo Star is not dangerous.

Lan Xiaobu chuckled, "Then tell me, where are the dangers after we arrive here from Zhennuo Star?"

Everyone looked at each other, yes, where is the danger? Being intercepted in the starry sky, they just need to watch the excitement and laugh a few times. After arriving at Tianluo Star, they only need to live in a high-end dormitory, with food and drink.

Just play.

In other words, they were here for a trip and no one would suspect them.

A recruit scratched his head and said, "Recruit missions have always been extremely dangerous. When it comes to interstellar operations, there is almost no life or death, so..."

"So everyone subconsciously thinks that this mission is naturally dangerous, right?" Lan Xiaobu then asked.

Some people want to say it is right, but when they think about it again, they have already gone through the most dangerous stage, and the second most dangerous stage is to protect the five Zhennuo geniuses before the trials of Baimo Galaxy.

But with them huddled in the dormitory like this, where does the danger come from?

"Maybe this mission is different from the previous one, and we have better luck." Anfei hesitated and said.

Lan Xiaobu sneered, "If it's different from before, it won't be the recruit's turn. Do you know the military merit of this mission? Almost everyone can be promoted when they go back. How can it be simple? So I think this mission is also a life-threatening one.

And it’s easier to lose your life than the previous recruit mission.”

No one said anything. Although there were no signs of death so far, everyone felt that what Lan Xiaobu said was correct.

Lan Xiaobu's eyes swept over everyone, "Everyone knows that the Sixth Prince is approachable, but I think no matter how approachable the Sixth Prince is, he won't have to say hello to every recruit here, right?"

Everyone remembered that when they got off the battleship, the sixth prince, Tai Mochang, greeted almost everyone and had a very good attitude.

"Perhaps he is trying to gain prestige. After all, he is a prince and will still have a chance to become the emperor's heir in the future," said a recruit.

This is a truth that everyone understands. In order to inherit the throne, some princes will lower their stature and even fight with ordinary people to show that they are approachable.

"Yes, it's really possible." An Fei also nodded.

Lan Xiaobu chuckled, "If this is really the case, then they will definitely come to our cabin often to chat and mingle with us. In fact, in three months of interstellar flight, he has not been to our cabin once. Although they have

There is only one door between where we live and where we live.”

Everyone was silent, what Lan Xiaobu said was true.

"Gailin, have you heard of the Sixth Prince's deeds?" Lan Xiaobu's eyes fell on Gailin.

Gai Lin shook his head, "Although I am a resident of Zhennuo Star, I have only heard that the eldest prince and the second prince of the Hanlan Empire were close to the people at the bottom. I heard that the other princes were very arrogant. As for the specific deeds of the sixth prince, I am not sure

Never heard of it.”

Lan Xiaobu said, "This means that even if the sixth prince is approachable, he has not reached the level of the eldest prince and the second prince. After thinking about it, there is only one possibility, and that is that he feels guilty. The first one feels guilty and is too embarrassed to come to him often.

When we meet, the second reason is that we hope we won’t blame him after knowing the truth.”

"Then what is the truth?" Anfei asked subconsciously.

Lan Xiaobu said, "I don't know what the truth is, but I am sure there is an extremely dangerous thing waiting for us to do. This thing is the real reason for our protection. I guess the death of this thing

The rate is very high, but not all of them will die. Once you get through it, you still have a chance to get promoted and make a fortune.

The reason I called you here today is that since you know you will die, if someone leaves this dormitory and looks for a chance to survive on his own, I will not stop him, and I will not tell Tai Mochang."

After hearing Lan Xiaobu's words, the crowd started talking.

"Lieutenant, why are you telling us this?" The question was from a second lieutenant.

Because there is no need to tell them what Lan Xiaobu said, and if Lan Xiaobu tells them, it will not do any good to Lan Xiaobu, and may even cause harm.

Lan Xiaobu said calmly, "Because I am the leader of this escort in name. If I clearly guess that everyone is going to die and still hide it, that is not my character, and I will feel uneasy."

The most important thing is that Lan Xiaobu doesn't have the slightest sense of identity with this Star Conquest Army. A death squad is okay, but if you want me to be a death squad, you have to say it first. Life is my own, and I have the right to choose.

"Alas..." the second lieutenant sighed, "Even if everyone wants to leave, they are still poor wanderers in Tianluo Star. Once caught, they will be enslaved."

Lan Xiaobu didn't speak this time. He had told everyone about the crisis. The choice was in everyone's own hands. His current ability could only do this.

"Captain, are you leaving?" An Fei looked at Lan Xiaobu.

Lan Xiaobu shook his head, "I don't plan to leave, I will stay here. I am a captain. If I can survive this time, maybe I can become a three-star young prince."

The attack on the three-star young prince is a lie. In fact, Lan Xiaobu has no intention of returning to Zhennuoxing. He has only one main purpose of staying here, and that is Yu Qixing. Otherwise, he would be the first to leave, how could he

Stay here as cannon fodder for Tai Mochang and others.

If you want to cultivate immortality, you cannot be afraid of death. Jade Qixing is the closest opportunity he has had to cultivate immortality so far. Moreover, Lan Xiaobu guessed that Li An probably obtained some of the cultivation techniques in Jade Qixing, and then in

Yu Qixing obtained that the earth was the origin of immortality, and then left the Feng Ji galaxy for the earth.

Lian went to Earth because he wanted to obtain the real inheritance of immortality. In Lian's opinion, the inheritance of immortality on Earth is much stronger than that of Yu Qixing, and he can get it as soon as he goes there. In addition, he also has the capital to go to Earth. But he

What I didn't expect was that even though he arrived on Earth, only his soul remained, and he was eventually destroyed by Lan Xiaobu.

For Lan Xiaobu, he is currently cultivating martial arts. Once he establishes the foundation, he will no longer be able to practice martial arts. Whether it is to continue the martial arts or to cultivate immortality in the future, he has no reason to give up this opportunity.

Once this kind of Chinese legend becomes possible, no one can refuse this opportunity. Even if it means losing his life, Lan Xiaobu will take the gamble.

"Then I'll stay too." Anfei hesitated and said.

He has had enough of being a wanderer. Once he survives this time, he will have a stable home on Zhennuo Star.

"I'm leaving..." Chun Muli said without hesitation.

"I stayed……"

For a time, the hundred people were divided into two parts, one part left and the other stayed. However, Lan Xiaobu discovered that the majority stayed and only twenty-three people left.

"Okay, you can just leave by yourself without telling me. I believe that no one will spread the news today. In addition, anyone who wants to leave this dormitory and go to Tianluo Star can still go out, as long as one

Just come back within the month. But what I want to tell you is that Tianluo Planet is a fifth-level scientific and technological civilization planet, and its attitude towards us, second-level technological civilization planets, should be looked down upon. If something goes wrong, I'm afraid no one here will take care of you.

." Lan Xiaobu said again.

Lan Xiaobu also did not stop the new recruits from going to Tianluo Star for a tour. They came out to see the world, and Tai Mochang's orders would not work for him.

"Haha, great, I'm going to go to the fifth-level scientific and technological civilization planet for a tour and learn a lot." Kerr was the first to shout.

He had previously wanted to learn martial arts from Lan Xiaobu, but faced with the temptation of a planet with level five technological civilization, this idea had long been abandoned by him in Java.

This chapter has been completed!
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