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Chapter 711 The Great Sage

Xi Nianmo's injury was not serious, but being sealed in the canyon for a month was too much of a drain.

Now I feel at ease, and I have almost recovered in just two hours.

She stood up and said eagerly, "Xiao Bu, there is a fallen saint in this canyon. All the saint's inheritance has been lost, but I saw a soul stone..."

Everyone knows that the Soul Stone is the last words left by the monk in the last breath of his soul after he died.

Under normal circumstances, soul stones are left by low-level monks. A saint leaves a soul stone to send a message. It can be seen that this saint is almost incapable of action and is so weak that he can only leave a message on the soul stone.

"What's left behind?" Lou Tianhu couldn't help but ask.

If it were other things, he really wouldn't care too much, but he couldn't ignore the message from a saint.

"The saint left a message saying that he made a big mistake and lost the training scroll of the Little Planet Technique. He originally wanted to destroy the Little Planet Technique, but it was taken away. Once the Little Planet Technique is lost, it will have a negative impact on human monks.

Endless disasters..." Xi Nianmo looked at Lan Xiaobu as she spoke, deep down in her heart she couldn't calm down at all.

Lan Xiaobu had told her before that Qu Peng practiced the planet technique, and the planet technique was the source of calamity. But Lan Xiaobu didn't know whether Qu Peng practiced the big planet technique or the small planet technique. Now it seems,

It is very likely that Qu Peng practiced the Small Planet Technique. As for the source of the Small Planet Technique, it is the relics left by the saint in this canyon.

Xi Nianmo looked at Lan Xiaobu and said, "Xiaobu, your guess is right, that planet technique is the source of the monk's calamity..."

"Is the planet spell the source of the disaster?" Lou Tianhu said in shock. The calamity was really terrible. He had experienced it personally. Now listening to Xi Nianmo's words, could the calamity be caused by humans practicing the star spell?

Lan Xiaobu immediately said, "Senior Lou, this is one of the reasons why I asked you for help."

After saying that, Lan Xiaobu told Qu Peng's story and his own guess. Now it can't be said to be a guess, because the information obtained by Xi Nianmo proved that this is a fact. Liang Jie is someone who practices the planet technique.


After listening to Lan Xiaobu's words, Lou Tianhu was completely stunned. Before, he and others believed that the calamity was caused by heaven.

When monks practice and violate the rules of heaven, and act against nature, heaven will naturally bring down various thunder tribulations and various calamities. But I didn’t expect that calamities are also man-made. The guy who caused the calamities that destroyed the divine world should have

How terrible?

Lou Tianhu, who had not taken Qu Peng seriously at first, now had a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

When Lan Xiaobu saw it, he quickly said, "Senior Lou, that Qu Peng is not yet at the quasi-sage level. We have two Heshen level and two quasi-sage strong men here, plus I am playing soy sauce at the same time. They should not let him go."

He ran away."

Lou Tianhu shook his head, "You don't know how terrible the calamity is. Have you ever experienced the calamity?"

"No." Lan Xiaobu really has not experienced excessive tribulation. Although he has withstood the tribulation from the divine world to the immortal world, after the tribulation was transferred to the immortal world, it was weakened by an unknown number of times. Strictly speaking, it was just a tribulation.

The residual power does not count as measuring the calamity. Even the residual power of measuring the calamity is not his ability, but the ability of Tiangang Formation Pan.

He had actually seen the destruction of the Divine Realm. Although it was terrifying, it was not shocking.

Lou Tianhu took a breath and said slowly, "When the calamity of world destruction comes, there are only two words in everyone's heart, despair. At that time, everyone is ready to die. That power is simply

It's not something that can be achieved through Dao cultivation. No matter how terrifying the Dao's magical power is, it can't be as terrifying as the calamity that destroys the world. All rules are broken, let alone the planets and realms that exist. The calamity is so terrifying, and the calamity that causes it is so terrifying.

How scary are people?”

Lan Xiaobu doesn't think so. Lou Tianhu has a saying that he doesn't quite agree with, that is, when the great power reaches a certain level, it is even more terrifying than the calamity of annihilation. With his current strength, if he goes to a mortal planet,

Casting the Great Destruction Technique will result in a world-ending disaster.

"What else did that senior say?" Lan Xiaobu signaled Xi Nianmo to continue.

Xi Nianmo tried his best to slow down his tone, "The senior said that if anyone comes here and sees his message, they must find a way to find the small planet technique, and they must not let anyone practice it. But I knew it was too late, the small planet technique

Some people are practicing, even to the point where they are almost reaching the level of a quasi-sage.

I was anxious to leave the canyon, but I felt the breath of Nirvana in the canyon. I have experienced the calamity of the world, and I know very well that this kind of Nirvana is very similar to the calamity of the world. Because the canyon where I am is constantly experiencing Nirvana, so

I kept running away. I never thought that the bottom of the main hall of the Goddess Sect is connected with the canyon."

When Lan Xiaobu heard this, his heart sank. According to his idea, he came to the Domain of Divination in the last assessment after participating in the selection of the master of the Wugen Academy in Nirvana City. Because Tong Ha

They were his people, so during the assessment, he planned to have Lou Tianhu and Xi Nianmo pretend to be assessment team members, and they all would enter the Divination Domain together, and then sneak attack and besiege Qu Peng.

Even though Qu Peng was only in the Heshen realm and they had two quasi-sages, Lan Xiaobu still didn't dare to underestimate Qu Peng.

Now through Xi Nianmo's words, he realized how naive his thoughts were. Obviously, Qu Peng had already begun to prove the Tao and became a quasi-sage. The canyon below the Goddess Sect began to undergo nirvana, but Qu Peng was sweeping the Wugen God Realm's destiny.

It's just the rules of Taoism. When Qu Peng is promoted, it will be the time when the entire Wugen God Realm will be completely nirvana.

They absolutely cannot wait until the selection of the master of Wugen Academy is over before dealing with Qu Peng, they must take action now.

"Fellow Daoist, do you know the name of the saint who lost the small planet technique?" Lou Tianhu asked again.

"After I read the soul stone, the soul stone cracked. But there were a few words at the end of the message on the soul stone, called Great Sage Min Yuan. I don't know if it was the name of the senior saint. It's strange.

The thing is, even if the other person is a saint, there is no need to say that he is a great saint." Xi Nianmo replied.

"Min Yuan?" Lou Tianhu thought about it, but had no impression. However, he still said, "The saints' actions are extraordinary. Even though they only left a soul stone, it shows that this matter is not trivial. Otherwise, the saints would rather

Even if it turns into nothingness, it will leave no trace.”

When Lan Xiaobu heard this, his heart moved. A saint can only leave one soul stone? He hesitated for a moment, and then quietly asked the universe dimensional model to construct Xi Nianmo's avenue dimensional model structure.

Although Xi Nianmo was a quasi-sage, she was not the kind of person who was thoughtful. Maybe there was something else at the bottom of the canyon that she had overlooked.

Lan Xiaobu is now in the world god realm, and there are many top-grade divine veins in the universe dimensional model, so even if Xi Nianmo is in the quasi-sage realm, the construction speed of the dimensional model structure is still not slow.

"Xiao Bu, what do you think we should do now?" Xi Nianmo suddenly interrupted Lan Xiao Bu's meditation.

Lan Xiaobu said subconsciously, "It's natural to do things in advance. The Nirvana of the God Realm has begun. No matter whether it is successful or not, we cannot continue to wait..."

Before he finished speaking, Lan Xiaobu paused suddenly. Xi Nianmo looked at Lan Xiaobu doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

Lan Xiaobu didn't answer Xi Nianmo. After a few breaths, he said, "Senior Sister Xi, please do the exercises once a week and take a look."

Although Xi Nianmo was confused, he still followed Lan Xiaobu's idea and performed the exercises for a week. She had been doing the exercises for an hour just now to heal her injuries, which was not a big deal.

Lan Xiaobu's face looked a little unhappy. In the dimensional model structure constructed by the universe dimensional model, Lan Xiaobu clearly felt something strange.

"Senior Sister Xi, do you perform the exercises for another week, and then pay special attention to the Jing Meridian and Fuze Chen Meridians during the Zhouxian. Do you have any weird feelings?" Lan Xiaobu said in a deep voice.

Even Qiang Yin'er felt that Lan Xiaobu's tone was a bit solemn and serious, and Xi Nianmo naturally heard it. She did as Lan Xiaobu said without hesitation. In just a few breaths, she

His face turned pale.

Someone had tampered with her, and she, a quasi-sage, had no idea at all.

"Xiaobu, I have been tampered with. When I walk through the Zhoutian where you mentioned, I feel a sluggish feeling. And I feel that as I continue to practice, this sluggish feeling will be completely integrated into my Zhoutian and will no longer exist.

I caught him." Xi Nianmo's tone was a little panicked, and he didn't even think about how Lan Xiaobu found out for a moment.

Lou Tianhu looked at Lan Xiaobu in shock. A problem on the quasi-sage himself was not noticed by the quasi-sage. How did Lan Xiaobu notice it? Not to mention Lan Xiaobu, he also didn't notice that Xi Nianmo was being raped.

People have done something wrong.

"Senior Sister Xi, I think the problem lies with the soul stone." Lan Xiaobu said slowly. In his heart, he despised the great saint Min Yuan. You said you were already a saint, and you even said you were a great saint, but you actually used

Such despicable means.

"The other party is also a saint after all, why are you plotting against me?" Xi Nianmo calmed down and when asking questions, she was also thinking about how to remove this mark on her body, but she thought of several ways, but could not achieve her goal.

Lan Xiaobu thought for a while and said, "If I guessed correctly, then Minyuan longed for the Little Planet Technique, but the Little Planet Technique was taken away by Qu Peng. If Min Yuan didn't know that Qu Peng took away the Little Planet Technique,

The planet technique cannot do anything to Qu Peng. No matter which method he uses, he wants others to help him find the small planet technique. This shows that Min Yuan is not a good thing."

"I think it is also possible that the Little Planet Technique originally belonged to Min Yuan, but was taken away by Qu Peng. Min Yuan left a mark on others because he hoped that someone would help him snatch the Little Planet Technique back." Lou Tianhu said.

"But the saint said that the small planet technique is the source of disaster and must be destroyed." Qiang Yin'er couldn't help but said weakly.

Lan Xiaobu sneered, "This is because that guy is sure to take away the Small Planet Technique while others help him find it, and the method is through the mark."

(That’s it for today’s update, good night, friends!)

This chapter has been completed!
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