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Chapter 845 Chasing and Killing Min Yuan

Lan Xiaobu didn't know how Saint Tifo found the traces of Min Yuan, but he had a vague feeling that Tifo was not pointing the wrong way.

Only half a day later, Samsara Pot stopped outside an open-air market.

The first thing Lan Xiaobu paid attention to was not this open-air market, but the ripples in the void in the distance. His spiritual thoughts passed through the ripples in the void, and turned out to be a large void vortex.

As soon as he saw this Lan Xiaobu, he knew where this place was. When he came from the immortal world, he came in through such a void vortex. This should be a void passage. In this case, this void passage should be the one leading to immortality.


There is a void passage between the Immortal Realm and the Rootless God Realm. Lan Xiaobu originally wanted to ask about it, because he would definitely return to the Immortal Realm after his strength improved. Unexpectedly, he found the void passage in this place before he asked.


Just as Lan Xiaobu thought of this, he saw two monks rushing into the void vortex and disappearing in an instant.

Lan Xiaobu signaled everyone to come down, and then put away the reincarnation pot. The outside of the void passage here is obviously different from the immortal world. There is only a cliff outside the void passage in the immortal world, but there is an open-air market in this place. It can be seen that many monks want to

You have to go to the Immortal Realm through the void passage. As more and more monks came, an open-air market was finally formed.

"I saw Min Yuan." Meteor said as soon as he landed on the reincarnation pot.

No need for Min Yuan to say, Lan Xiaobu also saw Min Yuan, and he rushed towards Min Yuan without hesitation.

Min Yuan was standing outside a shop looking at a broken leather scroll in his hand. Lan Xiaobu rushed towards him and seemed to sense something. He turned back subconsciously and at the same time stretched out his spiritual thoughts.

When Min Yuan saw Lan Xiaobu rushing towards him, he felt happy. But the next moment he grabbed an escape talisman without hesitation, and the escape talisman was activated instantly.

Almost the moment Lan Xiaobu saw Min Yuan grab the escape talisman, Lan Xiaobu punched out.

Boom! Min Yuan's whole person was blasted into pieces, and a deep crater was blasted out of his location. But Lan Xiaobu's face was not good-looking, because what he blasted was Min Yuan's shadow left behind.

The moment before the punch hit Min Yuan, Min Yuan ran away.

The next moment, Lan Xiaobu clearly saw Min Yuan rushing into the vortex of the void passage. Min Yuan is really too cunning. If it were an ordinary person, he would never use the escape talisman to rush into the void passage. After all, he was standing from Min Yuan.

The location is not far from the void passage. With Min Yuan's strength, he can escape in the shortest time.

But Min Yuan happened to use the escape talisman, making it impossible for Lan Xiaobu to intercept. Once Min Yuan did not use the escape talisman, Lan Xiaobu could teleport and block Min Yuan's way in advance.

When the stall owner saw Lan Xiaobu punching Min Yuan, a terrifying strong man, to escape, he didn't even dare to take the stall and backed away cautiously.

"He entered the void passage. I heard that this void passage leads to another complete realm, called the Immortality Realm." Meteor walked over and said calmly.

Lan Xiaobu walked up to a stall owner and raised his hand to draw an image of Xi Nianmo, "Has this person been here before?"

The stall owner looked nervous when he saw Lan Xiaobu coming. Min Yuan was a being that no one dared to mess with in this open-air market during this time. He even killed a strong man in the late stage of Heshen. As soon as Lan Xiaobu came, Min Yuan

He was scared away before, but now Lan Xiaobu came to ask him a question, how could he not be scared?

"I've been here. She was chased by the person just now. She seemed to be seriously injured. As soon as she arrived here, she rushed into the void passage. I heard that opposite the void passage was a place called the Immortality Realm. That little ear didn't catch up...

..." The stall owner replied cautiously.

Anyway, Min Yuan left, and even the other party didn’t know he called Min Yuan Little Ear.

As expected, he went to the Immortal Realm. Lan Xiaobu breathed a sigh of relief. Last time, even a god king could go to the Immortal Realm. Even if it was a matter of luck to reach the Immortal Realm, Xi Nianmo should be able to go there. Xi Nianmo is also a good candidate.

Holy, I don’t know how much stronger than the God King.

"Are there many people going to the Immortal Realm here?" Lan Xiaobu asked again.

The stall owner quickly replied, "There were not many people before, but now there are more people than before. This passage did not appear all the time before, but now it is here all year round. It is said that regular passages have gradually formed inside, and it is no longer

The space is misaligned.”

Hearing this, Lan Xiaobu felt a little anxious. He had been in the Wugen God Realm for hundreds of years. He didn't know if the Great Desolate God Realm and the Immortal Realm had been completely integrated through the Hongmeng Dao. Once the Great Desolate God Realm

Completely integrated with the Immortality Realm, the urine of Etaihan Holy Mountain may directly enslave the entire Great Wilderness God Realm.

Tifo came over and said, "This guy Minyuan is very hypocritical. Once he escapes, it will be difficult to catch him again. But this time it is my fault. If I didn't show up, this guy wouldn't have escaped."

As soon as I came out, he didn't dare to stay when he saw me."

Lan Xiaobu looked at Tifo speechlessly, "Can you stop bragging?"

Liuxing said on the side, "Fellow Taoist Lan, this Taoist Tifo is really not bragging. He was one of the eight great saints at the beginning. Although his name is not as famous as Saint Luoxu and Saint Bingying, he is also ranked behind Saint Tailuan and Saint Bingying."

Above the Saint in Tsing Yi, a false saint like Min Yuan would naturally turn around and run away when he saw fellow Taoist Tifo."

Tifo chuckled and turned the prayer beads hanging around his neck, which meant that Meteor did not lie.

"Who are Saint Luo Xu and Saint Bingying?" Lan Xiaobu frowned. If Tifo is ranked so low, wouldn't Luo Xu and Bingying be even stronger?

"Don't worry about them. Most of these people are dead. The few who are alive are definitely not doing as well as me." Tifo took the initiative to answer without waiting for Meteor's reply.

Lan Xiaobu just asked casually. He didn't care about it at all, "Fellow Taoist Tifo, I am going to the Immortal Realm to chase Min Yuan. At the same time, I have some things to do in the Immortal Realm. If Taoist Taoist Tifo finds it inconvenient,

If you want to follow, just stay here and wait for us."

"Convenient, of course, it is convenient. What to do next, fellow Taoist Lan can tell you. I have formed an alliance with fellow Taoist Lan, so naturally we focus on friends' matters." Tifo slapped his chest loudly.

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Lan Xiaobu looked at Tifo in confusion, "Fellow Taoist Tifo, didn't you ask me for help?"

This guy was eager to ask for his help before, but now he has something to do and has to leave Wugen God Realm, but this guy still didn't ask for help, which made Lan Xiaobu a little confused.

Tifo smiled and said, "I will ask you for help after fellow Taoist Lan is finished with his work."

"Okay." Lan Xiaobu didn't bother to ask what happened to Tifo, and said very simply, "I'm going to the Immortal Realm to teach a few guys a lesson. I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything by myself, so having a few more friends will help me a lot."

In the future, everyone will call me Dao Lord, because I am also a Dao Lord."

"Yes, there is no Fangyuan without rules. From now on, our actions will be led by Lan Daojun. In this case, our actions will be more unified." Unlike Emperor Puhe who doubted Lan Xiaobu, Tifo believed Lan Xiaobu's words very much.

.An ancient saint like Lan Xiaobu, not to mention a Dao Lord of a Realm, would still believe him even if he controlled the rules of a Realm.

When Lan Xiaobu heard this, he became more and more suspicious. This Tifo was so powerful, yet so easy to talk to. He couldn't believe that he didn't have any thoughts at all.

Lan Xiaobu took out a few communication beads and said, "Everyone has one of these communication beads. If we get separated, we can find a place to gather together."

Originally Lan Xiaobu didn't dare to go to Taihan Holy Mountain, but now that there is a saint like Tifo, a false saint like God Emperor Puhe, and a guy like Liu Xing who is not inferior to Puhe, he is already qualified to go to Taihan Holy Mountain.

Circled. Even if he doesn't go to Taihan Holy Mountain, he can go to Hongmeng Daoze in an open and honest manner.

After Tifo, Puhe and Liuxing put away the communication beads, the four of them rushed into the void passage to the immortal world.

Lan Xiaobu thought that they would be impacted by various void whirlpools and void dislocations just like coming from the Immortal Realm. But after they entered the void passage, they found that the void passage was very smooth. Not only did there not be much fluctuations in spatial rules, but there were also no spatial dislocations and voids.

There are no whirlpools at all.

The few of them can even pass through the void passage without any fuss, let alone being separated.

Emperor Puhe sighed and said, "I don't think it will take long before the two worlds will be completely integrated through this void passage."

God Emperor Puhe knew, why didn't Lan Xiaobu know? He was even more anxious. Even the Wugen Divine Realm and the Immortal Realm without the help of Hongmeng Daoze were about to be connected, and the Great Wild God Realm with the help of Hongmeng Daoze

What about the world of immortality?

But then Lan Xiaobu thought that since the Great Desolate God Realm and the Immortal Realm gradually formed a fusion of realms through the Hongmeng Dao Principle, then who would know that the fusion of the Rootless God Realm and the Immortal Realm was not caused by the Hongmeng Dao Principle?

With the cultivation strength of Lan Xiaobu and the other four, they can walk under this void passage with relatively stable spatial rules at almost the ultimate speed. When crossing the void passage, they can sometimes surpass some monks who have entered the void passage before.

It is estimated that Min Yuan must be regretting it. If he had known that this void passage was so stable, he might have caught up with Nianmo when he came in to chase him. But now, he has to be chased by others.

Lan Xiaobu naturally thought of this. He took out the reincarnation pot and said, "Everyone, get on the reincarnation pot and speed up."

No one hesitates. In this stable void passage, using the reincarnation pot will save a lot of time. The most important thing is that it is very likely to catch up with Min Yuan.

Meteor even rubbed his hands. The two best robberies in his mind were Min Yuan, and Lan Xiaobu was the second one. For Min Yuan, he traveled all over the place, and it was not easy.

Find a good helper like Tifo.

As for Lan Xiaobu, he has lost the idea of ​​robbing. Not long after Lan Xiaobu became a quasi-sage, he was able to fight against Tifo. He probably has no chance to rob Lan Xiaobu. As his cultivation level improved, Lan Xiaobu

Cultivation will inevitably improve.

Meteor is a straightforward person. Since there is no hope of robbery, he simply shelved the plan. Unless he gets another chance one day, he will not take the initiative to attack again.

(That’s it for today’s update, good night, friends!) (To be continued)

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