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Chapter 10 Charcoal Brother

Li Yuanxing finally felt at ease, he was no longer a gangster in the Tang Dynasty.

I feel happy when I think about this title. Is it possible to have three wives and four concubines? While dreaming sweet dreams, I thought about writing down the strategic results discussed by Li Jing and others, so that I can do it when the time comes.

After submitting your homework to the cabinet master, you can also let the cabinet master take a look at it and see if there are any shortcomings.

Cheng Yaojin, the devil in the world, definitely did not get it for nothing, and he definitely has no intention of returning the saddle.

Li Jing saw the specialness of this saddle. He did not mention the material used, but said that the stirrup was definitely a sharp weapon for the cavalry. In front of Li Er, he asked Fang Xuanling to write an order for the general to improve the saddle for the army.

Whoever reveals the secret will destroy the whole family and kill the nine clans.

Li Yuanxing touched his neck and thought it was terrible. These madmen in the Tang Dynasty killed more people than chickens.

With this saddle alone, the generals knew very well that the cavalry's combat effectiveness would be at least doubled. If both hands could move freely, then the training difficulty of cavalry and archery would be far lower than that of the Turks.

The sand table is too big and it would be difficult to move it back immediately. What's more, Li Er is not the emperor yet.

Li Jing believed that he would be heavily guarded and wait until Li Er ascended the throne. Now this place would be difficult for hostile forces to discover. In this way, this place had no name yet and the walls were not yet visible. Three thousand elites of the Tang Dynasty were stationed in this manor.

, these are elites drawn from various armies.

Lao Lang's rank is too low and he is not qualified to manage these sergeants.

Heitan brother Yu Chigong became the chief general here, and Cheng Yao Jin Taier, even Li Jing did not trust him very much. Qin Qiong was in poor health and could not withstand the fatigue. Li Jing also had to think about the strategy to deal with the Turks, so he was really worthy of his status.

The ones who are reliable enough are Brother Heitan and Yuchi Jingde.

"Furuo!" Brother Heitan looked to be at least forty years old, and he was strong enough to beat a cow to death.

"General Yuchi!" Li Yuanxing returned the salute respectfully, but Yuchi Gong was unhappy: "This is wrong, Wulang. I am not close enough to these old black men to be called generals!"

A bottle of Wuliangye and a piece of Texas Braised Chicken were what Li Yuanxing had originally left for himself. Now he would take them out and start building relationships.

"Brother Hei, this is fairy wine. I used to drink at most one or two bottles a year. It's so rare!" Li Yuanxing's words were half true and half false. When he was a gangster, he was too poor to drink Wuliangye.

Later, he opened a shop and he was also a wealthy man, but the wine was said to be precious, and the relationship with Brother Heitan became closer.

Sure enough, Li Yuanxing poured a small glass, and Brother Heitan also looked nervous for fear of spilling a drop. This is the best fairy wine. He also heard Li Yuanxing say: "The bottle that the old devil snatched away will be replaced by ten bottles."

I don’t want this bottle. I only have two bottles in total, one for my brother and one for our brothers to drink!”

Brother Heitan nodded quickly. He carefully picked up a cup with both hands. He smelled it first, looking intoxicated, and then stuck out his tongue to stick to it a little bit.

"Okay, the fairy wine is really good!"

"Brother Hei, drink more. I'll get drunk after just ten glasses of this wine!" Li Yuanxing has an average drinking capacity and usually gets drunk after two ounces. Liangzi gave Li Yuanxing a nickname, Wen Xiang Zui!

The wine is strong! Even Brother Hei Tan, who has a good capacity for drinking, is still a little drunk after drinking only half a pound. Li Yuanxing, who drank two taels, said with a loud tongue: "Brother Hei, you don't know. What is our Datang? Our Datang is an empire."

, what is the empire? The empire is to destroy anyone who doesn’t like it. The empire is that when all countries meet my brother, they all honestly call me a saint! The empire is the people of the Tang Dynasty who have straightened their backs when they traveled all over the world!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Brother Heitan just nodded. This Wulang is Xingjun, and what he said is absolutely correct.

"But Brother Hei, you don't know. There are many wolves around Datang. These people look at Datang like a piece of meat and they want to bite it. What should we do? Hack them to death. Who dares to do anything to Datang?"

Just knock his teeth all over his mouth!" Li Yuanxing said and fell drunk.

Brother Heitan came to his senses, stood up and looked at Li Yuanxing silently.

It's not that Brother Heitan is a good drinker, but Li Yuanxing's words frightened him so much that he woke up.

If Yuchi Gong can become a general and one of the four most powerful generals around Li Shimin, then he is definitely not a reckless man. He has his own agenda. In the early days of the Tang Dynasty, the surrounding situation made Li Yuanxing say this, and it seemed that it was true.

That's the same thing.

It seems that Wulang was really sent by God to help Datang.

He waved his hand at the old wolf: "Protect your husband at your own risk. Don't spread what your husband says on a daily basis. You understand!"

"Understood!" Old Wolf bowed.

Brother Heitan summoned all the generals under the influence of alcohol and gave only one order. The village must be built according to the level of the fortress. If there are not enough craftsmen, he will arrest them. Those craftsmen raised by Yin and Yang's family will be directly labeled as slaves.

After the seal was sent, all the servants here were converted into slaves.

For soldiers, they are the most reliable and elite soldiers.

But even so, Brother Heitan still asked to investigate the three generations of the sergeant's family and issued a hush order.

No objects larger than rabbits are allowed inside.

The next morning, Li Yuanxing woke up and found that his two maids had been replaced. Old Lang told Li Yuanxing directly: "Those two were ordinary servants before and were not very reliable. These two are slaves. I accepted it."

Extremely strict training, they are all children of former Sui officials."

Both girls have no names. The older one started training when he was five years old and is now fifteen years old. Lao Lang doesn’t know what he is studying, and Li Yuanxing didn’t ask. The younger one is quite pitiful. She started training when she was three years old and is now ten years old.

Three years old. This was originally to be assigned to the future queen's eldest son.

This was given to Li Yuanxing at the special request of the Changsun family.

One was in the third year of junior high school, and the other was in the first year of junior high school. Li Yuanxing cursed that feudal society was damn good, and it seemed that being a prince was really good.

"Old Wolf, prepare the frame and I will go to Chang'an to thank my eldest grandson's sister-in-law in person!" Li Yuanxing heard that these two maids were personally selected by the eldest grandson for him, so naturally he went to thank her. This is not just polite, but a person's heart.

Let’s make up for the emptiness. You must know that in modern times, Yang Yuanxing’s brother died of a terminal illness without marrying a wife.

But Old Wolf shook his head vigorously: "Lang Jun, Chang'an City is not at peace!"

"You really can't go?" Li Yuanxing was a little unwilling to give up.

"I really can't go!" Lao Lang dared to refuse Li Yuanxing. He knew that Li Yuanxing didn't have the airs of a prince.

Li Yuanxing was choked by the old wolf and stared blankly at the old wolf. The old wolf had no intention of avoiding Li Yuanxing's gaze.

This chapter has been completed!
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