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Chapter 182: Chapter 3 of the Sixty-Four Tables

Okay! If you want to impeach Liang Shidu, just impeach him!

Li Er signaled Li Yuanxing to continue. Li Yuanxing picked up the watch and seal in his hand, but did not read it. Instead, he said directly: "The first crime of my brother in impeaching Liang Shidu is his disobedience. Since he has surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, I will submit the watch to surrender."

He should surrender immediately, but he colludes with the Turks. He should be killed!"

"Wu Lang continued!" Li Er will not express his position easily. God knows what is in the pile under Li Yuanxing?

"My brother impeached Liang Shidu again, because I, the ministers of the Tang Dynasty, have disobedient intentions. My brother has eighteen letters, including a secret seal. I also added thirty-six testimonies, all of which were from Liang Shidu and the representative."

The letters between the governor of the state, Wang Junkuo, are enough to prove that Liang Shi was not a minister, and he alienated the officials of the Tang Dynasty and conspired to rebel."

Okay! After such a big circle, we turned to Wang Junlang.

Li Er still didn't speak and gestured to Li Yuanxing to continue. Li Er also became interested at this time. Whether this evidence was true or false, Wang Junlang was already guilty of a serious crime. Li Er wanted to hear when Li Yuanxing impeached Wang Junlang.

What reasons will be used?

Is it treason?

Li Yuanxing put down the two books of records and picked up another one.

"My younger brother impeaches the Duke of Jingyang County to support the enemy!"

"Allowing the enemy!?" Li Er did not expect that there would be such an impeachment. Li Yuanxing opened the seal: "My brother found several account books at Wang Junlang. Among them, there are 8,000 jins of pig iron and 10,000 jins of polished rice.

Six thousand kilograms. I don’t know when pig iron became so cheap. Then there are 30,000 arrows, each costing three cents. Eight thousand pieces of cowhide. I wonder where the Jingyang County Duke came from. So..." Li Yuanxing

While talking, he took out the fourth book.

"My brother impeached the Duke of Jingyang County for the crime of killing cattle. I have verified that it is five hundred miles around Chang'an. Between the third year of Wude and the eighth year of Wude, the county government received reports, and the total number of cases that could not be verified and recovered was 8,010.

The case of one hundred and thirty-three lost cows. So..." Li Yuanxing took out another book.

"My brother's impeachment is an insult to the dignity of the royal family. As a member of the Li family, he actually committed thieves!"

Li Yuanxing smiled and put down the three books of watches in his hand.

At this time, a man rushed out: "You are talking nonsense, I bought those cows."

"I bought it, okay!" Li Yuanxing saluted Li Er: "Brother, I should impeach him for the crime of acquiring stolen goods. Of course, first of all, the Jingyang County Duke himself must prove that the cow was really bought. Then, I will

I don’t understand, even if they are bought, killing eight thousand cows is not sinful? The cowhide can be used for armor, I don’t know what to say about this matter?”

"You, you are talking nonsense, you are awesome..."

What's bad is that the Duke of Jingyang is a man who loves to eat, drink and have fun. How can he be so vicious in court?

I can’t explain it clearly anymore, just like yellow mud falling on your crotch, it’s either feces or feces.

The pig iron and arrows mentioned earlier are all fake and do not exist at all. Only the cowhide is real. And it was really Wang Junkuo who bought it at a high price.

There is nothing wrong with a wealthy family eating beef, but in the past few years, the Jingyang County Duke has not only eaten it himself, but also sold it to others.

Chang'an is so big and has so many honorable people! Eight thousand cattle were eaten in five years, which is really a very small number.

But putting eight thousand cows together is a huge number.

Li Er smiled helplessly. Li Yuanxing's first move was to engage in such a trivial matter. If it was just a matter of killing a cow, let alone killing people, even being demoted would be impossible. When the enemy said it, he could really be involved.

several months.

Just when Li Er shook his head in disappointment, the Jingyang County Duke shouted: "My family is not the only one who eats cows."

"Okay, then who else is there? If you can prove it, I will take back these seals and apologize to you!" Li Yuanxing pressed forward step by step, and then said to the eunuch: "Get a pen and paper and let him write it down. I

The king doesn’t believe his nonsense.”

"House..." A member of the Li royal family stood up and was about to speak. Li Yuanxing stretched out his finger and shouted: "Shut up, do you want to collude with him in confessing, or do you want to pervert his nonsense? Or, are you?"

Accomplice." After saying that, Li Yuanxing turned back to Li Eryi and saluted: "Brother Emperor, please record everything anyone says at this time for future investigation!"

So cruel! Almost everyone thought of this word at the same time.

Li Yuanxing only took out five copies of a whole box of watches and seals. I don’t know what’s in the back, and I don’t know who he is impeaching. I speak out at this time. If I say the wrong sentence, I may be ** in a while.


Moreover, the hat used in collusion is too big.

"I have more than 2,000 cattle distributed to King Yaoping alone." Jingyang County Duke was writing, and he wrote a dozen names. Among them, the idleness of the Li family accounted for most of them. Not only that, but also involved

There are the Cui family, the Lu family, the eldest grandson family, the nephews of the Fang family, and a few businessmen with strong backgrounds.

Li Yuanxing watched him finish writing, and then put a piece of white paper: "You let the slaves commit crimes and burned down Chang'an Market. General Cheng of the Youwu Guard went to stop him, but actually broke General Cheng's horse leg. What should you do now?"

After saying that, Li Yuanxing turned around in a few steps, took out two watches and stamps from the box, and threw them in front of him.

"Well, that's not me. It was King Changle's personal bodyguard who secretly ordered someone to hit the head of the guard of Prince Qin's palace. The horse's leg was not my servant's fault. It was also the servants of King Changle's family who did it. They also laughed at General Cheng.

, covered in stinking meat and dirty blood, showing off like a wild monkey in Chang'an!" The Duke of Jingyang had seen this posture, and Li Yuanxing stared at him like a fierce god.

"Write!" Li Yuanxing shot several cases in a heavy tone.

Yu Chigong, who was among the generals in the class, was about to rush out, but Qin Qiong grabbed him: "You have to vent your anger and wait until the next court! His Highness the King of Qin is in charge now, don't do anything random!"

Yuchi Gong snorted coldly and retreated into the class: "These straight women and thieves will all be killed!"

"When I want you to kill, just don't be soft-hearted!" Li Jing said coldly, and Yuchi Gong immediately became quiet. How many people would be killed if Yu Chigong could kill him until he was soft-handed? Thinking of this, Yuchi Gong even beat him

A chill!

Another one is full!

Li Yuanxing took a piece of white paper from the eunuch and slapped it on the table: "Does robbing someone else's daughter-in-law and buying fertile land have something to do with someone else? Write it down!"

Duke Jingyang was completely stunned, his head was numb, he just lowered his head and wrote.

No matter how hard it is, no one has spoken this morning. Just the seven impeachment books of Li Yuanxing and the writing of Jingyang County Duke, two hours have passed, and it is almost noon.

Another piece of white paper was slapped on several cases, and the smile on Li Yuanxing's face was ferocious: "Write, how did you help King Changle trade with the Turks? He actually wrote an order to the Turks, selling pig iron and cowhide. Write!"

Wow! A mouthful of blood spurted out. The Duke of Jingyang stared at Li Yuanxing and fainted.

The imperial doctor went to the palace for examination and came to an urgent conclusion.

"That's all. I'll send the Duke of Jingyang back to his residence with an order to write it out tonight and discuss it in court tomorrow." After Li Yuanxing finished speaking to the eunuch, he turned back and saluted Li Eryi: "Brother Huang is tired. At noon, the rest of my brothers will express their gratitude."

Zhang will go on the watch tomorrow!"

Tomorrow! And tomorrow. There are at least fifty more books there. I don’t know how many people you will impeach tomorrow.

"I have a seal of honor! Impeach King Qin Li Yuanxing."

"I also have...

With a shout, dozens of people stood up, but the few members of the Li family who had already prepared their seals did not move, because they did not know what Li Yuanxing would do next, so the original impeachments needed to be suppressed.

The eunuch began to collect the watch stamps, and the pile was much more than Li Yuanxing's box. Two hundred books, just about the same!

"Quit the court!" Li Eryi waved his hand. The ministers also knew that nothing could be discussed today, but the seal of impeachment of Li Yuanxing should be handed over to the emperor first. How to deal with it will be decided at the court tomorrow.

According to the usual rules, Li Er had to leave the hall first before the ministers could leave. But today Li Er sat there and did not move at all. He waved his hand again to indicate that the ministers could leave, and the ministers bowed neatly and left.

Li Er looked at Li Yuanxing with a smile on his face. Li Yuanxing was sitting on the writing desk of Jingyang County Duke just now, and he was also smiling.

After a while, Li Yuan came in: "Everyone, get out!"

The eunuchs, imperial guards, and palace maids left quickly.

"Wulang, what are your plans next?" Li Yuan asked Li Yuanxing with a cold face.

Li Yuanxing shrugged his shoulders: "We'll see how they react tomorrow. Anyway, it's impeachment. They impeached me, and I'll impeach them too. I've collected enough evidence here, which will definitely make them suffer enough."

"Wu Lang said, wait until tomorrow?" Li Yuan asked with a cold face.

"Yes, wait until tomorrow!" Li Yuanxing was a little confused as to why Li Yuan asked like this.

Li Yuan and Li Er looked at each other and nodded at the same time. Li Yuan suddenly laughed: "Wu Lang, we will play eight more rounds today. Go and have a few drinks with me first. Let's go, hahaha!" Li Yuanxing was confused, but Li Er was not.

Not confused, looking at Li Yuan pulling Li Yuanxing away, the expression on his face was so calm.

After stepping down from the throne, he casually opened one of Li Yuanxing's boxes of watches and seals.


Another one, still blank.

Li Er smiled and said to himself: "Wu Lang, you are indeed a very smart person. It's a pity, it's a pity that you are still young!" After saying that, Li Er patted his hands gently, and a man in black emerged from

He walked closer from the darkness and said, "Your Majesty!" He saluted and stood aside.

"Do you know how to do it?" Li Er asked.

The man in black made a killing gesture, and Li Er shook his head gently: "Not enough." Then he put the blank watch in his hand on the candle and burned it. The man in black immediately saluted:


"Go!" Li Er waved his hand, and the man in black stepped back and left.

Li Er smiled and looked through the seals of impeachment against Li Yuanxing, and said softly: "It's okay for Wu Lang to be kind-hearted. If there are some things, let my brother finish it for you." After looking through the seals for a while, Li Er walked to the Imperial Palace.

An imperial edict was written before the case, and then the eunuchs were called in and sent to the Tianying Pavilion where they were being organized to make it public to the world.

In the afternoon of that day, Li Yuanxing was driven out of Chang'an City by Li Er and returned to Qinwangzhuang.

At the same time, an imperial edict reprimanding Li Yuanxing was also officially announced to the world. The general content was that Qin King Li Yuanxing was not investigated, and Liang Shidu's family died in the rebellion. Qin King Li Yuanxing failed to restrain his subordinates, resulting in indiscriminate killings in Daizhou City. King Qin Li Yuanxing damaged the golden crown of King Qin and insulted the dignity of the royal family. He was fined a total of thirteen years and ordered to be banned for three months! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature for better and faster novels!)

This chapter has been completed!
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