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Section 186 The King of Qin's Pao Mo [seeking a monthly ticket]

King Qin wanted to go to the kitchen, but Old Li Tou was frightened!

He knelt down on the floor. Not only Lao Li was nervous, but the guards of Prince Qin's palace were also nervous.

Sigh... Li Yuanxing let out a long sigh: "Okay, then I will go to the kitchen. This time you listen to me and follow my arrangements."

As long as he doesn't cook, His Highness the King of Qin can do whatever he likes.

Lao Litou didn't have much white flour, only ten kilograms in total. He poured it all into the already cooked basin, mixed it with water, and kneaded it together.

Datang's noodles are not white, but they are the best and most superior white noodles in the eyes of the people.

Li Yuanxing was a farm boy in modern times. He touched the flour, which is equivalent to the 19 noodles eaten by modern people. However, in modern times, no one eats 19 noodles anymore, and the flour sold in the market is all 3

The result of adding Qi powder and whitening agent is farmer's noodles, usually Panax notoginseng, and even Twenty-eight is already very, very little.

This 19, 37 refers to the ratio of bran to flour after the wheat is ground into flour. Naturally, the higher the ratio of bran, the whiter and finer the flour.

The powder that Qin Wangzhuang gave King Qin to eat was the first fine powder grinded by a small stone mill, which can be said to be the essence.

If we really talk about it in proportion, it is seven to three. Then the seven will be ground again, and the bran left behind will be added with wild vegetables, etc., which is the food eaten by slaves at this level. For lowly slaves, this can make them full.

Rice has been very lucky.

"Boil some pepper water in a big pot." Li Yuanxing was directing.

Old Li Tou was afraid that his own skills were too poor, so he specially found the best pancake makers in the village, including those who made pepper water. They were all people who had certainly worked as cooks and were quite good at their craftsmanship.

There were not many spices in the Tang Dynasty, and even salt was a very valuable commodity.

The salt, called snow salt by the villagers, is specially brought from Qinwangzhuang by Kuai Ma. The coarse salt here has a bitter taste.

"This salt will be eaten by the villagers in one year, at most one year. If this is not possible, I will not add salt to my meals from now on." Snow-white, precious salt was sprinkled into the broth. Li Yuanxing did not know,

Many people's hearts are trembling. With so much salt, how much food would be needed to cook on a normal day?

Salt is a necessity for the people. Li Yuanxing felt ashamed, but he had no choice. After all, human energy is limited.

If the rising noodles and the dead noodles are mixed together, it is half rising noodles.

"Pancakes, don't make them thick. Just be as thick as the back of a knife. Seven ripe!" Li Yuanxing really wanted to try it himself, but he knew that if he touched these things, he would probably fall to his knees again. Forget it, see for yourself

Take command.

Garlic sprouts are a valuable dish, because if you eat the garlic sprouts, there will be no more garlic.

But when the King of Qin asked for it, the farmer was serious and did not hesitate at all. He turned around and dug a basket from the small vegetable garden in front of his house. He was afraid that it was not enough and was ready to dig more. Li Yuanxing quickly stopped him. This was too much.


"Just a little coriander will be enough." At this time, the coriander was still in a semi-wild vegetable state, so someone immediately dug it up.

It is a pity that there are no fans.

However, Li Yuanxing believes that in another year at most, there will definitely be fans. At least there will be vermicelli.

The first pancake has been baked, but how do you eat this seven-year-old dough pancake?

Li Yuanxing took a big bowl.

The people of Qin are so heroic. The mouth of this bowl is 20 centimeters in diameter and the bowl is 10 centimeters deep. The entire coarse porcelain bowl cannot be held by anyone without any hand strength. Li Yuanxing's hand strength is not small, but one

It was a bit difficult to hold the bowl with his hands at the bottom. If the bowl was full of rice, Li Yuanxing wouldn't be able to hold it at all.

"Come on, let's do it this way, everyone can do it for themselves!"

Li Yuanxing began to break the buns into small dices the size of his little finger nail.

The second cake was also out of the pan, and everyone gave it to him for a long time. Lao Li was older and more upright, so he got it.

"If you can eat it, give me two more!" Li Yuanxing comes from modern times. He has good nutrition, oil and water, and the appetite is naturally not too big. The legend of the Chang'an Big Sea Bowl with eight steamed buns in a bowl is already a legend in modern times.

, for a normal strong man, four cakes is the limit, and for ordinary people, two cakes.

This kind of seven-year-old cake comes out of the pan very quickly once it starts to bake.

After a while, everyone was squatting there with a big bowl in their hands and starting to break the buns. It became more relaxing and they talked more.

"Your Highness, my parents settled the matter a few days ago. Once the autumn harvest is over, our family will be able to share a hundred kilograms of grain and two thousand pounds of money." A guard who was only fifteen or sixteen years old looked at him with a proud expression.

Talking about the happiness that is coming to his family.

Old Li Tou picked up a clod of soil and threw it at it: "Shame on you!"

"It's no shame to talk about your own food!" Li Yuanxing persuaded.

Lao Li turned his head with a smile: "Your Highness, this kid's parents know how to settle accounts. If this number is spread, it will bring disgrace to our Qin Wangzhuang. Let's just talk about his family, his parents, and his

The two brothers are both strong and strong, and the old man in his family is five years younger than me, so he can do it too!"

Hearing that Old Li was settling accounts, Li Yuanxing listened attentively.

"According to what your Highness has said in the past few months, we have 3,624 acres of corn this season, and we have also planted a season of beans. The yield of beans is not high, with one acre producing more than 200 kilograms. But

We grew vegetables in our village, and these vegetables were brought to Chang'an and exchanged for more than 100 guan."

Old Li Tou is the head of this farm, and he keeps these accounts in mind.

"This Tang corn can be exchanged for 10,000 kilograms of grain based on twelve acres, counting ten sheep. This is more than three million kilograms of grain. His family has many strong and elderly people. If you add beans and vegetables, his family will share the refined grain.

There are more than 200 kilograms, plus 800 kilograms of beans, that’s over a thousand kilograms of grain. That’s still four dollars!”

Thousands of kilograms of grain.

Lao Li Tou had not announced this number before. After the number was announced, everyone except Li Yuanxing was completely stunned.

A thousand catties of grain means a good harvest, but the landowner's family is no more than that.

Li Yuanxing silently shook his head. Li Yuanxing also had an account in his heart. There are nearly 200,000 acres of land available now. For such a large land, more than 10,000 households only receive an average of 1,000 grains per family, of which 1,000 acres are allocated.

There are only 200 kilograms of grain, which is too low.

If left to future generations, it would be 200,000 acres!

The output is easily 100,000 tons of grain! But seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Li Yuanxing knew that the farmers were very satisfied. This figure was enough to make them celebrate the New Year happily.

Old Li Tou hoped to share the grain when the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty came, and he probably had this intention to let Li Er know that the farmers in Qin Wangzhuang were rich and that King Qin was a good king.

"Come on, let me fix it first!" Li Yuanxing laughed, shocking those who had been stunned just now to come to their senses.

"In a small pot, put the pepper water, add a little broth, and boil!" Li Yuanxing still didn't do it himself. He directed and the kitchen was in charge. Watching the pot boil, Li Yuanxing said: "Pour the buns in and cook!"

After what felt like a minute or two, Li Yuanxing grabbed a handful of chopped garlic sprouts and coriander and sprinkled them in.

"Get out of the pot!"

After it was out of the pot, a piece of mutton was cut on top and placed with green garlic sprouts. Just looking at it made many people drool. Many children ran over after smelling the aroma and watched from a distance.


The adults have all told you that His Highness King Qin is in the village and all the children should not run around.

Li Yuanxing couldn't hold the bowl and put it on the stone table: "It will be delicious in a while. Don't thank me, just let go and eat!"

Thank you, Lao Li was crying while eating. In previous years, he would not be able to eat such a meal during the New Year. But now, this is not a festival. The meat is the meat of the family, and the noodles are also the noodles. This is what I eat at home.

It's time to eat.

While eating, Li Yuanxing could clearly see many strong men sobbing.

Li Yuanxing only had one piece of cake, which was the bottom of the bowl. However, the piece of meat was thick enough and was full of fine meat.

Others have five pieces of cake or six pieces of cake.

But the cook didn't give much soup and only two thin slices of meat. Just like that, this bowl of rice was enough to impress everyone.

In the past three months, they have just moved here. Qinwangzhuang in the village paid for the construction, and Qinwangzhuang provided the food for the family. Even if there is food, who dares to eat it? They still dig wild vegetables every day and plant some more.

Went to Chang'an in exchange for some coarse grain rice. It had meat and white flour, which was the first time now.

Li Yuanxing put down the bowl, sat there and lit a cigarette silently.

This is just a Qin Wangzhuang. Only when the people of the entire Tang Dynasty have no worries about food and clothing can the first step be considered completed.

Li Yuanxing originally planned to spend the morning inspecting the farm, and in the afternoon go to the workshop to take a look. The progress in the workshop has been a bit too fast recently. In the carpentry work alone, 30% of the carpenters are in the courtyard.

I have to work because there are too few houses.

Another reason is that the order volume outside is so large that many low-level craftsmen were forcibly moved to higher working positions.

It’s not that low-level craftsmen don’t take care.

The fact is that even if low-level craftsmen work very hard, the things they produce are far from high-quality products.

It's just that there is no quality system certification here in Datang. As long as the things are usable, even if there are some minor problems, like a plow, if there is a minor problem after two or three years of use back home, then you can find a carpenter to repair it.

It can be used for a few more years.

So no one complained.

The heads of several workshops and the four third-class master craftsmen had already written something in writing and presented it to Li Yuanxing.

Reduce production and reduce orders. This is the only way. A craftsman cannot become an excellent craftsman in a day. It takes at least a year for a handyman to become an apprentice, and then from an apprentice to a craftsman to barely pass the exam. This is only if the master teaches hard.

Yes, but many of the jobs here in Qin Wangzhuang require at least seventh-level craftsmen to make excellent products.

At this moment, the farmers were filled with emotion, sadness and excitement.

Li Yuanxing was no longer in the mood to go to the workshop, so he simply settled down and asked the village chief to talk about integrated agricultural development at the village assembly hall. Anyway, Li Yuanxing had already had this plan.

As for what he needs to prepare when he returns to modern times tonight, Li Yuanxing believes that Wu Zhao will prepare it. (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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