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326 The pride of an emperor through the ages

Li Yuanxing, who was originally thinking about whether he should sleep on the sofa in the outer hall, was unconsciously held by Li Lanshan's hand, and ended up leaning on the bed. But in fact, Li Lanshan hugged Li Yuanxing tighter and tighter.

"He is indeed a pitiful man, strong on the outside but weak on the inside!" Li Yuanxing sighed softly.

It was late at night, and Li Yuanxing fell asleep half leaning on the head of the bed.

The next morning, when Li Lanshan woke up, Li Yuanxing also woke up.

Looking up at Li Yuanxing's uncomfortable posture, which remained the same all night, Li Lanshan said leisurely: "Last night was a good opportunity for you, are you also worse than a beast?"

"When you truly understand and truly appreciate what it means to be a woman, you can stop saying such things!"

Li Yuanxing tried to get up, but his body was completely stiff. It was Li Lanshan who supported him before he lay down on the bed. Li Lanshan hugged Li Yuanxing again: "Don't move, let me hold you for a while."

"Hug me, I plan to sleep until noon, you can hug me as much as you want during this time!"

"Can you be a little sentimental? Is it fun for you to deliberately ruin the atmosphere?" Li Lanshan was really angry. She stood up and was about to leave, but was hugged by Li Yuanxing.

Joint skills, still using elbow strikes, Li Lanshan hesitated for a moment, and her whole body was hugged by Li Yuanxing.

Li Lanshan, who was hugged, felt that her whole body was weak and she had no strength at all.

Holding him, just holding him like that, Li Yuanxing was still able to sleep. Li Lanshan slowly hugged Li Yuanxing, leaned her head on Li Yuanxing, and closed her eyes quietly.

Not passionate enough, but warm enough.

Compared with the warmth of Li Yuanxing and his wife, Fudan University has exploded. Not only reporters, but people from all walks of life have come here to see it. Even if they can't see it, it is a kind of news to hear it up close, which is really enough to shock the world.


"The man Shanshan found is really good!" Li Lanshan's roommates were discussing in a low voice.

Some are envious, some are happy for their friends, and naturally there are also some who are jealous.

But there are also people who are working hard. Bai Jianfei is responsible for maintaining the discipline of onlookers on campus, and announces the latest news every six months, and then naturally has printed materials to distribute to reporters.

"Bai Jianfei, you are very calm! I heard that you and Li Yuanxing were classmates in elementary school? Don't you have any inner imbalance?" someone from the student union deliberately asked.

Bai Jianfei stopped what he was doing, and while sorting out the clothes he had messed up due to his busy schedule, he replied: "Everyone has his own way of survival. One person's success does not mean that it can be copied by others. Li Yuanxing has Li Yuanxing

His success also has his life. I am just being myself, can it be said that envying others can replace my own success?"

"Is this considered disrespectful?"

"No!" Bai Jianfei turned back with a smile: "To borrow a sentence that Li Yuanxing said to Mu Yun, people should not comment or envy others casually, because you don't know what they have experienced?"

Smile, a little embarrassed smile.

Bai Jianfei did not take such a person seriously, and the time was coming soon. Bai Jianfei needed to go to the appraisal room to hear the latest progress, and then print it out and send it to the reporters.

Bai Jianfei's indifference made many jealous people become jealous. Naturally, they also hated Bai Jianfei along with him. Bai Jianfei knew it, but he chose to ignore it.

Whether it's the sudden rise of Li Yuanxing or the jealousy of those guys who don't want to fight.

Half of the colleges of Fudan University in Puhai are busy, tiring, but very worth it.

It was already noon when Li Yuanxing woke up, and Li Lanshan had woken up long ago. She really enjoyed the feeling of lying in Li Yuanxing's arms. Sometimes a woman who is protected is a happy woman.

"Do you want me?" Li Lanshan asked softly.

"You are already my woman, Li Yuanxing, legally, substantively, or emotionally!"

"How shameless!" Li Lanshan cursed, wrapped herself in a sheet and jumped out of bed.

Li Yuanxing leaned on the bed, picked up the cigarette on the bedside table and lit a cigarette: "I decided to hold the wedding on October 8th of the lunar calendar. You need to prepare for the wedding, and I also need to make some preparations for the wedding."

"Give me a Tang style wedding!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am very sure that I need a truly gorgeous Tang-style wedding." Li Lanshan stood in front of Li Yuanxing wrapped in sheets, stretched out her finger and tapped Li Yuanxing's forehead.

Li Yuanxing put the cigarette butt on the ashtray: "It costs a lot of money!"

"I don't care, you must agree, and I don't need to repeat the reasons!"

What were Li Lanshan's reasons? Li Yuanxing guessed at least four or five, each of which was absolutely irresistible. For example, Ye Qiu Shuang's existence. Such as the engagement. Such as Li Lanshan's sacrifice for Li Yuanxing.

"Promise!" Li Yuanxing stood up and pointed at Li Lanshan. His fingers trembled a few times, but he didn't say a word. He waved his hand heavily and walked to the outer hall to turn on the TV. Is there anything else to say?

Knowing that this time it was Li Lanshan's willfulness, Li Yuanxing had no choice but to indulge Li Lanshan.

What appeared on TV was the president of Fudan University and the dean of the History Department of Peking University.

And I turned to four or five channels, and this was the same picture.

There is no sound yet, and it seems that it is still being prepared.

This is a press conference broadcast live to the whole country. It is very serious and solemn. The reporters sitting in the front row are first-class and super first-class in terms of their own reputation and the media behind them.

Li Lanshan, who was wrapped in sheets and ran over to argue with Li Yuanxing, immediately became quiet after seeing this scene.

The two of them were sitting on the sofa, with Li Lanshan leaning on Li Yuanxing.

The press conference finally started. The host did not speak first. The speaker was the director of the History Department of Peking University.

After easing his voice, the Taishan Beidou-level professor of historical research smiled naturally. "Everyone, first of all, I want to thank a young man here."

At that moment, some reporters raised their hands, but were immediately refused to ask questions.

"Please let me finish first. This is a crazy young man. We have many names for him. One of our favorite comments is: We suspect that he traveled from the Tang Dynasty to our era. He has crazy love.

A nation, a person who fanatically worships the Tang Dynasty, he will do whatever it takes just to let the world see the glorious Tang Dynasty in his heart!"

This time, a reporter's question was accepted.

"We can understand that this crazy person doesn't want to reveal his identity to the public, but why do we call him crazy?"

"First of all, he broke the law. The first charge was smuggling. The second charge was collecting dirt. The third charge was very serious. He had several attempts to destroy national treasures and actions that were accomplished. However, I

I feel proud to work with him, and I feel proud to be an accomplice!"

The words of the head of the History Department of Peking University were shocking.

Li Lanshan said to Li Yuanxing at this time: "This is to help you clear your name. It seems that I want to swallow your goods!"

"Do you think it's worth a few pieces of waste paper in exchange for a chance to clear your name?" Li Yuanxing replied calmly.

"A chance to clear your name is just a few scraps of paper, but in exchange for a national treasure that shocked the world, do you think it's worth it? Of course, they will also give you some money or some special care!"

Li Lanshan also answered calmly.

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled.

The dean of the History Department of Peking University continued: "It is said that he is a little crazy, but he did indeed do a few crazy things. There are several Tang Dynasty documents of relatively low value to this item, and he actually wants to be a national hero.

Burning it in front of his tomb is an attempt to destroy a national treasure."

The reporters all laughed.

"Also, in order to test the quality of the Tang Dynasty's famous sword, he actually cut off one. Moreover, it was a matching knife used by Qin Qiong of the Tang Dynasty. This thing is also a very valuable national treasure. Of course, the repair was successful!"

"Finally, it's this time. Why did he suddenly appear here with this thing? What I want to say is that he is a standard stupid boy who comes to please women. According to the old man, he is just a fool and marries everyone.

He went home and spent so much money to please you, you said he..."

The president of Fudan University came on stage at this time: "Old man, do you want to kneel on the bench when you go home?"

"My wife has passed away..."

"Well, your remarks will arouse the hostility of many women in Beijing University. I sympathize with you in advance...

Is this a press conference? Are two old guys talking about cross talk?

The reporters were stunned. Li Yuanxing was laughing so hard that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. They secretly praised the old man for being so smart, just using a funny topic to solve a topic that could trigger countless questions.

Just as Li Yuanxing guessed, the president of Fudan University took away the microphone: "Everyone, there are two boxes."

Two photos appear on the big screen.

"The two boxes represent two different pieces of information. One of them is about the first year of the First Emperor of China. Because there is a lot of relevant material, we decided to make it official to the public after in-depth research and discussion."

"Then, the other box contains a sacrificial document. Although it is a bit damaged, the content can still be clearly identified. The repair work has been postponed for the time being. I will announce the contents of this sacrificial document to you here!"

Multiple photos appeared on the big screen, and paragraphs of text recorded the heart of a great emperor.

The only text that is completely indecipherable is only a few words, just after the inscription Zhenguan. That is to say, the age when this sacrificial document was written cannot be verified, but the content is enough to prove everything.

A professor from the History Department of Fudan University took the stage.

"Everyone, the content of this memorial ceremony will be handed over to you in the written material. Now let’s talk about the key points!"

The reporters immediately looked at the rostrum in high spirits.

"This memorial was written by Emperor Tang Li Shimin himself and tells the truth about the Xuanwu Gate Incident!" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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