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399 Under the Reward

Li Yuanxing was surrounded by warm and fragrant soft jade, but he temporarily forgot the troubles in his heart.

Wang Yuyan just felt that Li Yuanxing was a little more angry today and seemed to have a lot more strength, which was a bit too much for him.

However, there was no maid for Wang Yuyan's turn.

Li Changying sneaked into the room, originally planning to secretly take a set of underwear with very little fabric and go back to try it on. Instead, he was carried to the bed and was slapped on the bed by Li Yuanxing. His Royal Highness, King Qin, had a bad reputation for having unfavorable vaginas. Li Changying was a little bit embarrassed.

She was angry and prepared to challenge Li Yuanxing's physical limit, but she was defeated first.

Wang Yuyan hugged the quilt and just smiled mischievously.

At this time, in Qu Tutong's general mansion, his eldest son was sitting by the bed and softly talking about the arrangements given to him after meeting King Qin today.

Finally, Qu Tushou said: "I heard some gossip today. I didn't eavesdrop on purpose. It was actually overheard by my subordinates accidentally. When the Fang family and the head of the Zhang family were discussing in private, they didn't notice that one of my subordinates was behind the bushes.


"What did you hear?"

"His Royal Highness the King of Qin wants to give an order to advance the summer harvest and build a mountain of grain for my father."

"Mountain of grain!" Qu Tutong thought of what Li Yuanxing said to him when he was in Chang'an: let him see mountains of grain, let him see a great harvest.

Qu Tutong slowly closed his eyes: "This kindness is so heavy!"

"I, the Qutu family, will definitely remember this kindness and repay the royal family and His Highness the King of Qin." Qu Tushou said very solemnly.

"Tired!" Qu Tutong said feebly.

Qu Tushou covered his father with a quilt, and then waved his hand to signal the attendants and doctors in the room to retreat. Outside the door, Qu Tushou asked about Qu Tutong's health condition today as usual.

Qu Tutong tried to sit up after Qu Tushou went out, but he couldn't find the strength. After looking at the bedside, Qu Tutong slowly closed his eyes and began to adjust his breathing, which was very even.

, very rhythmic.

At this time, in Luoyang City, hundreds of servants from the Zhang family were shouting in the streets and alleys offering huge rewards.

Outside the city of Luoyang, thousands of people spread the news that the Fang and Zhang families were generously rewarded and only asked for a doctor.

If you provide a prescription or make a medicine that can prolong General Qu's life, you will be rewarded with ten guan of money a day. If you can extend the life to 20 days beyond the ten days predicted by the medical officer, the reward will be increased to 400 guan.

Those who can be cured will be given a year's life extension and a reward of thousands of coins.

If there is a doctor who can perform the treatment given by His Highness the King of Qin, he will be rewarded with a reward of two hundred guan.

There was no response in Luoyang City. After the hundreds of servants released the news, there was no response at all. There were many wealthy merchants in Luoyang City. They were businessmen, not doctors.

But the doctors in Luoyang City gathered together.

"It can be said that we have diagnosed Old General Qutu's condition once. It can be said that we are unable to do anything about it. What I mean is that each family should bring out the best medicinal materials they have collected to show their care."

An old doctor said slowly.

Everyone claimed that it was true, and another doctor said: "Sun Shenxian is helpless, and I am not very talented, so naturally I am powerless!"

"It's just that the reward is mentioned in the reward. Those who can complete His Highness King Qin's treatment plan can also receive rewards. Sun Shenxian can't do it, but it doesn't mean that we can't do it. There's no harm in giving it a try. Even if it can't be cured, His Highness King Qin can't do it.

To teach medicine, you must have a very high-level method. Even if you learn a superficial knowledge of such a high-level method, you will benefit immensely!"

"Nonsense!" the old doctor who spoke first shouted angrily and then said, "Have you lived enough?"

"Doctor Sun, don't be angry. Your Highness the King of Qin is so kind. Why don't we tell the truth and listen to what the cure is first? If we can do it, then it is a good thing. Even if we can't do it, we should still study. His Highness the King of Qin

There shouldn’t be any blame, it’s just that the number of people can’t be too large.”

"Five people!" the old doctor expressed his attitude.

“Very good!”

Qu Tutong was of noble status, and almost all the doctors in Luoyang knew what his illness was. He could not be cured by treatment, but he could only say that he was trying his best.

But just outside Luoyang City, in a dilapidated small Taoist temple next to Wangwu Mountain, a man wrapped in a cloak was entering the Taoist temple. After slowly closing the door, he lit the oil lamp.

Take off the cloak, but you will see a delicate and beautiful face, without any makeup on her face, and wearing a female path crown on your head!

The female Taoist was holding a flyer in her hand. It had been printed at a hurry. It was a little rough, but the writing was very clear. It was the flyer for which the Fang and Zhang families offered a large reward. The female Taoist took out a medicine box from under the bed and carefully

Wipe the dust off it.

"Master, my disciple will guard your inheritance!" Facing a memorial tablet, the female Taoist knelt down and saluted, and whispered: "Master, the imperial court ordered the evacuation of the female Taoist sect, and the disciple had no choice but to seal the gate.

He hid in the mountains. My disciple has no father or mother, and I don’t know his life experience. He only remembers me, Xue Qing Guan. Today I have a great opportunity. Even though my disciple may be arrested by the government, my inheritance of Xue Qing Guan will be cut off from now on.

It’s better than hiding in the mountains all the time. Please protect me, Master!”

After kowtowing three times, the young female Taoist picked up the medicine box and walked out of the Taoist temple door with the reward sheet in hand.

It was late at night, and Luoyang City became dark.

The Tang Dynasty was no more modern than later generations, and there were still brightly lit cities late at night.

In Qu Tutong's room, the old general struggled to hold himself up and stretched out his arms.

It is a tradition that swords will be placed on the bedside of generals. This is not to prevent someone from sneak attack at night. The swords here are more gorgeous.

There are two knives on the knife rest beside the bed, a horizontal knife and a barrier knife.

Both knives came from the Prince of Qin's Palace. Qu Tutong almost exhausted all his strength to finally touch the handle of the barrier knife.

"Your Majesty, King Qin, veteran general, thank you!" Qu Tutong roared and slashed his neck with the sword.

The sword fell to the ground, and the clear sound woke up the entire Qutu Mansion.

Not long after, the front and back yards of Luoyang Mansion where Li Yuanxing lived became brightly lit. Seeing the bright light outside, Wang Yuyan's maid quickly woke up Wang Yuyan. Wang Yuyan did not dare to neglect and woke up again.

Li Yuanxing: "Your Highness, Your Highness!"

When Li Yuanxing saw the light outside the window, he immediately got out of bed and quickly put on clothes.

Late at night, the lights suddenly turned on, something must have happened.

After pushing the door open and going out, several guards were discussing something in low voices on the backyard porch. Li Yuanxing strode over and said, "What happened, report it quickly!"

"Your Highness!" Two personal guards came out at the same time. One of them was stunned and took a step back. The other said: "Your Highness, something serious has happened. General Qu Tu committed suicide."

"What?" Li Yuanxing wondered if he heard wrongly.

Before the guard had time to answer, Lu Maofeng was running over from outside with someone. When he saw Li Yuanxing, he saluted: "Your Highness, General Qu Tu committed suicide. He slashed his neck with a knife, but he did not die. Medical officers

He is being treated. However, the medical officers are not sure at all. General Qu Tu may be at any time..."

Li Yuanxing clenched his fist hard.

This accident was so sudden that Li Yuanxing felt a little at a loss.

"Go prepare the car!" Lu Maofeng whispered to a guard beside him.

Lu Maofeng's arrangement is correct. Li Yuanxing will definitely go to Qu Tutong's house at this time.

Li Yuanxing did not move. He pointed at another guard and asked, "What do you want to report?"

"Your Highness, there was a report at the gate of Luoyang City that a female Taoist asked to enter the city after nightfall. He took a house and a reward from the Zhang family. She said she wanted to give it a try. If she failed, she would be punished, whether it was beheading or slavery, that is.

I don’t have any resentment at all for being a prostitute, I just want to give her a chance to give it a try!”

"What reward?" Li Yuanxing was a little confused.

"The Fang and Zhang families are offering a large reward for the rescue of General Qu Tu!" the guard answered truthfully.

Li Yuanxing said to himself that it might be too late now, or he might have killed General Qu Tu.

"Go to Qutu Mansion, send someone to pick up the female Taoist, and tell her that she is very talkative. I want to see her true ability. If she has real ability, even if she cannot be saved, I will reward her heavily. Otherwise... hum!"

Li Yuanxing snorted coldly and strode out.

Lu Maofeng hurriedly followed, gesturing for someone to check whether the carriages and horses were ready.

After getting on the carriage, Li Yuanxing said to Lu Maofeng: "Go see the female Taoist, go in person! Then bring her to see the king."

"Yes!" Lu Maofeng responded, passing a horse and heading towards the city gate.

Qu Tutong lost a lot of blood. Because he was weak, he wanted to commit suicide, but he was unable to do so.

The bleeding has stopped, but the person has not woken up. The medical officers have tried their best, but they can't give any medicine, and even needles can't help. Everyone is helpless right now, and the only thing they can do is to feel sad.

Can Tutong survive on his own?

When Li Yuanxing entered Qu Tu Mansion, Qu Tu Shou, the eldest son of Qu Tu Tong, came out to welcome him. Just as he was about to salute, Li Yuanxing said, "It is my fault. It was my king who forced General Qu Tu to death!"

Qu Tushou immediately knelt down and kowtowed without saying a word.

What else is there to say? If this was the fault of His Highness King Qin, then Qu Tushou is the real sinner. If he had not been so talkative, his father would not have committed suicide.

Li Yuanxing sat beside Qu Tutong's bed and said to Qu Tutong: "Old General, I have accepted your wish. In fact, it was my fault from the beginning. When I was young, I heard what my elders said.

, I did bad things with good intentions. At the time, I didn’t understand how I could do bad things with good intentions. Now I understand!”

I don't know whether Qu Tutong could hear Li Yuanxing, but Li Yuanxing was just speaking his mind.

The medical officers were shaking nervously because there was nothing they could do.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Li Yuanxing turned around and asked the medical officers.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid you'll be miserable tonight. I'm powerless!" All the medical officers knelt down in unison.

Li Yuanxing let out a long sigh, then suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself hard.

Li Yuanxing slapped himself in the face, but it also hit the hearts of countless people. This is not modern times, this is the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty has a strict status hierarchy. His Highness the King of Qin gave himself a slap in the face and was blinded.

Countless people, and also scared countless people. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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