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Chapter 417: Chang'an City's New Snacks 4]

Li Yuanxing is confident.

Because it was not Li Yuanxing who came up with the idea, but the time machine.

The time machine's super record can record the feelings of Qin Qiong and Wu Bin during the battle. The most amazing thing is that if Qin Qiong and Wu Bin choose to meditate and fight the enemy in their brains, then the time machine only needs to capture that inspiration

, The Realm of the Sword, and then copied it to Li Yuanxing.

Even if Li Yuanxing cannot reach the martial arts skills of the two masters, he can still learn a few percent.

Sword, the most advanced sword technique, is the realm.

His Highness the King of Qin has gone into seclusion to practice swordsmanship!

After the great Emperor Er of the Tang Dynasty heard the news, the expression on his face froze and he cursed bitterly: "He just has too much time, no..." Li Er then thought about it and realized that the summer harvest would be in a few days.

There is still wheat to harvest, so Li Yuanxing is probably hiding from all the guests who come to the door.

"The annual yield per mu is ten thousand kilograms, and there is one million kilograms of fine steel. Humph!" Li Er smiled coldly and said to Eunuch Gao: "Order two of my guards who are proficient in swordsmanship to go to the King of Qin.

Zhuang is practicing swordsmanship with King Qin!"

Eunuch Gao wanted to say that with Qin Qiong and Wu Bin here, their swordsmanship is probably at the peak of the Tang Dynasty.

However, since the Holy One had arrangements, he naturally did not dare to say anything and hurriedly gave the order.

Summer harvest! The summer harvest in Qin Wangzhuang has begun. Cui Yingying and other seven girls did not wear long skirts, but wore trousers. For this woman’s right to wear trousers, a dozen princesses, seven Qin princesses, and hundreds of nobles

The woman, Yi Wang, Shan and other Confucianists and officials from the Ministry of Rites fought hard for half a month, and finally got permission.

However, women's trousers in the Tang Dynasty must be culottes style.

That is, below the waist, the buttocks line cannot be exposed, and the thickness of the thighs cannot be seen. Boots are allowed, but when there are no boots, tight pants are not allowed on the calves.

Huge progress! This is a big step taken by the women of the Tang Dynasty!

In the fields, Cui Yingying was taking Qin Wang's seventh concubine to inspect the sweet potato yield per acre.

Old Li Tou is not here. He will not come back until the summer harvest in Luoyang is completed. Old Baitou follows, and Bai Erwa also follows as a bodyguard. Looking at the people who are weighing in the middle, Bai Erwa's face is slightly nervous.


"Field No. 1 in one village, the first acre from the left, six thousand catties." Someone came up to report the number.

"Field No. 1, the second acre from the left, weighs 5,300 kilograms!"

When Cui Yingying first heard about the six thousand kilograms, there was still some joy on her face. But as she continued to listen, her face darkened and she said to the old man: "We have ten acres of land, and none of it exceeds seven thousand kilograms."

Jin. Moreover, the maximum yield per mu actually differs by 1,400 kilograms."

"This is wrong!" Old Baitou also nodded in agreement with this statement.

"Of course it's wrong. It's not a matter of blame. According to His Highness, it's just to sum up experience. The same land and the same seeds were sown. How could the yield per mu be so different?" Cui Yingying also asked.

Bai Erwa took a few steps forward: "Based on the experience of the guards stealing food."

As soon as Bai Erwa opened his mouth, Old Baitou slapped him in the face: "You bastard, you dare to eat it secretly."

"Ah..." Bai Erwa was speechless.

Cui Yingying chuckled: "Let's not beat him yet. Let him go if he eats a little. But you have to quickly find out how much he has eaten so that you can calculate the yield per mu!"

"Why don't we change the land and calculate it again." Lao Baitou suggested, and then glared at Bai Erwa fiercely: "Tell me, you have never done anything on that land."

"I guarantee that no one has stolen the land in Ercun!" Bai Erwa said quickly. Then he continued: "It seems that we ate it secretly. It seems that the sweet potatoes are different. Some are white, and some are yellow. Some are white.

Some are very dry and sweet, and some with yellow skin and white heart are very soft and generally sweet!”

The old man nodded and remembered this.

As for how to distinguish, how many years has he been a farmer? How does he know how to distinguish different varieties of the same kind based on color, size, vine color, length, leaf size, etc. This is not difficult.

Just as he was talking, Li Changying came over with someone: "Have you dug it out yet?"

"As for Princess Ying, I dug it. It's just that these bastards couldn't steal it. They stole several thousand jins at least, maybe more than 10,000 jins."

But Li Changying didn't care. He waved his hand and said: "There are 1,600 Guardsmen. If one person steals two, it will be several thousand kilograms. If the land is not hollowed out, it will be merciful. That cherry tomato

, it ripened a few days ago, and half an acre of land didn’t even have a single fruit. Who would dare except them!”

"That's true!"

The craftsmen would definitely not dare to steal. It was normal for farmers to pick a few occasionally. The only ones who dared to clear half an acre of land in one go were the Guards.

This was a small matter, and Li Yuanxing was not angry about it, so no one in Qin Wangzhuang was punished for this.

"Okay, pick out the sweet potatoes and load them into the truck!"

Under the command of Li Changying, hundreds of strong women and more than a hundred remnant troops immediately went to the ground. Those with a size of about seven taels were put into a basket, and those with a size of about five taels were also packed separately. The rest were not subdivided.

, loaded directly into the truck.

Each of the more than a hundred remnant troops had two baskets and was pulled on a cart.

"You go to Chang'an, the big ones cost two for one penny, and the small ones cost three for one penny. Go!"

After the soldiers saluted, they pulled their chariots out of Zhuangzi.

At the Commercial Association Street Railway Station, the train has been open for several days, and the number of people queuing up here will only increase. More people just want to take a ride and experience the feeling of this fire-eating dragon train.

At this time, after the train entered the station, it did not stop immediately, but retreated into the parking shed.

After a while, an extra car was pulled behind the train.

This carriage was not pulled onto the boarding platform at all, but parked outside the station, within the parking lot. Many guests saw more than a hundred people wearing uniform red vests with

With the help of the station guard sergeant, the disabled person placed the carts that were half a person's height on the carriage, and then got on the train.

"Don't they need to buy tickets?" A businessman from out of town asked the person next to him in a low voice.

They bought ordinary tickets, the kind with seats.

A person next to him replied: "That is the remnant army. I guess it is the grace of His Highness King Qin. The remnant army should give special care!"

"Ah!" The man nodded, not daring to say anything.

If you casually talk about His Highness the King of Qin in public, you don't want to live anymore, so you won't speak out no matter what you think.

Half an hour later, there was a hawking voice in the streets and alleys of Chang'an City.

"It's time to bake the sweet potatoes, the fragrant and sweet roasted sweet potatoes. The fragrant and sweet roasted sweet potatoes from King Qin's Farm!"

In the restaurants on the street, many customers opened their windows and looked out.

Naturally, there are many old nobles who drink tea and play mahjong in the restaurant in the afternoon.

The old prince Li Shao was playing mahjong with Mr. Cui of Zaihe Qinghe and a few other idle old princes. When he heard the shouting downstairs, Li Shao was happy: "Old Cui, I'm afraid you are going to bleed heavily this time. I want to come here.

Sweet potato seeds will never be sold cheaply."

The Cui family of Qinghe is the first of the seven surnames.

Li Shao was Li Daozong's father. He still had the title of prince, but at this time he had no interest in state affairs at all.

Mr. Cui is Cui Junsu's father, and Li Yuanxing still needs to call him grandpa, because Cui Yingying is his granddaughter.

"My girl Ying is measuring the yield per mu today, and she sent someone to our house yesterday to tell her. The sweet potatoes will be planted in Luoyang first, and if there are more, they will be distributed to each family, mainly to save seeds. Besides, my fields, last year

Corn was sown in the Tang Dynasty and harvested this year. According to the book, the fields where corn has been planted will be planted again. There are enough seeds. I’m afraid there won’t be enough corn in the fields this year!”

The other families also said, "Yes, it's a pleasure to have so much food."

Li Shao laughed: "Come here, go down and buy some sweet potatoes!"

After a while, the entourage bought dozens of sweet potatoes, which were steaming hot after being placed on the table.

The attendant took out another piece of paper: "The hawker said that if you buy ten cents at a time, you will give Sun Laodao a sweet potato explanation, collect ten detailed explanations, and a five-page sweet potato kitchen explanation."

"Go, buy a hundred cents, and you will split it." Mr. Cui said very grandly.

One hundred Wen, more than two hundred sweet potatoes of various sizes, almost all that a hawker brought was sold out.

A maid came over and pulled apart the sweet potatoes, then cut them into small pieces and placed them on the plate.

Mr. Cui of Qinghe picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, and read the explanation: it nourishes the heart, harmonizes the blood, warms the stomach, and fattens the five internal organs. White skin and white meat nourishes the lungs and promotes body fluids, nourishes deficiency, strengthens the spleen and appetite, and strengthens kidney yin.

Food for longevity!

"Old Immortal Sun's explanation should not be false!"

"How can the fairy food from Qin Wangzhuang be fake?" Another asked with a smile.

"Exactly, the immortal food of Qin Wangzhuang is naturally excellent. I remember my granddaughter Yinger mentioned that His Highness the King of Qin once mentioned that the number one sacred food for land reclamation is this sweet potato. It does not pick up the land, but instead nourishes the land.

It’s just that I have gastric acid after eating too much, even if it’s delicious, I have to restrain it!”

After Mr. Cui of Qinghe said this, everyone claimed yes.

"Self*!" Li Shao laughed heartily, calculated the numbers, and collected the money. If you put it in Li Yuan's place, there would be a dedicated attendant to do it. But these old guys like to calculate and collect the money by themselves. This book

It's just fun.

Li Shao collected the chips and said, "Everyone, it seems that the Holy One is planning to liberalize the snow salt trade. How about you lend me, Old Li, a shop in Chang'an West Market?"

"If you sell snow salt in Chang'an, no matter how much goods you have, you won't be able to fill a shop!"

Mr. Cui said with a smile: "Even if you have two hawkers, you can pull up a cart and put it on the street. With a shout, it will be sold out immediately. What's the use of the shop?" Li Shao was speechless when asked.

Mr. Cui added: "I remembered that His Highness King Qin once said that professional matters should be left to professionals!"

At this point, it is very straightforward. Li Shao can be his own idle king. He does not understand business matters! (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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