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Chapter 437 The second plan to make a fortune at the Thousand Dumplings Banquet]

This is a family dinner!

Li Er did not attend the family banquet as the emperor, but as the second brother Li Yuanxing.

In Li Yuanxing's Qinwangzhuang, there were also some guests, including the Confucian scholars who argued over the issue of chairs and round tables last time, as well as various celebrities.

There is also Du Ruhui, a long-term worker who is recuperating here and has actually improved a lot, but was coaxed by Li Yuanxing to stay. The Ministry of Household Affairs of the Tang Dynasty paid him money and Li Yuanxing used it for free. And the guest from Silla, Kinderman.

In the conference living room, there were only two large round tables, and then there were small square tables for each person.

Sitting on a soft couch is still the same, but Li Yuanxing made some small modifications. For example, the soft couch was not placed on the ground. The Tang Dynasty was not so poor that everyone sat on the floor. This soft couch was actually placed on a square stool.

, you can sit on your knees if you want, you can sit cross-legged if you want, even if you use it as a stool, there is no problem.

And on the left side, there is a five-inch wide armrest, where you can lean on it when you are tired.

"Your Highness did not use the round table, it is a great kindness." Yao Silian said to Li Yuanxing without any politeness before taking his seat.

This is the Tang Dynasty, and it is not the whip dynasty of later generations. People will not kneel down at every turn. Although the hierarchy is strict, it is definitely not the kind of strict law where one has to kowtow when one is higher up. The etiquette does not lie in kneeling!

"Today is not a banquet, just an ordinary lunch. When my brother came to my village, we naturally had a meal together. You are also guests of my village. I have been really busy these days, so I didn't have a meal together. It was rude of me.


A banquet, what a ridiculous banquet.

Li Yuanxing will never say the word "banquet" in front of these old guys, otherwise they can give you hundreds of rules.

For example, who will hold a banquet of what size, how to arrange the dancers and singers at the banquet, etc...

Eat, just eat, don't make it complicated.

Du Ruhui heard the meaning behind Li Yuanxing's words, smiled and saluted Li Eryi, who was sitting in the front seat, and sat down in his seat.

Li Yuanxing said it would be a casual meal, but Cui Dunli didn't think so. From the arrangement of seats to the order of serving dishes, he had very detailed arrangements. The concubines of the King of Qin and the guest Jin Deman sat behind the screen and were not directly with other people.

When they met, only Wu Zhao, who had just returned from Yaozhou, sat next to Li Yuanxing. Because she was young, she could say whatever she wanted.

"The first course, the prosperous Tang Dynasty!"

Li Yuanxing was stunned when Zheng He reported the name of the dish, and Li Er laughed. Everyone thought it was as it should be.

How could a plate of dumplings be said to have come from the prosperous Tang Dynasty? Li Yuanxing couldn't think of it. That doesn't mean Cui Dunli and the chefs couldn't think of it.

Li Yuanxing prepared eighteen kinds of wrappers and more than seventy kinds of fillings for eating dumplings, steaming, frying, pan-frying, baking, and boiling. He could make a thousand different kinds of dumplings at will. You must know that the dumplings in Defa Chang in the ancient city

A dumpling banquet in a restaurant costs at least 188 yuan per person. Li Yuanxing could not afford it before, but now he has no time.

After returning to the Tang Dynasty, it was natural for me to undergo some sort of rehabilitation.

The first dish was served, each person had a small bowl with nine dumplings in nine colors and nine kinds of fillings.

Cui Dunli stood up and said: "This first dish is a collection of five grains, four animals, and eighty-one kinds of vegetables. I think that in the Tang Dynasty, when the grains were abundant and the four animals were prosperous, it was the time of prosperity."

"Praise!" Li Er was the first to raise the bowl. Everyone present, including Wu Zhao, except Li Yuanxing, shouted in unison, "Great Tang Dynasty!"

Li Yuanxing just opened his mouth and said nothing.

The dumplings in this small bowl are made of clear soup. This soup is not ordinary, it is broth, but it is like water. The dumplings are the size of pearls, and they are definitely something for chefs to practice their skills.

"The second way is to be hardworking and rich!"

White dough, celery and pork stuffing. Li Yuanxing began to be convinced. Literary men really cannot be underestimated. They can make everything beautiful and add a very interesting allusion.

Celery has been around in China since the Han Dynasty, and it is a very common dish on people's tables.

"The third path, spring fills the world!"

Li Yuanxing was too lazy to guess what this dish was. Anyway, he was watching the maids from a distance dividing the dishes on the big round table, and then preparing to share one for each table. It was obviously the way of making pan-fried buns in later generations, but

The size is only one third of the size of the pan-fried buns.

On the thirty-sixth course, Wu Zhao stretched out his legs and lay down, his stomach full.

The most powerful of the seven concubines of King Qin, Zheng Xiuyan, persisted to the 103rd level.

Li Yuanxing, on the other hand, was full when he was sixty or so, and called Zheng He: "Don't feed me any more. I will give my share of the reward to the guards. And the princess's, don't waste it."

.Distribute it to the guards or maids before it gets colder!"

Li Yuanxing was also worrying blindly, and his personal maids had already taken action.

Li Er approached Li Yuanxing and pointed secretly at the other side of the screen. Li Yuanxing saw that Kinderman was still eating slowly. At this time, the little eunuch who replaced Zheng He was reporting the number of one hundred and thirty.


"Good appetite!" Li Yuanxing smiled.

Wu Zhao smiled evilly at the side: "A poor guy from a poor place naturally has a big appetite!"

"You girl!" Li Yuanxing gently patted Wu Zhao on the head.

In fact, many old guys have long been unable to eat, but they want to see what other tricks there are.

The most powerful and graceful Silla Princess Kinderman finally put down her chopsticks. At this time, she had reached one hundred and ninety-nine. Li Yuanxing smiled and said to Li Er: "Brother, I don't know if this Silla Princess is full."

Even though I saw him eating alone, I felt a little embarrassed!"

"You, what a bastard!" Li Er cursed with a smile.

At this time, Wu Zhao turned over from Li Er and sat next to Li Er: "Brother, why don't you open a shop in Chang'an so that the merchants who come and go can also experience our Chang'an delicacies. And the foreigners can also experience it.

What does eating mean? How can their half-cooked raw mutton compare to that of our Tang Dynasty!"

"Okay, okay!" Li Er should have agreed.

Wu Zhao hurriedly waved and signaled Chunlan to bring some pen and ink: "Brother, please give me your name!"

Li Er did not refuse, and after writing, he said: "This dumpling dish comes from Zhang Zhongjing, the medical sage of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Then call it Wangjinglou!"

Get rich! Wu Zhao secretly made a victory gesture.

After Li Er finished writing the name of the building, Wu Zhao did not let go of these great scholars and celebrities. He ran over with his skirt in hand and asked people to leave calligraphy along the table. "You are a great scholar, and these dumplings are our famous Chinese food. Naturally,

If you want to let foreigners see it, after you taste it, you must have some thoughts and write a poem!"

When Yao Silian faced Wu Zhao, he really couldn't refuse.

Yao Silian wrote.

The other famous scholars and scholars wrote in advance before Wu Zhao came over.

"Everyone, it's my honor to eat dumplings in Wangjinglou. Let's see who can eat the thousandth variety first!" Wu Zhao happily collected the rolls of paper.

"Brother Emperor, increase taxes!" As soon as Li Yuanxing opened his mouth, Wu Zhao almost dropped the books in his hands to the ground.

Li Yuanxing ignored Wu Zhao's thoughts and continued: "Buying grain is for livelihood, and grain taxes cannot be increased. It will hurt the people! However, buying gold, powder, and brocade is for wealth. My brother proposed to increase luxury goods.

Tax, this tax goes to the national treasury, and the funds are earmarked only for the relief of the victims of the disaster!"

"It's feasible. Wu Lang will submit his seal to Tianying Pavilion for discussion!"

Li Er will no longer publicly approve of anything. Unless he and Li Yuanxing discuss it privately, he has never considered the matter of Tianying Pavilion at all.

But if Li Yuanxing could raise it in public, then it would be a wise decision to discuss it in Tianying Pavilion.

Not only do you respect the rights of Tianying Pavilion, but you also save yourself some brainpower.

"Brother Emperor, ordinary noodle restaurants are for eating well, but Wangjinglou is for eating well. There must be a difference. It is also necessary to increase the tax by one cent."

Li Er smiled and did not answer Li Yuanxing immediately, but just said: "Show off in Chang'an!"

Wu Zhao's eyes were already spitting fire, and the celebrities and scholars were all snickering. After Li Er left, they also left their seats one after another. They all understood that Wu Zhao's dumpling restaurant was bound to make a fortune. This tax increase would also

It seems to be a good thing to let the national treasury collect some money. It can be said that the Qin Palace took the lead in paying this luxury tax.

Wu Zhao jumped in front of Li Yuanxing.

Before Wu Zhao could speak, Li Yuanxing said: "The wool comes from the sheep! Make the dumplings bigger and the plates bigger. If you want to eat a thousand kinds, I'm afraid it will be difficult in just a few years. It's easier to make bigger dumplings."

Handicrafts. Don’t make this money alone, open more branches and recruit more helpers!”

"You are getting better and better!" Wu Zhao whispered.

"When your mentality changes, your thoughts will naturally change!" Li Yuanxing took out a cigarette, knocked it and put it in his mouth.

Wu Zhao wanted to say something else, but Li Yuanxing put his hand on Wu Zhao's head: "Follow me to the study. I have something to ask you!"

Li Yuanxing's expression was so serious that Wu Zhao was a little nervous.

Someone will naturally take care of the matters of cleaning up the living room. This is the advantage of being a noble.

In the Tang Dynasty, not to mention the nobility, even the wealthy and small households had the habit of buying slaves. You say you are rich, but you don’t have many slaves at home, just like in modern times, you say you are rich, but you don’t have many slaves at home.

It's like living in a large courtyard.

In the Tang Dynasty, the society of slaves was dominated by slaves. What Li Yuanxing wanted to change was not the slavery system, but to give slaves hope.

After arriving in front of several princesses, Li Yuanxing said softly: "I'll leave the female guest to you. Cui Changshi will naturally handle the rest of the guests. I have some official business. Please don't disturb me if it's not something urgent."

In Li Yuanxing's study, only Li Yuanxing and Wu Zhao were inside, and Qiuxiang and others were not allowed to enter.

There was curiosity in their hearts, but the princesses understood it, so they didn't ask any questions.

Li Yuanxing closed the door of the study room, then sat in front of the computer. He did not speak, but opened a document, adjusted the input method to the simplified character part, and then typed a row of words.

"Tell me, what else did you do in the Tang Dynasty without my permission?" (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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