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708 Princess Lanyue's Tablet

Not to mention Ryoko, even several older lawyers in the legal department were a little sad.

They couldn't guess the reason.

Many people say that Li Yuanxing was a fanatical nationalist, and his national pride for the Chinese nation was so intense that even those around him were infected.

Maybe Li Yuanxing had something big to do, it was like going to the battlefield and determined to face death as if he were going home.

Ryoko was crying, from shedding silent tears to bursting into tears.

"Where are the condolences?" The cabinet master shouted loudly, which scared Liangzi.

The cold-faced cabinet man sat next to Li Yuanxing, stared at Liangzi and said loudly: "If it were all like you, I wouldn't have to go to the battlefield back then, holding my wife and crying to death. If you are such a coward, just give it to me.

Get out." The cabinet master had a dark face, but Liangzi was frightened.

The older lawyer poured a cup of tea for the cabinet man: "Master, calm down, this is a peaceful era!"

"Be prepared for danger in times of peace!" The cabinet master replied with a cold face, and then said: "When your bones are soft, one person can round you up and stretch you out. How long have you been in the peaceful days..." The cabinet master was a little worried.

Excited, Li Yuanxing didn't dare to let the cabinet master talk any more, at least there were some things he couldn't say.

"Liangzi, you're not married yet. You know that I don't have any cash in my pocket." Li Yuanxing said, pulling out a bag from the sofa and taking out a fist-sized piece of jade and placing it on the table: "I'll give this to you as if it's from my brother."

It’s time to get married. I don’t have any cash, so I have a few hundred yuan in this thing in my bank account, and I’m sure everyone will get it if I haven’t cut it yet. Take it!”

Liangzi didn't answer, but just asked: "Brother Xing, what are you going to do? Why don't you call the brothers!"

Li Yuanxing's eyes moved to the ceiling and he raised his head high.

He was thinking about how to answer this, and didn't want Ryoko to see any change in his expression.

After a while, Li Yuanxing said: "You have helped me enough. Your sister-in-law will accompany me on the next journey, and my grandpa will also be with me. Don't think too much, maybe ten or eight years later,

I will come back to see you. I will also watch my son grow up, and I will not mess around."

Are you leaving?

Liangzi became even more confused and wanted to ask, but was glared at by the cabinet master: "Liangzi, just know it, don't talk too much."

"Go on. The details of the will may take some time." Li Yuanxing said to Liangzi.

Four days passed quickly in modern times, and Li Yuanxing returned to Datang again.

Even the volume of the eight boxes had been calculated in detail, which was exactly the limit of Li Yuanxing's carrying capacity. The shells of the eight boxes looked like iron but not iron, let alone low-grade materials like plastic. Even Li Lanshan couldn't tell what they were.

Li Lanshan used the excuse that she had something very confidential to keep.

This box was specially approved by the military. A total of fifty boxes were given to Li Yuanxing, and they were all made in the laboratory overnight according to Li Lanshan's requirements.

Back in the Tang Dynasty, it was in Li Er's study.

For the first time, I watched Li Yuanxing disappear out of thin air and then appear out of thin air. Is there anything else that can be explained besides immortality?

When Li Yuanxing came back, Li Er came up to him with some excitement. Wu Zhao patted the box and said, "I mean Li Yuanxing. This box is very high-end. What's in it?"

"The hard disk cabinet is first evacuated and then filled with a mixed gas. I don't know what the gas is. I just know that before the box is damaged by external forces, the contents inside can be preserved for at least five hundred years. In the hard disk cabinet

The saved information is the art of immortal craftsmanship!"

The art of immortal craftsmanship.

Hearing this word, Li Er was a little excited: "How much does this cost?"

"There are sixteen matrices in total. Each matrix has 128 blocks of 2T, which equals a capacity of 256T." Li Yuanxing laughed awkwardly at this explanation. This kind of professional terminology must have confused Li Er.

Sure enough, Li Er looked confused and had no idea what Li Yuanxing was talking about.

"It's not too much, there are 150 trillion Chinese characters. Of course, some of them are pictures, sounds, etc., which may take up a lot of space. In short, there is a lot of data." Wu Zhao explained to Li Er

After that, he asked Li Yuanxing: "How much have you prepared?"

"There are fifty boxes like this, but I guess we won't be able to use them all, maybe more than thirty."

Li Er was a little dazed. The Analects of Confucius has more than 15,000 words. How many books do you need to store?

"Brother Imperial, this thing stores more than just text. For example, the most space-saving way to store the movies and pictures of Niangziguan is more than 800 MB. The clearest way to save them is about 4,000 MB. This matrix can store

There are 70,000 copies, so it’s not too much. There are also large landscape pictures, but this one has a lot more. One matrix contains about 300 million pictures!”

Wu Zhao also intervened and said: "Your Majesty, the Tang Library in Lemin Garden can contain hundreds of thousands of words!"

Li Er nodded vigorously: "Wu Lang, deploy heavy troops to guard us. This is the destiny of the Tang Dynasty!"

"My brother will make arrangements. These things must not be taken lightly. My brother can't go back to heaven, so I made a copy of some things that are not private. Lanshan is giving gifts everywhere, hoping that the great sage can allow him to copy them.

The library of the Tang Dynasty cannot use these things now. The box can only be opened when they can be used."

Li Er strode around and wrote an order: "Wu Lang, heavy troops will guard you for twelve hours. Anyone who dares to peek will be killed!"

Li Yuanxing took the warrant and put it in his handbag, then took out a document bag.

"Brother Emperor, Lan Shan heard that she was crowned Princess Lan Yue, and a seal was sent to her." Li Yuanxing handed over the document bag with one hand, and Li Er also took it casually with one hand.

I originally thought it was a token of gratitude.

After opening it, Li Er's eyes changed.

On the cover of the watch, it reads: "On the primary technology of agricultural development."

Agriculture is the foundation of the country. General Li only glanced at the seal before picking up a bunch of information at the back. It seems that Li Lanshan, like Mingyue, is used to using a large number of attachments to explain his intentions in detail.

Li Er was sitting next to Wu Zhao. Although he didn't say anything, he still wanted Wu Zhao to take a look with him.

The first "Elementary Multiple Fertilizer Production"

Li Er took it very seriously. Even if he was the emperor, even if he had never really worked in the fields, Li Er would not despise something related to people's livelihood.

Wu Zhao quickly flipped through several notebooks and said to himself: "Why didn't I think of that?"

Just Wu Zhao's soliloquy made Li Er's evaluation of the seal at least double. There were not many things that could surprise Princess Mingyue of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Lanshan gave a very comprehensive set of theories, from early soil fertilizers to compost, organic fertilizers, and especially to biogas process improvements.

"The production can be increased by about 30%!" Li Er was filled with joy when he saw this 30%.

Next, Li Lanshan's second information is "Suggestions on Optimizing Primary Seeds"

This theory lies in hybrid varieties, which is qualitatively different from the agriculture of the Tang Dynasty. The agriculture of the Tang Dynasty paid attention to leaving a field directly after farming. Looking at Li Lanshan's theory, seeds and edible grains were separated from the beginning.

, the seeds are prepared anew every year.

Li Er couldn't make up his mind about this. He turned his head and looked at Wu Zhao.

Wu Zhao said: "Your Majesty, Qin Wangzhuang has also considered it, but breeding is not as good as farming and requires people who really understand agriculture."

"This is feasible, it just requires some preparation!"

Next, Li Er picked up the third "Treatise on Controlling Farmland Diseases and Pests"

The first page is a picture of a kind of insect, and then the harm caused by this insect.

Li Lanshan used pictures because she was afraid that Li Er would not know what this insect was. In modern times, this insect is commonly known as cutworm. It is used for cotton, corn, sorghum, millet, wheat, potatoes, beans, hemp, alfalfa, and tobacco.

Sugar beets, rapeseed, melons and a variety of vegetables, etc. Medicinal plants, grass and forest seedlings in nurseries are also often affected. Various weeds are often their important hosts.

It can be said to be a major hazard to farmland.

What I didn't expect was that Li Er actually knew this.

"The locust plague is a natural disaster, but this kind of insect is extremely terrifying. In the third year of Wude, many fields around Chang'an failed to harvest. Sinong Temple reported that this insect was causing harm. But who would have thought that soaking tung leaves in water could restrain this problem?

An insect may seem simple, but it is a great strategy and wisdom. Knowledge is like paper on a window, the difference is just between the paper."

Li Er's evaluation of Li Lanshan's things was beyond Li Yuanxing's imagination.

As a modern man, Li Yuanxing was already the King of Qin in the Tang Dynasty, but he had not yet truly experienced the feeling of the Great Famine and the human tragedy of eating strange children.

Therefore, he could not appreciate the status of food in the hearts of ancient rulers, even nobles, and common people.

"I asked Sinong Temple to copy it, compile it into a volume, and print it into a book." Li Er carefully put these documents back into the document bag and patted the bag gently: "Wulang has too many things to worry about, so naturally he can't do everything.

We have all taken into consideration. Mingyue has also worked hard enough. You must not blame yourself for this matter. It is also my brother's fault."

Li Erxian accused himself of being afraid that Li Yuanxing and Wu Zhao would be embarrassed.

"In the past two years, my brother has not only considered foreign enemies, but also the balance of the court. At present, all major matters have been almost done. When the chief officials of the three provinces are decided, they will sit down and sort out everything.

Come up with a plan. What will you do this year and what will you do next year? Be more detailed and think about it every month."

Will Li Yuanxing blame himself?

The answer is no. Li Yuanxing will definitely not blame himself. A person's abilities are limited. He believes that he has done his best for Datang.

Moreover, Li Er also had a misunderstanding, that is, as an emperor, you have to worry about everything.

A system should be formed to make the entire court worry about the development of the Tang Dynasty.

In the Tang Dynasty, the officials were in charge of the Qingming Dynasty, and all officials were attentive. If we don't take advantage of this time to develop greatly, how long will it take?

That night, Li Er spent the night in the study. He wanted to read the watch stamp given by Li Lanshan again. Li Yuanxing took Wu Zhao to the resting place arranged for him in the palace.

PS: Third update!

This chapter has been completed!
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