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721 Before the Autumn Harvest Again

【Ask for monthly ticket】

As for Li Yuanxing's proposal on the credit system, Li Er read it hastily and put it in the pile of tables submitted to Tianying Pavilion for discussion. Obviously, this matter was not Li Er's concern.

"Wu Lang, during the summer harvest, I received an impeachment for my brother. It said that you used the grain in the workshop. It was not eaten, but used. Because there was only one impeachment, but it was not a big deal. On the contrary, Guanzhong

, the granaries in Henan are always nervous, and I am worried that the grain output will be too high, which will cause the grain prices in the two places to plummet."

Food, no matter whether it is modern or ancient, is always the most important thing.

Food is the most important thing for the people, so it is natural that the most important thing is for the people to have enough food.

Li's second sentence changed: "Wu Lang, the autumn harvest is about to begin again. Jing Zhaoyin's face is all blue, and the imperial doctor said it is because he has not had a good rest for a long time and is tired. Let me hear the report on Huazhou's grain and corn."

He said that because there was not enough fertilizer and no refined seeds, the yield was only over 500 kilograms."

"It should be enough!" Li Yuanxing seemed not to understand what Li Er meant.

Li Er smiled: "Wu Lang, do you know how many acres of corn are planted in Huazhou?"

"Brother, the emperor is joking. This matter is still important. Although I was not in Chang'an in the first half of the year, I am still very concerned about the affairs in Huazhou. They are still working hard, although they have not reached the level of hydraulic reform and increasing the number of fertile fields.

Despite the above requirements, they still planted more than two million acres of corn.”

"More than one million tons, that's tens of millions of dan. Just one Huazhou is enough to drive up the price of grain in Chang'an to a level that my brother can't accept. It's tens of millions of dan!"

Li Yuanxing stood up and shook the clothes on his body: "The silk on my brother's body can be better with starch. This corn starch has many uses. For example: textile, papermaking, food, petroleum, mines, medical treatment, construction

, agriculture, forestry, gardening, foundry, feed, and daily necessities are all available.”

"How to use it?" Li Er asked.

"Let the professionals study this. What I know is that in papermaking, textiles, especially cotton cloth in the future, this starch will be of great use. In the simplest words, it can transform copper into gold, and it can be used to create

"Exquisite paper. Let's talk about patent medicines. Starch is a very good mixture. And then there is the soap. To make it really exquisite, you still need to use some starch." Li Yuanxing knew something about it, but he was not proficient in it.

Li Er understood: "Brother, I know why someone accused you of using food in the workshop."

"There is not enough food to eat. Naturally, we dare not use it. But food is also a raw material for industrial products. It can be made into food. Corn biscuits are still good. The price of Chang'an city wine has dropped five times because there is enough food.

Large-scale industrial brewing.”

There is more food. Li Er is still very happy.

The summer harvest was in mid-May in the Tang Dynasty, which was late June in later generations.

Li Yuanxing has no plans to change this calendar matter, and it doesn't seem to have a big impact.

In the future, when the astronomy of the Tang Dynasty developed, people who were proficient in this field would naturally come up with suggestions to change or improve the calendar. Harvesting grain in May or harvesting grain in June did not matter to Li Yuanxing.

As for the autumn harvest, grain harvesting has already begun in some places in early August.

There has been a telegram from Jiangnan Road, and the rice harvest has begun. Using improved seed planting and simple composting technology, the average yield per mu can reach an average of more than three shi, and the maximum yield per mu is about four shi.

Huainan Road also sent a telegram, saying that it was also a bumper year for them and they would start organizing the autumn harvest in three or two days at most.

There is no pressure on the granaries in Jiangnan and Huainan, but for rice, such a good year will not make the granaries unable to hold it. But Henan Road is different. With Luoyang as the center, the entire Henan Road is planted with corn and sweet potatoes in autumn.

, it is expected to be harvested around August 15th.

The quantity... is huge!

But even with such a huge amount, Li Yuanxing still thought it was not enough.

"Brother Imperial, it seems that there is enough food in Guanzhong now, but what about the next five years?"

Li Er left the desk and sat next to Li Yuanxing: "Wu Lang, please continue talking. What will happen in the next five years?"

"Brother Imperial, count the population first. There are three accounts to be settled for population."

Li Er, who had just sat down on the chair next to Li Yuanxing, stood up again, returned to the desk, and opened a piece of paper: "Go on, Wulang. You claim that you are not good at arithmetic, but your ability to calculate accounts is not ordinary."

Li Yuanxing smiled and stood in front of the desk.

"Brother Emperor, the first step is to calculate the growth rate of the population. In fact, it is the number of people at the end of the year minus the number at the beginning of the year, and then divided by the average annual population. If this index is zero, it means that the population has not grown.

Of course, we don’t need to make too complicated calculations and announcements. We use the simplest algorithm, which is how many children a woman will give birth to, and how many children will be born in a household."

When it comes to public announcements, Li Yuanxing is afraid that Li Er will not be able to explain clearly.

Li Er doesn't want complicated formulas, he just wants numbers.

"Brother Emperor, if in the past five years in the Tang Dynasty, couples of the right age would get tax cuts if they had children, then the average household in the Tang Dynasty would have had three children in the past five years!"

Hearing Li Yuanxing's calculation, Li Er shook his head.

"Wu Lang, you underestimate the tax reduction policy for having children. According to the current situation in the Tang Dynasty, the average age of a household is one boy, two and three-quarters of a girl. Of course, if you add maids and maids, this number will be different.

It’s even bigger. You have to know how many men died during the wars at the end of the Sui Dynasty and the forced conscription of soldiers?”

"How many children do you think the emperor will give birth to?"

"The minimum is five people per household. In five years, the Tang Dynasty can increase the number of newborn children by tens of millions. As long as you, Wulang, dare to say that you will have tax reductions or even tax exemptions for having more babies, the number of population increases will definitely exceed yours, Wulang."

Imagine. You know, ordinary people don’t have so much fun, what else can they do at night?”

When Li Er said this, Li Yuanxing felt a little scared.

"Brother Imperial, according to what you said, this tax reduction should be reconsidered. I feel a little guilty. With a population of 10 million, if one person weighs one kilogram per day, that is four kilograms per person per year.

This food needs to be at least 40 million tons."

Li Er wrote down on the paper: "Forty million is not enough, one pound a day is really not much!"

Li Yuanxing passed this point: "Brother Emperor, the second account is from foreign tribes. They do not grow food. When they surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, they provided combat power, industrial products, and labor. But food is

The items cost the Tang Dynasty. Take the Khitan people for example. Their entire population combined is also a huge number. Adults eat a lot!"

"The Khitan people eat meat. Pigs, cows, sheep, etc. also consume food!"

Li Er also echoed and said something.

"Also, Datang's life dolls are tax-free. Can we exempt them from tax?"

Good guy, this is not unknown. It’s shocking.

The pen in Li Yuanxing's hand did not write another word on the paper, because this account was no longer easy to settle.

In addition to the Khitans, there were also the Mohe people and the Shiwei people.

Although they were taught farming, the food they grew was not enough to eat themselves. They relied on their military exploits to get more food from the Tang Dynasty. If the population was not restricted, their food consumption would be even greater in the future.

"Brother Emperor, this third account is even more scary. The Tang Dynasty is now industrialized, and many people have seen that working is more profitable than farming. In the future, there will definitely be fewer people farming, and there will definitely be a greater number of people working.

Well, Brother Emperor, this contradiction is terrible. Besides, if we expand to occupy territory, the newly occupied territory will have a negative food supply for at least two years, and a lot of it!"

Li Er began to look through the pile of seals and seals.

He quickly found a copy of the form: "Xiao Yu's should have been copied to your Qin Prince's Mansion. It's just that you are fighting outside, so you may not know about this."

Li Yuanxing opened the watch and saw that it was the third item he mentioned.

Just for the areas in Goguryeo that are currently occupied, Xiao Yu calculated that at least 20 million tons of grain are needed every year to barely have enough. Because the Goguryeo people grow grain, it will take at least three more years to truly feed themselves.

Time, Jian'an City's new grain fields will not be able to feed Jian'an's garrison until next year.

It's just a garrison, and I'm afraid I'll be nervous if I want to bring some food to the surrounding mining areas.

"How many acres of land can one person have?" Li Yuanxing asked a seemingly unrelated topic.

Li Er did not answer immediately. He was recalling the seal of the Ministry of Household that he had seen. During the summer harvest, there was data on the land in the country. It was about 2.6 million yuan.

"One person has ten acres!" Li Er was not sure whether this data was correct.

Li Yuanxing leaned on Li Er's writing desk and began to draw on Li Er's piece of paper: "Brother Emperor, how many fields there are in the Tang Dynasty now. Brother Emperor, you can't tell, and my brother can't tell either. It was handed over by the Ministry of Household Affairs.

The data is just data reported by states and counties, which is not very accurate and varies a lot."

"Well, I knew about this during my Wude years, but I never had the chance to sort it out!"

"Brother Emperor, during the Qin Dynasty, the country was so big with a population of 25 million. At that time, there were about eight acres of land per person. When the Western Han Dynasty was at its strongest, the population exceeded 50 million, and at its peak, it exceeded 6,000.

Ten thousand people, one person has seven and a half acres. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, it was eleven acres."

Li Er would not doubt what Li Yuanxing said. If he needed to confirm it, he would just check historical data.

"We, the Tang Dynasty, now have 3.6 million households, which is about 12 to 3 million people. However, we only have less than 50 million acres of good farmland, and the yield of the rest of the bad farmland is too low!"

The yield of bad fields is so low, on average it is not even one stone, only eight and a half buckets!

"Brother Emperor, one person has five acres of fertile farmland. Let's not talk about the number of acres, but also how much food one person has, not counting Chang'an and Luoyang. In the Tang Dynasty, the average yield of one acres and two hundred kilograms was only one thousand kilograms per person per year.

Jin of food. I don’t know whether the emperor is afraid of my brother, but I am afraid anyway! If I don’t do anything now, I will be powerless in three years’ time!”

What is Li Yuanxing afraid of?

No need to explain, Li Er knew that the Tang Dynasty was developing rapidly, but if food failed to keep up, there would be unrest and the country would be unstable. The Tang Dynasty was no longer consumed by just the people of the Tang Dynasty.

There is also a lot of external consumption, which will increase the food pressure on Datang.

"Brother Imperial, please ask Tianying Pavilion to discuss matters." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

ps: Second update, there will be an additional update today.

This chapter has been completed!
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