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786 Sea Heat

Tax-free for two years, and then use gifts to pay the taxes?

Is it meaningful or necessary?

Wang Ba couldn't make up his mind. This gift seemed to be a good idea, but if you think about it carefully, it would be a bit troublesome to be the first bird... No, the first bird! Wang Ba understood and saluted Li Shao: "Your Majesty, King Dongping


King Dongping laughed and then invited Wang Ba to sit down.

It can be said that in later generations, the Philippines was divided among them. There were about hundreds of thousands or even more indigenous people in it. You could make a fortune just by building a hemp rope workshop in this area, let alone

You can also grow some food and produce fruits in the spring.

Various aristocratic families also began to make plans for overseas travel.

Another month later, the day finally came when Li Yuanxing was preparing to go to sea. Ordinary ships, boatmen, and aristocratic families had arrived at Huating in advance. Only Li Yuanxing took the five princesses on the flying boat. The only one left behind was the pregnant Wang.

Yu Yan, and Lu Qiuyu.

Huating County!

The five-thousand-ton giant ship, with steel plates in strategic locations, attracted countless people to watch.

This time Li Yuanxing went to sea, it must be said that the lineup was strong. There were fifty or sixty people at the third-grade general level alone, and there were more than 20 third-grade civil servants. Among them, people at the level of company commanders Sun Wuji and Cui Junsu asked to follow Li Yuanxing.

When he went to sea, Cui Junsu even followed Changsun Wuji's approach and resigned from the post of Minister of the Ministry of Revenue.

"Your Highness, does he know what business is most prosperous in Huating right now?" Lao Lang asked as he accompanied Li Yuanxing on the dock and watched supplies being delivered to the ship.

Li Yuanxing thought for a while: "It should be garment making, shipbuilding, and sugar making. These businesses are the most prosperous!"

"His Highness also guesses wrong sometimes." Old Wolf laughed twice: "His Highness guessing these three things is a big business. But in recent days, every cannery is the most prosperous, especially cans for ships going to sea.

Then there is the fruit that Wang Ba got and made into cans. Next, there is the pharmacy, sunscreen, anti-virus, and various kinds of patent medicines for treating diseases. How much can be bought here? "

"Medicine?" Li Yuanxing could say, he could understand the canned food, but what was the medicine?

"General Niu's people, with insect repellent and wind-cold medicine, directly controlled a very large tribe of 5,000 people. They have planted more than 30,000 acres of sugar cane and 10,000 acres of rice. The medicine can cure the disease.

It can cure illness and strengthen the body. For the natives, this thing is a treasure."

"It's a good thing." Li Yuanxing commented and then suddenly asked Lao Lang: "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't want it there, it's enough to guard the door for His Highness." Old Wolf smiled simply.

Li Yuanxing nodded: "Naha, although it is small, it will definitely be very rich and cannot support too many people. But you veterans of the Qin Palace will have no problem. Remember, Naha only has one thing, which is a trade transit port.

It’s enough to support all of you. Naha, 20,000 miles east, is a land ten times larger than the Central Plains, and Naha is the gateway!”

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Lao Lang gave a military salute.

Li Yuanxing didn't say anything more. The ship was ready, and Li Yuanxing, King of Qin of the Tang Dynasty, was about to set off. This trip would probably take several months, or even longer.

The review of Chang'an City is that Datang will take the first step of conquest.

The cabinet master in the Kunming Lake Villa in the west of Chang'an City read the Chang'an Newspaper and wrote two words "civilization" on the table with tea

Li Yuanxing's first stop was Luzon Island. It was renamed, Luzon Road in the South China Sea of ​​the Tang Dynasty, and was divided into eleven states and fifty-eight counties. Of course, at least three of them were not known to have any living people. There were more than forty people.

Each county is just a location marked on the map, and no one has even been there.

Seat of four important states.

The first one is the location of what would become Manila on the North Island. The second one is where Wang Ba first landed, and is also the location of what would become Bacolod Port. The other two are much simpler. They just found a piece of vacant land and built a

I'm in a military camp. These guys in the army can't do business, but they can farm and exchange supplies.

Moreover, the distance between the two armies is very close. At the location of De Oro and Iligan in the later generations of the South Island, the straight-line distance is not even a hundred miles, but they are taking care of each other.

Wang Ba's flagship is already the largest he can get. It is a 1,300-ton armed merchant ship with twin steam engines, four cannons on each side of the ship, and one cannon on the bow.

Standing on the beach and looking up, the boat is more than thirty feet long and five feet high.

After all, it is a wooden ship. With a draft of 1,300 tons, it is normal for the length to be close to 100 meters. The pure steel ship of later generations with a displacement of 5,000 tons is only more than 90 meters long.

The wizard on the island gave himself a name, Mangshan.

The tribal leader who first met Wang Ba named himself Dao Gang.

It was a very strange name, but it was based on their understanding of Chinese. It took Dao Gang two months to know almost seventy or eighty characters.

Among them, the numbers one to ten, the Chinese characters one to ten, and then hundreds, thousands, and ten thousand. Then, there are white linen, fine white linen, silk, wine, steel. He knows words like this, which are very important in trading.

Partly, in addition to these, he also knew the word county magistrate.

Because he is the county magistrate of this place.

The magistrate of Dao County and his men were arranging for shipment at the port when they heard the Tang man on the ship shouting something. He could understand some words, such as "noble" and "King of Qin".

He couldn't figure out what the King of Qin was. But he heard these two words spoken the most, because these Tang people would always say this word from time to time when discussing. He knew that this word represented something very noble.


Just when Dao Gang was curious, his vision suddenly dimmed. When he looked up again, he saw a huge ship twenty feet high sailing into the pier, and all the people in the Tang Dynasty were cheering.

Wang Ba's staff who stayed here came to Daogang at this time: "Do you still remember the etiquette I taught you?"

"Etiquette?" Dao Gang was remembering, because he had never really used it.

"The King of Qin, the star king in the sky, the living god. The King of Qin can give people prosperity, and he can also destroy people!" The counselor explained carefully again. He believed that the natives knew the etiquette of the Tang Dynasty, which would definitely allow him to win.

Enough reward.

Although it was Li Yuanxing's suggestion to come to Luzon, it was what everyone was looking forward to.

"I heard that Wang Ba opened a coal mine and earned a lot of Li Daozong's silver coins!" Li Yuanxing asked with a smile before getting off the boat. This question is really weird. In fact, Li Yuanxing injected the coal mine into Wang Ba Village. But so did Wang Ba.

Smart, don't dig the gold mine first, but dig the coal mine first.

Wang Ba is not on the island, he is still directing the Japanese to fight for territory on the Japanese island.

While Li Yuanxing was still standing on the deck of the ship, hundreds of elite Qin Prince's guards slid down with long ropes. Then Li Yuanxing stood on the hanging board and slowly lowered from the ship.

"Exit, I'm the official Daogang, and I respectfully welcome His Highness the King of Qin to inspect this county!"

Dao Gang's unclear enunciation and weird movements of Tang Dynasty ceremony shocked everyone.

Only Li Yuanxing seemed to think that this was reasonable, and he casually took out a jade tablet that had been prepared long ago and put it in Dao Gang's hand: "I am just doing a patrol, holding this. It will always be useful.


It's just a green stone, is it precious?

Dao Gang didn't know, and he didn't know what this person who felt very noble was talking about. He just continued to express gratitude in return as taught by Wang Ba's staff.

Li Yuanxing was just going through a formality. After walking around Wang Ba's territory, he found an excuse and went back to the ship.

Only then did Daogang ask the staff officer what the green stone was.

"This is called jade. Let's not mention that this piece of jade can be worth ten thousand jars of wine. You know ten thousand, right?"

"One hundred, one hundred." It seems that Dao Gang's arithmetic is good, at least better than the author of this book.

"This is a token. Owning such a token means that when you arrive in our Chang'an city, you are eligible to enter Qin Wangzhuang directly. Chang'an, do you understand?" The staff officer told Dao Gang in the simplest language possible, you are lucky.

Dao Gang had seen a painting, a huge painting, posted in the largest room in the dock. The painting seemed to depict a place called Chang'an, and it was just a street. The people there were very wealthy.

, there is endless food to eat and endless wine to drink.

Daogang understands what a street means.

A hundred streets are a city, and a hundred cities are a place called Tao.

The native children were reciting the Three-Character Sutra, and they had been reciting the first thirty sentences alone for almost a month. But there were still some people who could not recite clearly. It was obvious that the person in charge of teaching was not a real teacher. From the sword on his body

It seemed to Scar that this was a bandit, a bandit who was teaching people to recite the Three-Character Sutra.

It is rare for Cui Junsu and Changsun Wuji to get together.

Looking at everything on the island from a distance.

There is the simplest workshop, and there is a rice field being taken care of. I heard that it has been planted for two months. Looking at the growth, I am afraid that I will receive new rice in more than a month. But I don’t know what the new rice is.

How does it taste.

For this trip to sea, those who can follow these nobles, servants, maids, etc. will be barely enough. The real quota is reserved for people with real skills, any skills they may have.

In agriculture, there are at least twenty senior agricultural craftsmen in the fleet who can be placed as agricultural management officials in a state.

"The rice will mature in thirty-three to thirty-seven days. One acre is about four stones. People on this island just plant it but don't take care of it. Fertilization seems to have never been done. According to the current situation on the island

The number of people, plus the amount of wasteland, even if you throw some seeds randomly, you can feed 100,000 people."

The speaker was the pipemaker of Changsun's family.

Cui Junsu then signaled to his farm pipemaker to say a few words. The results obtained were almost identical.

The various families and princes were in a good mood on the island. However, Li Ke and Li Chengqian were not in a good mood. They seemed to realize that once their fiefdom was far away from the Tang Dynasty, it would mean that they would have no chance of the throne.

(To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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