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Chapter 78 The book is printed

Li Yuanxing felt a little emotional in his heart. The Tang Dynasty was still good. If it were placed in later generations, such as the Song and Ming dynasties, it would be absolutely impossible for people who had exchanged marriage certificates and not given a big gift to meet each other.

It's good to meet beforehand and develop a relationship.

Entering the small tent, Li Yuanxing saw that Wang Yuyan seemed to have just cried, and the maid was helping to wipe his face, with bright red eyes.

"Did I neglect you?" Li Yuanxing asked as he walked towards his seat.

In one sentence, Wang Yuyan cried again.

Qiuxiang whispered from the side: "Your Highness, Miss Wang is crying because her family failed to successfully print the book this time. It seems that she has failed your Highness's trust!"

"The book is printed!" Li Yuanxing tried his best to keep his tone as calm as possible. After he finished speaking, Cui and Lu asked their maids to bring out a few books. After all, they were little girls of fourteen or fifteen years old.

Naturally, she couldn't hold back her anger. Wang Yuyan must have been angry because of the bickering just now.

In the Tang Dynasty, tables were still divided and not combined.

Li Yuanxing picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the dish and said, "We are all from our own family, so we don't have so many etiquettes. Let's chat while we eat!" After that, he waved to bring up the book.

Qiuxiang took it and put it in Li Yuanxing's hand.

Each of the two families printed three books: a Three-Character Classic, a Thousand-Character Classic, and an Analects of Confucius.

Cui Yingying said: "Your Highness, my uncle discussed the method of silk printing with the uncle of the Lu family and presented it to the court for printing the imperial newspaper. After calculation, more than 70% of the money expenditure can be saved. There is an oral instruction from the emperor, saying that since it is the prince

Your Majesty accepted your method and rewarded our two craftsmen with thirty guan each."

What is Di Bao?

Li Yuanxing thought for a long time before he realized that this thing was an official newspaper, which passed down some affairs of the imperial court and various states so that officials in various states and counties could understand it.


This thing seems to be very profitable.

Seeing that Li Yuanxing was silent and did not speak, Cui Yingying immediately stood up and was about to salute. She thought that she had presented the silk screen method without Li Yuanxing's permission, which aroused Li Yuanxing's displeasure.

"What are you doing, you have to kneel again!" Li Yuanxing was a little surprised when he saw it.

"I thought Your Highness was angry!" Cui Yingying was still a little girl after all. When she heard that Li Yuanxing was not angry, she immediately followed the pole with a smile on her face.

Li Yuanxing waved his hand: "If we eat slowly, they will be hungry!"

"Your Highness is kind!" The three women responded in unison, and Wang Yuyan still sounded like she was crying in her tone.

Li Yuanxing ate very quickly, and he didn't like the slow way of eating. But in front of these three women, the prince still had to pretend, and he just endured and chewed slowly to finish the meal. Then he picked up the food.

I picked up three books and looked at them.

"What's the cost?"

"The Three-Character Classic only cost ten texts and printed 50,000 copies!" Cui Yingying answered, and Lu Qiuyu immediately responded: "Our Three-Character Classic cost nine texts and printed 100,000 copies!" After that, the two women looked at each other.

, they didn’t glare at each other, but Yuan Ran smiled, and they felt very close to each other.

Li Yuanxing thought of the heated fight between Ye Qiu Shuang and Li Lanshan.

Now it seems that this kind of invisible struggle is definitely more terrifying.

The quality of both books is good. Li Yuanxing's research on paper is not deep. He can only tell that the materials used in the two papers are different, and the smell of ink is also somewhat different. It seems that both companies have their own craft secrets. There are only

The Three-Character Sutra has seven pages and more than 600 words, and the cost is controlled to ten words. This is already a very remarkable achievement.

"Three years, I will give you two three years of exclusive rights to operate. Within three years, you will carefully study a more advanced method of printing books. After three years, this technology will be opened up, and the wisdom tax collected will set the price for you two.

Participate in the discussion and divide papermaking and printing into two parts. You can get half of the Tianzhi tax received in the first ten years, and then you can get 30%. If a skilled craftsman improves the way of printing books, he will get his share.

, if you don’t make any technological progress in twenty years, Tianzhi Tax will no longer be collected from merchants all over the world!”

What Li Yuanxing said was very simple and direct. If they couldn't understand this, they wouldn't be qualified to represent a family to see him.

Age does not indicate ability.

"Your Highness, what if our Cui family is willing to share now?" Cui Yingying asked again.

"As long as the price paid by the other party is appropriate, I don't care about this matter. Regarding the issue of Tianzhi tax, you can discuss it with the government. However, I still recommend delaying it for one year. At the moment, Datang does not have enough ability to protect this technology from foreigners.

Go learn it!”

After Li Yuanxing finished speaking, Lu Qiuyu and Cui Yingying bowed and saluted at the same time: "Respect the order of the King of Qin!"

At this time, Wang Yuyan's eyes were filled with tears again.

When someone gets married, their families will naturally provide a huge amount of dowry. Cui Yingying and Lu Qiuyu have obtained a hugely profitable business for their respective families. This business can be said to be as good as silk. Needless to say, Cui Yingying and Lu Qiuyu's dowry must be far away.

It’s higher than originally planned and definitely higher than Wang Yuyan’s.

In this first step of fighting for the title of concubine, he had already lost.

Are you just quitting the competition?

Lu Qiuyu and Cui Yingying did not have proud expressions. They felt sympathy in their hearts because they were still young. They could fight, but they still had the sadness of a rabbit dying and a fox dying. What if they lost this round?

Maybe I will cry till I die.

"Alas..." Li Yuanxing let out a long sigh: "There's really nothing we can do about you, a crying girl like you!"

Wang Yuyan was stunned. Cui Yingying and Lu Qiuyu looked at each other. They had a bad feeling in their hearts. King Qin was soft-hearted, which meant that Wang Yuyan was pitied. This was unfair and could not be gained because of sympathy.

The care of King Qin.

"I have a way to become rich, and your Taiyuan Wang family is very suitable for it. But I can't just give it to you Taiyuan Wang family. This business is so big that even I can't explain it to my brother. But your Wang family is the most powerful one.

I originally planned to reveal the suitable candidate after a while, but you cried so much that I was upset!"

Wang Yuyan rushed out immediately and knelt on the ground: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your consideration!"

Li Yuanxing sighed again in his heart, he was still soft-hearted, especially when the beautiful little girl cried, he really couldn't bear it.

After thinking about it, what would you do if everyone in the backyard started crying?

"Okay, let's get up. We'll discuss this matter in two days. If your Wang family can't afford it, I have to consider who should share this benefit!" Li Yuanxing stretched out his hand to help, but Cui Yingying and Lu Qiuyu helped Wang Yuyan up first.

, they didn’t want the first person Li Yuanxing had skin-to-skin contact with to be Wang Yuyan.

Li Yuanxing didn't know about these flowers, so he just thought the little girls were kind-hearted.

In any case, the three girls left with satisfaction, their goals had been achieved.

As for things like newspapers, Li Yuanxing thinks it can be done, but he doesn't know how. He doesn't have enough energy to do it now.

Li Ji is already sending troops.

Then, the time for him to send troops is just around the corner, which can be as short as four or five days or as long as ten days.

Li Yuanxing had another chance to return to modern times. Before sending troops to the Turks, at the critical moment, he felt an inexplicable anxiety in his heart, not knowing what would happen.

When Li Chang and Lu Chengqing arrived, Li Yuanxing was still holding his head in thought.

Seeing the two people coming in, Li Yuanxing said: "I feel a little upset. It seems that something troublesome will happen."

"Your Highness, it has actually happened!" Li Chang sat on the chair at the bottom.

"Who? Make me unhappy?" Li Yuanxing asked with a smile, sitting upright at the same time, gesturing for Lu Chengqing to sit down as well: "There are not so many rules in front of me, as long as you respect me in your heart, there are no false etiquette


"Thank you, Your Highness!" Lu Chengqing saluted and sat down.

Li Yuanxing signaled for tea, and then said to Li Chang: "I intend to find a way for the military generals to make money, or in other words, this is a business for the Ministry of War. Who will take the lead?"

"General Qin!" Li Chang didn't need to consider the second person, Qin Qiong was definitely the best choice.

"Okay, I just said, who made me unhappy!" Li Yuanxing mentioned the topic that Li Chang mentioned just now.

Li Chang stood up: "Li Yi."

"Longxi Li family?" Li Yuanxing was the first to think of the guys he had been trying to cause trouble for him recently.

"Your Highness, this man's original name was Luo Yi, who was a Jiang general of the Sui Dynasty. Yin**yu, there is news from his army that he pretended to convey your Majesty's order to mobilize troops to quell the rebellion, and he is approaching Chang'an with his troops and horses. At most ten

He will arrive in Chang'an by the end of the day. Previously, Your Majesty had forgiven him for following Prince Yin, and sealed another 1,200 households."

Li Yuanxing had heard the name Luo Yi, and immediately asked: "Does he have a son named Luo Cheng? He also contributed to the Tang Dynasty back then!"

"His Highness, he doesn't have a son named Luo Cheng!" Li Chang would not say anything more and add something like Li Yuanxing was wrong.

"What did your Majesty say?" Li Yuanxing asked again.

"Just ask Your Highness to deal with this little thief." Li Chang replied respectfully.

Li Yuanxing raised his fist and clenched it tightly. He had never been in a war and had never seen blood. Li Er wanted to let himself see blood. It could also be said that he was using Luo Yi's heads as an army.

Sacrifice flag.

This chapter has been completed!
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