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814 Civilization and Barbarism

The men's heads were shaved, and the women's hair was cut short. Ohta Kazuo didn't see how the women bathed, so he thought they were similar to those of the male workers.

Those who have taken a bath receive clothes and a basket, and then each person receives two pieces of cake, a bowl of rice porridge, a side dish, and a fish.

Compared to the Japanese nobles, this food is probably not bad.

The biscuit is made of sugar residue, bean dregs, and stale flour. It is not like the military biscuits that also add oil and spices. It just adds some dough and steams it out, and then puts it in a big basket. Here

Serve pancakes, then porridge.

Ohta Kazuo was still sighing, the Tang Dynasty was really rich, and the food provided to these poor people was better than that of the nobles on the Japanese island.

While sighing, Ohta Kazuo was paying attention to a few people standing on a slope not far away. These people were very special, not because of their appearance, but because of their combination.

An old man with a short beard, who looked to be about seventy or eighty years old, was wearing a Han-style robe. Standing next to the old man was a little girl who was only four years old at most, wearing extremely gorgeous clothes. On the left side of the old man stood a girl dressed in

A gorgeous warrior with a long sword, and to the right of the little girl stood a woman whose clothes were no less than those of a Japanese princess.

Behind the four people, there were forty strong guards distributed in a fan shape.

The people in front seemed to be talking, but Kazuo was so far away that he couldn't hear clearly.

"Li Yuanxing's heart is getting more and more cruel!" The little girl is naturally Wu Zhao. Seeing the scene in front of him, Wu Zhao couldn't help but say.


This scene before me once appeared in the land of China. In the late Qing Dynasty, I don’t know how many Chinese people were loaded on ships and transported to the so-called Jinshan Mountain to build the railway. The history of the blood and tears of the Chinese workers is definitely not something that can be written in one book. Everyone who reads it

Anyone who studies history will feel sad about the late Qing Dynasty!

The cabinet master sighed softly. He didn't want to explain. He knew that Li Yuanxing had done nothing wrong.

"Girl, you are doing barbaric things in the name of civilization!" The cabinet master only said this.

Wu Zhao wanted to refute, but she couldn't.

"At that time, the guys who claimed to be civilized people were actually doing barbaric things. When grandpa came out, Li Yuanxing said something that grandpa actually listened to. Whether they are civilized or not, the most basic things on this planet are

The law is still the law of the jungle. So Li Yuanxing said that he is too lazy to wear the cloak of civilization. Only the top of the food chain is qualified to change the world."

The cabinet master's words did not evade anyone, but all the words in these words could be understood.

But only Wu Zhao could understand the meaning.

The cabinet master slowly pulled out a yellow scroll from his cuff, raised his hand and handed it to the young general beside him, Xi Junmai! Then he said to Wu Zhao: "The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty personally wrote the imperial edict, and the Japanese and others

Relegated to the third rank! Those who pass the Tang civil and military examinations are no different from the Tang people!"

Li Yuanxing just doesn't have any kind heart.

But the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was more direct. He had already seen the benefits of foreign wars. He also understood what colonization was, so he issued this imperial edict, which meant that these Japanese laborers were third-class slaves in terms of status, and

It's three levels lower than the Tang Dynasty's service.

Exceptions only apply to a small number of people. In the Tang Dynasty, they must pass the literary or martial arts examinations before they are eligible to enjoy the same treatment as the people of the Tang Dynasty.

The Wen Kao refers to the five subjects: Classics, Rites, History, Yi, and Yi. The Martial Arts Kao refers to the four subjects: Martial Arts, Techniques, History, and Rites.

Classics, of course, are classics. The famous works compiled by the Royal Academy of the Tang Dynasty are all called classics. Shi, are history books. At least you must understand the brief history from Zhou Dynasty to Tang Dynasty. Rites, Zhou Rites, Han Rites, and Tang Rites.

This can be said to be learning at the social and moral level.

Yi refers to the behavioral rules of the Tang Dynasty people. This is lower than the moral level and can be understood as the rules of the Tang Dynasty.

Art, poetry, calligraphy, music, painting, chess. You must know at least one thing.

Wu refers to basic force, physical fitness, and basic boxing and kicking skills. Skills refer to sword skills, sword skills, etc., which are specialized skills.

Those who have not passed the literary or martial arts examinations. Even if the Japanese make it to the first-class service, they are not as noble as the Tang people who have the third-class service.

After telling Wu Zhao, the cabinet master said to Xi Junmai: "Junmai! Thank you for running an errand for grandpa. Show this to the supervisors here and tell them not to talk too much. Just understand in your heart."


The cabinet master was very kind, and Xi Jun paid a military salute and trotted off.

Thirty thousand workers can be regarded as a big problem solved for the Yizhou construction site. There was originally a shortage of labor here, and a large number of laborers were transferred to Jiangning and Huating. The manpower for farming around Yizhou has already given the officials of various states and counties a headache.

It's amazing, there are still more people working as hard labor there.

Of the 30,000 people, less than 200 of them knew Chinese, so their status was immediately superior to others.

The gray-blue burlap clothes were taken back and replaced with blue fine linen supervisor uniforms. The shoes they were issued were also completely different. They were no longer linen shoes, but muslin thick-soled cloth shoes.

There are also a dozen who can actually write Chinese characters and can write more than 500 characters.

Then change into a sky blue silk gown, calfskin short boots, and each comes with a full leather briefcase.

The next day, all these people were brought to the construction site. Ten people were assigned to one tent, and they began to work after being assigned. They put on the shoulder armor-like thing, which was made of coarse linen.

Carrying stones, plowing the ground, pulling carts, and breaking foundations.

Wu Zhao came to inspect the work and sat in the big tent listening to reports from Ministry of Industry officials.

"Your Highness, the foundation can be dug five miles a day..." As soon as the official from the Ministry of Works opened his mouth, Wu Zhao dropped the bamboo board in his hand on his head: "Shut up! A total of four hundred and thirty miles, no mountains

There is no ditch but it is all plain. Do you have 30,000 people and only have five miles of foundation in one day?"

Wu Zhao's angry look made the cabinet master just smile.

Wu Zhao continued: "There is no need to open roads, gravel, and mixing lime are all done by machines, five miles a day?"

The official was sweating profusely and lowered his head, but he did not dare to raise his head. The five miles per day was based on the speed of laying foundations from Chang'an to Luoyang, plus one mile added.

"Thirty thousand people, the queue is so long, it's almost a dozen miles. Now you say five miles a day!" Wu Zhao really turned his back.

The official just wiped his sweat.

In fact, it takes about five miles a day to lay the foundation from Luoyang to Zhengzhou, but the terrain is incomparable to that here. There are many ditches and hills, which are either dug or filled, so naturally it is much slower. Here, there is nothing but plains. This is the only possibility.

It just takes up some farmland or passes through several villages.

In these four hundred miles, a total of six bridges need to be built.

The largest one is the one on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which is only a little over 200 meters long. The rest of the small rivers are short bridges within a hundred meters. None of these bridges use Li Chun, the Ministry of Industry

People have been sent to build it, and now the foundation is laid and handed over to these 30,000 workers.

The transportation of raw materials has nothing to do with these 30,000 workers.

"Ten miles a day!"

"This, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish this! I, my minister, my minister!"

"Shut up!" Wu Zhao hit the official on the head several times with a small bamboo board, but the cabinet master spoke at this moment: "Girl, come back and sit down. There is no use getting angry. Road construction is hard work.

They haven't been home for more than half a year, and it's been extremely hard here. The old man will repay them for this hard work!"

The chief officer of the Ministry of Industry here quickly bowed to the cabinet master to thank him.

"Girl, tell them how to repair quickly! Repair well!"

"You divide these 30,000 people into dozens of different teams. You have to make arrangements for what women do and what men do. A team of 1,000 people laying the foundation can move a mile a day. Tell them who can do it fastest and best.

Rewards. Give them pig food to those who do the worst, just to believe that they can’t do it quickly! They can’t do it well!”

The official turned pale and muttered, "What they are eating is already pig food."

Wu Zhao happened to hear this and immediately became happy. "Explain what you just said in detail!"

"When I go back to Princess Princess, after seeing the imperial edict, several of us discussed it. They can't eat the same food as our Tang craftsmen. So today's lunch was originally noodles, but the logistics department changed it and used 60% bean dregs.

Make noodles, then add chopped vegetables, and cook the old corn residue in it. Don’t worry about your scolding, princess, I have forty pigs at home, and this is what these pigs eat."

Wu Zhao couldn't close his mouth with laughter. He approached the official and whispered: "I know you are a good man. Think about what those evil officials in the Sui Dynasty did. If you are more ruthless, I guarantee that you can reach ten miles a day."

The official nodded and went out thoughtfully.

The dignified sixth-grade officer was scolded by a four-year-old girl for a long time, but he didn't feel any resentment. He seemed to have figured it out when he went out, and happily went to discuss it with his subordinates.

Wang Ba had been waiting outside the tent for a long time. When he saw the official coming out, he greeted him with a smile: "I've received the reward!"

"No, I was scolded." The Ministry of Industry and Commerce Zhengliu replied with a smile.

"You still laugh after being scolded?" Wang Ba didn't understand. But when the official imitated it, Wang Ba also laughed and said in a low voice: "Why don't you go back and check it out. As far as I know, many former Sui

If there are any cool officials alive, they must be working in that slave workshop. If you pick one of them, these people will definitely have something to do!"

"Is this appropriate?"

"You will know if it is suitable after you try it!" Wang Ba smiled and patted the sixth-grade officer of the Ministry of Industry on the back twice, strode into the tent, gave a military salute to the cabinet master, and then gave Wu Zhao a fist.

.With a smile on his face: "The general hired experts from Jeju in Luzon and found a three-foot-high red coral in the sea. The princess must like it!"

Wu Zhao hit Wang Ba on the calf with a bamboo board: "If you hurry up and get 200,000 laborers to send to the Qinling Mountains, I will be happier. You know that sixteen people died in the Qinling Mountains, and the founder of the mountain

No matter how careful you are, there is no way you won’t die. There are several dangerous places, and you’ll be given fifty cents a day, which is what those craftsmen earn from working hard!”

"Princess is kind and generous, I will go back to the island immediately."

"Also, that Japanese city lord, take him to Suzhou or Hangzhou to live for a few days, let him see what prosperity is. Money is not an issue, and neither is treasure. If it is done this time, I will give you a treasure at the end of the year.

Among the speedboats that run at least two hundred miles every hour, you are definitely the first!" (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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