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821 Tianying Pavilion supervises the country

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Hou Junji was scared to death.

He had just sat down in the position of the head of Tianying Pavilion when he got such a big shock. Even though Hou Junji had experienced hundreds of battles. On the battlefield where no blood could be seen in the court, the invisible sword was even more frightening. .

He did not dare to come directly to see Qin King Li Yuanxing, and instead summoned a meeting of Tianying Pavilion to discuss the matter.

At the same time, Li Jing, Fang Xuanling, and Du Ruhui, the three most powerful people in the old Qin palace, were invited to come to Qin Wang Li Yuanxing to seek a life-saving solution.

Tianying Pavilion!

Hou Junji had been silent for half an hour, just listening to the discussions among the cabinet members.

Gao Jian said to Hou Junji: "Hou Shangshu, being loyal to the country is naturally the true nature of our generation!"

Hearing what Gao Jian said, Hou Junji wanted to scold Gao Jian in his heart. His wisdom when he fought fiercely with foreign businessmen in the business district was eaten by dogs. He actually said something about being loyal to the country here. But he had no choice, these After all, words cannot be spoken. After taking a deep breath, Hou Junji spoke.

"Noble Master, Mr. Hou went to war for his country and was buried in horse leather. But this matter is different. Your Majesty is wise. There is a telegraph machine on the flying boat. If there are important matters, you can naturally use telegrams to communicate, but you can't ask for instructions on everything. Your Majesty. Not in Chang'an, many small things that are not big things are probably important things."

Gao Jian nodded: "That makes sense!"

"Hou's position has attracted countless people's attention. Hou has been the Minister of the Ministry of War for only a few months, but at the same time he has become the head of Tianying Pavilion. It can be said that when you climb high, you fall hard. Tianying Pavilion handles daily government affairs. , of course there is nothing wrong with your intentions. In a word, I am afraid of being framed by political opponents!"

Hou Junji even said that he was being framed by his political enemies, so there was nothing else he couldn't say.

"What does the supervision of the country represent? The people who supervise the country in the past dynasties are either princes or princes. It is the turn of the ministers. Even though the sage is wise and tolerant, he cannot stand the words of villains. You must know that some things are very scary in themselves. This It’s not just a matter for Hou. On a small scale, it’s a matter for the five pavilion masters of Tianying Pavilion. On a large scale, the entire Tianying Pavilion must be careful.”

In the age of imperial power, anyone who dares to peek at the artifact will die.

So it is normal for Hou Junji to be afraid.

Gao Jian said with a smile: "There are so many worries there, so naturally I won't say anything about not doing well. At the Ministry of Commerce, several ministers restricted each other in reviewing qualifications. Just for the sake of It’s not true. Since no one is looking for trouble, there is nothing wrong with the superiors and subordinates.”

Hou Junji understood. This idea was really a good one.

Find someone to restrain Tianying Pavilion, and then monitor the country. I'm not afraid.

But who can restrict Tianying Pavilion? Who else in the Tang Dynasty can restrict the supervision of the country that His Highness King Qin has already rejected?

Elsewhere, in the Qinling Mountains, Li Yuanxing was telling Li Jing and other three people about his thoughts on policy-making power. Policy-making power allows ordinary officials to directly submit a letter to Tianying Pavilion for government affairs within the scope of their management. If there is any If necessary, state-by-county policies can be changed.

What's more, national policies can be changed.

Of course, changing national policy is just an attitude. If we really want to change it, I'm afraid the movement will be too big.

"This proposal is acceptable, but there must be a process." Fang Xuanling supported Li Yuanxing's proposal.

As long as he can support it, Li Yuanxing said in his heart that this is the first step for Tianying Pavilion to decentralize power. Once this move is made, the people will know what Tianying Pavilion is doing every day and what trends the Tang Dynasty's national policy is in.

Li Yuanxing no longer cares about the specific details. He believes that Fang and Du will definitely find a way.

"Let's talk about Tianying Pavilion. In fact, I understand that Hou Junji is afraid." Li Yuanxing brought the topic back to the supervision of the country: "In fact, it is good to let the three provinces review some important decisions of Tianying Pavilion. Plan. Then give the Admonition Yuan more power and let them supervise the important cases approved by Tianying Pavilion!"

Separation of powers?

Fang Xuanling didn't have any particularly good ideas. The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty had to travel and there was no prince to supervise the country. Then Tianying Pavilion, the superintendent of the country, would probably not be able to escape. Hou Junji had a good personal relationship with them, so he put Hou Junji at risk. Fang Xuanling couldn't bear the matter of roasting.

Qin King Li Yuanxing’s proposal is acceptable.

Li Yuanxing left the three of them to have lunch before sending them away from Qinling. He expected that they would definitely discuss some details when they returned.

Seeing the three people walking away, Li Yuanxing let out a long breath.

It is better to stay away from the court and not stick to the side, so that you can always be the referee, not even the chess player.

"Your Highness, what are your plans for the afternoon?" Pei Xi asked next to him.

The visit of Li Jing and the others disrupted Li Yuanxing's original plan, so Pei Xi came to ask for instructions.

Li Yuanxing thought for a while: "I ordered you to choose a place to camp, and Princess Yu will stay and rest. You take a few people with you and accompany me to the construction site. Wear casual clothes and don't be so conspicuous."

Road construction in the Qinling Mountains is also a major event.

The road built by Li Yuan was more expensive than originally designed.

The original design was to build a railway. The original design was to build one section and then another section, and transport materials through the railway. When the construction actually started, it was found that there was no way for manpower to carry out the work in this way, except for some people beside the machine. Except for this, the rest cannot exert sufficient power.

The Ministry of Industry has surveyed this road many times, so the railway and the mountain road were built at the same time.

Railways are required to be straight, but mountain roads can be curved along the mountains. Horse-drawn carriages play a big role in transportation.

The railway has been built for more than 40 miles, and the mountain roads have been built for 70 miles. There are almost 50 miles of cement that can be used by large trucks. Moreover, after the mountain rocks dug out for road construction are broken up, they can be used as roadbeds, and there is no need to travel from far away. Every time there is a mountain road, a small gravel crusher is pulled over and the gravel is piled beside the road.

Li Yuanxing, wearing casual clothes, walked to the construction site, where a relatively difficult section of the Qinling Mountains was being drilled.

There are three major difficulties. The first is that the soil and rocks here are soft and there is a possibility of landslides. The second is that there will be underground water when the tunnel is being dug. This is a problem that the Tang craftsmen have never encountered before. Drainage is the first step. , how to ensure the foundation is the second step.

The most difficult thing is that the section of about 300 steps here can only be dug manually. If the machine moves, it will make the rocks even more unstable.

The Japanese people have only been working here for two days, and they are just getting familiar with it.

However, the Japanese did a good job in digging mountains and digging holes.

"It seems that the second hole over there has stopped working." Li Yuanxing pointed his finger and asked Pei Xi next to him with some doubts.

Pei Xi followed Li Yuanxing's hand and looked over. Work was indeed suspended there. Many people were gathered outside the cave, seeming to be talking about something?

Looking further away, the remaining construction sites are still busy working.

Li Yuanxing didn't ask Pei Xi to inquire. He just asked Pei Xi to get a sign for construction site inspection here. Then he took only four guards and walked into the construction site as a construction site inspection.

There, there were two foremans. One was speaking in Chinese and the other was speaking in Japanese.

"A cart of materials costs ten cents. Push it in and count the money when it comes out."

Li Yuanxing stood calmly in the distance, watching what was happening here. There were almost a thousand people gathered here, but they were clearly separated. The Tang people stood in one place, and the Japanese stood on one side, and there was no communication with each other.

They were all listening to the foreman's speech. Li Yuanxing didn't hear clearly what the foreman just said. He only heard that a load of materials costs ten cents.

"Go and find out what happened here?" Li Yuanxing whispered to Pei Xi.

The two foremans standing on the stage kept whispering, but Pei Xi found a strong man wearing the badge of the captain of the craftsman team and asked about what was going on here, and then led the strong man to Li Yuanxing.

"What's going on here?"

"To answer your question, the roof collapsed a quarter of an hour ago. At first, a few brothers felt water dripping from their heads."

Hearing the dripping water, Li Yuanxing was not a civil engineering major and did not understand it very well: "This dripping water should be caused by spring water seeping down from the mountain, right?"

"On the 23rd of last month, water was dripping from the hole in front. At that time, the foreman of that team didn't take it seriously. He just sent people to reinforce the roof. But the person who reinforced it didn't take it seriously either. He only used two pieces of wood to deal with it.

I was on an errand, but the roof collapsed that afternoon, killing sixteen people and injuring more than forty people."

Li Yuanxing knew about this accident.

But there are people in charge of road construction at all levels, and Li Yuanxing couldn't ask for details. He only knew that the matter was still being processed.

Who would have thought that when the strong man mentioned the dead, his face turned a little red: "A certain person is not very good at writing, so he asked someone to write a report for the foreman above. I thought that this was a mistake by the team member, and also by the person responsible for supporting him.

It turns out that they are not dead yet. This is because God has no eyesight and refuses to accept it!"

Li Yuanxing understood that this was a project error, and the person involved had not been punished yet.

Pei Xi said from the side: "If you believe the foremen at all levels above, the priority is to save people first. Then we will conduct a detailed investigation and give an explanation. If you do something wrong, you will be punished. How to punish it is also determined by the Tang Dynasty."

Lu Tiao. It’s only been a few days, so you don’t have to worry about getting angry, but what’s going on here?”

After listening to Pei Xi's words, the team nodded vigorously: "This brother is right."

"Besides, we saw dripping water here. Because of what happened last time, everyone retreated first. We were lucky. As soon as people exited, the roof collapsed. The collapse was not much, only a few meters.

It’s just a stone about ten feet square.”

"It didn't hurt anyone!"

"No, a few people fell. This shouldn't be considered an injury. We are currently discussing what to do next. I think in a while, the old craftsman Bai from the Ministry of Industry will be here. He is a capable man.

Let's wait for him to come over first, and everyone will feel at ease." The strong man said happily.

Obviously, these craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry are still trusted by the workers.

"Then what happened when you just said that a load of goods costs ten cents?" Li Yuanxing asked again.

"The roof has collapsed, and it's scary inside. To pay more to transport materials to repair the roof is to risk one's life." (To be continued...)

ps: The first update in the morning does not count, this is the real extra update. Please vote for the last half hour. Thank you everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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