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839 The Bottom Line of Human Nature


Li Yuanxing, who was standing on the flying boat, had seen tsunamis before, but never one so big.

The cabinet master said to Li Yuanxing: "Charge into the deep sea!"

Li Yuanxing nodded and turned around: "I order all ships in Haikou that are too late to enter the Seto Inland Sea to rush southeast against the waves."

This is not a small tsunami. Low-level ports like Washima cannot protect ships at all.

The Seto Inland Sea can, however, allowing Shikoku Island in Wajima to serve as a barrier to block tsunami waves. Saga Oita Port itself is in the bay. To the southeast is a peninsula dozens of miles wide extending out. Even if the ship will be somewhat damaged, it will

There will definitely be no big problem. The tsunami will definitely hit the land first and then flow into the inner bay.

But the outer sea is different.

If a tsunami in the ocean is only one or two meters high, it will be at least ten meters high by the seaside.

"Telegrams sent three times in a row. All ships are required to accept the order unconditionally and not to doubt the order. Rush toward the waves, don't slow down, rush!"

Li Yuanxing gave the order for the second time.

All the ships still in the outer sea preparing to rush to the inland sea received the telegram, and the telegraph operators even suspected that they had heard wrongly.

But after the order, three consecutive telegrams dispelled this suspicion.

All the captains were the most loyal generals of the Tang Dynasty. There was no reason to send further inquiries.

The speed of a tsunami in the sea can reach more than 500 kilometers per hour, and the waves of more than one meter high and nearly two meters make many captains who have never sailed in the deep sea feel a kind of inner fear.

Many captains tied themselves to the bow of the ship, and the telegraph room was constantly sending and receiving reports, which were all communication between the fleets.

Being asked to line up and rush towards the tsunami.

The navy of the Tang Dynasty has never truly met an enemy, and anything that stands in the way of the navy of the Tang Dynasty will be crushed.

The heroic posture of the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty charging in formation made many sergeants feel proud.

This time, Datang's navy set up a formation in the open sea and rushed over in the face of the increasingly high tsunami.

The height of the waves has exceeded the deck of the 500-ton battleship, and all the captains ordered almost at the same time: "At full speed, charge!"

The strong water flow washed away the battleships, and the superstructures of many battleships were somewhat damaged. The smaller the battleships, the greater the damage. The impact on giant ships of more than 2,000 tons was not great.

Just for a moment, after rushing through the terrifying waves, everything was calm and calm.

Is this the end?

When Datang's warships that had rushed through the tsunami slowed down and turned around, the waves that were originally about one foot high suddenly became huge, seven or eight feet high, making it impossible for them to see the coast of the Japanese island.

The speed is 500 kilometers per hour. The distance from the shore is less than a hundred miles, and it only takes a few minutes to get there.

There are thousands of fishing boats and 700 sailing ships and warships here on the Japanese island.

When the captains could see the coast clearly again, there were only countless wood chips on the sea surface. The coast was swallowed up by the sea water for more than ten miles, and there were no houses. There was no farmland, and even the trees were cut off by the sea water. From the coast to the inland, it was thousands of miles wide.

, nearly a hundred miles deep was razed to the ground.

"If we are on the shore, I wonder if we can resist?" A captain asked the first mate next to him.

"Maybe I can't resist it. We haven't learned anything about this. The situation gets more terrifying the closer we get to the shore. Was the wave just five feet high?" The first mate bit into a cigarette that was completely soaked in water with a trembling hand.

mouth, but the other hand didn't have the strength to take out the matches from the pocket.

The captain took out his stainless steel lighter and discovered that the first mate's cigarette was still dripping with water.

"Almost ten feet tall."

"Are you still fighting?" the first mate asked the captain.

The captain took out his cigarette. The beautiful box was actually waterproof. He took out one and gave it to the first mate and said, "I don't know, just wait for the order. Maybe... I won't smoke."

Why? Many boatmen were asking the captain why he expected to stop fighting.

The captain smiled and said: "When I was a child, my family and our neighbors had always been at odds. Because my family's surname was Bai and theirs was Zhao. Once, the two families fought over water. But for some reason, a house in the Zhao family caught fire. My grandfather

Ask someone to help put out the fire, and both parties agree to fight again in three months."

Such a theory may sound like nothing, but it represents human nature.

The cabinet man on the flying boat squinted at the Japanese island, then at the Tang fleet, and then at Li Yuanxing.

After a long time, the cabinet master finally said: "Grandpa wants to order disaster relief!"

"I ordered all the marines of the Tang Dynasty to disembark and rescue people. I ordered Huating Port to transport three million stones of rice. I sent people to see the Japanese king and told him that in one year, I will destroy them."

Li Yuanxing also hesitated, because there was no humanistic thought in ancient times.

The cabinet master's words made Li Yuanxing's heart tilt towards saving people.

Li Yuanxing's order was sent back to Chang'an City immediately. The three provinces, six ministries, nine temples, and dozens of subordinate divisions, Tianying Pavilion, and Jian Yuan all received Li Yuanxing's order at the same time, because the transfer of grain from Huating's port must be necessary.

Reported by three provinces and six ministries.

Li Er, who was sitting in the study, was stunned when he received the telegram.

The idea of ​​killing you while you are sick only exists in the minds of some pure robbers. Li Er is an emperor, not a robber. Even if he robbed the former Sui Dynasty, he was only the founding emperor, not a robber.

The first thing the Ministry of Rites sent was an article on ethics.

The article was titled "Benevolence" and contained a thousand words.

The Ministry of Rites believed that the Tang Dynasty educated the people with benevolence. Even if they attacked the city and occupied land, they would not massacre the people. They strictly ordered the soldiers to rob ordinary people. This was the basis of the benevolent government of the Tang Dynasty. The Japanese king was hateful and of course he should be taught a lesson. God has already sent down the sky.

Punishment, innocent people suffering disaster, is not what Datang wants to see.

The most amazing thing about this seal from the Ministry of Rites is...

He did not write about the Japanese people, but about the Japanese people of the Tang Dynasty. In the mind of the Ministry of Rites, the Japanese island was a fiefdom of the Tang Dynasty. Because the Japanese king had been canonized by the Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty inherited the Chinese orthodoxy and had the mandate

Yu Tianyin is the Chinese orthodoxy.

Several staff officers from the Ministry of War came in, Qin Qiong also came, and even Li Jing came to ask to see Li Er.

"This is the watch from the Ministry of Etiquette!"

"Your Majesty, I don't look at the statement of the Ministry of Rites. The Ministry of Rites talks about benevolence and righteousness, and they are not wrong. The Tang Dynasty should provide disaster relief, but the Japanese king is unrighteous and should be punished. I thought that if the chaos attacked the Japanese royal family, this can be written in the history books.

"Li Jing said very calmly, he knew very well how many people would be killed.

Li Yuanxing, who was sitting on the airship and checking the fleet's damage report, picked up a pen and issued an order: "Each ship will check on its own to see if it is the same as it was during training when facing a crisis. If it is not enough, each ship will blame itself.


"Your Highness, Your Majesty has a telegram, a telegram from Li Zhongshu, a telegram jointly signed by Fang and Du, a telegram from Tianying Pavilion, and a telegram jointly signed by six departments."

Li Yuanxing took the telex newspaper with a red header. This was no ordinary telex newspaper. It meant top secret.

There are only four words on it: Kill the Japanese!

Li Yuanxing sighed softly after reading it and handed the telegram to the cabinet master: "What do you think, grandpa?"

"Kill!" The cabinet master's tone was extremely cold, and he turned around and asked Pei Xi: "Where is Wu Bin, where is Yu Lin, and where is Chi Xue? Order Wang Ba to mobilize all his power. Cooperate with Yu Lin, Chi Xue. Destroy.

Kill the Japanese royal family. The Tang Dynasty is the emperor of kings, and there is no need for an Emperor of the Rising Sun in the Tang Dynasty."

"Your order!" Pei Xi gave a solemn military salute.

The cabinet master added: "After this matter is settled, ask Wang Ba to choose a few people to resist the matter."

"Wait a minute!" Li Yuanxing spoke, and Pei Xi, who was about to go out to deliver the order, was stunned for a moment. He only heard Li Yuanxing say: "If you pass on my order again, I would rather kill the wrong one than let go, the Japanese royal family and important nobles..." Li Yuanxing

He took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and then continued: "No one will be left alive."

"It's your order!" Pei Xifei also rushed out.

Soon, many flying boats landed, thousands of porridge shacks were built first, and then each ship began to use small boats to bring food to the shore. People who came with them and understood the Japanese language began to help the Japanese with disaster relief.

Fortunately, there are no large buildings here on the island, and even if some lath houses are destroyed by water, they will not be able to kill anyone.

But there was no food and no homes. More than one million people were affected by the Japanese disaster.

The area south of Heijōkyo and all the way to Tokyo Bay in later generations was swept away by the tsunami. On the entire south coast of the Shikoku region, not a single house within fifty miles from the shore was washed away.

People from the Tang Dynasty were providing disaster relief, and people from the Tang Dynasty were transporting food and treating the injured.

The Tang people taught a lesson to those who took advantage of the chaos to grab things, and killed those nobles who took advantage of the sky to steal the people's food rations.

But what the Japanese didn't know was that Wu Bin, Wang Ba, and Pei Chengxian were gathered in a valley, secretly calculating the route to Pingcheng Capital.

"His Highness said, no one will be left alive." Wu Bin emphasized.

"Don't worry, I'm more ruthless than you. Even I've done it to massacre the city."

"Old Wang, don't be impulsive. Although there is an order, I would rather kill the wrong person than let go. This is an order to eradicate the Japanese king. But you can't kill too much, otherwise it will always be a problem for the Japanese people to find out.

It’s troublesome. So my opinion is, let the Ichijo family and the Konoe family take the lead, and we will be responsible for killing people. Then set fire to it. There should be no treasures in the Japanese palace."

Wang Ba nodded: "That's it. I'll take people through the east gate."

"I'll go to Ximen." Wu Bin agreed.

Pei Chengxian shook his head: "There are only fifty people in Yulin here, and there are only three hundred people in Chixue. Moreover, Yulin has no general this time. What if someone escapes? So, Old Wang, seal each door and knock down each door."

, Yu Lin is responsible for killing the palace. Yida is responsible for clearing out the guards of those noble families. After you seal the gate, Old Wang, sweep the whole city."

"What if those Japanese rebelled and violated the military regulations of the Tang Dynasty?" Wang Ba asked. The military regulations of the Tang Dynasty he mentioned were that things like robbing civilians were not allowed.

This chapter has been completed!
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