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846 Patrol Again

Li Yuanxing mentioned that he wanted to make the game circle larger, but he didn't have a complete plan on how to make it bigger.

After Li Er pressed the question, Li Yuanxing asked in return: "Brother Emperor, how is the border?"

"Bianjiang, it should be good. I haven't received any bad news." Li Er thought about the seals he had read recently and answered easily.

When he said this, Li Er suddenly smiled proudly: "Wulang, the new prefabricated houses studied by the Ministry of Industry are ready for use. Some places have already used them. Wulang inspected the border during the New Year last year. They can be put in this year."

I will patrol the area again during the first month, and I also plan to take this opportunity to go out for a walk."

Li Er's inspection plan last year was canceled due to floods and Japanese islands.

"So, first stop?" Li Yuanxing asked.

"Mu River Valley!" Li Yuanxing had no idea where the place name Li Er mentioned was.

Wu Zhao explained in a low voice: "It's Mudanjiang."

Li Er has a character of leaving as soon as he wants, so he arranged a flying boat to prepare for the trip the next day. The Tang Dynasty is not as good as in previous years. Now Chang'an City is rich in materials and can fill tens of thousands of flying boats at any time. It is only for ten flying boats.

Packing food, clothing, letters and other items only takes time and there are too many supplies.

What is the most popular can in Chang'an City?

The specialty of Prince Qin’s Mansion, luncheon meat!

It is made of fatty meat, pulverized meat, starch, sugar, salt, spices, etc. The reason why Li Yuanxing is not willing to eat it is that there are too many additives in making this kind of lunch meat in later generations, and the source of the meat is also unknown.

It's hard to say. It makes people really uneasy.

Datang here has strict standards.

It is divided into five different levels: soldiers, soldiers, civilians, slaves and aliens.

At this level, the best quality meat is used, finely chopped into small cubes, and then served with good suet and starch.

In fact, there is not much difference between the two levels of military and civilian. The meat used is the same, and it must be minced with first-class meat.

The difference lies in the ingredients, the proportion of salt, sugar, and starch. Military supplies are required to use only corn flour, and any other flour is illegal.

Slaves are second-class minced meat. No one knows about this level to the outside world. Only the supervisory department of the Tang Dynasty knows about the existence of this level. To put it more bluntly, they are sold for takeout or for food to foreign slave workers. Of course, there are

Sometimes, the two levels of slaves and civilians would be affixed with beautiful color-printed labels, and then taken to Nanyang to earn money from the Nanyang nobles.

Could someone be cheating?

The answer is yes, there will definitely be people who take advantage of this loophole and try every means to make more money.

But the cost is huge.

It ranges from ten years of hard labor to the whole family being enslaved. In more serious cases, they may even be beheaded. There is also a joint-seat system. Workers working in the workshop who know that the family violates the rules and fail to report it will be considered a second offender.

When the flying boat took off, Li Lanshan didn't go, and Wu Zhao didn't go either. None of the seven princesses went. But they sent many maids to accompany Li Yuanxing. Li Lanshan and Wu Zhao didn't go because it was too cold there.

People went crazy. The seven princesses refused to go because they wanted to fight for more tonnage for their sons.

The speed of the flying boat has been improved, and it took five hours to fly from Chang'an to the place called Mugu by Li Er.

Mugu, this was originally the gathering place of the Mohe tribe. This is also a river valley basin. Because Mudanjiang was locally called Mu River at this time, it was also called Mugu.

Most of the nobles of the Mohe clan moved to the Central Plains, with Youzhou, Yunzhou, and Yizhou being the first choices, and a few came to settle in Chang'an. The Tang people in Mugu accounted for about 35% of the entire population. If the garrison is included,

It's almost 40%.

A poor farmer in Chang'an is a super landowner here.

Sitting on the flying boat, Li Er said to Li Yuanxing: "Wulang said that the ground here is full of treasures, and it is true. The black land was identified as first-class land by Sinong Temple. Last year, the corn here was eight million tons and the soybeans were one."

One million and two hundred thousand dan. And the rice sold at a sky-high price in Chang'an is also grown here, but it's a pity that there is less than 200,000 dan a year."

"They took the river transport and then went to sea in Vladivostok!" Li Yuanxing guessed.

"Yes, so corn and other things are eaten by the locals and then supplied to the port. The climate here is excellent. Li Chunfeng came here and calculated that this is a land of dragon prosperity. There is warm air in the south, but it can be blocked

The cold air coming from the north. Within a thousand years, there will be a real dragon born here."

Li Chunfeng is amazing.

But Li Yuanxing didn't say much about this issue and left the subject aside: "It's also extremely miserable here."

"Yes, the outpost on the ridge is indeed extremely miserable." Li Er nodded in agreement.

The flying boat flew directly over Mugu and continued north. Since it was a border patrol, it was definitely necessary to take a look at the border first.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness. According to the records of the Ministry of War of the Tang Dynasty, after climbing over the ridge, there is the northernmost outpost above the snow ridge. Further north, there are those semi-savages who do not accept the king's transformation under the leadership of Heishui Mohe. There are also some blue people.

But I heard from the leader of the Mohe tribe that those savages are very good at riding and are much taller than the Tang people."

Li Er sounds interesting.

The captain, who wore a mask on his face and belonged to the Imperial Security Department, continued: "Your Majesty, Your Highness, because of the language barrier, they call themselves Yakus, so we call them Yakus."

Just as he said that, the flying boat had already arrived above the outpost.

On top of the snow-capped mountain top, there is a barracks surrounded by wood.

There is no way for the airship to land on the top of this mountain, so it can only hover over the barracks.

The guards went down first, and then used the hanging basket to pick up Li Er and Li Yuanxing from the flying boat. But Li Er stood at the door of the flying boat and watched motionless. Li Er is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Who dares to ask why you don't leave?

People could only wait silently until Li Yuanxing whispered from the side: "Brother, hold on to the hanging basket!"

"Yes!" Li Er nodded slightly.

Li Yuanxing stood where Li Er stood just now and looked, but he didn't see anything special.

After getting off the flying boat, Li Yuanxing saw Li Er standing next to a wooden fence to the north. At this time, Li Yuanxing finally understood what Li Er was looking at?

It's a man, a sentry, wearing a white cotton robe, and then there are many soldiers hanging with dry branches.

As I got closer, I heard Li Er asking: "Why are there branches hanging on my body?"

Li Er has asked three times, but the soldier still stood motionless. The commander who arrived at the post came running out in single clothes and shouted: "Order, answer the question."

"Yes! The reason for hanging the branches is because there are eagles here, and they may attack if they see any living things."

The captain knelt in the snow and said, "Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"Go back and put on your clothes before coming out. The Iron Law of the Tang Army is on duty and he is silent. The Military Law is in front. He is not wrong!" Li Yuanxing waved at the side to signal the captain to go back first and not to disturb the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Er took a few steps back, stared at the young face, and nodded with satisfaction.

This is not staged, because there is no telegraph machine here, and Li Er suddenly wants to come here. It will take two days to walk here from Mugu, and three days to transport supplies, and it cannot be when it snows heavily. So there will be no one

Inform the sentry here that this is not just for show.

Being on the frontier and with the iron discipline of the Tang Dynasty soldiers, Li Er was very satisfied.

"How old are you? How long have you been here? Where is your home?" Li Er asked.

"Seventeen. The first year of the preparatory course of the Military Academy of the Royal Academy of the Tang Dynasty. The commander has orders. If you don't understand soldiers and don't know how to lead them, how can you lead the army? All students are sent to each army and strictly follow the regulations of each army. After one year, they can return to Chang'an to continue.


It seems that there is this rule, and Li Er is not sure how the Royal Academy holds classes.

The team was dressed neatly and came out again. They were brought to Li Yuanxing. After giving a military salute, he said: "Your Highness, our sentry post has to change guard every half an hour because of the bitter cold. It's already time to change guard."

"Whatever you want to do, do it! Don't let it affect you just because the Holy Spirit and the King are here. Go ahead."

Changing of the guard!

Li Er had naturally seen the Changing of Guards at the Forbidden Army, but Li Er was very interested in what the changing of guard was like.

After taking a few steps back, the military academy officer from the Imperial Security Department handed a scroll to Li Er.

When I opened it, I saw that this was a military regulation, which happened to be the rules for the changing of the guard at open posts.

A boy with a smile on his face, who was trying to win money in the room just now, was putting on the tree branch coat with the help of two people, then put on thick gloves, and then put on the twig coat made of someone who didn't know what it was made of.

Big, heavy boots.

Comes with knife and spear.

When the equipment was fully equipped, the smile on his face had completely disappeared and turned into an extremely serious expression.

The boots were very heavy, and he walked step by step to the sentry post due north: "Post No. 17, is there anything abnormal in your post? Are you..."

Five questions were asked in a row. After getting the answers, the two gave a high-five and then exchanged places. Next, the young man who was on duty just now asked: "Can you stay energetic? After dinner, you

Could it be..." There are five more questions, nothing more than whether you can complete this mission.

After receiving the answer, the young man at the original post slowly walked to the room and asked someone to help him take away the dry branches he was wearing. Li Yuanxing didn't know whether this thing could protect against eagles. But Li Yuanxing believed it more.

If the eagle has nothing to do, it won't attack people. Li Yuanxing won't say anything about this kind of thing. After all, it is the tradition here.

"This is a reward!"

Li Er said to himself.

"What's the reason for the reward?" Li Yuanxing also asked from the side.

Yes, what is the reason for the reward? They are just doing things according to military regulations, and they are very serious. But you can't say that they are the only ones who are serious. After the status of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty has increased, who among the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty is not serious?


Seeing that Li Er was in a bit of a dilemma, Li Yuanxing said: "Brother, guarding the border is extremely hard. After three years of guarding, you can be promoted, or you can arrange to go to places like Nanyang, Japanese islands, peninsulas, etc. It will be easier!"

"Tomorrow, brother, I will visit at least twenty outposts from a distance!"

This chapter has been completed!
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