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851 Li Yuanxing's South American PR

Li Yuanxing's fleet finally came to a stop. The speed of the ships was controlled very steadily along the way, but the coal consumption still exceeded the captains' calculations. Ocean currents, headwinds, heavy rain, etc., all will increase the coal consumption.

When Pei Xi reported the data on the fleet's coal inventory and the captains' concerns to Li Yuanxing.

Li Yuanxing just smiled calmly, as if he had everything under control.

If His Highness the King of Qin is not worried, then no one will be afraid or nervous.

The worst case scenario is that when the ship sails to Hawaii, some more wood will be cut and put on the ship. If it is impossible to dismantle the ship, it will still be made of wood.

"Send the order!" Li Yuanxing took a pamphlet from Wu Zhao and handed it to Pei Xi: "Tell all the captains to send sergeants into the water to check the bottom of the ship. There will be some small things chewing the bottom of the ship in this sea area. Once every three days, there will be

It’s very important to clear the things under the boat!”

Pei Xi went down to deliver the message.

When Pei Xi came back, Li Yuanxing had already asked people to carry out several boxes from the cabin. The boxes were filled with bamboo tubes of exactly the same size. The lids were made in the future and sealed with wax.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Li Lanshan helped Li Yuanxing tidy up his clothes, then tied a pistol and holster together, and then said to Li Yuanxing: "This is a small-caliber revolver, it won't jam. Remember, this pistol also has a safety.

If there is any danger, you shoot, and people will be sent to rush over immediately."

Li Yuanxing moved his arm and it felt fine. There was nothing particularly uncomfortable.

A high-power walkie-talkie is clipped to the belt, and the headphones are hung up.

Li Yuanxing only took four people ashore in a small boat. Each person had a crossbow on his back and a long cloth bag in his hand. The knife was wrapped in the cloth bag. According to Li Lanshan, with obvious

With metal weapons, the other party will consider you an enemy without even talking to them.

Unless you plan to conquer by force, don't bring metal weapons.

Latin America, ancient Indians.

Of course, this is just a general term. In fact, there are many ethnic groups with their own names.

Not long after walking along the coast, I saw a tribe from a distance. There were many people holding primitive bows and arrows and spears looking at Li Yuanxing and his party from a distance.

"Your Highness, these are just these people, they are not a threat at all!" Pei Xi said very politely.

With such equipment, any one of them can kill a hundred of them. As long as he has a crossbow in his hand, a throwing knife on his waist, and a steel knife, he will not regard these people as enemies at all.

Language communication is simply impossible. According to Li Lanshan's knowledge, Indian language is just a general term. In fact, there are dozens or even hundreds of languages. They are also divided into several major language families. Let alone Li Lanshan, just take one of the most modern modern languages.

Even with a smart computer, Li Yuanxing wouldn't be able to translate the other party's language.

However, I carefully considered choosing this place to land. Because Li Lanshan believed that a few simple words might be understood here. It was just a guess, a matter of probability.

However, Li Yuanxing believed that he would definitely teach them Chinese.

Take out a bag of sugar from your pocket. This is high-quality candy, with enough spices added, as well as some very precious dried fruits such as peanuts, sesames, and walnuts. Take two of them and hold them in your hand. Take the bag

He reached out and handed it out.

The other party didn't respond.

Li Yuanxing smiled and took out a piece, threw it to a child, and then put a piece in his mouth.

This is edible!

This is the signal Li Yuanxing brought to the other party. Exchanging food is a sign of friendship. In primitive tribes, food is the most important material of the tribe.

Feeling Li Yuanxing's friendliness, a wizard came out, opened his hands, clapped them, and raised them in the air.

At this time, Latin American tribes already had a system similar to that of a state, with wizards, tribal leaders, officials, and warriors. Then came the lower classes, commoners, slaves, etc., in the form of tribes. Similar to the Sanhuang Dynasty before the Xia Dynasty in ancient China,

The times are somewhat similar.

"Dear relatives, coming from the west!" Li Yuanxing made a series of strange pronunciations from his mouth.

The combination of these words was analyzed by Li Lanshan with great effort.

The language used is Yucatan. Someone has studied that this language has 22% to 26% overlap with Chinese. Judging from the remaining language differences, it should be 5,000 years ago.

of ancient Chinese.

"Heaven, man, one!" As if sensing the friendliness of the other party, the wizard also tried to communicate and said three words.

Li Yuanxing sounded as if he could understand him. The first pronunciation of the other party seemed to be "日".

"Yuan Xing, he is talking about the unity of heaven and man." Li Lanshan gave a very positive answer. She was confident that she was not wrong.

Heaven and man are one!

Li Yuanxing opened his arms and looked up at the sky, then hugged his chest tightly, and then slowly opened his arms in parallel.

This is the expression of the unity of nature and man that Li Yuanxing understood.

The wizard smiled and actually made the same move as Li Yuanxing. Li Lanshan, who was standing on the boat looking at it with a high-power telescope, also breathed a sigh of relief. It was obvious that the other party accepted Li Yuanxing's kindness.

Li Yuanxing took out a cigarette, lit it in his mouth, and then handed one to the wizard.

Smoke when they meet! Wu Zhao's eyes turned blue. What kind of rhythm is this? Do you think you are in the modern world? Just when you were about to scold Li Yuanxing for his abnormal brain, you saw Li Yuanxing lighting up a cigarette and then lighting it for the wizard.


The high-five turned out to be a very happy high-five between the two of them.

Li Lanshan said at this time: "Tobacco originated in Latin America, and the ancient Mayans smoked it. It is definitely a very strong etiquette for Indians to entertain distinguished guests and smoke together. Although Li Yuanxing's cigarettes are simple, they are very suitable for the taste of people here. I guess

There will be a banquet between them, smoking around the fire, but I don’t know if there will be wine!”

"Go to the boat and find someone for me who has studied ancient proverbs, and then bring ten jars of wine and fifty cans." Li Yuanxing ordered softly.

It was still daytime, but a fire was set up.

Li Yuanxing's lighter made of fine steel and filled with kerosene is definitely a very precious gift. The cigarettes in bamboo tubes are no longer a gift, but a precious commodity. This is better than the tobacco that is directly produced without processing.

After it was burned, there was so much delicious food that all the dignitaries of the tribe sat around the fire.

Li Yuanxing's men are very strong warriors, which can be seen without words.

Li Yuanxing tried his best to tell the other party that he wanted to treat him to a meal with words, actions, and all possible expressions. Food is the biggest gift.

A canned pig's trotters was placed next to the fire.

This is made of fine steel. People in these tribes don't know what steel is, but they know that it is a metal object. Using metal objects to hold food is only possible for sacrifices, or to put it another way, it is for sacrifices.


Each person has a beautiful porcelain bowl and a piece of pig's trotter.

Tang people knew how to eat it, and with the help of various spices, it was naturally not as delicious as these tribal nobles could imagine.

Pig's trotters, mutton, beef, fish, chicken. They have tasted every one of them.

The wizard also whispered to his men, and after a while, someone came over carrying a rattan basket. The wizard grabbed a big handful... It was amazing, they gave them top-quality titanium crystals. It was such a big handful, just for exchange

A can.

It can’t be too dark. I’m warning myself.

Three cans were exchanged for a piece of fine titanium crystal the size of an egg. There was one piece the size of a football. Li Yuanxing directly had eighty cans piled up. Or he gave him a piece of silk.

The language was still difficult to understand, but Li Yuanxing understood at night that the other party wanted to take him there.

We temporarily returned to the boat and agreed to set off early the next morning.

"We will go there. If they are just a village, then they may go to a larger town. Select five hundred elites, hide the weapons, and let's go to be businessmen." Li Yuanxing said in the conference room.

"Your Highness, are we still afraid of these people?" Wu Bin asked from the side.

"Wu Bin, there is a legend. About four thousand years ago, or 4,500 years ago, a group of people from the Central Plains crossed the ocean and came to the Far East. What I want to verify is that their legend is

Isn’t there something similar? If so, do you think your knife will still be placed on their necks?”

The concept that Li Yuanxing instilled in the people of the Tang Dynasty was that China is of one mind.

That's why Li Yuanxing and Li Lanshan chose the South Bay of Latin America. There are few people here, unlike Mexico in later generations, which already has a complicated political regime. It's not easy to talk. Let's get in touch slowly first, and then talk. What's more, this place will belong to Li Jia in the future.

When it was not necessary to fiefdom, Li Yuanxing chose peaceful integration.

Li Yuanxing's fleet consisted of a large ship with a load capacity of 3,000 tons and six armed merchant ships of 1,300 to 1,800 tons. The soldiers alone led 2,000 people, and 500 elites were selected. Pei Xi took the lead, and then

Bring enough goods and prepare for a long journey.

Wu Bin couldn't follow him. One of his arms was made of metal. He was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble.

Li Yuanxing, a once strictly trained personal guard, had a radio station on his back that had never been used. The communication range was between 200 and 300 kilometers, and it used batteries and solar energy to charge it. Four more people were sent to protect him. This thing Datang

There are only four of them, and Li Yuanxing really doesn't want to use them unless he has a last resort.

That tribe, or village.

Twenty tribesmen with weapons were sent out, led by the wizard himself, and led Li Yuanxing deep into the dense forest.

Li Yuanxing led professional soldiers. Some were responsible for recording the roads, while others were responsible for leaving marks.

After walking for about two hours, I started to rest.

What they eat is dry food, and these primitive villagers also eat grains.

"Your Highness, we have walked about forty miles. There are signs on the road!" Pei Xi whispered to Li Yuanxing from the side.

After resting, continue. After walking for more than eighty miles in total, Li Yuanxing saw densely populated city-states, markets, and stretches of farmland.

This chapter has been completed!
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