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883 Blue Sky and White Clouds

Engineers and soldiers, there is nothing that engineers and soldiers cannot overcome.

Whether it is a snow-capped mountain, next door, or in the wilderness, the promise to complete the mission is definitely not an empty promise, it is an iron-blooded oath.

Thirty-six hours. At seven o'clock in the morning on the third day, thirty-five hours had passed. Everything had been completed. People from more than thirty research institutes and laboratories across the country had worked hard for two days.

Dozens of core components have been installed.

"Computer simulation, trial run successful!" The person in charge of the main control was also wearing a military uniform.

A top student who was originally a Ph.D. student in physics and electronics was forcibly recruited into the army. In this dark main control room, for two years, except for the soldiers in charge of the guards and the geniuses who were forcibly recruited, he never saw him again.

People outside.

And even with other geniuses, we only met during lunch and when we went out to bask in the sun.

He is one of the few people who knows what this machine really is.

Political Commissar Zhou walked into the control room accompanied by Mr. Zhao. Seeing the hard-working and unkempt scientists here, he bowed deeply: "On behalf of China, I thank you for your efforts. This place nominally belongs to the Tang Dynasty."

The company's statement stated that it was completed by Datang Enterprises with more than 70 billion in financing, but it could use more than 70% of the scientific research institutes in China, and even used half of the military's secret research institutes."

All the scientists stood numbly, not knowing who the old man who spoke was.

They don't usually watch the news, they only know about academics and don't understand politics.

A scientist in his seventies said: "The blueprint of this machine is amazing. If everything is really as described in the blueprint, then this will benefit mankind. This is not measured by money, but by money.

It is a priceless treasure. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we can only barely replicate this machine. We cannot understand many of its principles at all. What is even more shameful is that there are about 10% that we cannot even replicate."

"Get ready to turn on the machine. Let us witness this era." Mr. Zhao shouted.

Mr. Zhao is the person these people are most familiar with. Mr. Zhao appears here almost every day, whether he is wearing military uniform or not. For an old man in his eighties, working so hard every day is enough to be recognized.

Following Mr. Zhao's order, the first thing to be opened was a huge curtain wall covering a thousand square meters and composed of countless monitors.

On the monitor, it is the peak time for work in the early morning. Each camera can see only about 700 meters. The farther away, the air starts to slowly turn gray. The air quality of the ancient city has never made the people of the ancient city happy.

But after living for so many years, I have gradually adapted to it.

"Give the people of the ancient city a blue sky!" Mr. Zhao tried his best to keep his tone as calm as possible.

It's twenty minutes until eight o'clock sharp.

For the entire park and thousands of staff, it is not easy.

The first is the power plant. No matter how mature the technology of the nuclear power plant is, the moment it is turned on, the person in charge here is worried. Until he saw that all the instrument data were completely normal, he breathed a long sigh of relief, picked up the microphone and shouted

: "The power is normal!"

After saying that the power was normal, tens of thousands of signals were transmitted to the main control computer.

Signals came from every air purification tower in the ancient city. If any one of them malfunctioned, thirty emergency repair vehicles were prepared in advance and would arrive immediately. When the power was originally insufficient, a single machine test was conducted using electricity from the city power grid.

, so this time only a few units had very minor problems, which could be solved within an hour.

"Report, main towers No. 1 to 21 are normal, covering 187 square kilometers. Please give instructions!"

According to Li Yuanxing, each of the twenty-one towers is ten square kilometers. But in fact, it is impossible for the towers to be seamlessly connected with each other. There are overlaps, and there are also slight differences in some places, so overall

It covers an area of ​​187 square kilometers. It can be said that all the suburbs of the ancient city are included in it.

Mr. Zhao asked Political Commissar Zhou to go forward and press the start button.

Political Commissar Zhou shook his head: "I'm not qualified for this. I think it's just for show. Those who are qualified for this include you, Lao Zhao, and Liangzi who hasn't been home for two years, or anyone here."

Mr. Zhao can be a popular figure.

When the start button is pressed, nothing seems to happen.

On the surveillance wall, it seems that it is still the same as before. Those stuck in traffic continue to be stuck in traffic, and those in a hurry continue on their way.

Did it fail?

This idea just flashed through my mind, and based on the principles mentioned in this drawing, it is impossible to see immediate results.

Political Commissar Zhou kept his composure and said to his secretary: "Let the environmental department of the ancient city monitor the data." Political Commissar Zhou's secretary recorded it, and when he was about to go out, a screen suddenly changed.

The gray is much less gray, and Nanshan Mountain can be vaguely seen.

"Position!" the old professor in charge rushed up and shouted.

"One kilometer outside the South Third Ring Road of the ancient city." Someone immediately reported the location of the camera.

Ancient city, urban area. Two car owners who bumped into each other because of a traffic jam were discussing who was more at fault. According to common sense, the party with more faults takes full responsibility and calls the insurance company.

"Wait a minute." One of them suddenly said, then looked around and then up.

"Don't make any mistakes yet..." The other person just started, and seemed to realize the difference. Besides, the smell of the air had changed, and it had a very fresh feeling. He raised his head unconsciously.

Not only them, many people on the walk also stopped and looked up at the sky.

Many cars waiting at red lights on the road did not start again, and many car owners left their cars and looked up to the sky.

The whole city seemed to be possessed. Almost everyone in the city stopped. The bus driver did not urge people to squeeze back. Those who were squeezing to get on the bus also stopped squeezing and looked up.


The gray sky is turning blue at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Time seemed to have stopped, and the whole city became completely quiet. No matter what they were doing, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the sky.

Just like the sky seen on the prairie!

Blue sky, white clouds.

Many people looked at the sky quietly, many exclaimed that this was a miracle, but more than a thousand people sat on the ground and cried. For nearly 800 days and nights, with an investment of 80 billion, some people just stayed

I didn't know how many days I kept guarding those artificial trees. Many people sat on the ground and cried.

The joy of success, they created miracles.

Even if they are just an inconspicuous little screw in this miracle.

"Get ready for the press conference!" Political Commissar Zhou knew it was time. This is a technology that benefits mankind.

"That garbage plant hasn't tested the machine yet?" Mr. Zhao said next to him.

"Well. The press conference will be held tomorrow. Let the city government prepare some garbage, of course all kinds of garbage, including electronic waste. Remember that report said that used mobile phones will have some very special effects. No matter what,

.We also need to prepare a truckload of e-waste. This is the task.”

Political Commissar Zhou has already assigned this matter as a task.

After leaving the control room, he stood in the park and looked up at the sky. Political Commissar Zhou knew very clearly that what he was about to face would be dignitaries from all over the world. This press conference was no longer something that the ancient city government could face.

, Environmental issues are global issues, and this air purification alone is enough to shock the world.

The blue sky of the ancient city spreads to the whole world at lightning speed.

Reporters from all over the world flocked to visit, and those who couldn't buy air tickets even chartered small planes to come to the ancient city.

Even if the media in the ancient city couldn't get admission, they would send all their reporters to interview passers-by on the streets. Not to mention the people in the ancient city, even the reporters didn't understand what was happening?

But there is one thing that the people in the ancient city know.

There are some artificial trees in the city. Many people originally thought they were cell phone signal towers. It was not until this morning that those trees were officially labeled: air purification base stations!

No public facilities will be subject to the same degree of man-made damage.

The first exception appeared. The self-organized Aunt Supervision Team protects every base station. No one wants to let the blue sky of the ancient city disappear. To be more selfish, no one wants to let the air near their home be worse than other places. This thing

Someone must have stolen it, someone must have wanted to steal it and study it.

Bai He, who had been running all morning, had just returned to the office when he looked at Liang Zi who was waiting for him with a bouquet of flowers.

Liangzi is a very mysterious family member. Bai He's colleagues only know that Bai He is married to a lawyer, but no one has ever seen her. This is the first time Liangzi appears at Bai He's place of work after so many years of marriage.

The newspaper staff who have been busy all morning are preparing to gossip during lunch.

"You..." Seeing Liangzi, Bai He suddenly didn't know what to say.

However, Ryoko took out a ring, a metal one. It was obviously not platinum or silver, but seemed to be made of iron.

Facing the doubts in the eyes of many people, Ryoko was very calm: "We succeeded. This ring is made of iron purified from heavy metals separated during the air purification process of the ancient city. There are nine rings in total. I am qualified.

Having one, this ring represents a miracle."

Bai He did not doubt Liangzi's words. Although she insisted on her work, it did not mean that she had no idea what Liangzi was doing.

Just when Bai He was about to take the ring, someone rushed over and tried to grab the ring but failed.

The two people waiting for Ryoko at the door immediately ran in, one of them even took out a gun.

"Don't be nervous!" Ryoko stopped the person who was protecting her.

The man who grabbed the ring shouted: "News, this is big news. Just take a look, just take a look."

Liangzi smiled and shook his head, and handed the ring to Bai He: "You have to ask for leave. You have to stand next to me at the press conference tomorrow morning. Someone has prepared the press release. I need you and me at this time.

Share it together, and today’s air purification is just a by-product, the real miracle will be tomorrow!”

"Yes!" Bai He nodded heavily.

Just when Liangzi was taking Bai He to leave, Bai He said: "Don't make me resign, I like being a reporter." (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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