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889 The Broken Inheritance II

Li Yuanxing's choice as the scapegoat was really good.

Li Lanshan, who was teaching natural science to these children, couldn't help but tremble in her heart after hearing the news about Breton Island.

You know, there is only one outcome between believers and pagans.

That is, bleeding, constant bleeding.

Li Yuanxing's influence in the Tang Dynasty was huge. Li Yuanxing said he wanted to kill people, and Li Chengqian dared to kill all the dissatisfied people in Bulidian Island. The Europeans seemed to have experienced their crusade to deal with the infidels in advance.

, it’s just that they are heretics now.

Li Yuanxing's words had already spread several times among the upper aristocratic circles of the Tang Dynasty before the next morning.

When someone hears some secret news, they realize after hearing it that they seem to have told someone else the news.

Li Yuanxing had a rare sleep and only woke up at eight o'clock in the morning.

"Qiuxiang, water!" Li Yuanxing called out softly and felt a cup being handed to him. He picked it up and took a sip and saw that it was Li Er who personally handed him a glass of water.

I didn't feel particularly nervous, just a little surprised.

"Continue today." Li Er's expression was very serious: "Yesterday was too sudden for Brother Wei, nothing will happen today!"

Qiuxiang was holding a bowl of medicine. Li Er took a sip and drank it and said to Li Yuanxing: "This is medicine to purify the qi and calm the mind!"

Li Yuanxing found a piece of clothing and put it on, jumped out of bed and nodded to Li Er.

At this time, Li Er said to Qiuxiang: "I have made an appointment with Li An for lunch. You can arrange it. It doesn't matter what you eat, I can't miss the appointment. Come and remind me at noon." After that, Li Ercai and Li Yuanxing walked to the study.

It's still in the same position as yesterday. Qiuxiang has arranged for someone to clean up the table in the study that was overturned by Li Er.

There was breakfast on the table, and Li Er casually took a few bites and said, "Wu Lang, let's start."

"Brother Imperial, I'm afraid it will be a history of blood and tears."

"For my brother, I must hold on, and for my brother, I must see clearly. After a thousand years, how much of my Chinese heritage will I still have?" Li Er made up his mind.

Li Yuanxing turned on his computer and continued to play documentaries spanning five thousand years.

When the Ming Dynasty broke through the Yuan Dynasty and the country was established, Zhu Ming and Hongwu killed the heroes. Li Er had blue veins on his forehead. He was another stupid emperor. He was also a pathetic emperor. Li Er felt more sympathy.

Yongle was the emperor, he made seven voyages to the West, became famous overseas, and the Emperor of Heaven kept his oath at home. Li Er became more and more fond of the Ming Dynasty. But the Ming Dynasty still had many problems.

The Little Ice Age, famine, rebellion in the northwest, and Jurchens in the northeast.

The Ming Dynasty perished.

Li Er cried, and silent tears were more touching than crying loudly.

Li Er missed the appointment. He did not keep the appointment on time. Li An was accompanied by Li Lanshan for lunch. Li Lanshan said to Li An: "Second uncle and father forgot to eat because they were too serious about their work."

"When I was playing, I forgot the time and didn't eat on time. Mom said it was my fault, but what about my second uncle?" Li An asked.

"You are playing by yourself, while my second uncle is busy for millions of people. I remember one time, you helped Grandpa Bai grow watermelons and forgot to eat lunch. What did mom do at that time?"

"My mother praised me because I was helping others instead of just playing around. She also rewarded me with candy!" Li An nodded seriously: "So, my second uncle's hard work is for many people.

He is not playful. Then I will forgive my second uncle for breaking the appointment."

Li Lanshan smiled and touched Li An's head.

Naturally, Li Lanshan knew what Li Yuanxing was reading to Li Er.

Scene after scene, drops of blood seem to be flowing from the screen. The burning of Yuanmingyuan, the Opium War, and Puyi’s outrageous remarks: No matter how many Chinese people Japan kills in the Northeast, as long as I can’t be the emperor,

Unwilling to give in, Li Er watched silently.

Several times, Li Yuanxing wanted to turn off the computer.

Because Li Er's complexion is really bad. If this continues, Li Yuanxing is really afraid that something will go wrong with Li Er.

Finally, the Anti-Japanese War was over, and Li Yuanxing pressed pause at this time and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Goro, if these were shown to Zhijie, Yakushi and others, half of Europe would probably be killed, and there would be no more living Japanese on the Japanese islands. You are a coward! My heart aches for my brother, my heart aches. Let my brother be quiet for a while.

, don’t let anyone disturb you, let me be quiet for a while.” Li Er waved his hand, indicating to Li Yuanxing to leave first, he wanted to be quiet for a while.

It's late at night again. The sky is still so quiet and the moon is shining in the sky.

Li Yuanxing said to himself that it was a good thing that what he showed Li Er was a brief history he had selected. If it were detailed for five thousand years, Li Er would probably be stimulated and go crazy.

But from another perspective, don’t Li Er’s reactions represent a normal Chinese person?

About half an hour later, Li Er called Li Yuanxing into the room again.

Li Er lit up a cigarette that Li Yuanxing bought from Hyundai and took a long breath.

"Wulang, after the fall of the Song Dynasty, although China lost a lot, it was not terrible enough. It was just some writing, crafts, technology, or wealth. Now think about it, it doesn't matter. If you lose it, you can rebuild it again.

Creation can be learned again.”

Li Yuanxing nodded. With the demise of the Song Dynasty, Chinese civilization lost a lot of its essence.

"But, during the Ming Dynasty, China lost something very important."

What did Ming Dynasty lose? Li Yuanxing was a little surprised: "Brother Huang, what do you think Ming Dynasty lost?"

"In the Ming Dynasty, culture was prosperous and military was weak. Although in the Song Dynasty, the status of military generals declined, but in the Ming Dynasty, the status of military generals was completely controlled by literati. How could someone who could only play with pens kill people? There are yin and yang in the world, and literature is yin.

, Wu Weiyang. Wulang thinks that if this balance is lost, can the dynasty be preserved? "

"I'm afraid that the generals will rebel!"

"Goro, you yourself once said that rebellion is like setting fire on the grassland. The hay will be burned up in one fire, but what about the grassland after the rain. As an emperor, he did not give his dynasty a good foundation. It is only the military commander's fault.

If the Binghui rebels, this dynasty is destined not to last long from the beginning."

After Li Er explained this, he gently shook his head.

"Brother Royal?"

"Wulang, the fall of the Tang Dynasty was due to the fact that the territory of the Tang Dynasty was too large. It took more than a month for a decree to be transmitted, so the power of the local governor was too great. But if power was not delegated, it would be difficult to manage. It could be reached in one day.

, is the place of true control. Corruption is also the bane of destruction!”

Li Yuanxing did not answer and continued to wait for Li Er to continue.

"During the Ming Dynasty, what China lost was the balance of yin and yang. But in the Qing Dynasty, what China lost was truly fatal. It can be said that the Qing Dynasty destroyed China. Foreign enemies did not dare to attack powerful opponents easily. It was because of the Qing Dynasty that they were weak.

Became prey. The Qing Dynasty made China lose its backbone and become more servile."

Li Yuanxing knew the term servility, but when facing Li Er, Li Yuanxing still had to ask the most detailed questions.

"Brother Emperor, aren't slaves servile?"

"Brother, let me answer you. The servility of people and the servility of a nation. This is a qualitative difference. The mainstream class of a dynasty is iron-blooded and proud. Even if half of the people in this nation are slaves, they will not be defeated. Because of the iron-blooded

People who do this will show their arrogance, whether it is through coercion or self-recrimination.”

Li Yuanxing immediately asked: "Brother Emperor, what has China lost?"

"Proud!" Li Er gave a very sure answer.

"Ao?" After Li Yuanxing repeated it, he didn't know whether his understanding was the same as Li Er's.

Li Er said at this time: "Wulang, my brother wants to ask you. When you stand in Chang'an Street without any clothes, what do you have in your heart? Wulang, you said that as the King of Qin, even if you are naked, you are still the King of Qin."


Li Yuanxing completely understood.

In modern terms, what Li Er said is national pride.

"Wulang, you can't ask the people to have the same pride as you, King Qin, but you can use your pride to support the people. Once it is passed down to ten, it will be passed down from ten to a hundred. Only then will the people be proud and know how to be proud. Wulang, let the Tang Dynasty

When the people go out, they can raise their heads high and proudly shout that they are Tang people, die as Tang people, and will fight and die for the dignity of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Er is an ancient person compared to Li Yuanxing.

In terms of academics, knowledge, and history, none of them are as good as Li Yuanxing.

But Li Er had a Chinese soul and a Han soul in his heart. The wise ministers and generals around Li Er were also fighting for the Tang Dynasty. They were the proud men who supported the powerful Tang Dynasty, countless iron-blooded soldiers, and countless

The ordinary people who were proud of the Tang Dynasty, together with them, supported the powerful and prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Li Er suddenly laughed. He stood up and raised his hands high, waved them vigorously and said to Li Yuanxing:

"Wu Lang, you've been around for five thousand years, but you've still learned how to be a brother!"

"Brother Imperial?" Li Yuanxing looked confused. Li Er was so abnormal today that it was beyond his understanding.

"Corruption will destroy a dynasty, but looking at history, corruption will be relatively less during long-term war confrontations. In the Three Kingdoms era, there were more good ministers and famous generals, and corruption was also very rare. When faced with the invasion of powerful enemies, at that time

Patriots, when they are dedicated to the nation and sacrifice everything, this is integrity. So..."

When Li Er said this, he stopped.

With Li Yuanxing looking forward to it, Li Er changed the subject: "A general like Yue Fei would rather die for his brother to keep him safe. But such a general will never appear in an era of ease.

.So, Brother Wei has decided to release the technology of Goro’s giant steel ship to the outside world, and let Brother Wei’s son, your son Goro, open the curtain of world war.”

Li Yuanxing was stunned. He had never expected that such a situation would occur.

"It is a blessing to have an enemy in life. Even if it is my brother's son, your Wulang's son, or someone else's son who sits on the throne in Chang'an City in the future, I think there will be no Wenzi in the world.

Faint, without force there is no bones!"

This chapter has been completed!
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