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【10】War without gunpowder

With a deposit of NT$30,000, you can stay for one month, and the house price will be cheaper by NT$80,000.

No matter how you look at it, you have made money.

One month later, if I can't even make two million US dollars, I'm really not worthy of my status as a loser.

May 11, 1400.

Sunny to cloudy.

The land is still moist, and the thick clouds float slowly, pushing the light and shadow on the earth to move, as if a heavy rain is still brewing.

Zhou Li'an looked outside the account and knew that the rain the day before yesterday should have lasted for two full days.

In the corner of the tent, there was a dozing girl huddled.

After seeing his sudden appearance, he quickly knelt on the ground.

Zhou Li'an looked at her strangely, not because he was surprised why she was waiting here, but because the girl was much cleaner, her skin color was similar to that of an Asian, her hair was braided, and she revealed an unexpectedly beautiful green face.

Is this a bath?

But the teeth are still very yellow, bad review.

When Zhou Li'an walked out of the tent, the girl quickly stood up and followed him, shouting loudly.

Then, there was a commotion within the tribe.

The old sacrificial lady appeared, knelt down and prayed again, and then danced and said something.

Zhou Li'an probably understands.

The leader who led his team out for trade has not returned yet.

The time of the other party's return can be used as a reference to allow Zhou Li'an to roughly judge the distance to the nearest other tribal settlement. There is no rush in this matter, since Toothless will definitely bring back a lot of furs.

He came here just to change the dressing for the injured, once every two days, just to check on the tribe's situation at any time.

The ability to bring people back to life is enough to be recorded in the annals of history after the arrival of the supreme wind god.

To put it simply, this is also to stabilize the godhead.

The whole process was very quick, including removing the wound patch, disinfecting, confirming the healing of the wound, and finally injecting antibiotics. Their bodies had not yet developed resistance to antibiotics, so the efficacy of the medicine was surprisingly good and their recovery was satisfactory.

Zhou Li'an didn't stay long. After returning to his residence, he disappeared into thin air under the watchful eyes of the old lady and the girl.

After the obeisance ceremony.

The old lady lamented that she still could not listen to God’s words.

She even had doubts about whether God could understand her prayers?

Just as she was frowning and thinking, she unexpectedly noticed that the girl was giggling and asked strangely: "Snow girl?"

The girl bared her innocent yellow teeth and said, "Witch, God looked at me just now. He was looking at me seriously. I can feel it."

The old lady was stunned when she heard this, and then she also laughed...

She gently smoothed the girl's hair on her temples without saying anything more, but there was some expectation in her heart.

God never wanted human sacrifice.

But in the sacrifices from ancient times to the present, human sacrifice is indispensable.

Using young girls as human sacrifices is the highest standard of sacrifice.

Then here comes the problem.

Why does God need young girls?

The old lady whispered: "Snow Girl, starting from today, you must use the sweat room every day to keep a pure body. I will ask the women of the tribe to pick more aromatic herbs for you..."

When the snow girl heard this, she felt aggrieved: "The sweat lodge is very stuffy and hot. Witch, I don't like the sweat lodge."

"This is your duty!" the old lady said seriously, suddenly reaching out to hold the girl's chin and parting her lips, "Also, you must clean your teeth with salt and soap juice."

"Use salt? But salt is precious and cherished."

"Do as I say and continue to wait here. When the sweat room is ready, I will ask your mother to inform you."

The old lady left.

The girl frowned. She didn't like the sweat lodge very much. Only the men in the tribe liked to compete with each other to see who could stay longer in the hot and humid sweat lodge.

After a long time, a middle-aged woman walked in.

The girl said eagerly: "Mother, the witch made me go to the sweat lodge every day, and also asked me to clean my teeth with salt and soap."

The eyes of the middle-aged woman showed unspeakable joy. She seemed to know something, but she said nothing: "You have to obey the witch, Snow Girl, you will be the next witch. Let's go, our witch, the sweat room has been



The heavy dark clouds in the distance haven't caught up yet, and the sun is warm.

The old sacrificial lady stood in front of the tent, looking at the woman by the small lake in the distance who was using lake water to clean the girl's body.

Several half-grown children were hiding aside and watching from afar.

"Go away, no one can peek at the snow girl from now on."

The children dispersed in a hurry, and no one dared to violate the majesty of the witch.

But at this moment.

The shouts came from outside the tribal village. The old lady turned around and found that many people in the tribe had been alarmed——

"It's a missing tooth, it's a missing tooth coming back."

"Why is he alone?"

"The leader is injured, there is a lot of blood on his body! Who hurt him!!"

The old lady's eyes suddenly became restless, and she hurried away.

The stumbling missing tooth was helped by the tribesmen, his face was bloodless pale and frightened——

"Witch, summon the coming of God!! Summon Him!!"

Wu said nothing, his trembling eyes full of regret.

She had already roughly guessed something.

"You all leave!"

She shut out the others.

When only she and the missing tooth were left, she asked: "What happened?"

Qian Ya cried loudly: "Our warriors were massacred. The salt, the salt I brought, was all plundered by the people of the Tushi Tribe. They will come soon. We can't defeat the Tushi Tribe. The Tushi Tribe is here."

Not long ago, they annexed the Chishui and Shanhua tribes and enslaved their people."

The old lady said in disbelief: "Why, the chief of the tribe does not allow war between tribes."

"The great chief married the daughter of the leader of the Tushi tribe. This is a gift from the Tushi tribe."

"Witch, please pray to God. Only God can save us."

Hear this.

The old lady felt dizzy and staggered back.

"Witch?" Queya looked at this scene and felt something was wrong.

The old lady's answer completely extinguished his hope: "With missing teeth, no one can pray for God to come, no one!"

Qian Ya didn't understand: "Why? God has clearly come before and even given gifts. We have witnessed all this."

"That is not our prayer, but God's will."

"We can only be enslaved and killed?"

The old lady looked towards the heights of the basin in the distance. Soldiers from the Tushi tribe had already appeared. She suddenly sneered: "Maybe we will be enslaved and killed, but... God will also punish us, I firmly believe it!"

Missing teeth and dull trance.

When the tribesmen discovered the enemy's arrival, they gathered one after another.

The girl by the lake in the distance also dressed in a hurry, and came in a hurry with a group of women.

"The enemy, the enemy is coming!"

"Witch! Leader! What should we do?"

"Will we be exterminated? Or will we become slaves of the Tushi Tribe!"

"Quiet -" Wu stood in the crowd and shouted, causing the noisy place to suddenly become silent. "People, please don't forget that we are surrounded by gods. The supreme wind god of the natural god realm will protect us!!"

"The soul boat of the Oak God will not carry the enemy and will open the door to the afterlife for them!"

"The sun god will burn their bodies, and the water god will freeze their souls."

"All enemies who plunder, kill, and persecute us will suffer divine punishment, die with no place to return, and become wandering ghosts on the earth!"

"Don't resist, be quiet, be quiet...with a sincere heart, pray for God to come."

"When God returns again..."

"We will be reborn! From now on we will become the only masters of the earth!!"

The words fell.

The restless crowd a moment ago gradually calmed down, but under the calm, there was fervor.

The enemy will die miserably.

We will be reborn.

The supreme wind god will protect us!!

And in the distance, the sound of killing that was completely opposite to the atmosphere had arrived.

But when the crazy killer came to the crowd, they were suddenly stunned. They didn't see the fear they should have seen running away, and they didn't hear the cry of resistance.

Everyone remains in the same state.


Under a pair of silent eyes, there seems to be something hidden.

That's not fear and hatred.

Instead, it feels like gloating pity.

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

The enemy was finally angered by this strange look, and the sharp spearheads made of obsidian instantly pierced the necks of several men, causing blood to splash everywhere.

But even so, no one moved an inch.

On the contrary, the cold gaze is even more penetrating.


A voice interrupted this smokeless war.

The warrior leader, who was even stronger than his missing teeth, came out: "Witch, stand up and tell the great warriors of the Tushi Tribe, are you willing to surrender?"

The old lady walked out, straightened her rickety body, and looked at each other with the indifferent eyes of the tribesmen: "We! Surrender!!"

The man smiled disdainfully and gave the order: "Bind the men and chop off their hands and feet for the rebels. We will plunder everything they have, including women and children, and bring them back to the Tushi tribe to become our wealth!"

"Picture stone! Picture stone! Picture stone!"

The fanatical shouts were deafening, and they were clearly different from the silent losers.

When everything was looted, countless shelters were knocked down, and the cowhide tents were used as rucksacks to pack all the valuable loot.

The tied men became slaves who carried it all.

The men and women remained silent.

Only the ignorant children cried loudly.

After being driven out and whipped, they left their homes and lined up in a long line up the hillside, allowing the Tushi tribe to ridicule and tease them, trying to provoke them and then kill them wantonly.


Thick dark clouds in the distant sky suddenly exploded with thunder.

A young girl exuded a refreshing fragrance, but her face was smeared with dirty mud.

She glanced back.

The rain curtain is like a huge cover, covering the crowd from the distant sky.

She grinned, showing an innocent smile and yellow teeth, and whispered to the old lady beside her: "Witch, the supreme wind god, has blown the thunderstorm, and he is chasing us..."

This chapter has been completed!
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