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【106】Patriotic businessman

Now, December 23rd.

The ranch he rented when he bought horses in Dezhou has not yet expired, so Zhou Li'an re-acquired the h225 after maintenance in Dezhou.

Texas is the final assembly center for Airbus’s European direct aircraft business.

The next day, Christmas Eve.

Zhou Li'an returned to Juarez and set off with Wang Defa at the airport.

Comrade Lao Wang has been very high-spirited in the past two years. The unit price of furs in the tannery finally dropped to 800 dollars, but the shipment volume stabilized at an average of 20,000 pieces per month, which still made him a lot of money.

He also extended an invitation, "How about spending Christmas and New Year at my house? We are no longer outsiders!"

Lao Wang still doesn't know Zhou Li'an's itinerary.

At this moment, he showed his cards and waved the ticket in his hand: "Sorry, I have an appointment. This time I will fly to Mexico City."

"Mexico City..." Wang De was stunned for a moment, and then he was very sensible and said nothing more.

Recently, he feels that the distance between him and Zhou Li'an is getting farther and farther.

This guy rarely came to Juarez to stay, but later specially recruited Barbara, a professional manager, to manage the finances and open several new factories.

Except for seeing each other every now and then to deliver goods, the relationship became increasingly deserted.

But at this point, Wang Defa is also satisfied.

After making enough money, even if Zhou Li'an wanted to kick him out of the car, he would not complain, let alone inquire about other people's private affairs.

After all, Zhou Li'an is a dangerous person in his eyes.

Would a decent person help a fugitive sneak into Mexico?

Lao Wang is old and simply seeks wealth; unlike David Liang, who has the determination to seek value in life and move up the ladder.

As long as he is twenty years younger, he must also want to get closer to Zhou Li'an and plan for a higher class jump.

Both of them were tacitly aware of this.

This is also the reason why Zhou Li'an didn't recruit him to join Hengjing Mining. The old man's status as a tool worker has almost come to an end and he can be announced to be offline at any time.

In the VIP terminal, Lao Wang said goodbye first: "Then I wish you a happy holiday in advance."

"Haha, say hello to your family for me."

3 hours later.

Zhou Li'an landed in Mexico City.

Salvador showed up and took him to a chartered flight to the Caribbean.

"Mr. Zhou, thanks to you, our recent crisis pressure has become less and less. With the identity of Balance Mining, I believe that it won't be long before Boss Cayero's wanted order will be lifted."

This is the advantage of coming ashore with a clean slate. With a legal source of income, they have the support of a new identity. They are no longer a simple gang force group.

Zhou Li'an did not comment on this, let alone remind them not to "forget their roots."

Cayero and Juan both know very well that their base is still the armed group of 60,000 brothers. If they are all cleansed, it will be the end of the world.

Many things require a balance. There must be sunlight and darkness to rest in. Only by balancing the right and the left can there be vitality.


Zhou Li'an finally arrived at Cayero's private island again.

Jonah, Patricia and David Liang, plus Juan and his wife Ola came to greet him in person.

Aura was the first to step forward and give her a kiss, showing her closeness. She also explained on behalf of her father, "Officials from the Ministry of Mining are all at the banquet. My father knows that your identity is sensitive, so it is inconvenient to come to greet you in person."

, so as not to attract attention.”

Later, Juan also came up and hugged him affectionately, "Zhou, please stay a little longer this time and let us entertain you well, my friend!"

Zhou Li'an smiled and said: "As you wish, after Christmas and New Year, we will officially become neighbors."

Juan was stunned for half a second and said in surprise: "Is this true?"

Zhou Li'an nodded: "Of course, winter in North America is not very pleasant."

After saying hello to Jonah and David Liang, the group took the sightseeing car up the mountain and set off for the palace estate.

at this time.

Patricia obliged and sat next to Zhou Li'an.

Jonah was minding his own business chatting with David Liang about the company's affairs, acting like he was watching his nose and his heart.

Now, he believes that... if his daughter can become a couple with Zhou Li'an, it will be a better protection for her.

After all, now that things have come to this, don't expect any more normal life.

Jonah and David Liang are in charge of the company's operations, but Patricia has been in the Cayero Group lately.

It is only said that three days ago, after Jonah and David Liang arrived on the island, they discovered that some of Cayero's men had begun to obey Patricia.

And after careful observation, you can find...

This was not because of Cayero or Juan's face, the eyes of those men were clearly full of fear and panic from the bottom of their hearts.

In the car, Zhou Li Andan asked calmly: "How are you doing recently?"

Patricia's eyes were focused and she could never seem to find a gathering point. She spoke like a zombie, "There were several conflicts in the mining area. Some people wanted to get their hands on your gold. I took care of them all."

Coming from the mouth of a girl under twenty years old, these words seemed a bit cold and strange.

But the nature of the world is like this. It is just a fig leaf of law and morality, covering up the hatred, struggle and primitive nature between people.

In other words, after one year of equilibrium, when Yuki-onna was still young, she was already a ruthless character who could stab someone through the chin with a dagger without hesitation.

Because in that barbaric and barbaric era, there was no fig leaf at all.

"Are you still used to your current life?"

The girl turned her head and made eye contact with Zhou Li'an for the first time since meeting, "I like it very much."

Zhou Li'an smiled.

If it's not just a habit, but if you like it, then you'll be fine.

He thought for a while and then added, "Learn some Spanish recently."

Patricia didn't ask the reason and simply nodded: "I understand."

Mountain top.

Zhou Li'an's arrival did not attract much attention.

Because there were more than a hundred guests, when he got off the plane, he discovered the existence of many business jets and private charter flights, and there were also many luxury yachts parked at the pier.

As Juan and Aura introduced...

There are senior official officials and wealthy businessmen, each carrying a female scroll.

When Juan and his wife went to greet them, they behaved normally. The host should pay attention to the person arriving if he or she is rich or noble.

Zhou Li'an found a seat in the corner to eat, with only Patricia as company.

Because Jonah and David Liang have become popular figures in the scene, and they are constantly chatting with all kinds of people.

This is very good. It hides the sense of existence and acts like a hidden boss.

Full of wine and food.

Zhou Li'an plans to leave and go to his own Greystone Island to stay.

Unexpectedly, Cayero had been waiting outside the door for a long time, "Mr. Zhou, I've been neglectful today. You know that my respect for you is not intentional."

Zhou Li'an waved his hand, seemingly unconcerned, while Cayero was just being polite. Both of them knew that Zhou Li'an's status made it inconvenient to stand in front of the stage.

Caiello got into the car with the two of them and took out a financial statement on the way to the dock.

In the nearly four months since the establishment of Balance Mining, the gold shipment volume has reached 142,000 ounces, totaling 4 tons.

Excluding the purchase price of the official 20% stake, the income was US$203 million.

Zhou Li'an personally received 160 million, and the remaining 40 million was owned by Cayero. This money can be said to be obtained without any cost.

After he finished reading, Cayero continued: "The tax department's mining profit tax is 8%, which is a category independent of corporate income tax."

"To be honest, this is why many people are unwilling to try to clean up and come ashore after experiencing the huge profits from smuggling, food and arms business."

"Instead of paying taxes, the interest rates on our lizard money are not so horrible."

Zhou Li'an heard what he meant.

Nearly 4 months after opening, the seeds of greed began to take root and sprout.

"What do you mean?"

Cayero did not feel embarrassed at all and said directly: "Officials hope that we will increase mining volume, and because our gold mining is low-difficulty, the employment aspect will not help local employment..."

"Of course, all this depends on your wishes, but in addition, I think the industrial investment proposed by Mr. Zhou can be implemented gradually. We should use money to generate more money."

Caello is not stupid and will not insist on increasing shipments.

By settling for the next best thing, you can create new revenue points.

It is also a kind of temptation...

It’s time to start kneading and making dough for the pie that Mr. Zhou originally drew, right? Don’t you want to support us? Then start taking action! Let us see your sincerity!


"Well, we can talk about these things slowly...ah? What? What did you say?" Cayero did not expect to reach a consensus immediately. The Christmas vacation is still long, and he just heard from Juan that Zhou Li'an was going to stay in the Caribbean.

Taking a vacation for a while will give you plenty of time to promote subsequent cooperation.

However, Zhou Li'an's reaction stunned him, "I said yes! We can start industrial investment!"

"Balance Mining Group established a new wholly-owned subsidiary and negotiated with the government for tax exemptions. It still used the three-party holdings as a bargaining chip to obtain the final preferential policy support treatment."

"In terms of start-up capital, I can provide 200 million US dollars first, and subsequent investments can continue to be filled from our gold income."

Cayero is stunned, is the deal settled?

And when you open your mouth, it’s 200 million.

You know, this money is Zhou Li'an's entire profit from 6 tons of gold.

Caiello was skeptical about Zhou Li'an's original grand territory description. After all, this was an investment of real money, and investment carries risks.

Moreover, it is quite unrealistic for an outsider to take root in Mexico and make its industry bigger and stronger.

But Zhou Li'an has now made his attitude clear.

Industrial investment is still carried out through tripartite cooperation.

He wants to enlist the help of officials and sell his profits at all costs to pave the way for industrial investment and avoid being suppressed and targeted.

This is obviously not an act of personal gain.

On the contrary, this is completely in line with the original goal and intention he originally described, and there is no intention to shirk or regret.

Support Juan to take power and make the Cayero Group the puppet of the Eastern countries?


Caello was stunned.

It wasn't until the car stopped at the port that Zhou Li'an tapped him on the shoulder to wake him up, "Cayero, I am someone who wants to do big things. If you are only limited to the hundreds of millions or billions in gold income in front of you, then I

Will be very disappointed!”

"Take a long-term view and have a big picture..."

"Our journey is across the stars and the sea!"

"Believe me, as long as we work together, the world will belong to us!"

Cayero's breathing was rapid, and his body also felt like it was floating...

Sea of ​​stars?

Will the world belong to us?

"Of course." Zhou Li'an paused, then changed the subject, "I have one more request."

Cayero nodded immediately, "You say."

"The direction of industrial investment must be in the direction of heavy industry, manufacturing and chemical industry. We must find ways to let the authorities establish the direction of control to avoid touching any taboo projects. We have shown our sincerity, and they must also express their sincerity."

"After all, the official shares are under the control of the state, and the other part of the shares is in the Cayero Group. You are Mexicans."

“And me, you can think of me as an angel investor!”

"Of course, you know very well that the return on investment I want is not money... Do you understand what I mean?"

The old man, who is over sixty years old, now looks like an ignorant boy, listening and being taught, nodding blankly: "I understand!"

"Then do it, my friend, I will be on Greystone Island recently! I hope that after the New Year, Balance can enter a new future."

Zhou Li'an got off the car, followed closely by Patricia.

Cayero was a moment slower and followed, "I'll take you to the ship."

This gesture is much more humbling.

Caiello was very ashamed, probably because he was self-humiliated and angry with a villain's heart while judging a gentleman's heart.

Nowadays, it is no longer a level of military force, but a huge difference in structure and realm.

When Cayero coveted the share of the 100 tons of gold, Zhou Li'an had already made a big move and wanted to invest all the proceeds into industrial investment.

Look at it this way...

It's reasonable.

"They" cannot invest cash into Mexico because their plans are too big, so they found themselves and did not hesitate to use gold as a cover for mining. After such a turnover, the profits were completely laundered into local funds.

He also linked up with the government and tied them up with share interests.

Official vigilance must be reduced to a minimum.

Because the gold is stored in the warehouse and becomes a reserve, the large amount of cash paid is still kept in Mexico and made local investment, driving development and employment.

Transform yourself.

The Balance Group has become a "Mexican patriotic businessman"!

Zhou Li'an boarded the boat and said goodbye to Cayero.

Wait for the yacht to go far away.

Caiello, however, stood where he was, unable to recover for a long time.

Until another car came, Juan hurriedly came over and asked: "Father-in-law, how was the discussion? Did Mr. Zhou agree to increase shipments? He was the one who took the initiative to increase output after half a year...


When Cayero heard this, he looked at his son-in-law with hatred and said nothing.

Juan was confused, "What happened? Did Mr. Zhou... regret it?"

Cayero felt helpless, but he also knew that at the beginning, his thoughts were the same as those of his son-in-law, which were limited to immediate interests and he was doubtful about the depiction of the territory.

"No, Mr. Zhou plans to use these 6 tons of gold income to make industrial investment for us and officially land the Cayero Group!"

"As for gold... subsequent shipments will definitely increase, and Mr. Zhou will use the proceeds to continue investing in new companies."

"What?" Juan exclaimed, realizing the point, looking around again and lowering his voice, "Doesn't that mean that what he said at the beginning was all true?"

Cayero took a long breath and turned to smile, looking forward to a better future. He patted Juan on the shoulder, "Our hands are stained with blood, but we have the opportunity to become..."

"Perhaps this is God's redemption. I hope we can make up for our past sins and do some good things for the world, country and people!"

Juan swallowed hard.

He was stunned for a long time, his cheeks turned red, and he subconsciously said: "No, father-in-law, this is not God's salvation, this is...

A gift from Mr. Zhou!

It’s the envelope of will from the East!”

This chapter has been completed!
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