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【108】Kill to kill

In October, the temperature drops sharply.

In the morning, when Zhou Li'an came out of the tent, he was breathing heavily. Hearing the noise, a head popped out of the tent next door and said, "Good morning, Master."

"Take some time to clean up. I'll take you for a walk around the Great Lakes area today, and then return to the Balance Station."

This place was within the later city of Cincinnati and was part of Ohio; in the Iroquois language, Ohio means "big river".

The abundant water systems developed by the Five Great Lakes are definitely a paradise on earth that Yuki Onna, a child from the western mountains, would envy.

In the same way, the tribal population that enjoys the blessings of the great river basins in the eastern region is prosperous and dense, which also makes the snow girl marvel at it along the way.

There are 2-5 large and small tribal settlements almost every 100 kilometers. The number of people may not be large, but they are very concentrated.

Looking back at Oregon, there are no other tribes except the Modocs, and the various Modoc tribes are relatively scattered. Taking the Tushi tribe to the Red Deer tribe as an example, the climbers and others were allowed to march for five days.

Due to geographical and climatic reasons, there is a chasm-like gap between the east and west;

Ten thousand years ago, the ancestors of the indigenous people who first arrived in North America also left traces west of the Rocky Mountains, but in the end they all moved further south to Central and South America.

Later, when the United States was first founded and its industry was in its infancy, without the connection of the Pacific Railway, the development of the west would have been powerless, and ships would have been allowed to transport supplies from the east coast around Cape Horn in South America, a distance of more than 20,000 kilometers.

For this reason, the Pacific Railroad and the Panama Canal are listed among the Seven Wonders of Industry.

Pack your bags and throw them into the system space.

Finally, I checked the supplies in the container next to me... There were two full boxes of compressed dry food, and weapons and clothing items had been excluded.

This was Zhou Li'an's temporary decision after arriving here, so he left a message with spray paint on the outside of the container.

The east is densely populated. If the supplies are discovered by the tribesmen in advance, the weapons left behind will cause trouble for the Balance Cavalry.

The plane took off and headed north.

It has been 3 years since I last explored the map, but the "seeds of balance" have already taken root among the various tribes.

Along the way, the sacred weapon of equilibrium appeared in the sky, and the native tribesmen all knelt down and kowtowed.

This is also the reason why I made a special trip to the Great Lakes area to deepen their impression and lay the foundation for the Balanced Chapter to attract their submission.

But this time, there is no extra blessing salt.

Showing your face is enough.

The most important thing is to rush for time.

The foundation of equilibrium has been firmly established, and now it is time to grow wildly, blooming branches and leaves, and you can look forward to the day of fruition and harvest.

It doesn't make much sense to continue to wait for equilibrium. It's just a waste of life.

It would take at least a year for the 6,000 cavalry army to reach the eastern region from Nevada.

Because this is an expedition, not a simple journey, if you are just rushing to travel, one person and two riders can shorten the time to at least 4 months.

Using this value as a reference estimate, it may take more than 3 years for the migration of various ministries to be completed.

Of course, from now on, some tribes may have embarked on the migration path.

The Balance Cavalry took the lead in conquering the states surrounding California. The tribes that submitted to the Balance would not accompany them on the expedition, but would directly start migrating under the guidance of guides.

You only need to send out two cavalry at a time, and return according to the road signs set along the road, which will not affect the scale of the cavalry.

Later, when the number of people reaches more than a hundred, Zhou Li'an will send them again to start again with hundreds of people to fill the number, and bring some rewards and blessings, as well as the greetings and expectations of family relatives.

At the same time, the more than a hundred knights who have made this trip once have rich experience in recognizing the way. If the subsequent work of leading the migration is left to them, they can get twice the result with half the effort.

Great Lakes Region.

When the Holy Artifact of Balance arrived, it set off a wave of fanaticism in various tribes, and large tribes with a population of more than several thousand knelt down to welcome it.

People worshiped the sacred object in the sky and heard a prophecy coming——

"In more than ten months, an army of messengers from the true God will arrive. The army of God will be wearing red armor and riding ferocious beasts!

If you are willing to surrender, you can receive guidance and go to the kingdom of joy;

If you are disobedient, you will be punished by the wrath of God.”

The prophecy is played in a loop over each tribe's territory.

This is due to the function of the language pack. Without the language pack, Zhou Li'an would not have achieved very good results even if he flew a plane.

Even, there will be a reaction force.

The arrival of foreign objects in the sky can be understood as two types for the indigenous people...

One kind of nature is auspiciousness.

A kind of thing that must be an ominous sign of disaster.

The Great Lakes region had a prosperous population. For example, in later generations, the Iroquois Confederacy was established in the mid-16th century. It was precisely because of the arrival of colonists that they chose to unite to fight.

The alliance was facilitated by their mutual understanding of languages ​​and smooth communication.

They absorbed advanced ideas from Europe, and there were many talents who could speak English in various ministries. They even created a parliamentary system.

If there hadn't been a traitor in the alliance, who was divided, bribed, and disintegrated by both Britain and the United States, the so-called Americans with a clear destiny would never have won so easily.

By the end of the 20th century, the population of the entire Iroquois Confederacy was still as high as 90,000.

Assuming that the arrival of the Balanced Sacred Artifact in the sky is regarded as the beginning of disaster, it is likely to lead to the establishment of the "Iroquois Confederacy" in advance.

What awaits an army of 6,000 cavalrymen at that time is probably a sea of ​​​​human tactics of hundreds of thousands of indigenous people, fighting to the death.

But now, the prophecy has come, and I have received the blessing from 3 years ago, and my favorability level is full.

The skill of practicing courtesy first and then fighting is sufficient.

In the future, the 6,000 cavalrymen will only need to win the first battle and show their irresistible momentum to easily complete the great cause of unification.

At the same time, having swept all the way from the barren west, the balanced cavalry army also had ample time and opportunity to complete their tactical training and training, and completely become the division of the king.

Iron armor, iron tools, nothing to look at.

At night, turn on energy-saving lamps.

One master and one servant completed the day's balanced publicity mission and started eating hot pot on an alcohol stove.

Snow Girl is a foodie, and she gets to taste our Lord's God-given delicacies every now and then, which whets her appetite.

I don't like to eat tribal food, so I go further and further on the magnificent route.

After hot pot, a cup of yogurt nourishes the stomach.

First remove the cap, then insert a straw, and bite the straw flat. This seems to make the milk taste better.

"Master, why don't you come and give me enlightenment? If you have the blessing of divine grace, millions of tribesmen will submit to the balance."

Yuki-onna's thought was also a task assigned to her by our Lord along the way.

Zhou Li'an actually thinks...

If after acquiring the system, we landed directly on the east coast, who would want to grow up in the mountains of the west?

The hundreds of thousands of people who took the lead in ruling the Iroquois Confederacy and completed the unification of the east were equivalent to the completion of the unification of North America.

After all, 90% of the population of North America is located in the central and eastern regions.

Let’s change the hypothesis again.

Isn't it easier to lead the existing people of Balance to move east than to let millions of people move in from the west?

But except for San Francisco, even if there are large gold mines in other places, they are not such exposed surface gold mines.

Easy to pick up.

Easily complete the initial accumulation of the first pot of gold.

Of course, the bison in the central and eastern plains are astonishingly numerous.

But without this batch of gold, the Cayero Group will not take the bait. With more than 40,000 balanced citizens, there is a huge gap in mining efforts.

It took 300,000 people in California 7 years to dig out the gold. Even with the current expected trading volume of 100 tons of gold, it would still take a large number of people to move west to California.

Moreover, Zhou Li'an has only a small manpower.

He really wanted to have two flowers, but time and life span did not allow it.

It is better to develop on the existing basis, and then let today's balanced people complete the unification of North America by themselves.

Why waste your precious life when you can hang up with the system's time acceleration?

Finally, in the future, the rule of Central and South America will still have to establish a base in the western region, and California cannot be bypassed no matter what.

And now, of course Zhou Li'an can't give Snow Girl a showdown.

It can only be explained by using the name of a god——

"Snow Girl, you have to know that you and the other 40,000 people are the chosen ones whom I have chosen, and have been blessed with a manifest destiny. This is my favor and my mercy."

"And you, who have been chosen by the Holy Will of Balance, must serve as examples and pioneers, leading all peoples on the earth to be civilized."

"Under balance, everyone is a citizen."

"What are my subjects? You are all my children..."

"Snow Girl, one day, I will leave."

At this point, the snow girl was shocked.


She knelt on the ground, "Master, you, you want to leave?"

She knew very well that the context of these words was that there would be no return date.

Zhou Li'an nodded: "You have read the [Bible of Balance]. The Creation Chapter has already stated that I created this galaxy 4.6 billion years ago. My lifespan is endless and eternal, but you and other people have a hundred years."

"I gave you the power of science and technology in the hope that one day, I can see you and other descendants of my people meet me in distant galaxies."

"This is the seed of balance that I sow. I am your God and your Father!

I hope that my children can grow up, become stronger, break through the obstacles of the universe, and become one of the masters of the universe!"

"A balanced and unified world is just the starting point. I will accompany you and other people to witness the completion of this starting point!"

"But you have to remember..."

"The journey of balance is the sea of ​​stars!"

Zhou Li'an stood up and looked up at the starry sky at a 45-degree angle with an expression like "My Lord's True Body".

The snow girl was stunned.

But these words remain firmly in my mind.

At the same time, she looked at the distant stars and couldn't help but cry. She knelt down again and pulled Zhou Li'an's trousers——

"Master, then, one day, will you leave with the snow girl?"

See her moved and sad.

Zhou Li'an knew the drama was over.

However, this conversation is inevitable, and it is necessary to spread all this through the mouth of the snow girl.

Human nature is selfish, and after becoming civilized, a proposition will inevitably arise——

God, why do you want to educate all peoples?

What is the benefit to God?

The starting point of this question has nothing to do with blaspheming the gods. It is just that people who are obsessed with food and clothing will inevitably have a sudden inspiration after drinking.

Jesus had an excuse.

Named with ‘father’s name’.

Using humans to measure gods, personification.

Parents' friendship for their children is selfless in terms of kindness.

In today's world, whether at home or abroad, in churches or family worship gatherings, pastors will use "Our Father" in their prayers to perform healthy and passionate brainwashing.

Because she is the father, her blessings are selfless and she purely hopes that her people will be happy and well-being.

However, the bug in this case is too big and is a problem left over from history.

The people who wrote the Bible were careless after all. They insisted on talking about the flood that destroyed the world 3,000 years ago. However, as soon as the historical research came out, it was directly GG.

As long as the word "ten thousand" is added, it can be cleared up.

And balance...

Zhou Li'an has been patching it since the first day he got the language pack.

The world was created 4.6 billion years ago. This can be calculated and deduced.

To the current rhetoric, "The journey to balance is the stars and the sea."

The most perfect thing is nothing more than the enlightenment of scientific divine laws.

The divine laws of science are given by Balance.

Just like in today's world, various marketing accounts compile "tonguing scientists" who say that the end of science is theology.

Now, Zhou Li'an is turning this false essay into a real existence in parallel time and space!

The origin of science is equilibrium.

Then the end of science is also equilibrium!

The Lord of Balance will eventually leave. She gave her the starting point of science and hopes that her children will one day explore the end of science and go to the extension of the universe to meet the Lord of Balance again.

Godhead, even a Category 18 typhoon cannot blow it down.

At this time, Zhou Li'an just rubbed Xue Nu's head and did not give an answer.

No need to say so much for now.

First sell a wave of fear.

A sense of crisis is important to prevent the people from being immersed in joy and tranquility and not thinking about making progress.

Ever since, that night, the sound of sobbing and choking filled the Yuki-onna's tent.

Early the next morning, she came to see him with dark circles under her eyes.

Zhou Li'an turned a blind eye and took her off, officially embarking on the return journey.

With the population of hundreds of thousands in the Great Lakes region taken care of, there is no need for other large and scattered tribes to show up one by one.

After returning, you can start to accelerate time and wait for the flowers to bloom and bear fruit.

Equilibrium 5 years, October 17th.

All the people are happy to welcome the return of our Lord and the shaman and start a day of celebrations.

late at night.

Before Zhou Li'an left, he left a message: "Xue Nu, I need to leave for a few days.

You must pass on what I have learned and what I have said to the children of Balance, so that they know that they need to work hard to learn and practice scientific laws before they can set foot in the universe and stars in the future..."

"The journey of balance is the stars and the sea!"

The Snow Goddess looked miserable, but she still didn't get an answer from my Lord. She didn't dare to ask any more questions, so she could only kneel down and accept the order.

Present life.

January 18th.

The warm island is like spring all year round.

There are some changes in the villa. There are more flowers on the table. Seeing how fresh they are, they should be changed frequently.

The fragrance of the girl's body vaguely lingered in the house.

Patricia should return to the island every day, but will not stay during the day.

There was no one in the villa, which protected Zhou Li'an's privacy to a great extent... but it wouldn't be a big deal even if he was discovered.

The more Caiello knows, the more he fills his mind with, and the more his fear will deepen.

Use the island chain's communication phone to dial and ask the boat to pick you up.

Zhou Li'an took a quick shower, went out and walked to the pier, where he saw Patricia standing on the bow of the yacht, followed by Salvador.

The yacht docks.

Salvador said: "Mr. Cayero and Uncle Juan have been waiting for a long time. The three-party negotiations have almost progressed and are waiting for your final decision and confirmation."

As he spoke, he glanced at Patricia.

It was obvious that Caiello was impatient and put a lot of pressure on Patricia.

They thought Patricia would relay it.

Who knows that he is not in this time and space at all.

In response, the girl felt the gaze and looked over coldly, "Salvador, do you have a problem with me?"

Salvador smiled bitterly. How dare he say that he had an opinion? The one who made the decision was not Patricia. Having an opinion against her did not mean he had an opinion against Mr. Zhou?

Seeing that he was embarrassed and wanted to explain.

Zhou Li'an waved his hand and said: "I haven't been on the island recently, so Patricia can't contact me. Let's go. The investment is finalized today. I have to return to the United States for a few days."

Salvador understood once he heard that he was not on the island.

But another puzzle arises...

I haven't heard of any ships leaving this island chain recently?

But with Mr. Zhou's power background...well, that's fine.

On the way, Salvador explained the general situation of the negotiations so that Zhou Li'an could think about it first.

Arrive at Cayero's mansion.

Of course, Zhou Li'an will not meet with officials, and Cayero has arranged for people to leave the island.

The general cooperation framework has confirmed that the three parties are jointly operating, and the official is willing to take the lead in promoting OEM processing technology orders for the aircraft industry. At the same time, there are two medical device companies that can be merged into the company, so it is not a free hand.

After all, the assets of Balance Mining will be fully invested, and massive funds are in front of them. Of course, the officials know that this is a conscientious enterprise that intends to develop locally and is willing to provide support.

The new group's entry into the pharmaceutical industry is an unexpected surprise, and it will lay the foundation for the popularization of vaccines in the future.

Zhou Li'an was too lazy to listen to details.

Again, with the supply of gold in their hands, they dare not act recklessly and line their own pockets, otherwise they will be in trouble.

Cayero had previously won a new round of big cakes, and he obeyed Zhou Li'an's orders.

Furthermore, they are also shareholders. They are gang bosses after all. They are just trying to become legitimate businessmen. If the government dares to cheat them, they are going to take advantage of them.

That night.

Zhou Li'an and Jonah, David Leung off the island.

After arriving in Juarez in the early morning, a special car took him to Texas.

The ones accompanying him were not Jonah and David Liang, but Barbara, taking orders from the boss.

In addition to various supplies, knives and plate armor are being made quickly.

This time I went to Texas to purchase another batch of horses. When I was doing aircraft maintenance earlier, I asked Barbara to place an order for 10,000 horses, mostly fillies.

It’s a small amount of money to buy a horse, but it mainly costs 100 million dollars to balance the investment.

After that, there will be a long period of acceleration, and the cultivation of horses will involve the subsequent expansion of the cavalry army and the conquest of South America. This money cannot be stingy.

The savings from fur income were enough to cover the expenses, but it directly emptied Zhou Li'an's pocket. Fortunately, the profits continued to flow.

Then the gold proceeds can be invested in the new group as planned, which can be described as two flowers.

January 26th.

Zhou Li'an flew to the Caribbean again from Juarez, and returned with a full load of things.

That night, I had dinner with Caiello and others.

Later, he returned to Greystone Island alone.

Patricia has long since returned to the Ocampo mining area to take charge of the situation. Now she has gradually taken over and trained a group of her own team. They will be responsible for inspecting the mines and training in the mining area. By then, a legal security company will be established and affiliated with the new group.

Late at night, Zhou Li'an traveled through time and space.

But the moment he appeared.

I was shocked by the scene in front of me...

The temple was overcrowded, and even though it was already cold autumn, there was a heat wave in the room due to the gathering of people.

Fortunately, the people are very hygienic and there is no bad smell.

At the same time, everyone was waiting for the arrival of the true god. After a brief moment of stunned shock, they fell to their knees.

Before Zhou Li'an could ask any questions, a woman cried out, "My lord, I praise you, I praise you for balance!"

Great true God, please show mercy, save the witch, save... my daughter!


"I am willing to sacrifice my flesh and blood and soul to you, begging you, begging the supreme Lord of Balance!


The women were wailing, and the elders in the room were all pale.

The old elder knelt on the ground and raised his body with trembling hands before he could look up.

He first angrily scolded the woman: "The wife of the patriarch must not yell at my lord and blaspheme the true God! Even if you are a witch, I will ask you to punish you!"


But after he finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Li'an devoutly, knocked his head heavily on the wooden floor, lowered his head, and said with a loud sound: "My lord is balanced, and I am willing to sacrifice my body and soul to beg you to save the wizard."


All the elders knelt down and kowtowed.

"My Lord, we are also willing to sacrifice our bodies and beg for the lives of witches!"

Zhou Li'an was shaken in his heart, but remained calm on the outside.

Snow girl, are you sick?

Terminal ill?

Without saying a word, he bypassed everyone and walked into the side bedroom.

I saw that the snow girl's face was pale, almost dehydrated, and she had lost all her features. She seemed to hear the shouting outside, and then she suddenly opened her eyes...


Before she could finish speaking.


With a wave of his hand, the person had disappeared.

Zhou Li'an turned around and returned to the hall, when he saw many figures outside the temple.

He frowned and said: "Your witch will never die. I have sent down an oracle to grant her eternal life! This is just a test that she must go through!"

"Death to life! A few days later, I will give her a new life and come back to the world!"

Zhou Li'an felt helpless...

Under one god, the leader of all nations suddenly fell seriously ill.

Not to mention the newly emerging Equilibrium, even in this world, news must be blocked to avoid accidents...

After thinking about this, he ordered again:

"Each ministry appeases the people——"

"If there is any turmoil, shoot to death without mercy!"

This chapter has been completed!
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