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【122】What a wonderful time

Niu Shi and others returned very quickly.

It took several days when we came here to test the "positioning skills". On the way back, there were road signs created along the way to guide us, and it took only 3 days to reach the camp.

This is still considering running with Xiao Hua and slowing down the speed.

A group of teenagers have become rough men, with calluses on the inside of their crotches, which is a symbol of knights.

May 9th.

The army sets off.

6,000 cavalrymen and nearly 80,000 people from various tribes gathered together. After five days, they finally saw the legendary Great Salt Lake.

They once thought that Mono Lake was an incredible creation of this world, almost boundless, but it was the Great Salt Lake in front of them that allowed them to appreciate the true immensity.

Niu Shi said: "My Lord has sent down an oracle. In the future, we, the people of Balance, can create white salt in this Great Salt Lake, enough to supply the food of tens of millions of people."

Everyone was naturally shocked, "Can my Lord give me the 'Salt Prayer Technique'?!"

Today's balance no longer lacks salt.

This thing is worthless in this world, so Zhou Li'an has already invested in it in large quantities.

When the balanced cavalry went on an expedition, everyone carried enough salt and added their own amount of salt when making rice. It had been almost a year since the expedition, and everyone still had more than half of their salt reserves.

But the indigenous people are afraid of poverty.

Their ancestors have been worried about salt since ancient times. The salt obtained through the so-called salt prayer technique is all bitter and difficult to eat.

If you could create the pure white salt given by God yourself, it would be a great event that would excite all peoples.

Niu Shi chuckled, feeling somewhat superior in his heart.

It’s not that I look down on these gangsters, it’s just that the more knowledge I have about laws, the more I feel there is a gap in consciousness between myself and them.

After practicing various scientific divine power laws, you can naturally create countless things with the art of creation.

The ultimate goal of cow shit is a flying holy weapon that can ascend to the sky, and an artillery that can break mountains and explode rocks.

Salt is just a trail.

"My Lord said that when we return from the expedition and millions of people submit to the balance, we will naturally give countless secret scrolls of law and practice..."

Niu Shi looked up at the western sky, looking quite excited, "At that time, my Lord will give the [Temple of the Law of Balance], and only the high-level experts of the 'Law of Language' can enter the temple to practice the profound mysteries!"

When it comes to knowledge, Niu Shi's face turns red with excitement.

A group of rough guys didn't realize how powerful it was. They felt shocked, but they couldn't get the excitement of cow shit, so they continued to ask, "So, is it possible to create that snow-white salt?"

Cow Shit smiled bitterly and nodded, "Okay."

When climbing the mountain and waiting for others to get up, they hugged each other and looked forward to the bright future.

Afterwards, Niu Shi led a group of leaders to the supply point.

Tell my Lord to send you blessings.

"Fine wine, actually good wine!"

"My lord above, our people praise you and praise balance!"

When the news spread throughout the army, the 6,000 cavalrymen immediately became excited.

However, the quantity of fine wine is not enough, only a hundred bottles are in stock. Zhou Li'an will not use the precious storage space to store these extravagant things, as long as it makes sense.

He also gave a divine decree telling how the cow dung should be distributed.

The wine is highly vodka.

Let them drink it after diluting it.

After the boiling water is cooled down, a dozen bottles of vodka are poured into the pot, and then the drink can be served in a wooden bowl.

As soon as the drinks came in, they realized something was wrong.

Sweet and sour taste without fruity aroma.

However, that ecstatic, fairyland-like feeling quickly came over me.

This night, the carnival celebration begins.

The Hohokam people and various tribes and tribal leaders were mostly blessed by the wine.

When they tasted the holy wine for the first time, the alcohol burned their nerves and amplified their emotions infinitely.

Around the bonfires, singing and dancing continued.

Some people even burst into tears because of God's grace and cried incessantly... In later generations, this will be a sign of bad wine.

Young men like Cow Shit are not allowed to drink, they can only watch from the sidelines.

Wine is like the apples in the Garden of Eden, full of bewitching magic.

However, their pious heart tells them that they must not disobey the will of our Lord God and minors must not drink alcohol.

Zhou Li'an and a certain Su are different.

Jesus was just a fictional character on paper, and the teachings he gave were implemented by the Holy See; however, the Lord of Balance came to the world and watched His people all the time, and no one dared to disobey and blaspheme the will of the true God.

Return to the account.

Xiaohua's mother has already cooked hot milk.

Xiaohua skillfully rummaged through the cow dung bag and found sugar, so she threw in a lot of it.

Niu Shi saw that she only pampered her, so he poured milk for the two of them, and pushed the rest to Xiao Hua's mother, "You, drink!"

Xiaohua’s mother still shook her head.

She knew that milk powder was precious. Even the milk powder given to her by climbing a mountain a few months ago, she was not willing to let Xiaohua drink more. She drank it only once every three or four days, but as long as the cow dung came, she had to cook it every day.

The cow dung could only say to the little flower: "Let your mother drink it. Our Lord has given me blessings. You should praise it after receiving it."

Xiaohua hurriedly translated.

This time, Xiaohua’s mother no longer refused, and was now able to express praise skillfully, “Praise for balance!”

Xiao Hua also called out, deliberately creating a serious look on her young face.

She gradually understood the meaning of the gods and no longer dared to act casually.

Everything you get now is given by the true God, the Lord of Balance.

May 17.

The various groups that celebrated the three-day celebration will finally embark on the pilgrimage.

Niu Shi handed them compressed dry food and told them how to eat it. For two meals a day, they could boil water and add palm-sized square bricks to turn into a big pot of food.

It can not only fill your stomach, but also supplement the nutrients needed by the human body.

Of course, eating too much of this food will cause constipation, but for the tribesmen who are used to living a hard life, the compressed rations full of oil and milk are definitely considered a delicacy in the world.

After all, their taste buds are still untapped, so compressed rations with modern condiments added to them are an unprecedented taste experience for them.

Before setting off, Niu Shi summoned several disciples and solemnly gave instructions——

"Bringing 70,000 people to migrate and surrender in balance is a test for you and others. If you can complete it, our Lord will definitely give you and your relatives a reward and glory!"

"Every time you cast the positioning technique, you and everyone else need to check the calculations individually, and finally check for errors and choose the correct value!"

"If you are really lost, don't panic. Make good use of the compass and the sunrise direction. The balanced position is due west of us!"

"You should also remember that after we obtained horses from the Ma clan, we went to Squaw Valley to conquer two tribes of Tahoe people."

"As long as you can reach the vicinity of Squaw Valley, there will be road signs left by my army to guide you!"

"Of course, don't forget to leave road signs along the way. If you can connect this balanced road from the Great Salt Lake area to Squaw Valley, it will also be a great achievement!"

Everyone nodded solemnly and made a promise, "We will obey the decree of our Lord and we will definitely not disappoint the teacher!"

Cow shit takes another final test——

"Where is the next supply point located on the map?"

They quickly pointed out the direction, which was more than 200 kilometers west of Salt Lake City; the next place was 500 kilometers away.

In fact, as long as they reach the second supply point, they will be at the doorstep of Qianliang.

Because that is the capital of Nevada, the Sparks-Carson City area, and there have been road signs there for a long time.

So their mission is to lead 70,000 people through the last section of the 500-kilometer road.

After they finished answering, Niu Shi said again: "One last thing, if you wait for the summons from my Lord and the witch, you need to tell me in detail about my next expedition plan."

"Nearly 200 cavalry guides have left the team. If my lord agrees, you will go out again and catch up along the road signs left by the army to increase the combat power of the cavalry army."

Someone said: "But in this vast land, even if there are road signs set up, it would be difficult to find traces of the army, right?"

Niu Shi said very confidently: "If my lord agrees to let you go out to fight again, a decree will definitely come. My lord has a thorough understanding of everything in the world, and he will naturally know the location of the army."

Only then did all the students understand and praise the balance.

Before setting off, they went to groom the horses.

Niu Shi turned around and saw the crying little flower. They were about to be separated again. They didn't know when they would see each other again.

Niu Shi had already explained what needed to be explained, but the child was not easy to coax, so he resisted and did not look at Xiao Hua, but said to Xiao Hua's mother: "See my mother, give her the letter, and my mother will give it to the witch."

He spoke in simple Aztec language.

Xiaohua's mother smiled and nodded, patting her chest again, saying that she would definitely keep the letter well.

As a result, Cow Shit turned around and left, leaving only the sound of wailing that gradually faded away behind him.

Nearly 6,000 cavalrymen set off first.

One person and two horses, with the roar of iron hoofs and leaving smoke and dust billowing on the ground, rushed towards the north.

Tens of thousands of tribesmen had become accustomed to the power of the cavalry of the Legion of Gods, but at this moment, they could not help but kneel down and marvel at their power.

Now they already know...

Balance is the destination of millions of tribesmen on the earth.

People as powerful as the Hohokam have already surrendered, and powerful tribes from all over the land are not far behind.

Equilibrium 6 years, mid-June.

Entering summer.

It took a month for 70,000 tribesmen to successfully arrive in Carson City.

When several knights found the road signs left behind, they were all ecstatic and quickly turned around to bring the news back.

"We have found the road sign of Balance, and now there are only more than 180 kilometers left to reach the Kingdom of Balance! It only takes 7 days at the fastest!"

The Hohokam people and the elders saw that these knights were crazy and excited, but they could not understand their words.

Then, countless eyes fell on a little person...

Xiaohua still acts as a translator. Thanks to her being able to communicate with the knight in Chinese this month, "the distance is even, and it only takes 7 days and nights."

When the news spread, tens of thousands of people were excited.

The excitement made their tired bodies burst out with the last strength, and they set off the next day, speeding up their progress.

at the same time.

Nearly 6,000 cavalry troops have arrived in Area 5, Idaho.


If many people don’t know that Salem is the capital of Oregon, this little-known town is also the capital of Idaho.

A river meanders through the city.

The local indigenous people climbed to the mountain peak and saw that the long river was like a winding snake body, so they named it "Snake River".

at this time.

The Snake River was soaked in blood, and many corpses were floating along the water.

The cry of death resonates with the sound of horse hooves.

After a long time, the restlessness gradually subsided, and when dusk came, it turned into bursts of crying and chants in memory of the dead.

Thousands of troops surrounded a large settlement, forcing the tribesmen to kneel down.

After their defeat, a tribe called the "Nez Perce" swore allegiance to the Kinkou.

Time has entered July.

More than 13,000 people gathered in Idaho, led by 50 cavalry, and followed the road signs south to the Great Salt Lake area. Then they could trace the migration route of the Hohokam people and return to equilibrium.

Idaho is located at the eastern foot of the Rocky Mountains and is also a bitter cold mountainous area in the west. Therefore, its population is far less than that of Arizona and Utah in the south.

At night, the leaders of each war group have a regular meeting.

Bull shit speech:

"According to the large atlas given by our Lord, Areas 5 and 6 are sparsely populated. If nothing unexpected happens, we can complete the expedition in August and enter Area 7 in September."

No. 6 is Montana.

Number 7 is Wyoming.

Before the colonists landed and fought with the natives, there were few tribes in the west, such as the Sioux and Cheyenne tribes that became famous later. Most of them migrated from the east to the central plains and western mountainous areas to avoid the war after the war.

Although Montana is known as a mountain pasture, 60% of the state's land is prairie.

However, in the current primitive era, it was difficult for the indigenous people to withstand the cold wave from Canada.

Montana is as famous for its winter snowstorms as its pastures.

The remaining 40% of the land, mostly in the Yellowstone Park area, was called "Bad Land" by the first explorers hundreds of years later.

Various rocky mountains are not suitable for planting, and there are also volcanoes and geothermal heat, which show the terror of nature.

The indigenous people stay away from this place and fear the gods.

Wyoming is not much better. Half of the western part is occupied by the Rocky Mountains. Only a small part of the eastern part belongs to the Central Plains, and indigenous tribes are mostly concentrated in the east.

Therefore, the journey to the north was relatively easy.

Kill quickly and move quickly. Before the end of summer in September, you can complete the expedition in the three areas and return to the south of the Central Line of the Pacific Railway.

July 7th.

Zhou Li'an and Snow Girl arrive.

For the first time, I could feel the bustle of people in the main city of Balance.

At the same time, [Ding, population 63321!]

【Total population, 128422!】

The Hohokam migrated with tribes from Arizona and Utah.

The number of Balanced citizens exceeded the 100,000 mark for the first time.

On that day, Zhou Li'an performed a miracle and gave him a pendant and a statue.

Now it is no longer possible to bless each one, but the balance is strong enough to make these migrating tribes return.

For the first time, there was a housing shortage in the city, but with sufficient supplies, the elders made a guarantee that everyone would be able to live in peace before winter came.


【Eye of the Void】Consciousness comes.

Zhou Li'an found traces of the cavalry army in northeastern Idaho, and they were about to enter Montana.

There are also tens of thousands of tribal people who are heading from Idaho to Salt Lake City, Utah, towards the Equilibrium Avenue.

at the same time.

The snow girl is busy arranging things in the city. Before her arrival, she received the divine decree and now issues a red-headed document on follow-up work arrangements to the elders.

On the south side of the main city of Balance, cut down the forest and open up new construction land.

This will become the site of the [Temple of Balance Law] later, which is also the [Academic Center] of the system.

In addition, one should work step by step.

The new focus is to develop the Sacramento area as soon as possible, build a new city-state, and prepare for subsequent population migration.

Otherwise, the continuous migration of tribes will cause housing shortages.

Nowadays, the main city of Balance with more than 120,000 people has become bloated.

The young children who practice the law are still waiting to grow up, and the balanced people in power are still a group of uncivilized old gangsters. They will inevitably be incompetent when it comes to management matters.

Therefore, we can only divert the population and reduce the bloated system.

After she finished her work.

The mother came with a woman, and behind the woman there was a small animal hanging far away, and stopped outside the temple door.

But she was ignored by the snow girl because her mother handed her a letter, "This is cow shit that someone brought back. I don't know what it is!"

The snow girl knew at a glance that it was bull shit and she had something to report. It was inevitable to make mistakes when relaying the message. The letter was written in the balanced divine language and could be used for expression.

I just don't know if it's good news or bad news.

She quickly opened it and read it.

When he saw only half of it, he shouted in surprise, "Father has a new heir?"


Seeing her mother's confusion, Xue Nu looked at the woman next to her funny and explained: "The cow shit letter said that Xiaohua's mother gave birth to his father's heir."

The words fell.

The snow girl's mother also turned around suddenly and looked at the swollen belly of the woman next to her.

There was a language barrier between the two. When they first met a few days ago, they thought she had a magnificent figure, but they didn't expect she was pregnant with a child...

She didn't feel any discomfort, but was pleasantly surprised. She held the other person's hand, as close as a sister, "This is a good thing! Why didn't you tell me?"

Behind, Zhou Li'an has exited [Eye of the Void].

Just looking at this scene...

"What a wonderful time!"

"Husbands sing, wives follow, sisters love each other!"

He walked slowly, and Xue Nu's mother and other women immediately knelt down and knelt down. Xue Nu also knelt down and presented the letter...

Zhou Li'an glanced at it a few times and learned about Niu Shi's conquest arrangements.

The army dispatched knight guides to return the balance, so that the strength of the cavalry was reduced and needed to be replenished.

Moreover, these people who returned have accumulated experience along the way, and will be familiar with the roads when they lead various tribes to migrate in the future.

Therefore, they can be sent out again to join the army.

As for the end——

Zhou Li'an smiled and waved to Xiaoxiao outside the temple, "Xiaohua, come in!"

The girl ran over quickly and knelt beside her mother...

Just like what the bullshit said in the letter.

She is talented and intelligent, and has a high talent for learning. Now she can speak proficient Chinese. She is no longer fearless as when she first met her. She has awe of the true God of our Lord, "Praise my Lord, praise Balance!"

The snow girl said: "Master, I pray that you can give Xiao Hua the secret of law practice. It has only been 7 months since the New Year's Day, and she can already speak the divine language fluently. She is even smarter than the snow girl at the beginning."

Zhou Li'an glanced at her and knew that Xue Nu had a small selfish desire to pray for her younger brother.

During the day, the Hohokam elders visited him and mentioned Xiaohua. He relied on Xiaohua as a translator during the migration and as a communication link between the two parts.

Now that nearly 70,000 tribesmen who speak the Aztec language in Utah have surrendered, Xiaohua has become enlightened and can play the role of the Snow Girl, spreading the seeds of language to the newly arrived tribal children.

Bull shit, this is a tool man specially sent to me.

This is the thought.

Zhou Li'an smiled and nodded, "I will leave her to you these days. You will evaluate and train her, and open a new school as soon as possible so that the balanced Chinese language rules can spread among the new people."

Children are balanced flowers.

Strong young people make the country strong!

This chapter has been completed!
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