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[129] Temple of the Law of Equilibrium

Before the army returned, Zhou Li'an paused the acceleration of time.

The reason for this is this grand triumphal celebration ceremony.

At the same time, the [Eye of the Void] was used to constantly detect the movements of the army. When the army entered California, a divine decree was issued, ordering the cavalry to go to meet them and guide the way.

Hundreds of thousands of tribes migrated, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

The war horses of the cavalry army also multiplied along the way, and the mare that gave birth was relieved of the work of drafting animals and concentrated on raising foals.

The foal ran around beside the mare, and naughty children from all walks of life chased and played with the foal.

There are even more daring ones who ride on the back of a horse and become the enviable "King of Children".

Of course, these "kid kings" all have backgrounds.

Ordinary indigenous children would not dare to do this to the horses of the Legion of God. Most of these children were born after the leader of the war group conquered the tribes along the way.

In addition, domesticated sheep and alpacas also stretch the front line.

In the earliest expeditions, such domestic animals would be slaughtered and salted to be used as food reserves. However, considering that it was the final way back, the cow dung was allowed to be carried by various ministries, as long as it did not slow down the migration.


This scene is like a big moving city, rolling through the mountains and rivers of the earth.

It's both spectacular and messy.

Therefore, Zhou Li'an ordered his troops to stop in the "Bakersfield" area to tidy up the appearance of the army.

Take back the horses that have been pulled, ride them one by one, and lead the army in front.

"Bakersfield" is a small city in Southern California that emerged in the 19th century due to large oil fields. It continued to be an important place for the oil processing industry in later generations. It occupies the southernmost end of the Central Valley and irrigates massive amounts of farmland, making it a resource city.

Now, Hexiang has not yet built a city here, but after the influx of hundreds of thousands of people, building a new city has been included in the plan of the elders.

Bakersfield is 170 kilometers away from Fresno County and is also the only way from Southern California to Arizona.

This military road must be opened sooner or later.

Setting off from Bakersfield, not only the army was grooming themselves, but hundreds of thousands of tribesmen were also cleaning themselves in the rivers along the way, building sweat lodges, and men and women putting on clean clothes in order to solemnly worship the true God.

This trip lasted seven days.

Equilibrium 10 years, May 10th.


More than 100,000 people were waiting eagerly under the scorching sun.

A high platform and a pergola have been set up outside the city. Zhou Li'an, Snow Girl and the elders are waiting quietly. Ice cubes are placed around them, and a large industrial fan is connected to a generator in the distance to blow cool breeze.

In the eyes of the people, these are all miracles.

Scouts came several times to report the movement of the army.

Finally, a billowing cloud of smoke rolled up on the horizon, and in the smoke there was a red tidal wave.

"It's an army!!"

"The army is wearing red treasure armor!!"

When people saw the whereabouts of the army, the place became excited, making the anxious summer in early May even hotter.

The elders kneeling on the stage were also extremely excited.

The oldest elder is really capable of resisting.

He has been with Qingliang for 10 years. He has become rickety in stature, but his complexion is still rosy. He keeps himself healthy with a small pot of hot milk in the morning and evening.

His son is in the army and is one of the earliest hunting leaders of the Tushi Tribe.

Today, his grandson has become the law instructor of the Kinkou School, teaching the beliefs and laws of Kinkou.

"My lord, the army returns in triumph!!"

"This, this is all your grace under your glory!"

"Your humble servant praises you at this moment, praises the balance!"

The old man was panting heavily, almost using up all his strength to sing out praises.

The other elders also shouted and praised.

Zhou Li'an smiled and said nothing.

The snow girl is also looking forward to the distance...

Come back, my father and brother are back!

She suppressed the moisture in her eyes and maintained the majesty of the witch.

The sound of iron hoofs roared across the earth, approaching.

Not far away, Zhou Weiguo set up a camera early to record everything.


"Dismount! Dismount!"

The battle order was passed on, and the roar of the warriors spread among the troops.

Almost at the command of the order, the cavalry army stopped, and all rolled off their horses. The sound of heavy armor clashing was shocking, and the blood flowed involuntarily.

Take the first three steps up the mountain, slap your breastplate and shout -

"My lord is on high!"

"We, the cavalry army, will live up to our lord's divine grace and bring all the people on the earth to court and surrender under the balance!"

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"Balance exists among all things!"

This has been rehearsed for a long time. It is a bullshit suggestion. It should be concise and to the point.

At this moment, the army at the rear let out a war cry, and the warriors on both sides moved their horses and dispersed to both sides, and the central army also followed suit and separated into a central road.

Afterwards, nearly ten thousand red-armored warriors knelt down and worshiped.

The central passage that was left out showed the people and horses migrating behind, and there was a sea of ​​people. Even if there were no horses' hooves on the ground, the smoke was still filling the air.

The crowd behind was still far away, but a group of chiefs and elders from various tribes came to pay homage. They were dressed in various colors, some were bare-chested and smeared with bear fat, and some wore feathered headbands.

After walking through the passage left by the army, I finally knelt down and worshiped.

They have also learned a few common words of balance, and at this moment offer their devotion to our Lord, the true God, the Lord of Balance——

"We are willing to surrender under the knees of the true God, the leader of the gods, and become your most pious and humble servants and messengers!"

At this moment.

Zhou Li'an, who had not moved for a long time on the high platform, stood up.

Under the scorching afternoon sun, his body was shrouded in a golden brilliance that was more dazzling than the sun, and the sacred dharma bodies of the gods were condensed above.

Countless people were moved to tears by this miracle.

All the people behind him knelt down and worshiped.

Zhou Li'an's voice then spread out——

"Those who believe in balance will be happy and peaceful in life, and will be guided to the door to the afterlife when they die!"

Snow Girl followed Zhou Li'an half a step behind, shouting, "To balance all the people, we should praise the grace of our Lord and True God!!"

The roaring shouts of praise shook the earth and the earth.

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

The ceremony is completed.

[Ding! Population 351,761!]

[Ding, total population: 823915!]

It's night.

Brilliant fireworks bloomed over the main city of Balance 5.

People from all over the country came voluntarily to celebrate the holy ceremony with the more than 300,000 people who had migrated.

Zhou Li'an rewarded countless fine wines, arranged for people to blend them early, and dug a reservoir outside the city for people to cool off and revel.

Climbing the mountain, Niu Shi and other war group leaders came to visit, but were turned away by Zhou Li'an, "All matters will be discussed after the three-day celebration!"

And when the snow girl came back, Zhou Li'an had already traveled through time and left.

The snow girl was stunned for half a second, and then she realized that the master was giving her time to reunite with her family.

However, the fact is that she cannot participate.

The victorious army celebrated happily, but because of her appearance, the rough guys couldn't let go, and everyone who saw her knelt down and worshiped.

Even my father and younger brother were not very comfortable and were in awe.

However, seeing that they were surrounded by soldiers and full of joy, the snow girl did not blame her, but said to her father and Niu Shi: "Although my lord asked you to wait for three days to celebrate, father, don't forget that there are still two people at home. Wife, a son is eagerly awaited.”

I had already drank a lot while climbing the mountain, and I was confused for a moment, "Two wives?"

Niu Shi smiled bitterly: "It's Xiaohua's mother. She was already pregnant when she returned to equilibrium. When Xiaohua came two years ago, she also said that I had an extra brother."

"Ah, yes, yes..."

The snow girl didn't even look at her father, but turned to look at Niu Shi, "You too, little flower always misses you, and my Lord also intends to grant you a marriage."

"Marriage?" This time it was the cow's turn to sit on the wax, and he was very embarrassed, "I, I haven't passed the test of the coming of age ceremony yet!"

The snow girl had no choice but to say, "You are already an adult. You have been on this expedition for 5 years, but it is not considered a coming of age test? My Lord even gave you a name personally! If you don't like Xiao Hua, I will tell Xiao Hua that there is a big brother in the clan." Wait for the elders and relatives to propose marriage!"

After that, she turned and left.

A group of guards stood guard, got on a carriage, and headed towards the main city of Balance.

The father and son looked at each other, climbed the mountain and hugged their son with a smile, "You are going to be a father too! Your sister... Wu is right, you have gone through the test of the coming-of-age ceremony during your expedition, and the leaders of each war group have their respect for you. Approval, that’s enough!”

The leader on the side laughed loudly: "Our cow shit is going to be a father, and my Lord personally granted the marriage! Even that little flower is not beautiful enough!"

"But it doesn't matter. I have a niece who was born like a calf. She must have grown into a body like a black bear in the past few years since she went on the war!"

"Without my approval, she won't easily take advantage of other men, so she might as well make you a cow shit wife!"

"The child born in the future can cut off people's heads with a sword, and educate all people while sitting on the ground! He will be both a wise man and a warrior."

Niu Shi had a panicked look on his face and ran out of the door, leaving a group of rough guys laughing.

He looked at his sister's carriage leaving, knowing that he could not keep up, and felt a little depressed.

If he had time, he would like to go back to the main city to see his mother, brother, and by the way... see Xiao Hua.

However, at this moment.

A voice called from the side, "Brother Niushi, you, don't you like Xiaohua?"

Niu Shi turned around suddenly and looked at the petite girl who was 11 or 2 years old in shock, "Xiao Hua, why are you here?"

Xiaohua frowned and looked into the room, obviously hearing everyone's teasing laughter just now.

She turned away and turned to leave.

Niu Shi was so anxious that he was spinning around in circles, but finally chased after Xiao Hua and grabbed Xiao Hua, "I like you, but you are still young. My Lord... My Lord has given me the law of living things, which states that women must be 18 It is better to have children after age..."

"I can wait until you grow up!"

After hearing this, Xiaohua's cheeks turned red, "Then don't you think I was born not magnificent enough?"

Niu Shi shook his head and spoke very straight: "My sister... Isn't the witch so thin? Although she is not beautiful enough, she still has the favor of my Lord..."

"Then go find something magnificent!" Xiaohua stepped on his feet and trotted away into the distance.

Not long after, a horse with golden fur all over its body was pulled out, and he stepped on the saddle nimbly.

This is the direct descendant of the original "Ahal Te Golden Horse". There are 8 horses in the past 10 years. This is the youngest descendant. The snow girl gave the little flower as a reward.

Although she is young, she is already a big figure in the balanced power structure and is the dean-level figure of a college in the main city.

From time to time, he would participate in the meetings of the Board of Elders of the Equilibrium and serve as an interpreter for the Aztec-speaking tribes of Utah.

And because of the favor of my lord and the shaman, my status is transcendent.

Therefore, when she was tall enough to reach the saddle, the snow girl taught her equestrian skills privately, so that she could run between the main city and No. 6 city "Sparks".

It’s no longer possible to chase the cow shit anymore.

Looking down at the aching feet, he was puzzled, "Did I say something wrong? This is the truth! Sister and Xiaohua are both hungry and thin..."

"If my sister hadn't been pious and the first being who could communicate with our true Lord, it would have been difficult for a woman like her to marry."

"Xiaohua is still young and not sensible at all!"

Shaking his head.

The cow shit found the gathering place of the students and started eating and stuffing.

But it is sweet in my heart, sweeter than the rice cakes with sugar on the table.

Xiaohua made a special trip here just to take a look at him?

May 14th.

The celebration is over.

More than 300,000 people from various tribes will temporarily live in Fresno, the fifth city. In the future, they will be divided into cities in batches and expand to the south to expand more city-states.

The equilibrium population is 820,000, which is not much different from the expected result.

There are currently 6 main cities, and only 2 need to be expanded to accommodate them.


The 10,000-strong army is fully established, including the advance troops who led the tribes to migrate earlier, because I mainly bless the balanced cavalry army.

During the 5-year expedition, there is still a long way to go!!

Zhou Li'an has particularly raised the standard. Since the 5th year of equilibrium, he has rarely blessed his people one by one, but this time, he will receive the warriors' kneels one by one.

During the main city celebration on the 5th, the number of people admitted is limited.

Now my Lord has blessed the army of cavalry, attracting people from all cities to come to the court one after another.

Even with the restraints of the ministers and elders, they could not dampen the enthusiasm of the people, causing crowds of people to watch the ceremony all over the main city of Balance.

It took two full days to bless 10,000 people.

And just when the reward is completed.

Zhou Weiguo took several students and set up a camera position under a hill in the main city of Balance.

The trees on the hill have been cleared, uprooted, and backfilled with soil. Now it is a bare mound, which is the highest point of the main city of Balance.

Zhou Li'an led the elders to the foot of the mountain.

Everyone already has a vague idea of ​​what I want to do.

Just because our Lord once said that after the army returns in triumph, the "Temple of the Law of Balance" will be created for the people to enter the temple to practice the supreme law.

There are craftsmen who have already been gearing up and eager to try, hoping to contribute their efforts to this great project.

Among them, the Hohokam craftsmen are the first.

They have experience in building large buildings. They only talk about balancing the existing residences of gods in the main city. In their eyes, it is very inconsistent with the status of the gods. They have already proposed to rebuild the temple to dedicate themselves to piety.

At this time, all the elders and war group leaders followed behind my lord.

Zhou Li'an called in his heart——


“Build a Junior Academic Center!”


[System data is being composed...]


The scene in front of Zhou Li'an changed, and he unexpectedly entered the [Eye of the Void] state of consciousness.

Before he could ask questions.

The system said:

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Li'an discovered the existence of the "record" button on the function panel.


A temple created out of thin air.

Of course such a miracle must be recorded.

For this reason, he also specially asked Zhou Weiguo to train several photography students, specially replenished the camera positions, and recorded everything.

If you shoot with the Eye of the Void, the effect will be even better.

Recording is on.

When Zhou Li'an's consciousness came to his vision, a light curtain appeared, like a box in a "construction simulation" game.

Covering the top of the mound.

After he consciously chose to confirm the construction.


The earth trembled and the mountains shook.

[Eye of the Void] Automatically exits when consciousness comes.

I saw a bright light shining brightly on the mound, and huge rocks and square bricks appeared out of thin air from under the earth, rising up from the ground.

Zhou Li'an gained wisdom out of desperation, opened the sacred Dharma body, and condensed it on the body shape.

When he raised his hand...

The condensed True God Dharma Body also raised its arm and pointed at the hill. The two were obviously far apart, but the two sacred radiances complemented each other, reaching the same rhythm and shining dazzlingly.

A solemn temple was being quickly built in a morphological manner that was inconsistent with scientific laws, and there was a bluestone staircase extending down from the hill, like dominoes toppling over to form one staircase after another.

[Ding! Construction completed!]

[Please provide a custom name for the building. If there is no name, "Junior Academic Center" will be used as the default name.]


In front of everyone, in the open space next to the steps, a huge boulder came out of the ground, with one smooth side facing everyone.

Zhou Li'an immediately entered——

[Temple of the Law of Balance]

On the boulder, the magnificent font naturally appeared deeply.

Up to this moment.

The place where hundreds of thousands of people gathered was completely silent.

Only the lingering sound of the masonry and masonry of the temple on the top of the mountain still echoes for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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