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【131】Faith is the first sequence


The main city of Balance is brightly lit, although it is not as good as the electrified cities in the world, but at the same time, in all continents, it is already a shining pearl in the dark night of the land.

Natural light sources do not hinder the gorgeous starry night.

People sang and danced around the bonfire to celebrate the great victory and the greatness of the God's creation temple.

Snow Girl, Niu Shi, Xiao Hua and others are busy.

The major exams for practitioners in each city are related to the important matter of entering the temple of the Law of Balance, so they should not be neglected.

All kinds of test questions are ready from their hands, and after daylight tomorrow, they will be sent to various cities for copying of the questions.

At the same time, the elders and the leaders of each war group formed a temple guard team overnight, guarding the temple gate with heavy armor.

In fact, even if there is no one guarding, no one would dare to desecrate the Oracle of Balance and even take a step into the temple.

However, the sense of ritual cannot be missing.

Our Lord has given the Temple of the Law of Balance to be supreme, and everyone must be in awe of it.

Today's tribal people are at two extremes.

The less educated you are, the more shocked you are by the greatness of our Lord’s miracles.

On the contrary, the more educated people, such as Snow Girl, Niu Shi, Xiao Hua and others, are more aware of the inscrutableness of this scientific divine law.

The supremacy of balanced divine authority is deeply ingrained in their hearts.

There are thousands of avenues in the world, and they are all created by our Lord, Balance.

——My Lord is the true God, the leader of the gods, the controller of all rules and laws in the world!

The next day.

The matter of our Lord’s Temple of the Law of Balance in Creation has truly fermented.

The people who came to watch the ceremony yesterday were only a small number. When people traveled under the stars and nights, they brought the news back to various cities...

When everyone heard that our Lord had established a temple on a mound, they were all shocked and speechless. Various descriptions and descriptions abounded, igniting people's instinctive curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

More and more people gathered at the foot of the Temple Mount.

Worried about the commotion, the elders came to see us and inquire about our Lord's will.

However, Zhou Li'an had no worries. The purpose of establishing the temple was to win over the faith of these newly returned tribes.

Since the first batch of tribes migrated and arrived, guards have been set up in the main city for a long time...

Even if there are real troublemakers, Zhou Li'an is not a vegetarian. It has been a long time since he punished the rebels and reaped the souls of the disobedient.

When all the people come to worship, they go to the Temple Mount.

The guards outside the temple were all nervous and pointed their spears at each other.

However, the reaction of the worshipers from all walks of life quickly dissipated the tense atmosphere; they were seen kneeling and worshiping on the stone steps of the top of the mountain, showing piety on their faces.

Or spontaneously place the sacrifices brought from home to offer sacrifices to our Lord and True God.

Everything is peaceful and pious.

Gradually, the panicked temple guards calmed down and blended into this subtle atmosphere; no one taught them, but they stood tall and motionless.

It is almost integrated with the solemn temple behind it, showing its holiness and solemnity.

Soon the elder reported these situations again.

Zhou Li'an smiled and told Xue Nu: "Arrange senior monks from various departments of Chinese language and law to serve as missionaries and impart my teachings to all peoples on the Temple Mountain..."

"There is no distinction between teaching and everyone can learn from it."

Seeing that my lord has given me an oracle.

Snow Girl just shifted her gaze and saw Xiaohua already holding a notebook and moving...

Niu Shi put down the question book, sat upright, and listened to the instructions.

Zhou Li'an said:

"Farmers can learn about the growth patterns of crops, know about spring plowing and autumn harvest, fertilize the land, eliminate pests, and make rice, vegetables and vegetables abundant!"

"Hunters learn from their studies, learn about the habits of all creatures, tame buffalo and goats, mark the land into pens, raise meat, and also use it as animal power, and build large-scale construction projects."

"A craftsman learns from his studies, knows how to measure structures, and can create countless things. He can build a stove and a bed to make the house feel like spring in the cold winter. He can design ships and vehicles to connect the earth and the sea in a balanced way."

"The cooks learn from each other and learn the nutritional combinations, so that all people can be healthy and strong..."

"The pharmacist learns from him, drives away diseases and avoids harm, and brings the dead back to life..."

"There are more warriors who want to learn and learn the supreme military laws, so that they can expand their territory and spread the glory of balance to all parts of the earth!"


Everyone listened to the teachings, their little faces turned red, as if they had already seen the brilliance of the balanced situation.

Xiaohua keeps recording and improving.

When my master finished speaking, her hands were already sore from writing, but she couldn't relax and quickly handed it to Niu Shi, "Brother Niu Shi, come and proofread it."

After looking at the cow dung, he gave it to the snow girl.

Finally, the snow girl made a decision and began to order people to copy it. She also quickly summoned senior monks from various departments to read and recite these oracles, and then rushed to the temple mountain.

The Temple Mount at this time was like a tourist attraction in later generations.

One after another, the handsome and upright young men turned into impassioned tour guides and delivered our Lord’s oracles to all peoples in various languages.

Farmers, hunters, and craftsmen can all learn from it.

Even the cooks can practice the supreme laws given by our true God, dedicate their strength to balance, and shine brightly.

Countless people were moved and felt incredible, but all of them were convinced.

Because this is the will of our Lord God.

This is the first missionary work of Balance, and the people's faith is firm. At this point, the seeds of civilization have actually taken root and sprouted, and with the help of the Temple of the Law of Balance, they have quickly grown into towering trees.

Unexpectedly, Shan Shan and others brought another surprise to Zhou Li'an.

The leaders of each war group have returned triumphantly and become the hottest stars in each city and tribe in the Kingdom of God. The tribes that migrated here may not know about "witches" yet, but they all know that they are the legions of gods under the command of our Lord, the True God.

It is these invincible red-armored warriors who make all the people on the earth surrender.

Therefore, their every move is closely watched, and they are the real power controllers of various ministries.

early morning.

The people who climbed the mountain gathered together, and without any unnecessary discussion, they looked for craftsmen and asked them to teach them how to build houses.

The craftsmen were frightened and uneasy when faced with these big figures.

Climbing the mountain, he said: "My Lord once said that there is no age of learning, only those who master first; you are the most skilled craftsmen, and in the face of construction technology, you are our teachers..."

The craftsman is inexplicable.

A leader of the war group said carelessly: "Do you understand, teacher? Don't you understand? Oh, just think of yourself as the leader of the war group, and we are the warriors under your command. We will kill whoever you ask us to kill."

The craftsman was even more panicked.

Kushan smiled bitterly and said: "My Lord has established the Temple of the Law of Balance to promote enlightenment. As long as all people have the intention to learn, they can practice the law!"

"Today, if we want to practice the laws of Chinese language, we need a school. But to show our desire to learn, this school needs to be built by ourselves!"

The craftsman understood now, "Everyone, leaders, just give me a few days and we will be able to complete the school."

"Why are you so stupid as a fool? We have to build the school ourselves, understand? This is a manifestation of the desire to learn..."

"We will have to learn how to practice the law from a group of little kids in the future. Now let's learn how to build a house from you first. Hey... what did you say about cow shit last night? What is this called Tai?"


"Yes, attitude! It is also a pious heart!"

“If you can’t even learn how to build a house, how can you learn the supreme law given by our Lord?”

Gradually, the leaders became impatient and simply kidnapped the craftsmen and began to practice construction techniques.

When people around him asked, they would repeat these words.

As more and more people came to worship in the main city, things like mountain climbing and other things about the war group leader spread quickly.

The power of role models is huge.

The leaders of each department can build their own schools to learn the rules and learn the craftsmanship of architecture first, and all the people should follow suit.

When Zhou Li'an heard the news, he was very pleased and issued another decree: "Each city can open night schools to enlighten people who are eager to learn after work breaks every day."

Xue Nu and others immediately made arrangements and were very excited.

But in fact...

Zhou Li'an is not optimistic about this "Study Movement". The symbolic significance of this move is far-reaching and the practical significance is just to sow a concept for all people.

Everything is of inferior quality, but reading is of high quality.

Of course, night schools will continue to be opened. The current balance is that there is no shortage of teachers, not to mention that night schools are opened after work every day.

The children who were studying the Dharma in the academy are now out of school.

Crowds gather to learn the Pinyin alphabet, which is more like a group activity after dinner, enhancing cohesion and enriching spiritual life.

However, there will always be those with high talent or great perseverance who will stand out from the more than 800,000 people in the Balance and will enter the powerful class in the future.

The Law of Balance is established in the Temple.

Enlightenment of the Kingdom of God Xiangxue Movement.

Assessment by colleges in each city.

Several major events caused Zhou Li'an to temporarily delay the acceleration of time.

He listened to the reports every day, thought carefully, and constantly issued decrees to put the balance on the right track.

At the same time, he returned to the present world, edited the video material of the Creation Temple, and began to show it in six major cities at the same time.

It also included the surrender of the last 300,000 people and the blessing ceremony after the army's triumphal return.

The highlight, of course, is the creation of the Temple Mount.

Every time this scene is shown, the audience in the viewing area is filled with praises like a tsunami, and almost everyone has gone to the Temple Mount to worship the temple.

In addition, learn from learning.

The basics of life and work cannot be shaken.

It's mid-May, spring seeds have already been sown, and green seedlings are growing in the endless rice fields.

There are also cattle in the dry fields constantly cultivating the land and sowing corn, wheat, vegetables, etc. that Zhou Li'an brought from this world.

The problem of food rations for more than 800,000 people is a big deal.

Fortunately, in the past five years, balanced agriculture has developed rapidly, and cattle have been given to breed innumerable numbers. When various ministries migrated here, they immediately invested in land reclamation, laying the foundation for a surge in food production.

During the Little Ice Age, the Aztecs in Central America could not avoid the weather.

And Zhou Li'an gave the "Weather Forecast" to know the temperature changes every year. If there is an extreme disaster, the spring planting time will be delayed.

With the water and soil in California, one season of rice is more than enough every year.

If it’s really frost in June...

Zhou Li'an can also mobilize supplies from the living world.

Of course, the more important thing is the early stage reserves to deal with disasters.

In addition to farming matters, the construction of new cities continued southward from Fresno County to Bakersfield.

The Southern Expedition can be postponed for two years.

There is no rush to develop the military road, but it can open up the road from Bakersfield to Owens Valley.

Facilitate the training of new cavalry.

One last thing...

Balanced first population information registration, brackets: part of the population.

Population information registration is not a census.

An average of 99% of the people are still illiterate, there is no unified writing system, and it is difficult to count surnames and names.

Only the 1% of young people who practice the law can be registered and the first batch of educated people can be counted.

The main significance is to issue degree certificate——

Realm waist badge.

The Temple of the Law of Balance has been established, and it is not just a decoration. The sooner you start studying various subjects, the sooner Balance will usher in great development.

City 6 has been established in Sparks, Nevada for a long time, and has a large amount of mineral resources waiting to be developed.

No. 7 and No. 8 cities are heading south to open up farmland and clear roads. What Zhou Li'an is targeting is the oil in the San Joaquin Valley.

Material resource points have been confirmed.

The only thing left is for these law monks to learn high school physics and chemistry as soon as possible, learn the methods of creation and alchemy, and start to smelt steel and mine oil.

The legal realm of high school is high-level, and grades 1, 2, and 3 are divided into lower, middle, and upper grades.

High school students have enough knowledge to do many things.

In China, if we go back a few decades, all high school students will be top students, and they will be the middle and senior backbones of major state-owned factories.

It's just that today's high school students have less practice and no room to develop.

Study the exam questions and work hard for the college entrance examination.

When you go to college, you just lie down in the dormitory; or you are ignorant of love, rolling around with women and men, in and out.

[Junior Academic Center] contains all the knowledge elements of elementary, middle and high school, and the knowledge content has been purified.

Zhou Li'an has also gone to the temple to check it out these days. The system evolution test papers are not weaker than reality.

And the focus is more on the practical aspect.

It is no longer a calculation on paper, but more about starting from scratch, from the simplest manual work to a complex experimental project to extract chemical substances.

Balanced young people can continue to produce talents as long as they follow the steps.

This saves Zhou Li'an a lot of effort to lead the experiment, and he can completely let them teach themselves.

So the first question...

The temple is open, and the qualifications for entering the temple are selected.

The laws in God's kingdom have not yet been established, but standards for practitioners can be established in colleges in various cities and bound by rules.

This is also a pilot prototype of legislation.

When these balanced futures become accustomed to rules, the future will naturally allow balanced countries to complete their evolution into an orderly society.

Ever since.

The progress of the state assessment in each city is in full swing.

Zhou Li'an was not idle either. He took Xue Nu and others to fly helicopters to various cities.

In fact, riding a horse is enough for this distance.

But flying a plane can be a show-off, and it can also draw a wave of faith.

At the same time, while showing movies for various cities, they also participate in the supervision of college assessments, get close to these balanced futures, and let the children feel the grace of the gods.

Equilibrium 10 June.

More than 10,000 law monks were registered and divided into cities.

These people are young people who have been given names and have mastered the laws of Chinese language at a low level.

Among the more than 10,000 people, more than 3,000 monks at the intermediate level of Chinese Language Law were screened out through realm assessment...

From this world, Zhou Li'an used a machine to laminate waist tags engraved with the "Balance Logo" and personally blessed these children.

The material used for the waistband is gold, which is California gold produced in this time and space.

In the future, it will become an antique, and even if it is measured using materials, no mistakes can be found.

For this little expense, it was just a drop in the bucket, and Zhou Li'an didn't feel bad at all.

Besides, gold output has increased significantly, and every city has organized gold mining teams to search for surface gold in rivers and mountains.

In the near future, mineral development and gold mining volume will increase.

June 10th.

Under the Temple Mount, all the people gathered.

Our Lord True God led the first batch of 300 law monks to enter the Temple of the Law of Balance, consult the secret scrolls, and practice the supreme law.

These 300 people are all the best in the law realm assessment.

They take the lead in practicing and master it as soon as possible, and they can also teach it in colleges in various cities to popularize the basic knowledge. Later, they can learn it again and get twice the result with half the effort.

In addition, the books in the temple were copied into multiple volumes and spread as far as possible.

Zhou Li'an is not afraid of knowledge being leaked now.

The Europeans haven't landed yet.

Balance is the unity of all people.

Even if someone loses his mind and runs away with the secret book, he can't escape from America.

When the balanced cultural leap takes place, high school knowledge will no longer be secret. As for the teaching of higher laws in the future...

Those who practice the Dharma are all religious fanatics.

They are first of all our Lord's servants, attendants, balanced preachers, and practitioners of the Law.

Belief in Our Lord, Balance - is the first sequence of the laws of the Kingdom of God.

This chapter has been completed!
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