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【149】God watching

Zhou Li'an felt that he had come to the right place.

Just watching the play was worth the price of admission, and not only could he watch it himself, but he could also record it and bring it back to the Kinkou Kingdom for his people to watch together, and then put it into the Kinkou Bible as an allusion to educate and entertain.

The young king fell into misfortune.

A loyal scholar is cunning.

Aztec version of Gou Jian and Fan Li.

It has to be said that the Grand Scholar had the right time, place, people and people, and used night as a shelter. However, the soldiers in each city were not very familiar with the local environment, and some were restless.

The most important thing is that stab in the back.

Killing a Tepanix really started the fight.

A master and a servant shuttled through the camp.

Behind them, soldiers from various cities were at war with each other.

Chimalpopoka was very obedient, or perhaps he was too frightened to think or react. Therefore, he did not look around and just followed Didimar's silent running.

Everything went smoothly.

It went so smoothly that Zhou Li'an even thought it was a movie script.

But no, this is really happening.

When they crossed the border of the camp, the mature and steady academician couldn't hold it in any longer. He grabbed the hand of the sin king tightly and exerted force again, shouting in a low voice: "Run! Go to the tribes that the Tepanix people slaughtered."


See here.

Zhou Li'an knew it was safe.

The Eye of the Void watched as the battle in the camp heated up, and no one noticed that their prisoners had escaped.

But now they choose to step into the vast mountains and be chased by warriors from various cities who were unaware. With their physiques, they are definitely no match.

It's better to just hide and seek.

A group of reckless warriors are far from playing tricks with a wise man. How do they know the meaning of darkness under the lamp?

People who have the chance to escape will not try their best to fly away?

Of course, if someone has an idea, it's possible to discover them.

However, based on comprehensive judgment, hiding is the best option.

The two of them are lucky because...

The gaze and mercy of the only true God in the world.

To put the finishing touch on their escape plan.


30 kilometers away.

The h225 engine ignites and starts.

Zhou Li'an rushed towards the camp and climbed high into the sky. The open plain outside the rugged mountainous area was clearly a living target under the bonfires of the 2,000-person camp.

When the roar in the distant sky came.

The soldiers from each city facing each other in the camp looked up. The angry flames that were about to explode a second ago seemed to be poured from head to toe by liquid nitrogen at this moment, and a chill spread throughout their bodies.

There is also the primitive human instinct of seeking knowledge and exploration. They stare at the dark night sky and explore the truth.

Gradually, some people knelt down tremblingly, seeming to feel something, and looked up into the deep sky, "It's the arrival of gods, the arrival of the only true god in the world!!"

Just then there was a shout.


A beam of strong light shines down from high altitude, and the convolved smoke and dust are injected into the beam, which seems to condense the beam into an entity, like a lightsaber slashed from the sky.

Everyone in the camp was panicked and obsessed. Their bodies could no longer move, and their souls were pulled away.

The voice of the gods descended—

"You blasphemer who has committed sins, I don't see your heart of repentance and redemption. No one listens to my precepts and casts firm faith in the balanced holy will!"

"Those who are disobedient will only face the punishment of judgment and purify your sins!"

"Only by sincere repentance and the baptism of countless hardships and pains can we finally become pure, stay away from falsehood and uncertainty, and regain salvation!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Unknown things are falling from high altitudes one after another.

This time it’s not rockets, the cost is too high.

The Cayero Group's self-made C4 is very good, dropping like a dumpling.

Boom, boom boom boom!!

An earth-shaking explosion began to sweep through the camp, destroying everything.

at the same time.

Chimalpopoka and Didimar, who were running away, finally couldn't help but stop and looked back in astonishment.

"Didimar, yes, is the true god, the Lord of Balance!"

"I seem to have heard his instructions..."

Didymar also swallowed hard. He wanted to take this opportunity to continue to escape with the Sin King. It was obvious that the holy weapon in the sky and the big explosion in the camp still made him kneel down uncontrollably——

"Praise be to Him, King of Sin, to the Name of Balance!"

The master and the servant knelt on the ground and began to worship.

After a long time, the explosion stopped.

The evening breeze carried the smell of gunpowder smoke and the aroma of barbecued meat, followed by sporadic miserable screams.

Just then.

A huge shadow high in the sky came towards them.

The beam of light wandered across the earth and finally landed on the master and servant.

Then, the light stopped.

A restless roar enveloped their heads, and strong winds pressed from top to bottom.

Both Chimalpopoka and Didimar were trembling, and the prayers they originally murmured could no longer be fully expressed.

But finally.


The beam goes out.

The roar in the sky was quickly moving away, and like his sudden arrival, it also disappeared from the night sky in a very short period of time.

Huchi, wheeze.

The two of them were panting constantly. They were obviously in a cold mountainous area, but now their front and back were wet with sweat.

Chimalpopoka seemed to have lost all strength.

He sat down completely, and even his teeth chattered uncontrollably.

The middle-aged bachelor was also on the verge of amnesty. He glanced at the camp in the distance. His survival instinct prompted him to burst out with his last strength. He hugged the young man and said, "Let's get out of here!"

The plan has not changed.

The two of them followed the path that Didimar had already explored, and came to the former tribal village. They hid in the cellar that had been evacuated. He did not even cover the cellar with stone slabs, for fear of being discovered by someone who was interested, so he tried his best to do everything possible.

The performance is natural.

"Sleep, take a nap! We will truly escape from their captivity."

The King of Sin, who had just lost his strength, gained a sense of security because of this confined space. He couldn't help but said: "Didimar, just now, just now, the god has looked at us, and He has not punished us!"

"I heard His precepts, 'Only by repenting sincerely and undergoing the baptism of countless hardships and pains can we...regain salvation.'"

"The only true God in the world, the Lord of Balance, has listened to our confessional prayers and may also recognize our path to salvation!"

"Didimar, is that true?"

Didymar was stunned.

He had not heard the words of the gods, but now he was reviewing the logic.

The beam of light stagnated on the two of them for a long time, but no punishment came. Instead, the soldiers from each city suffered the baptism of divine punishment.

They killed the Aztecs and took away the treasures that the Aztecs wanted to offer to the gods!!

All this is blasphemy.

‘So, the gods are always watching our every move?’ Didymar’s whole body felt numb as if he had been electrocuted.

He instinctively wanted to look around and explore the mystery, but in the end he forcibly restrained his movements.

Start chanting praises silently in your heart.

After a long time, he calmed down and said: "Sin King, if you follow the instructions you listened to, then as I said before, this is just the beginning of the road to redemption..."

"We will go through countless hardships before we can truly see the glory of the only true God in the world!"

“If we cannot be cleansed of our sins, we will also not be able to receive redemption!”

"Two years later, the judgment will come, and everyone who has sinned will be sentenced to death!"

"King of sins, don't indulge yourself because of the gods' mercy and forgiveness. You must remember your sins and the piety in your heart!"

He put out the statue of our Lord that he carried with him and began to worship.

Chimalpopoka didn't have time to digest the message in those words, so he kowtowed and silently recited the holy name of Balance in his heart.

at the same time.

Zhou Li'an did not leave directly.

When he came, he checked the mountains along the way and finally landed on a cliff not far from the camp.

The aircraft can recover system space for 600,000 yuan once, so unnecessary expenses can be saved.

Moreover, Zhou Li'an still needs to continue to observe the status of the master, the servant, and the soldiers in each city.

Now there is no need to use the Eye of the Void.

During this time and tonight, I have accumulated enough useful materials. All I need to do is observe with a telescope from a high place.


Return to the present world.

Set an alarm clock for 7 hours to return to balanced time and space before 5 o'clock.

The next day.

A person sleeps peacefully and is full of energy.

Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that the kidneys govern water, which carries and stores Qi from the five internal organs.

Although I only hid it for a day, I started to see results. My waist was warm and comfortable.

Zhou Li'an felt that he was doing well again.

Coming through time.

The dry air is in stark contrast to the current Caribbean.

Faintly, I seemed to be able to smell the smell of scorched earth blowing from outside the valley. I waited until daybreak and looked through the telescope.

Everything in the camp is cruel.

There is no life in it, with more than 70% of the dead and injured. Anyone who survives has already escaped from this place where divine punishment has come. It is regarded as a taboo and they dare not set foot there.

There are also those who are dying and struggling, as if they are crazy.

Zhou Li'an set up the hot pot, ate and watched, and replenished the plane's fuel for the return trip.

to noon.

He found figures emerging from the villages that had been massacred.

Didymar came out of the cellar to investigate the situation. He took every step carefully and hesitated for a long time before he dared to return to the camp...

The scorched earth of destruction after divine punishment will be etched in his heart for the rest of his life.

He quickly collected weapons and supplies, and after returning, he quickly set foot towards the northern mountainous area with a low figure.

At this point, this mission is successfully concluded.

Zhou Li'an observed the surrounding situation again and confirmed that there was no one left to threaten their lives.

As for how to survive in the wilderness.

A modern person does not need to worry about the abilities of the indigenous people.

The bachelors in the city-state civilization are not industrious and indifferent to grains. In addition to knowledge, they also have the qualities of combat skills and military skills to develop in an all-round way.

Just looking at his dirty tricks last night, you can tell that he is quite capable.

What a surprise...

Just pay attention from time to time.

As long as he is not killed instantly and is still alive, Zhou Li'an can go to the rescue at any time.

And without the bloated army accompanying them, the two men's advance speed will also increase. In half a year, they can reach the US-Mexico border.

Even if the road is lost, moving to the east and west and away from the central plateau of Mexico will make it easier to survive.

At that time, arrangements can be made for the cavalry to pick you up.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the plane took off and returned to Qianli.

Considering the safety of flying at night, we stopped before sunset and started again the next day.

Equilibrium Year 11, October 10th.

Zhou Li'an returns to No. 6 City.

I haven’t seen you for two days and I miss you very much.

Although Xue Nu appears serious in front of outsiders, the tenderness in her eyebrows tells Zhou Li'an...

Her thirst for knowledge was overwhelming, and she wanted to take classes to learn more knowledge.

My Lord returns.

The research team meets.

Under the leadership of Yuki Onna, several earthen blast furnaces have been installed.

The advantage of the system [Academic Center] is that it can purify knowledge and sort it out into grades. The knowledge is written down layer by layer. All you need to do is study hard according to the written knowledge and complete the operational experiments.

From a modern perspective, ironmaking in earthen blast furnaces is a waste of resources.

But from an academic sense, this is a development process from scratch.

Making steel requires materials, iron ore, scrap iron (pots, tools, door handles), fuel, combustion accelerants, etc.

Of course, villages all over the country cut down trees, and third-tier factories and mines purchase coal.

Finally, after rough statistics...

In large-scale iron smelting, the benefits in various places are worrying.

But there are also sporadic places where talents are emerging.

Those who are good at using their brains and can devote themselves to research can indeed produce high-quality steel using earthen blast furnaces.

These skilled workers were recruited by steel plants from all over the country, and some villages and towns even established their own steel plants because of their unity and achievements.

Judging from the data, it is indeed funny.

But in fact, who doesn’t want to master high-precision technology? Who doesn’t want to directly use electrification equipment from Europe and the United States?

But there is no problem!

If there is no external support, then you have to study hard and work hard on your own.

Nothing ever appears out of thin air.

This is a development process from scratch.

Taking medicine as an example again, the cowpox vaccine used in the eradication of smallpox cannot meet the sterility standards based on the local technical level.

Therefore, even if it does not meet the sterility standards, it can only be approved.

However, with the efforts of first-level scientific researchers, the technical barriers were finally broken through.

As most people say, it is better to waste billions of resources than to waste them.

Hahaha, if we really mess it up, how can we achieve rapid development in the future?

Even if you make a mistake, it is still a process of experimental growth and there is no need to laugh at it.


Zhou Li'an didn't have any expectations for the balanced soil blast furnace to make iron. The steel obtained could be used as pots and knives.

It is mainly a process of knowledge accumulation.

The present world cannot be "obtained out of thin air", but equilibrium is different.

Our Lord balances creation and blesses it.

When the technical principles of the earth blast furnace are proficient and the relevant laws are mastered by the people, the steel-making furnace can be put into operation immediately.

Just like when the college entrance examination is over, the wealthy father said to his son, "Get a driver's license and learn how to buy a big G for you!"

If you can't learn it, it's useless to have a big g in front of you.

This chapter has been completed!
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