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【153】Study history to be wise

When the will of our Lord comes.

The hall was already boiling, everyone was discussing it heatedly, and after the law monks translated it, the elders came to seek advice from this group of cultural people.

But in fact, even the law monks cannot understand the oracle.

Nowadays, monks still specialize in "language". The gods' language laws are too profound, and they can't learn Chinese well, and the meaning of other laws is even less clear.

Only a handful of monks began to delve into other laws.

For example, in the steel, gunpowder and printing teams, team members are carefully selected and must have certain relevant knowledge before they can be selected.

When people look at the high platform in the temple again, they want to ask the Lord...


The two noble figures have already left.

The great elder took a deep breath, no longer able to remain calm, and made his rusty brain work hard to issue an order——


"Follow my Lord's oracle, first recall the elders and leaders of each city and go to the Supreme Elder's Hall for a meeting!"

"This matter affects all the cities and ministries. We need to come up with a unified plan. If we can't submit it to my lord and the witch after one month, it will be our fault for laziness!"

Only then did everyone suspend their "ineffective discussions" and go to stop him, recalling the elders who were about to return to each city.

at the same time.

Jumping Fish also started to worry.

Equilibrium Contribution Point and Equilibrium Supply and Marketing Cooperative, so should this matter be published in the newspaper?

He was a little undecided.

Based on his understanding of our Lord's oracle, these two things should be imperative, and they also reflect the balanced kindness of our Lord.

Just because the customs of the people of each tribe are different, grace is given to the people to make them happy and satisfied...

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

He sighed and finally went to the main city academy, found a piece of paper and quickly wrote down the details of what happened in the palace.

Later, Tiaoyu came to the prison not far from the Temple Mount, which only had three houses and a small courtyard.

The warriors in armor guarding the prison outside the prison are the Temple Guards sent from the Temple Mount.

In winter, you need to wear heavy plate armor and be fully armed. Even in summer, you need to wear chain armor to show your majesty in defending the sanctity of our Lord's balance.

These guards are selected from the cavalry regiment.

He and Tiaoyu are old acquaintances. They went on expeditions together for several years, and during these two months of imprisonment, they often saw each other.

"Tiaoyu, are you here to deliver the secret book of laws to your teacher again?"

Tiaoyu didn't hide anything, "My lord has just issued his decree. I'm afraid even the Supreme Elder's Palace can't make up its mind. Now the elders and leaders of each city are coming to the main city for a meeting. I want to ask the teacher to see if I can understand my lord's holy will."


"That's a big deal." The guard glanced at the paper in Tiaoyu's hand and said, "Give me the stuff."

Tiaoyu nodded, knowing that he could not meet with Cow Shit, and could only send gifts to and from the guards.

Only my master and the wizard can come to visit, and other than that, even climbing the mountain is not possible!

"I'll come back tomorrow!"

After the jumping fish left.

The guard opened the courtyard door. Behind the courtyard door was another high wall with only a small window on the ground for passing items.

The guard opened the window, put down the books, closed the door again, and then blew the whistle.

During the entire process, both parties are not allowed to interact.

at this time.

The three bullheads are still preparing the first breakfast of the New Year. They will heat up the leftovers from last night and fill their stomachs before starting to study.

Hearing the whistle, the three of them looked at each other at the small window, looking quite expectant. Is there any surprise on the first day of the new year?

Niu Shi went to pick up the things and frowned slightly when he saw the papers and books on the ground.

The paper is pure white and smooth. You can tell at a glance that it is a creation and blessing from our Lord. It can only be stored in colleges in various cities.

However, the printing group has started making paper, and the "paper" used by colleges in each city has been replaced by self-produced straw paper, which is easy to break and inconvenient to write on.

But learning is enough.

The three of them also got a lot of straw paper to use for calculations. Now that they saw the paper given by God, Niu Shi had a premonition that something big was going to happen.

After he picked it up, he looked at it while walking, and his expression gradually became excited.

Returning to the central window of the three small courtyards, Xiaohua and Zhou Weiguo saw his expression and immediately asked: "What is that?"

"But what is the secret of the law?"

Niu Shi didn't answer in a hurry. He read it twice as fast as possible to remember the details, and then passed it to the two of them through the window, "Look, the Kingdom of God is about to usher in great development!"

“What a new year and new atmosphere!”

Zhou Weiguo got the paper first, and after reading it, his pupils dilated, but he looked more confused.

Then pass it on to Xiaohua...

"My Lord, is the market about to open?"

Zhou Weiguo wondered, "What is the opening of the market?"

Niu Shi said: "You are still practicing the laws of mathematics. Xiaohua and I have started to practice the laws of history, and then we understand its meaning; the opening of the market is a trade market, and you can do trade exchanges!"

"For example, barter among our Modoc tribes is the most primitive means of trade, and Fangshi can be understood as multiple tribes carrying items for free exchange at a fixed location, and extending the currency attribute, such as

Salt, which we once regarded as a rare commodity, has monetary properties."

Zhou Weiguo was still confused, "What does that have to do with the development of the Kingdom of God?"

Xiaohua looked down and said: "As written on this piece of paper, and as my Lord said in a broad sense, trade is for the increase in demand. It also represents the people's yearning for a better life, and invisibly promotes the development of the Kingdom of God, because there is demand.

, we need more productivity to create.”

"In a narrow sense..."

Xiaohua raised her head and glanced at the two people, "Just like the city-state civilization we saw in the south, every prosperous city has a lively market."

Zhou Weiguo said: "In other words, we will be like them?"

Niu Shi shook his head, "There is another difference. My Lord did not create a monetary system, nor did he mention trade exchange."

"Instead, supply and marketing cooperatives were opened to meet the additional needs of the people."

"Contribution points can be used as currency and a medium of transaction."

Zhou Weiguo was completely confused and could not keep up with the conversation between the two.

Xiaohua continued: "Then why not just open a market?"

"Throughout the secret volume of historical laws, in the ancient oriental countries of the past dynasties, merchants bullied the people and dominated the land. Businessmen did not need to work and made money easily with economic laws, while most of the people were poor and miserable!"

"Extending this understanding, my lord orders each city to open a [Balanced Supply and Marketing Cooperative] to prevent this situation from happening. Economic matters will be controlled by my true god, and all trade practices will be fair and just!"

After hearing this, Xiaohua frowned slightly, "But this is still the economic behavior of a merchant, just like an imperial merchant?"

Niu Shi laughed and said: "The imperial merchant is first and foremost a wealthy businessman, already one of the richest. The supply and marketing cooperative established by my lord comes with a balanced will. This is actually another manifestation of my lord's blessing."

"Our Lord is kind and merciful to all people in the world, how can he compare with those mortals?"

Xiaohua gasped and quickly praised and begged for mercy, "Praise my Lord, praise Balance, please forgive me!"

The knowledge generated by the system [Academic Center] has been screened and filtered.

Of course, historical information after 1400 will not exist.

Therefore, the laws of history that Niu Shi and others learned were only the past dynasties before the Ming Dynasty and European history.

Exposure to other countries’ civilizations through history can quickly broaden your horizons.

No longer was his jaw dropped when he saw the Aztecs and city-state civilization.

Compared to the prosperous civilization in the East.

and the kingdom epics of the European Middle Ages.

The Aztecs were still too immature.

If we talk about the technological development of the Old World of Eurasia, it will make the Native Americans even more ashamed.

Seeing the heated discussion between the two, Zhou Weiguo looked embarrassed and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about at all!"

Niu Shi laughed and said: "That's because you haven't started practicing the laws of history yet!"

"I have now deeply realized the profound meaning of the punishment imposed by our Lord, asking us to practice the law as soon as possible. It is precisely because of our low level of law that we are impressed by the prosperity of the civilization of that city-state."

"But there are countless civilization systems in this world. For example, the ancient Eastern countries have long understood and created a compass, which can be used to identify directions."

"He also discovered the secret of gunpowder and developed weapons for conquering cities and territories."

"Papermaking, printing... I have to balance myself to get started, but that ancient Eastern country has already entered the house, and the homes of wealthy businessmen have a sea of ​​books stored in them!"

When Zhou Weiguo heard about it, he immediately exclaimed: "How can they practice the divine art of creation without the teachings of my lord, Balance?!"

"This is impossible!!"

Seeing his shocked look, Xiaohua rolled her eyes in disdain, "Without my Lord's coming and blessing, I can balance the tribes of my people. Wouldn't I be able to hunt, make fires, and build houses?"

“These are all natural processes of development!”

"We live in a barbaric land, and our development is slow because we have no animal power. And because we have abundant food and are unwilling to make progress, we have not been able to form a civilization!"

"If I really want to explain it in detail, I won't be able to finish it in three days and three nights!"

"But...even if there are many inventions and creations in the country on the other side of the ocean, they are nothing compared to the divine power of our Lord's balanced scientific laws!"

"We must bear in mind the grace of our Lord. If there is no balanced glory, given the development trends of various civilized countries on the other side of the ocean, they will come to our homeland soon!"

"Just like the disaster prophesied by our Lord..."

"Those evil demons who are not enlightened by the true God and believe in false gods will brutally massacre our people, enslave us, and even exterminate us!"

"Only by believing in our Lord and following His guidance and teachings can we be saved and the coming disaster be shattered. What's more... we should hold high the balanced sword of judgment to judge the sinful people on the other side of the ocean.

, let the balanced glory purify and baptize!”

Under the balance of divine power.

Tracing the origins of scientific creations and inventions has become meaningless.

This is why Zhou Li'an bound divine power to science early on.

The Arabic numerals used for equilibrium come from India?

The language rules used in Balance come from ancient Eastern countries?

Stop making trouble.

The universe was created by our Lord, Balance.

You haven't even understood the "origin of the universe", so what inventions and creations are you talking to me about?

Not to mention, with 600 years of scientific laws in hand, once the equilibrium enters the highway of industrial development, the civilization level will quickly distance itself from other countries in the world, and even cause a dimensionality reduction attack.

Just like this moment.

Zhou Weiguo, who had not yet learned the laws of history, was dumbfounded.

And the cow dung and the little flowers, who see the truth of the world from the laws, are already based on another level of vision.

Xiaohua handed the paper back and said, "So, Brother Niushi, how are you going to reply to Tiaoyu?"

Tiaoyu wrote down what happened in the palace because he hesitated whether to publish it in the newspaper.

Similar to Zhou Weiguo, Tiaoyu is still unable to understand the important development significance that the establishment of the "Balanced Supply and Marketing Cooperative" and the "Balanced Contribution Point" will bring to the Kingdom of God.

"In addition, the supply and marketing cooperatives' material supply exchange pricing, as well as the statistical composite of each city's 'contribution point', all involve mathematical operations..."

"Perhaps they will bother brother bullshit to help."

However, Niu Shi shook his head: "You underestimate my balanced temple mountain! My Lord set 'one month' as ​​the time limit, and the deep meaning of this is not to give them enough time to practice the law and take practice as the subject.

Practicing and applying at the same time can greatly increase the speed of law practice!"

"Just like when I trained Tiaoyu and others on the 'positioning method' on the expedition, they quickly mastered it after practice!"

“My Lord’s maxims are supreme, only practice can bring out true knowledge!”

"As for whether to publish it in the newspaper or not..."

"The Balance Newspaper is a carrier to display the holy will of our Lord and to allow all people to receive oracles. However, we should not make hasty announcements before the matter is completed."

Xiao Hua said: "That means not publishing it in the newspaper?"

"You have to climb up. You can pave the way first to form a transition. As the plan of the Elder Hall gradually takes shape, it will be gradually released. This can avoid the unsuitable impact caused by sudden changes in the system."

"..." Zhou Weiguo was silent.

Niu Shi looked at him with a smile and said something: "My Lord has a saying, 'Study history to be wise, and learn from the past to know the future'! You should pay close attention to the rules and practice to defend the country!"

The next day.

Jumping Fish came to the prison.

When the guard saw him, he pointed to the wooden basket next to him, where the folded papers were already displayed.

"Thank you very much!"

"Why are you so polite? You all serve at the knees of my Lord and make glory and merit for the Kingdom of God. It is a great honor for us to be able to help!"

Several people looked at each other, then looked solemn and said in unison——

"Praise for balance!"

Jumping Fish took the paper and headed to the Supreme Elder's Hall.

On the way, he couldn't wait to open it and saw the writing of cow dung.

"Can it be published in the newspaper? But the news must be released gradually, step by step, I understand... You are indeed a teacher!"

Equilibrium year 12, January 6.


This year’s first issue of [Balance News] is out.

The headlines on the front page are of course the New Year celebrations of the Day of Resurrection, and the blessings of our Lord and the shaman to all people.

Coming to the second edition.

[The Supreme Elder’s Hall and the Temple Mount, together with the elders of each city, held this year’s 1st Balanced Kingdom of God Development Conference:]

[During the meeting, the participating members thoroughly studied and implemented the spiritual will of the balanced oracle of our Lord, and will launch the first comprehensive reform plan for the Kingdom of God...]

The newspaper did not mention what the specific reform plan was.

The newspaper was delivered to various cities. After reading it through, the monks in the college looked at each other, not knowing what it meant.

There are also smart people who have subtle perceptions when they go to the elders' branch halls in each city to read newspapers.

In the past, when the elders from various cities listened to the newspapers being read, they would all be attentive, shaking their heads, and asking questions about some obscure parts of it from time to time.

But today...

Something's wrong!

After listening to this, a group of old guys just frowned and looked sad. They were not at all curious or surprised by the information on the second page which was obviously cloudy and foggy.

It was as if they already knew something.

Oh, by the way, they are one of the participants.

Returning to the academy, various news began to spread——

"Something big must be happening!"

"But the problem is, there's nothing mentioned in the newspaper!"

"What is the most important thing, do you know? If it were a first-class event, Balance News would definitely publish it on the front page! This is obviously the second page, how strange!"

"So what's going on?"

Another week later.

The second issue of the New Year's newspaper is delivered.

Front page: [Each city needs to actively carry out demographic and personnel name registration work, with colleges in each city as the main focus, leading craftsmen to produce balanced citizen information registration plates...]

Monks from various cities:???

It's just a census, registering the names of people? Is it for a group of people who are not allowed to practice the laws of language?

Do they understand their own names?

At this point, it is no longer a hot topic among colleges in various cities.

Evening after sunset.

The streets and alleys of every city are filled with ordinary people, making jokes——

"Have you heard? All the people will be given names!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? The wife of my uncle's neighbor's son is a maid in the Supreme Elder's Palace. I heard that this time she is going to select soldiers for the expedition to the southern land! The sinful people in the southern land have already offended my lord.

True God, I will come with divine punishment to judge their sins!”

"You're talking nonsense. Didn't you watch the movie last week? The trial expedition is scheduled for two years later. That is the decree personally issued by our Lord. My grandson was selected to join the New Army and is still in City No. 9.

I’m training at the horse breeding ground..."

The cities were abuzz with discussions.

Unknowingly, the charm of the news media has begun to show...

This chapter has been completed!
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