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【164】Dash8 series

"But without a patent, if you operate independently and do not do OEM processing, the cost of patent payment will increase, the pricing will also go up, and the profit margin will be very small..."

"Boss, you don't want to give birth secretly, do you?"

"Although we cooperate with the government and hold shares together, with the current size and balanced development trend, the government will not offend those large group companies for our sake."

The so-called patent does not necessarily mean complete confidentiality and independence.

As long as they do not involve cutting-edge technology, patents in the civilian field are basically open and transparent.

The restriction involved is only whether one can legally produce it.

The first person to invent and create a patent registers a patent, and those who follow later have to pay fees if they want to use the technology.

What David Liang is worried about is nothing more than clandestine production, internal thunderstorms within the government, and issuing fines to Hexiang.

Compared with balancing the group's profit dividends, the orders of major groups for OEM production in Mexico are more important.

For the sake of balance, it is simply not cost-effective to offend a group of Fortune 500 companies.

Zhou Li'an said: "Did I say we want to secretly produce? Acquiring foundries depends on how they should operate. This is just an investment in basic industry."

"I will provide order support in the early stage. If it becomes bigger and stronger in the future, we can set up a research and development department to develop our own technology, thereby establishing the 'Balance' brand."

Of course Zhou Li'an needs to explain it clearly to avoid the back-and-forth between the three parties in the group and the delay in reaching a conclusion.

And when he finished speaking, everyone present understood.

It is nothing more than applying the domestic corporate routines of the year, starting from an OEM factory, accumulating the first pot of gold, and then considering breaking through technical barriers and achieving independence.

People who know the business will understand it as soon as they hear it.

Including the officials, they will be happy to hear this suggestion. Balance is ambitious and will not cross the line. Instead, it will become bigger and stronger step by step, and ultimately fill the technological gap for Mexico.

As long as things are done within the rules, everything is OK.

Not to mention, he also provides order support and guarantees profits, so why not?

Same reason.

Zhou Li'an draws a big cake.

Cayero and Juan were probably moved to tears.

Mr. Zhou really contributed to the development of Mexico and built momentum for them to truly achieve their ambitious goals.

Mr. Zhou is so righteous!!

At this point, David Liang had nothing more to say.

If someone were to boast like this in Haikou, they would be regarded as a liar immediately.

But Mr. Zhou said exactly what he said.

In mining and petroleum engineering, orders are given as soon as they are given, and at pharmaceutical companies, the vaccine production line began to spin up as soon as it was completed.

Now that there is another engine manufacturing company, that is the icing on the cake.

Say it again.

The largest shareholder of Equilibrium is Zhou Li'an.

People’s money can be used however they want!

at the same time.

Barbara had already taken out the tablet computer from her bag, started to search for relevant information, and asked——

"Boss, what is the scope of engine manufacturing? Motor vehicles? Agricultural machinery? Generators?"

Compared to David Liang’s excess of autonomous consciousness.

Barbara is so sensible that it's heartbreaking, mainly because she's used to the way she gets along with the big boss...

Can't dwell on it.

Because it is difficult to understand why a normal person would order hundreds of thousands of sets of self-statues that are 1:1 replicas of himself.

In Zhou Li'an's eyes, Barbara is his caring black leather jacket.

“The broader the technical scope, the better!”

The engine field not only manufactures automobiles, motorcycles, and marine engines, but also includes harvesters, seeders, threshers, etc. in the agricultural field.

Then there are engineering applications such as generators and compressors.

There is another benefit to having your own manufacturer.

OEM "Balance" and print a purified version of the "Balance Special Instructions" in Chinese.

After hearing this, Barbara added: "If this is the case, a single engine manufacturer may not be able to meet the demand. If it is really necessary to cover all technical fields, it is best to acquire multiple factories for integration."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Zhou Li'an immediately decided, "Come up with an optimal plan as soon as possible. I want to see the results within 2 months."

The people at the table were dumbfounded.

There is a fixed cycle for company acquisition, and preliminary investigations also require preparation time.

But they are all used to Zhou Li'an's vigorous and resolute actions.

David Liang took a deep breath and said: "If time is really so tight, the only way is to find the official to mobilize. The manufacturer's technical level may not be ideal. We will probably have to be the takeover, and then re-integrate resources and carry out small-scale technical upgrades.


This is the benefit of having an official background. It is convenient to collect resources, and you can get the green light all the way when changing procedures.

It doesn't matter if you take over.

Now there is nothing to balance. The technical level of the mechanical products required does not need to be too high, as long as it can produce a durable and resistant tractor that emits black smoke.

There are no technical barriers to small-displacement motor vehicle engines.

Just install the motorcycle engine on the frame and put on three wheels, and you have a tricycle that can pull goods and people.

For an industrial-scale production line, the engine cost does not exceed 300 yuan.

For example, when going to a fair in a domestic town, a cool Horizon R Falcon with a displacement engine is priced at 2,888 yuan brand new.

The township boss makes a profit, the transportation deducts a sum, the dealer makes a profit, and if the manufacturer wants to make some profit, the cost must be reduced to an outrageous level.

Then some motorcycle friends lamented that industrial waste hinders the development of motorcycles.

Back to business.

It is impossible to invest too much money in a balanced acquisition of engine manufacturers.

It is simply unrealistic to just produce car engines.

Not to mention that it also radiates into various application fields.

Then we can only start from the threshold and use a bunch of small and medium-sized factories to piece together a comprehensive enterprise that can produce a variety of equipment.

Implement corresponding plans.

The people at the table were dizzy from the alcohol and the will of the big boss.

I feel that the big boss is unreliable, but I can't find fault with him.

Return to the hotel.

A typhoon named "Patricia" passed by and the storm swept across the country, shaking the world.

The next day, noon.

There was a knock on the hotel room door, and the person who came was very sensible and avoided the big boss's morning exercise schedule.

Barbara's work is always efficient.

Of course the acquisition was not completed, but she brought a customized plan for the propeller aircraft.

"I consulted professionals and they gave me two options."

"Bombardier dash8q100 has a shortest rolling distance of 800 meters, a cruising speed of 530 kilometers per hour, and a cruising range of 1,800 kilometers. It has an empty weight of 10 tons, a maximum take-off weight of 16 tons, and can carry 36 people. The minimum executive member is 1 person!"

"Price for $12 million."

"The second one, Piper m600, has a shortest rolling distance of only 500 meters, and a 15-meter obstacle clearance distance of only 750 meters, which is the rolling distance of the former."

"The cruising speed is 480 kilometers per hour, and the cruising range is about 1,800 kilometers; but its dead weight is only 1.5 tons, and its maximum take-off weight is 2.3 tons."

"The price is divided into two levels, 2.6 million dollars and 4 million dollars."

Both aircraft meet the endurance requirements, but the difference lies in size and load capacity.

The former wins with its large size and stability.

When Zhou Li'an was learning to fly, he also heard his old coach mention...

Bombardier, the leader in business jets.

The noise impact of propeller aircraft is well known, but the noise reduction comfort of dash8 can reach the standard of jet aircraft. The q in its model is the abbreviation of quiet in English.

The latter is really good quality and cheap.

The short body is 9 meters long, the weight is reduced to 1.5 tons, and the price is only one-fifth of the former.

This is also a favorite among propeller aircraft enthusiasts. The small model is easy to operate in the air and perform various extreme tumbling actions.

However, the endurance of both aircrafts is not up to standard.

Zhou Li'an's h225 is a modified engineering machine for an offshore oil drilling platform owned by Jiehu, and its cruising range has reached a terrifying 2,000 kilometers.

Unfortunately, the two propeller planes are less than 2,000 kilometers. The so-called 1,800 kilometers is just the limit data. To be on the safe side, a safe landing distance of 200 kilometers should be reserved.

Of course, the flight speeds of helicopters and fixed wings cannot be compared.

The h225 cruises 280 kilometers, which is easily doubled by the above two aircraft.

At this time, Patricia also washed up from the bedroom. She never cared about the eyes of others. She sat affectionately in Zhou Li'an's arms, pointed at the Bombardier and said: "This aircraft is so ugly!"

Zhou Li'an nodded in agreement.

The aircraft, which is nearly 20 meters long, lacks the technological appearance of a jet. The wings are replaced by propellers, which looks a bit strange.

On the other hand, the Piper m600 has a short and compact body, which gives people a very comfortable feeling. It is short and compact.

Zhou Li'an pointed to the two selling prices and said: "Is the difference between 2.6 million and 4 million so big?"

"The maximum take-off weight is only 2.3 tons, and the dead weight is 1.5 tons. The remaining 700 kilograms of load are all used to modify the interior, but the cost will increase by 1.4 million?"

You know, this is US dollars.

1.4 million dollars is equivalent to approximately 10 million yuan.

Barbara looked innocent: "To be honest, boss, I don't really understand, because I contacted through the channels of the Balance Group. Maybe they think we are rich and powerful."

"In fact, this option is not an interior modification, but a 'complete parachute'."

"I heard from them that it seems that a giant parachute can be installed on the aircraft to prevent danger, but does such technology really exist?"

As soon as these words came out.

Zhou Li'an took a deep breath.

It’s no wonder that the whole machine has a parachute. This technology is mostly used in the aerospace field to recover return spacecraft.

Later, it was put into emergency applications of small aircraft in the civil field.

The value is naturally high.

After all, it is a safety mechanism to ensure that a 2-ton weight can land safely.

As for whether the price difference of up to 1.4 million is appropriate, it depends on each person.

Spending an extra 1.4 million can ensure that the 2.6 million plane does not crash, and also saves the life of one person on the plane.

But when an emergency occurs, whether it can be operated depends on the individual's ability.

Zhou Li'an thought this thing was novel.

We are really going to encounter a plane crash.

Hahaha, the system traveled through time and space, just a thought.

But what aircraft manufacturers are selling is this novelty.

It's big news when an engine stalls and is about to crash in the air, or when a person parachuts out and is rescued, let alone when a plane "lands with an parachute". This can last a lifetime.

Furthermore, this experience is unique.

Parachutes were first developed for first aid safety, but now? They have become an extreme sport.

"I want it!"

Zhou Li'an held the beautiful jade in his arms and was in a good mood.

Barbara said: "Then Piper M600, a high-end version with a complete parachute?"

Zhou Li'an laughed——

"Hahaha, no, no, no, I want them all!"

Hearing this, even Barbara, who was accustomed to her boss's style, couldn't help but gasp.

However, think again about the Airbus helicopter that the boss went to Texas to maintain...

$27 million?

Oh, that’s okay!

Of course, this isn't the end yet.

I bought the Bombardier dash 8 because of the load capacity, but the load capacity requirement is not really for transporting heavy objects.

There is system space, what kind of load is required?

The load capacity can be added to the body reinforcement and large fuel tank modification.

This can improve the cruising range.

At the same time, the engine parts should be upgraded to a certain extent. After all, high-mileage endurance is not just about sufficient fuel, but whether the engine's endurance can support it is the key.

"Dash8, increase the battery life requirement to 4,000 kilometers and ask them to come up with a modification plan and quotation."

“The m600 guarantees at least a 2,500-kilometer endurance requirement.”

The 4,000-kilometer direct flight is enough to reach Ireland and the United Kingdom from Newfoundland, Canada.

The M600's take-off distance of 500 meters is a great highlight. The advantage of a propeller aircraft is that it can take off and land in wild terrain.

As for the so-called 15-meter obstacle clearance distance of 750 meters, it means that the 750-meter take-off length can ensure that the aircraft body can climb to a height of 15 meters to ensure that it will not collide with obstacles.

Barbara finished recording and stood up to leave.

Next few days.

Together with Jonah and David Liang, we continue to finalize the new company formation and acquisition plan.

Not surprisingly, I also received a call from Caiello during this period.

For the establishment of an engine manufacturing company, Cayero applauded with both hands and informed the officials of Zhou Li'an's "long-term development plan."

The officials were almost laughing.

The Balance Group focuses on basic industries and never engages in illusory finance or network technology industries. This is a true patriotic entrepreneur.

One week later.

Zhou Li'an finalized the modification plan for the two aircraft.

He did not show up, and Barbara came forward to pay and complete the final signing ceremony.

When Barbara sent the contract, she also brought good news: "You have too many customized modification needs. The original production period was more than 6 months..."

"But they very considerately compressed it to three months, which was an unexpected surprise."

Zhou Li'an was shocked when he heard it.

"What the hell?"

“I’ve only heard of people queuing up and paying extra when ordering airplanes, but I’ve never heard of people taking the initiative to deliver in advance.”

When I first bought the h225, if I hadn’t ordered an engineering machine from a drilling platform and customized it myself, it wouldn’t have arrived so quickly.

Barbara said: "The market utilization rate of propeller aircraft is extremely low. The intermediary service provider responsible for contacting us said that Bombardier sold a production project of the Dash8 series aircraft several years ago!"

"Because there are too few orders, we don't make any money at all, so we can only sell the technology to recoup the capital."

"This order of yours is the first new aircraft this year, let alone a modified one. The intermediary used some pulling tactics. Originally, it wanted to help us get some prices down and increase the commission ratio. Unexpectedly, the delivery time was increased in the end.


"The intermediary failed to get more commissions, but instead bought us time."

Zhou Li'an couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Okay, keep an eye on the aircraft. The other thing is the formation of the engine manufacturing company... Report the latest situation via email at any time!"

It has been a week since I returned to the present world.

The balance oil team's oil production time is about 9 days, and Zhou Li'an plans to go back early to witness this important moment with his people.

Patricia came out of the bedroom pushing the trolley suitcase, took out her mobile phone, and spoke a few words in Spanish fluently.

Soon, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

Opening the door, several sturdy black men and Latina women walked in...

Not to mention Barbara, Zhou Li'an was even shocked.

Patricia said: "These are my bodyguards. I personally selected and trained them in the slums! Juan originally wanted to send me some bodyguards, but I didn't want them. I don't trust others..."

Zhou Li'an smiled and pinched her cheek approvingly, "Well done."

The bodyguard is responsible for carrying the luggage.

The group set off for the airport.

Barbara would fly to Chihuahua with those bodyguards and meet with David Liang and Jonah at the Equilibrium headquarters to hold a meeting on the group's new acquisition plan.

As Patricia's confidant, the bodyguard will be responsible for supervising and reporting on mining area affairs during her vacation.

Yes, Patricia is going to Greystone Island to rest for a while and learn Chinese and more gestures.

Arrive at the airport and part ways.

However, Zhou Li'an always felt that something had happened that he had neglected, and he felt empty in his heart.

"Patricia, have we forgotten something?"

Patricia was stunned and began to think, but in the end she did not give an answer.

Seeing Zhou Li'an's silence, the girl didn't dare to disturb him and followed him quietly.

Until I got on the plane.

When Zhou Li'an saw several private propeller planes parked in the hangar of Juarez Airport, he finally reacted suddenly——


Under Patricia's stunned gaze, Zhou Li'an took out his cell phone and quickly dialed Barbara's number.

"Boss? Do you have any other work instructions? I'm about to take off!"

Zhou Li'an suppressed his excitement and rapid breathing: "What did you mean when you said in the hotel that Bombardier sold a production project for the dash 8 series aircraft a few years ago?"

Barbara was silent for half a second before saying: "The old technology is being eliminated and monetized. Of course, the patent is still in the hands of Bombardier. It is just a way of buying out the authorized production and operation."

"Originally, only Bombardier mastered the dash8 technology and production and operation qualifications. Now there are two companies in the world that can produce the dash8 series!"

"But Bombardier's technology is more mature and stable, so we chose them!"

Zhou Li'an swallowed quietly and pretended to be calm: "Then..."

"Do you think it's possible that we also purchase the production projects of the dash8 series and share the patents?"


This is a complete set of core technical information for aircraft manufacturing!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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