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【179】City 11

Recovery Day, New Year, and long holidays.

In the past, the aborigines had a single entertainment program, with hunting and sleeping taking up almost the entire life course.

Occasionally there would be sacrifices and celebrations, singing, dancing, and fighting.

Nowadays, a healthy production system allows people to live a worry-free life.

Entertainment items become abundant.

Children from each family staged a law competition and recited a passage from the "Bible of Balance", which attracted cheers and applause.

Adults have specializations in their professions.

The secrets of law are gradually integrated into society, craftsmen study the art of creation and build furniture; women design more kinds of patterns for clothing, and have the pursuit of beauty.

Only social stability can promote the progress of civilization.

When the first edition of "Balance News" was published in recent years, cities became busy and enthusiastic.

The legislation of the Kingdom of God.

Each department handed over the original clan regulations, checked for deficiencies, and discussed in detail what they could and could not do.

January 9th.

After five days, each city submitted thousands of laws and regulations, which were delivered to the main city and handed over to the Supreme Elder's Hall.

The next step is to eliminate duplicates and standardize the severity of crimes and punishments.

Zhou Li'an was well aware of all this and did not interfere in the whole process.

Even if Xiaohua comes to ask for a meeting, she is only asked to take full responsibility and is given an answer sheet immediately.

Zhou Li'an also thought about using the laws of this world as a reference.

But later I discovered that times were different, cultural levels were different, and national conditions were even more different.

Equilibrium prohibits polygamy, no free economic system, no road traffic... nothing.

Legislation needs to be set according to actual conditions and gradually updated and improved with the development of civilization.

If we copy the current world, many laws will not apply.

The more important point is...

Nowadays, we are still in a barbaric era, so legislation needs to include some bloody things.

It cannot be completely regulated by the moral standards of later generations and the so-called "humanism".

What the Kingdom of God needs now is barbaric growth. Only when it grows to a certain level can its morality and civilization be upgraded.

Likewise, this is also the cultivation of order.

Even if the final code produced by the Supreme Elder's Hall is not satisfactory, it can continue to make corrections and progress from its mistakes.

This is another process of learning and growth for the people.

As the saying goes, if you don't lead a team, you will only have one god who will work until death.

January 15th.

It lasted half a month.

The monks from the Supreme Elder's Hall and the Temple Mount came to pay their respects. They presented two compiled "Code of Balance" for my Lord and the shaman to decide.

There was silence in the temple.

There was only the sound of a master and a servant turning over papers.

Even Xiao Hua felt a little uneasy at this time, because when she really devoted herself to the legislative work, she realized that the secrets of the laws she had learned could not be used much.

It’s more about thinking and weighing the pros and cons.

For example, various departments have different opinions on a regulation. Some people think that materials are precious and stealing should be punished by death.

Some people say that under balance, we are all citizens, and we should help each other, love each other, and be gentle.

How to grasp this balance point took her great pains.

Snow Girl flipped through the code and felt troubled.

There were also things about the regulations that made her dissatisfied, but if she was asked to make a decision, she couldn't come up with an explanation.

After all, it is a new thing and has never had a reference standard.

Zhou Li'an is the complete opposite.

What I see is not necessarily wrong. Because it is based on modern consciousness, my comments are not objective.

He has already made plans to let his people try and make mistakes and explore the meaning of motto through failure.

Therefore, there is only one thing to control...


At this point, the elders and the monks on Temple Mount have done a good job, so there is nothing more to say.

After flipping through it hastily.

Then everyone saw that my lord had put down the law.

The snow girl saw the movement and adjusted her emotions, because she knew that He would have a will to come down...

“The legislation of the Kingdom of God cannot be accomplished in a day.”

"There may be errors and omissions, but I won't point them out. You must gradually improve them during implementation!"

"Starting from this month, the Legislative Council will be held every month."

“Summarize the problems in the implementation of laws and regulations and make revisions and modifications.”

"The Legislative Council elects 9 representatives from each city. The person with the highest voice among the people is the legislative commissioner; those who are serving in the brigade, town hall, elders hall and branch offices in each city cannot be the legislative commissioner."

"Legislative commissioners are elected once a year, and those who have served before are not allowed to run again for five years!"

"The brigades, town halls, elder halls and colleges are not allowed to interfere with the will of the legislative commissioner. The whole people will supervise it. If there are reports and verified, severe penalties will be imposed!"

“The Supreme Elder’s Temple and the Temple Mount are supervised by the Legislative Council to maintain fair, just and open order standards.”

"After the monthly legislative session, the revised laws will be handed over to the witchcraft for decision-making. If passed, they will be made public to the whole country."

The law is based on public opinion.

This is an act of empowerment.

Once you have power, it is easy to get lost; no matter how many evasive means are in place, human nature cannot be avoided.

However, under the balance, if something really fishy happens, it cannot be avoided by the [Eye of the Void].

The supremacy of divine power is not just talk.

All the people know that our true Lord God is watching everything at all times and has insight into all things in the world.

In the final analysis, whether the revised regulations are passed or not is still in the hands of the snow girl.

The laws and regulations formulated with the thinking of the people cannot escape the eyes of a modern man like Zhou Li'an.

Are there any cases of future generations taking advantage of loopholes and walking on the gray border?

If you challenge divine authority, you must pay a heavy price.

When everyone heard the will, they immediately gave praise——

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"Follow the will of the God of Balance!"

Implementation of new system.

Once again on the front page of the news.

The cities were shaken.

Legislative commissioners are appointed by the people. In-service personnel such as the brigade and town hall are not allowed to stand for election.

Then some people shouted——

"This is the grace of our Lord to us!"

"If I get the important task of being a legislative commissioner, I will not be able to tarnish the grace of our Lord, and everything will be considered for the Kingdom of God!"

Real working people are mostly honest, not lost in power, and not tainted by interests.

A one-year term is enough to maintain their conscience.

Not to mention, everyone's fanatical belief and balanced will have long been integrated into everyone's blood and marrow.

Including the Supreme Presbyterian Temple and the Temple Mount.

Who has an ungodly heart?

Zhou Li'an's establishment of the Legislative Council is not a distrust of them. The system should be improved to maintain fairness, justice and openness.

There is no square or circle without rules. This is the meaning of the existence of law.

at the same time.

Among the mountains of Mexico.

The 2,000-strong army has already set out, leading more than 30,000 tribesmen to go north.

Their destination is the great city of Hohokam, where a balanced 11th city will be established.

And during this half-month stay.

Zhou Li'an also came to various cities one after another, and created a new mechanical artifact in the No. 6 city.

Oil output has stabilized, there is no shortage of fuel, and mineral production and steelmaking are moving forward steadily.

He also asked Zhou Wangshan to follow him at all times and teach him the medical skills.

Since then, he has compiled information and given books on anatomy, physiology, immunology, etc.

Zhou Li'an is a professional, and he very reasonably eliminated and purified the extended knowledge in the materials and turned them into a pure version.

Modern medicine relies more on biochemical pharmaceuticals, and balance has nothing to do with it.

Therefore, I taught him more precautionary common sense.

Starting from the most basic health management method of balance, why should we set up public toilets and why should we maintain personal hygiene?

There is a complete set of secret codes on the Temple Mount of Biological Laws.

According to the secret volume given by Zhou Li'an, they can apply for each other.

Then comes the drug delivery.

Not to mention serious illnesses, headaches and fever in internal medicine are nothing more than anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immune repair.

Surgery depends on the accumulation of practical operations.

There is no rush to establish health centers.

Once he has a complete understanding of pathology and can come up with health management methods, it is time to establish health centers and implement formal health regulations.

Leave homework for him.

Zhou Li'an and Xue Nu return to the present world.

Time accelerates on.

Equilibrium year 13, January 25th.


There is no expressly stipulated rest day in Kyodo, but weekend breaks have become a custom.

During the rest days, the people will take time to perform sacrificial rituals and worship the true God.

Those who are good at learning will also practice Chinese language rules.

Then there are craftsmen who are obsessed with creating things and are willing to devote themselves to their work without taking a break.

In the early morning, Zhou Wangshan arrived in front of the prison.

The temple guards knew him well.

My Lord and the only person outside the witch can enter the prison. What a blessing this is.

After entering the door.

Didymar and the King of Sin both came to see him, but Niu Shi and Zhou Weiguo had long been accustomed to his arrival and were too lazy to show up at this time.

Time waits for me.

It's almost February.

They need to go all out to practice the Law and break through the Great Perfection of the Law. Only during their daily rest can they find time to teach Didimar and the King of Sin the secrets of the Law.

After Didimar sat down, Zhou Wangshan inspected the wound and nodded with satisfaction, "The injury has completely healed. This is the last time to change the dressing. The bleeding scab cannot be removed, which will cause the wound to reappear, and there is a risk of infection."

"It must be allowed to fall off naturally."

Didimar is familiar with pharmacological treatment methods, and he understands such common sense.

In addition to learning the basics when practicing the mysteries of laws these days, I also inquire about some in-depth knowledge, know the existence of bacteria, and understand the meaning of infection.

However, he understands the ways of the world, so at this time, he will naturally not try to do anything, but just listen quietly.

However, he saw Zhou Wangshan sighing again after giving the doctor's orders, which puzzled him, "Why did Wangshan sigh? But what kind of worrying things happened to me? Although I don't know the secrets of the law, but in the world for more than thirty years, I have seen

There are quite a few, which may be useful for your reference.”

Zhou Wangshan shook his head, "I'm not worried at all. It's just a pity that I didn't acquire legal medical skills earlier."

"Before my Lord left, he gave me a holy weapon for my practice. If I had obtained this holy weapon in the first place, I could use it on you."

"Two such large wounds will heal faster if they are sutured with needles and threads!"

The two of them were stunned.

"Sewing? But sewing like clothing? How can one dispose of it like clothing?"

Zhou Wangshan said seriously: "Open wounds are more likely to cause infection when exposed to air. Suturing is to reduce the exposed area and promote cell healing."

"You should have read through the "Bible of Balance", right?"

"It is said in "The Sacred Book of Balance: The Coming of Our Lord to the World" that when the leader of all races climbed a mountain and was about to die, it was my Lord himself who sutured him with legal medical skills."

"When I first saw this passage, I didn't understand its logic. After listening to the teachings of my Lord and the shaman in the past few days, I realized that there are many great truths in the holy scriptures."

Didymar couldn't help but look at Zhou Wangshan's serious face, and then looked down at his scars.

He had a sincere heart towards his savior, "Wangshan, if you want to practice the secrets of the law, why not cut open the wound and use me to suture it for practice?"

When Zhou Wangshan heard this, his eyes glowed green.

The sin king on the side was stunned:???

Are you serious?

But in the end, Zhou Wangshan still smiled and objected, "No need, my Lord wants me to set a practice goal."

The King of Sin immediately said: "But using slaves for training?"

Zhou Wangshan waved his hands repeatedly, "Under the balance, we are all subjects, where are the slaves? King of Sins, you must get rid of those old dregs as soon as possible!"

The Sin King nodded shyly.

Then I heard Zhou Wangshan say after packing his things: "Practice can help farm animals, and medical skills can not only save people, but also animals."

"Okay, I'm leaving. Today I made an appointment at the main city cafeteria to kill a cow and practice dissection. This is also an important skill in legal medicine."

Zhou Li'an left homework for him, which was animal dissection and the true exploration of biological tissue structure.

As for human anatomy, it all depends on luck.

Either someone committed a capital crime.

Or if something happens to the hunting team, they may get the chance to practice surgery.

Zhou Wangshan has notified the colleges in each city that if there is a dying person, he can go there and use law medical skills.

Life or death depends on whether the person has a balanced mind.

Not everyone has such a privilege to be favored by our Lord.

Until March.

The people will not see my Lord coming.

If it had been the case before, panic would have inevitably arisen, but now every city is busy and in full swing, and everyone knows that as long as you have a balanced mind, you will gain His attention.

No. 6 Ayutthaya is 30 kilometers west.

A new road extends.

The foundation is tamped with clay, and then laid with gravel and mineral powder produced by the blast furnace; above the gravel layer, there are stone slabs.

In today's world, it is difficult to transport concrete raw materials from deep mountains, and both manpower and productivity are insufficient.

Xiaohua explored the road construction method from the secrets of the law, agreed on the final plan with the craftsmen, and started construction at the end of January.

Nowadays, roads are only needed for animal-powered transportation, and there is no need to place too much emphasis on strength and pressure resistance.

In a few years, concrete will be produced and the road will have to be completely rebuilt.

At that time, only the stone slabs need to be pried out, and asphalt concrete, etc. can be laid on the original foundation.

Because of the Holy Artifact created by Our Lord and the deployment of heavy machinery, we were able to complete the construction of 30 kilometers in one month, which is an absolutely amazing speed. And as the road construction workers become more skilled, the speed will increase.

It is expected that by the end of the year, it will be connected from the No. 6 city to the main city of Balance, Sacramento... and all the way to the oil plant area of ​​Fresno, the No. 5 city.


A team of thousands of people, composed of cavalry, craftsmen, and Hohokam people, set off for Phoenix City to join the returning new army.

They drove convoys and carried large amounts of food, farm tools, and building materials, which were the foundation for the construction of new cities.

This is the oracle sent down by our Lord before his departure.

But now, the results of climbing a mountain and others taking a new path are reflected.

As long as you see the Equilibrium road sign along the road, you can take a shortcut to get there instead of detouring through the Equilibrium Avenue in Nevada and Utah and turning south in Salt Lake City.

Half a month later.

A team of thousands of people arrived at Hohokam City.

The Hohokam people don't have much nostalgia for their homeland, and they all sigh when they see the abandoned city -

"Even when Hohokam City was at its peak, it couldn't be compared with the balanced cities today."

The transition from luxury to frugality brought great challenges to these thousands of people.

But everyone has a balanced mind and knows the importance of the establishment of this new city.

It will take a few days to repair after arrival.

They began to build a large-scale construction project.

There is no woodland around Phoenix City, it is all wilderness grassland and distant mountains.

Therefore, the Hohokam built their houses with earth and stone, but now they need to use new technologies to renovate them.

"The large atlas given by my Lord has pointed out the source of the minerals around the great city of Hohokam in Region 3."

"We need to use the secrets of the law to build cement cellars and create concrete. If the technology is mature, we can implement it in various cities in the Kingdom of God and use it to build houses and roads! This is a great honor and achievement!"

Equilibrium 13, April 27.

Outside the great city of Hohokam, on the barren horizon, a shadow of crowds of people stretched out.

The cavalry in the city gathered immediately.

Then they saw a group of light cavalry galloping towards them, and everyone smiled happily.

"It's the triumphant return of the new army that set off for the expedition!!"

"Quick, prepare the fastest horse with the best foot power, so that the good news of the victory can be spread throughout the country!!"

to May.

Balanced News front page headline——

[The new army triumphant! More than 30,000 tribes came on pilgrimage and surrendered under the balance! 】

It also describes many details of the expedition.

At the bottom of the front page, a full half of the page was used, with only a few large characters written -

[There are still 128 days until the “Judgement of Judgment”!!]

Everyone in the Kingdom of God was filled with enthusiasm, as if a sharp murderous aura was gathering, heading towards the far south.

This chapter has been completed!
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