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【183】To get rich first build roads

Nowadays, the word "industry" is known to everyone in the Kingdom of God, and the law monks often talk about it.

But no one truly understands it.

Because it is difficult to understand what the scene will be like in the era after the industrial revolution in later generations based only on the book knowledge of secret laws and regulations.

Roads extend in all directions.

You can travel across the world by air.

You can take a train and travel through the mountains.

There are concepts, but if you don't see them for a day, you will always be stuck in the limitations of your thinking.

Because people cannot write or draw colors, shapes, or things they have never seen before.

Some people say that ghosts and gods do not exist and are created by humans.

But taking totem worship as an example, even the shapes of oriental mythical beasts are composed of various animals.

In modern times, there are Western fantasies depicting alien creatures, all of which are based on human and animal models.

So there was the creation of a slimy alien civilization similar to "Venom".

But mucus is also something humans see.

There are traces of scientific and technological development, little by little accumulation and evolution; but before the mechanical industry, no one could have imagined that this would become a major component of civilization in the future.

It can be said that equilibrium has been created now.

Heavy excavators, oil factories, and even balanced flight artifacts can enter the sky realm.

But in the eyes of the people, all these are manifestations of our Lord’s divine power and miracles.

It is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It is true that balance and science are combined, but before it is actually transformed into the main productive force, industrial machinery is a sacred tool, not a tool.

When Zhou Ruonan mentioned the word "industry", it immediately triggered a violent response from the law monks in the temple.

The snow girl looked at Xiaohua.

Although Zhou Ruonan has the grace to follow and serve our Lord and listen to the teachings of the true God, he mainly follows Xiaohua to practice the secrets of the law.

However, Xiaohua was also shocked. If she had gained something, my master would not have resolved the conflict.

The snow girl looked at my master again, and saw that his smile remained unchanged and he looked at Zhou Ruonan with interest.

Feeling the snow girl's eyes, he turned around and said——

"So, what do you think?"

There was an uproar and then silence.

Then he heard the wizard say: "I agree!"

The silence of the previous second exploded again.

Everyone is talking about it.

Although he was ignorant of the concept of industry, he was extremely shocked by Wu's recognition of Zhou Ruonan.

The great elder was already in high spirits among the crowd.

Just the word "agree", the glory he received was far more joyful than the blessing he received.

Only "parents" can experience this.

At this moment, he had the same experience as climbing a mountain.

Both sons and daughters are favored and favored by our Lord.

Now, it's his turn.

"Great Elder, this is my Lord's grace to you! The balanced glory always shines on you."

"If this man were to be my heir, I would be willing to put him to sleep immediately!"

"Don't talk about being buried. Before being buried, I will exile you to the wilderness with my old bones. I will fight with wolves and die with a smile on my face!"

Although these words are exaggerated, they are not flattery, but come from the heart of the elder of the ant colony.


The snow girl scolded, finally calming down the place again.

Zhou Ruonan was watched by all eyes, his face turned red and his body was trembling slightly.

The snow girl said: "There is only two words for the answer 'industry', which is not complete. Have you thought about it in detail?"

"I, I..."

Under tension, Zhou Ruonan was speechless for a long time.

Zhou Li'an laughed and said, "Don't panic, think and answer whatever you want. If there are any mistakes or omissions, I will not punish you;"

"If you can get three points of resonance with my will, I will have a reward!"

Zhou Ruonan felt dizzy.

If he hadn't been accustomed to big scenes since he was a child in the Supreme Elder's Hall, he might have fainted at this moment.

She quickly adjusted her breathing.

Xiaohua also came to her side and said softly: "I probably understand what you are thinking. Go ahead and say it boldly! Your actions today are in vain for what the Great Elder and I taught you that day!"

Zhou Ruonan was so moved that he wanted to cry, but in the end he held it back, nodded firmly, and began to organize his words.

After about three or two minutes, she finally spoke tremblingly——

"My lord is above."

"Because I followed the chief to practice the law and knew about the Salt Road, I also questioned it at first, but the chief said something..."

"When encountering problems, you need to think carefully and think about the possibilities and the impossibilities!"

"So I kept thinking about it these days."

"If the Salt Road were to be connected, it would be nearly a thousand kilometers long. It would take more than ten years to use human or animal power."

"If we balance the construction of roads in each city, but have cities along the way to provide supplies and have no worries about supplies, we can build 170 kilometers of roads in just five months."

"But there is another important factor in being able to accomplish such a feat."

"It is the mechanical sacred instrument that my Lord bestowed upon the creation. The monks with the rules can control it and start it, so that the roadbed can be leveled and a lot of labor can be relieved."

"Therefore, I thought that if we use industrial machinery to replace manpower and animal power, we can complete the construction of the salt road!"

A Temple Mount monk couldn't help but ask: "Mechanical sacred objects are extremely precious. Only the mining area has been blessed by the grace of our Lord. If we want to build a salt road, do you know how many such sacred objects are needed?"

Zhou Ruonan was skeptical when he heard it, but he was already prepared, "Law monks practice the law of balanced scientific divine power. What they do is to obtain the art of creation, benefit all people, and make the Kingdom of God prosper!"

"Why can't we imitate the sacred weapon given by our Lord?"

"Today there are nearly a thousand monks on the Temple Mount, and there will be thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands in the future!"

"The Chief has something to say, Niu...the patriarch's son is sure to break through the Great Perfection of the Law!"

"After I balance the kingdom of God, we will usher in the second great perfection of law after the chief!"

"What about the more distant future?"

"If you gather tens of thousands of Dzogchen monks of the Law, can't you create a mechanical sacred instrument?"

"And I have imagination..."

"When the Kingdom of God has countless mechanical sacred weapons, not to mention building a salt road, we must also build the 'Broadway of Balance' from which the various tribes migrated!"

"From the west to the extreme east, the extreme north, and the extreme south of the earth; so that the people of all cities and tribes can set foot on the flat road in their leisure time and return to their former homeland..."

"Lead future generations to see the sufferings of the people in the past and the hardships and obstacles they experienced along the way!"

"Only in this way can we know how precious the joy we get under the balanced glory of our Lord is!"

The more Zhou Ruonan talked, the more excited he became, and at this moment he looked at the grandfather in the crowd——

"The Great Elder is my grandfather!"

"When he was deciding the name, he named himself 'Zhou Tushi'."

"He just wants to return to the 'Tushi Valley', see his former home, and recall the time when he served our Lord when the Kingdom of Balance was budding!"

"If I have a mechanical holy weapon, I will personally build a road from the Kingdom of God to the Tushi Valley so that grandpa can take a carriage and arrive smoothly whenever he wants to go!"

Inside the hall, you can hear a needle drop in the silence.

Following the girl's imagination, everyone fell into a period of boundless imagination and long memories——

Not just building salt roads.

Do we need to build the Avenue of Balance so that all ministries can go to their former homeland at any time?

The entire Kingdom of God, with the exception of the Miwok, Mono and Paiute people in California, has not been tempered by migration.

Even the Modoc people spent several months marching in wind and rain. During the most difficult times, people were killed and killed along the way, before they finally established the Kingdom of God.

If you can go to the former clan land, who wouldn’t want to go and see it?

This is not disrespectful, but a tribute to the past.

At this moment.

Even the snow girl couldn't help but be moved. She walked to my lord and knelt down beside her. For a long time, there was a rare flash of water vapor in her bright eyes——


"When I have the opportunity, I pray for your grace to return to Tushi Valley to see..."

"I miss her, I miss... Wu."

"I want to tell her that today the prosperity of God's kingdom and the joy of the people..."

The old woman's appearance in Zhou Li'an's memory has completely changed.

I just remember the two of them talking like a chicken and a duck...

If she had not been negligent, she might have been able to enjoy happiness and peace like the great elder.

And now...


Seems like he's still resting at Hood Farm in Oregon?

The snow girl asked again: "Master, are witches living well in that happy world?"

Zhou Li'an didn't panic at all. He had already explained the witch's funeral to Xue Nu.

Her spirit stepped into the door of the afterlife and was reincarnated.

Now a 14-year-old girl, she has forgotten everything in her past life.

Zhou Li'an rubbed Xue Nu's head, "She is fine, but she no longer remembers everything."

"But if you want to go to Tushi, I will give you grace."

In fact, the snow girl's yearning is not the memory of her own past.

The small tribe fought in Tu Shi tribe's conquests, and witnessed the death and injury of their relatives, and slept in a pool of blood.

If she hadn't grown up in a barbaric primitive world, it would have been enough for her to become a little lunatic like Patricia.

Environment creates personality.

In the primitive era, fighting was a survival instinct, but in this world there are laws and moral constraints... It cannot be said that people have become fragile, but the cruelty they experience is no longer the same.

Later generations will not be able to appreciate the cruelty of the primitive era.

Primitive people can't even understand that 10 people can't even smoke an SSR, have to work overtime on Saturdays, have instant noodles with no seasoning, and are so depressed that their idols have collapsed.


Civilization needs to be passed on, and it should also be remembered at all times, remembering the bitter and remembering the sweet.

And now it's balanced.

Zhou Li'an is not worried that his people will embark on a strange development path.

After balanced development, it is a journey to the world.

There is no need for any kind of invasion of entertainment culture. Nowadays, all we have to do is punch to the flesh and shoot heads with guns...

Adhere to the firm nuclear-peace development line.

The snow girl was favored, and she couldn't help but feel how beautiful she was. She stood up and quickly changed her face, returning to the majesty of a witch.

The hall was still boiling.

The great elder was already in tears as he ate the cake drawn by his granddaughter.

Only Zhou Ruonan, after inspiring the whole hall, always looked at the true God of our lord, and was filled with envy when he saw my lord's love for the shaman.

Seeing that the wizard had stood up, she immediately said: "Praise for balance! My lord, wizard, this is my idea about the salt road."

Her voice fell.

Everyone saw the wizard's majesty and quickly calmed down.

The snow girl glanced at our Lord True God again, and she smiled and nodded, and then she smiled——

"My Lord has said that if you can achieve the resonance of a balanced will, you will be rewarded."

"Do you have any expectations?"

Zhou Ruonan was ecstatic, Wu's words completely approved her answer.

But he didn't wait for her to speak.

The great elder has stepped out and knelt down, "Praise my Lord, praise Balance!"

"If a man receives the grace and education of our Lord, it is already a supreme blessing. How can we have any more expectations?"

Zhou Ruonan said obediently: "My lord, shaman, Ruonan has nothing to ask for, I just want to listen to my lord and the shaman's teachings."

Zhou Li smiled calmly, "No one can disobey the will of our Lord!"

"Like Zhou Jijun, the rewards are temporarily kept."

"But you must know that merits and demerits do not offset each other. You cannot imitate Zhou Jijun. If you commit crimes, you will also have to bear the punishment."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in shock.

Zhou Jijun? Just him? Can he still get the temporary reward from our Lord?

But my Lord has spoken, and it must be true.

Zhou Ruonan and the Great Elder praised in unison, "Praise my Lord, obey the will of the God of Balance!"

Zhou Ruonan's answer cannot be said to be a correct answer, it is more like a child's imagination.

For example, in modern art classes, drawing the underwater world can empower children's imagination, draw an underwater train, and allow them to appreciate the underwater world.

In fact, the undersea tunnel has long existed, but it is obviously not made of transparent glass, and there are no fish or corals.

Another example is her imagination, excavating a road by herself and letting her grandfather take a carriage back to Tushi.

Heavy machinery already existed, which served as the basis for the association, but without knowing the existence of automobiles, horse-drawn carriages were used as a means of transportation, which was a bit childlike.

Without balance, it's all just children's babble.

However, with the arrival of our true Lord God to bless creation, everything can become a reality.

Otherwise, why go to such trouble to build an oil plant?

Currently, it is still acquiring engine manufacturing companies.

at this time.

Zhou Li'an has already stood up.

Countless people in the hall were so blessed that they all knelt down and worshiped.

Then came her will—

"In Dacheng Mining District No. 6, those who want to be machine drivers need to select law monks for education and training as preliminary members."

"The 'Cement Creation Research Group' was established in Big City No. 11, and after obtaining the results, five thousand people were transferred from each city to complete the migration and injection, and fully started the production of cement creations..."


Zhou Li'an's eyes fell on Zhou Ruonan, but when he opened his mouth, he called her by the name of Xiaohua——

"Chief of the Temple Mount!"

Xiaohua immediately responded: "Here!"

"Each city's balanced academies will conduct an art course every week, which can be used for music, painting, craftsmanship, weaving, etc., to practice innovation and cultivate imagination!"

"And the imaginative words of 'Zhou Ruonan' were included in the [Language Rules] textbook as a compulsory essay topic for low-level promotion to mid-level monks——"

""My Vision for the Future of the Kingdom of God"!"

What even a group of law monks didn't understand was revealed by Zhou Ruonan's children's imaginary ramblings.

If young people are strong, the country will be strong!

"at last……"

"The Temple Mount and the Kinkou Military Academy jointly established a 'Road Study Group' to guide the route using a large atlas and Kinkou road signs to complete the 'Salt Road' construction project plan!"

The Kinkou Military Academy is not just a group of big bosses, there are also law monks like Tiaoyu and others.

They returned in triumph, organized and improved the balanced road signs in various places, and were more familiar with the geological conditions in various places. They can be said to be the best candidates for planning.

That night.

The No. 2 city is Sacramento.

The printing research team started working all night long.

Just because the next day is the publication day of the newspaper.

Equilibrium 13, June 28.


Balance News——

[The Divine Purpose of Balance: Build a "salt road" to connect the north and the south. The road is the cornerstone of the prosperity of the Kingdom of God!]

【Cement creation research group established!】

[Colleges in each city should offer art courses...]

When the newspaper is delivered to the jail.

Someone is already acting like a madman, laughing and laughing——


"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"My Lord must have looked at me and realized that I have perfected the laws of art. Therefore, I have ordered the colleges in each city to start the education of practicing the laws of art!"

"From now on, the monks in all cities will be my disciples of Zhou Weiguo!"

Didymar, the King of Sin, is like a demon boy congratulating the Demon Ancestor for coming out of seclusion——

"Praise my Lord, praise balance! Also praise the greatest painter in the world, my teacher Wei Guo!"

Niu Shi remained untouched in his own courtyard. He smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Crazy, all crazy..."

When you lower your head, you pick up your pen and write quickly.

He has decided to conduct an assessment in a few days to break through the shackles of the realm of the Great Perfection of the Law!


This chapter has been completed!
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