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【Eye of the Void】Consciousness comes.

Seeing that Xue Nu had turned around and returned, Zhou Li'an also opened his eyes.


The snow girl looked tired for a while, "Master, the law monks are very lazy in their pursuit of learning. They are not as good as their superiors and are more than their inferiors. This is disappointing."

It's human nature to show it off.

The development of a balanced cultural and educational system has not been easy.

Self-study is really not that simple.

Xiaohua's first-level Dzogchen is purely based on talent, while other people who lack talent have to work hard to achieve anything.

However, when these first laws are established, the cultural and educational system becomes more mature.

Zhou Li'an watched with [Eye of the Void] to record and photograph the scene just now.

This is all the history of the Kingdom of God.

Looking back decades or hundreds of years later, the Dzogchen Dharma has already become as numerous as dogs.

People like Tiaoyu will probably sigh with emotion and remember their youth.

And their disciples, disciples, and grandchildren would also tease and snicker.

My master is the Great Sage...

At the age of eighteen, Dzogchen had not yet been achieved, so I knelt down and worshiped like a slave.

KJINO has no circle of friends, so of course our Lord KJI should give us grace and preserve these dark histories for them.

With the promotion of the [Academic Center], whether the "First Grade Dzogchen" can step into the Temple Mount in the future depends on his performance in the "Sea of ​​Laws" before he can be selected as an intern by "various research groups".

At that time, it was probably not called a research group anymore, but a research institute.

"Do you have confidence in cow shit?" Zhou Li'an asked.

The snow girl thought for a while and said: "He is not a reckless person. Since he prays for the assessment to come, he is sure of a breakthrough."

"It's just that he doesn't know that my Lord has opened a 'level' again."

Zhou Li'an smiled and said: "When it comes to the 'law of the earth', no one in the Kingdom of God can look down upon it. Xiaohua relies on memory, and Niu Shi has an understanding of it. After all, he has been conquering for several years, and do you still remember what he said when he was young?

Make great ambitions?"

The snow girl felt her master's joy, and she also showed a happy smile of cow shit, and fell into memories, "It seemed like the first time the master took him on a flying sacred vessel to explore the territory of the Miwok people on the coast, and landed on the beach at the seaside."

"He said he would create a prosperous age for balance and conquer the world."

Zhou Li'an nodded: "If he has a vision in his heart, he will work hard to achieve it. To practice the secrets of the law, you also need to see your future achievements based on your likes and dislikes."

"He should have perfect scores for the Law of the Earth, plus an additional 40 points for the Military Law, and he has achieved 100 points."

The snow girl immediately started to calculate, "Then there are still 400 points left, can I enter the first rank?"

“The average score of the five principles only needs to reach 80!


Just because she doesn't show her emotions on weekdays doesn't mean she doesn't care about her family. If she succeeds, she will be happier than anyone else.

"It depends on the final result!"

Outside prison.

The Monks of Temple Mount have begun counting the points.

Most of the language rules are written silently, and there is no common reading comprehension in later generations. What is tested is the familiarity with the "Bible of Balance".

It also adds details about the 13-year history of the Kingdom of Balance and integrates historical topics.

Nowadays, all the law monks have experienced it personally and can answer the question based only on their memory.

However, when everyone saw it, there was still a problem in the end...

Suddenly changed color!

Thoughts on the "Supply and Marketing Cooperative System", suggestions on the "Eastern Development" and the current hot topic "Salt Road Matters".

"There are no such problems during the chief realm assessment!"

"I originally thought that the 'Language Rules' would get the best points, but this question accounted for a full 20 points!"

There were many people present who had witnessed the test given by our Lord in the temple a few days ago.

Judging from the results, it ended successfully.

Zhou Ruonan's speech was astonishing, and he was praised and blessed by my Lord.

However, if they really wanted to answer with their skills, the chief disciple of Ming Ming, the secretary, threw the bricks in front of him and smashed them on the ground.

With that kind of answer, I'm afraid you won't even get a single point.

And Xiaohua is still there.

A quick glance at the answers to questions about cow shit showed that the problem was not big.

More than half a year ago, the three of them discussed the "supply and marketing cooperative" system many times in the prison, raising future economic issues.

Niu Shi then talked eloquently and sparsely stated the essence of the three people's arguments.

The same principle applies to the development of the eastern region.

The three of them have discussed and hypothesized more than once.

Someone was responsible for reading out the questions and answers, and as the words continued to pour out, countless people were either shocked and amazed, or not aware of the seriousness.

The image of bull shit as the master of all has once again been consolidated and strengthened.

To the last question.

salt road.

"Zhou Liangchen replied, I have read the details in the news report and know the will of my Lord; however, temporarily releasing salt roads will not affect the future development of our Kingdom of God. If the eastern part is developed and millions of people migrate, the Kingdom of God will not have enough salt.

, salt mining and creation can be carried out in the eastern part of Region 10 (Texas)..."

He listed many salt lakes and mineral deposits that can produce salt.

This was the accumulation of what he saw and gained along the way when the Kung Fu cavalry army was on an expedition. It was a skill that no one else could match.

"Although underground salt mining is difficult and labor-intensive, it can be prepared for emergencies. The significance of the salt road planned by Qing Dynasty is not only to create salt from the Great Salt Lake, but also to provide various minerals and energy that can be transported

To achieve balance among cities and promote industrial development."

"In addition, it also lays the foundation for the future transportation of the Kingdom of God."

After everyone heard this, they were dumbfounded.

"My lord has said that all roads lead to balance, and the roads of law can complement each other. My master Shit has done it. He is proficient in the laws of the earth, and his mind is broad and his vision is long-term. We cannot look at him."

The final score was 96 points.

The whole place was excited.

Subsequently, there are scores in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.

The law monks have not mastered the secret yet, but with the standard answers given by our Lord as a reference, the judgment results will be released soon——

"88 points in mathematics, 70 points in physics, 71 points in chemistry, and 91 points in biology."

"The total score of the five laws is 416!"

"Only 51 points worse than the chief!"

Tiaoyu, who was frightened by the witch's wrath just now, has now regained his energy.

He knows what the teacher is best at.

Mathematics, biology and the laws of the earth.

The first two have already produced results.

The law of the earth is definitely not bad.


"Even if my master is a bullshit and has neglected the laws of the earth, and with the 40 extra points of the military laws, he can easily enter the 'first level of Dzogchen'!"

As soon as these words came out.

The whole place was shaken again.

They originally thought that there would be no danger of getting into the second level of cow excrement, but they didn't expect that they were just like the chief and had reached the first level of perfection!

Although there are extra points for military law, no one will see clearly because of it.

It is an honor for everyone to fight for balance.

Extra points are not obtained by cheating, but are a proof of strength.

"The results of the Law of the Earth are out!"

“Full 60 points, no mistakes or omissions!


“4166040, the total score is 516, which is a full 16 points beyond the first-grade Dzogchen!


"My lord is on high!"

"Praise you, praise balance!"

Countless people couldn't help but praise him. It was obviously a breakthrough, but their reaction was even more exciting than the person involved.

Inside the jail.

Niu Shi sighed, "Sure enough, there is still a gap between me and Xiaohua! Her military law only gained 20 points due to the 'positioning method', while I got 40. Even the total score of the five major laws is 51 points behind her!"

Zhou Weiguo's face twitched at the side.

Before the results came out, he couldn't bear the stimulation of cow shit. He took a deep breath and remained silent.

But the cheers outside the stadium were incessant, and they were completely incompatible with his joys and sorrows.

He couldn't bear it any longer, so he walked to the small window next to the door and shouted, "My Lord ordered you to wait to judge the score between the two of us! Why don't we continue?"

The shouts caused silence outside the courtyard.

People looked at the unfamiliar face through the small window and knew who it was.

It is difficult to achieve the level of Dzogchen. Even if people don't think highly of him now, they will not ridicule him. They only respect his courage.

Xiaohua took a deep breath and picked up Zhou Weiguo's paper, "I will judge your score myself!"

The former neighbors looked at each other and had a tacit understanding.

Xiaohua is also worried about him.

If there is no breakthrough, it will be the punishment of annihilation.

Although I usually resent him a lot, this is just the way friends get along with each other.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Weiguo actually flashed a proud smile in the corner of his eyes.

He dropped a sentence that shocked everyone and left the window——

"Everyone, after I leave the country, I will start a "lecture tour" at the Balance College in various cities. If you want to listen to my teachings, you must make your travel arrangements in advance to avoid missing the opportunity!"

"After all, I am busy with my affairs, and my Lord may have other arrangements!"


There was total silence.

Listen to his teachings?

Even if he is confident of breaking through, he doesn't need to be so arrogant, right?

Moreover, my lord has another appointment? Does he think he can break through to the first rank?


"Just let me wait and see how far you can go!"

Inside the courtyard.

Zhou Weiguo returned in a swaggering manner, sat on the porch stairs under the eaves, and said to Didimar and the King of Sin next door, "When Cow Shit and I leave, the fruits and vegetables grown by me will be given to you two!"

"You already have a low-level and high-level level in Chinese language rules. If you study hard and work hard, you will be able to break through to the intermediate level in no time!"

Didimar and the Sin King nodded obediently.

Because they were participating in the assessment together, the two bullshit Zhou Weiguo were arranged in a courtyard so that outsiders could invigilate the exam through a small window.

Niu Shi came to him and said, "Are you so confident?"

Zhou Weiguo smiled and said, "Even without the blessing of the 'Law of Art', I am sure of breaking through 400 points. Since there is a Law of Art, what should I be afraid of?"

"Watch it!"

Outside the hospital, everyone was aroused and obviously dissatisfied.

Xiaohua quickly judged the score.

When it was his turn to ask a policy question, he smiled.

That guy Zhou Weiguo wrote down exactly what she said.

Whether it was the supply and marketing cooperative or the idea of ​​​​developing the east, all ideas were copied.

But there is no problem with this. Since he can recite and write it down, even if it is his own knowledge, there is no plagiarism. Xiaohua is the teacher and he is the disciple.

After everyone saw it, they were stunned by his argument.

Even if there was a feeling of admiration, he could only bear it because he was so angry.

Suggestions for salt roads tend to be commonplace.

It coincides with the bullshit advice.

"Why is it that Zhou Weiguo's answer is almost the same as my teacher's stupid answer?"

I heard some people had doubts.

Xiao Hua was immediately strangled in the cradle, "When I was not allowed to follow and serve my Lord, Zhou Weiguo was already in charge of the 'Sacred Artifact of Light and Shadow'. He rode the Holy Artifact of Balance and ascended to the sky realm. Naturally, he knew the laws of the earth very well!"

Such words will result in silence, envy and jealousy.

Climb to the sky realm and ride on the Balanced Sacred Instrument.

What a favor this is.

There are only a handful of people in the Kingdom of God who have ever had such an honor.

Everyone just thought, maybe we all underestimated Zhou Weiguo?

However, this is the helplessness of the workers behind the scenes.

All of the "King Balance" movies were produced by Zhou Weiguo, but Zhou Weiguo is the one who controls the camera and is outside the screen, so he is not well known.

Otherwise, just the length of time he has followed and served our Lord is enough to make everyone respect him, and no one would dare to disrespect him.

"Language rules, 86 points."


The first score below 70 appeared.

And this isn't over yet.

"Laws of Physics, 66 points."

"Chemistry 62, biology 67 points."

After everyone calculated it, they came to the answer, "The total score of the five laws is 350 points!


"If the 'Law of the Earth' can score 50 points, he can reach the third level of Dzogchen!


"And the chief has said that Zhou Weiguo's grasp of the laws of the earth is even worse than that of the chief!"

Countless law monks fell silent because of this.

This feeling is very subtle.


Chief, the bull shit breakthroughs are truly deserved. Their laws and realms are known to everyone and can be seen by all, as it should be.

And why is this unknown Zhou Weiguo named?

Oh, he's not unknown either.

He was included in the "Bible of Balance" and was given a name.

But there is still a gap in my heart. This is the human nature of jealousy.

Xiaohua opened the Law of the Earth and began to judge the papers. The final result was no surprise——

"Law of the Earth, full score 60!"

"The total score is 410 points! Reaching the third level of perfection!"


There were endless sighs and the scene was extremely strange.

In the courtyard, Zhou Weiguo heard the sound, finally stood up, came to the small window and shouted: "Keep reading, there is an answer sheet at the back!"

"How can 410 points be considered my final score?"

"Third-grade Dzogchen? Isn't that just a matter of having hands?"

"Even if my talent is not good, I should still be in the second grade!"

Arrogant words made the crowd angry.

"Are you still not satisfied with the third level of Dzogchen?"

"Second rank? Doesn't he also have military law bonus points?"

Countless gazes shifted.

The pressure came on Zhou Weiguo's disciples.

"I, my division has not been recruited yet, so I can join the Balanced Cavalry!"

But at this moment.

Xiaohua has thought of something.

The extra points are not only military rules, but also artistic rules, both of which are a 40-point bonus.

Moreover, in the past six months, Zhou Weiguo has often asked her for the clean white paper given by our Lord.

Could it be that...

She suddenly turned over a new page, and at the moment when her gaze lifted, she exclaimed——

"My lord is on high!"

"This, what is this?"

As she shouted, everyone came back to their senses and stared away.

All I saw was a piece of paper with simple black and white as the tone, no color, but the combination of shadows and white space made the picture on the paper seem to be about to break through the paper!

The black and white lead shadows form a balanced scene of a galloping cavalry army.

Everyone wears armor, showing deep majesty.

Even the war horse beneath him had a cold and stern gaze.

Someone recognized this picture——

"This, this is in Big City No. 9! The clan of my Ma clan!"

"I was still young at that time, and I was responsible for raising horses with my parents, so I was not allowed to come on a pilgrimage to Heilongjiang..."

"I witnessed with my own eyes the scene of the great clan leader climbing up the mountain and leading thousands of troops to ride on his iron cavalry for training!"

"Exactly the same as the painting on this paper!"

Someone grabbed the key point and said, "Painting, is this a mural?"

"No, the mural is rough and lacks details, but everything in this painting seems to have come alive, as if it were sealed on paper!"

"Could this be the power of the 'Sacred Artifact of Light and Shadow' given by our Lord?"

Xiao Huadao: "We are punished with imprisonment. The sacred weapon has been taken back by my lord. How can Zhou Weiguo have the sacred weapon?"

She strode to the gate of the courtyard and shouted: "Zhou Weiguo, you can explain it yourself. Don't speak arrogantly again. You need to understand my bishop's teachings. Pride makes people fall behind!"

Zhou Weiguo heard the screams outside the door and finally pretended.

Came to the small window and laughed——

"As you can see!"

"I, Zhou Weiguo, have mastered the laws of art, great success!


"This painting can be presented to my lord, who will give me the decree from the true god. Can you win 40 extra points for me?"

However, just as he finished speaking, a low figure quickly ran over, it was Zhou Ruonan:

"My Lord has a purpose to balance -"

"Zhou Weiguo has learned the true meaning of the laws of art, which can add 40 extra points to the assessment score!"

"Basically, the total score is 450 points, and you will enter the second level of Dzogchen!


"Zhou Liangchen and Zhou Weiguo have completed the test of crime and punishment and are free; return home tonight and reunite with their relatives!"

"Tomorrow, worship the true God and receive her glorious blessings and rewards!"

My Lord watches the world with balance.

Before everyone could figure out the situation, our Lord had already sent a decree.

At this moment, no one dared to see Zhou Weiguo clearly.

Instead, he congratulated and praised him together with cow shit——

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"Equilibrium consists in..."

This chapter has been completed!
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