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Zhou Li'an was very confused.

But he knew that he must see him.

On the one hand, it is due to interest, ancient celebrities, giants of the times, and great navigators.

On the other hand, the Ming Dynasty’s navigation and shipbuilding technology can be summarized.

【Academic Center】Of course it has everything.

But we must never underestimate the wisdom of the ancients.

While the law monks are self-study, if they can have "Zheng He's fleet information" for reference and comparison, they will get twice the result with half the effort.

After all, practical experience is precious and rare. Otherwise, since the archives of "Zheng He's Mission to Water" in the "Chenghua Period" were lost, we would no longer be without the ability to make long voyages.

Finally, let me popularize the concept of "round earth theory" a little. It doesn't matter whether it is taken seriously or not, it is just to popularize the concept.

Because Zhou Li'an did not expect Zheng He to sail to Europe.

The Suins Canal does not exist, and the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Mediterranean Sea cannot be connected.

If you want to reach the Mediterranean, you can only go around the Cape of Good Hope for more than 16,000 kilometers to the Strait of Gibraltar.

Africa is a barren land. Except for the northeastern coast, which flourished due to Arab trading activities, the rest of the region is still completely barren.

Without supplies, more than 20,000 sailors and soldiers were gone without return.

In addition, the basis for the voyages to the West came from the accumulation of routes by predecessors, maritime merchants and small countries in Southeast Asia.

Without a mature foundation for route exploration, the monsoon and ocean currents cannot be controlled, making it difficult for ships to move.

It took the Portuguese more than 50 years to complete the exploration of the West African route, and they were tortured to death by the Guinea equatorial windless zone...

How could Zheng He, an outsider, survive safely?

And colonial ideological indoctrination is useless.

The Ming Dynasty had a vast land and did not need to expand overseas to supply itself like small European countries.

Instead of transporting serfs back, Ming Dynasty could be self-sufficient.

And Zhou Li'an doesn't want to get involved in Africa and its future development.


Colonial construction is not that simple.

In 1415, the same year that Zheng He returned to the Ming Dynasty after his fourth voyage, Portugal completed its invasion and rule of the North African commercial center city of "Ceuta".

In 1419, he took control of the Madeira Islands.

This was the first act of European colonization, and Portugal did not reap many benefits.

The management of new territories is very expensive, building fortresses, investing troops, suppressing rebels, etc...

Equilibrium is enough for you to play by yourself in America.

It would be better to let the Europeans complete the work of opening up wasteland.

For example, the earliest overseas diplomatic matters were based on business operations;

But gradually it was discovered that the African barbarians were very good, and it was not as convenient and quick to get rich by robbing them openly.

So, why not wait until the Europeans are done with their business and then take action to protect the colonies for them?

I didn't mean to rob you.

The native Africans are very ferocious and often cannibals.

To protect your safety in a balanced way, just a "symbolic payment of protection fee" will be enough.

Therefore, meeting Zheng He was just to sow a seed of balance.

There is a sacred land in the west, a happy land of the creator god and the lord of balance.

Whoever believes in her will have eternal life.

Zhu Di was recognized by later generations as a Mingzhu. He was not superstitious and did not take elixirs. To say that he was obsessed with Taoism was nothing more than usurping an unstable throne and requiring the blessing of divine power.

All kinds of fantasy brushwork on current public accounts.

Zhu Di died suddenly on the road. The cause of his death is a mystery. He pursued immortality through gold and stone.

Come on, ancient people still worked hard to manage the affairs of a country while fighting in the north and south.

In the end, he lived to be 64 years old. This is already beyond the average life span of ancient people, okay?

Of course, even if Zhu Di is not superstitious, as an emperor, if he really has the chance to live forever, who wouldn't want it?

Now the opportunity is right in front of you——

"Xiao Zheng, go back and tell your master Xiao Zhu that if you believe in Balance, you will have eternal life. Ask him if he believes it!"

The meeting is a sure thing.

Zhou Li'an pondered for a long time, focusing on the "Engine Company Acquisition News" sent by Barbara.

The construction of balanced salt roads relies on these engines.

The speed of time in the two worlds is not equal, so the current world can only be given some time to catch up.

The call was dialed, and Barbara answered instantly, "Boss?"

Zhou Li'an said calmly: "Urge Bombardier, dash8 has asked me to speed up shipments, otherwise I will sue him for fraud and cancel the order!"

It has been a month since I placed the order, and the delivery time was promised to be three months.

If you urge me, delivery within two months will always be no problem.

As for Piper, that's easy to say.

Manufacturing small aircraft is not that complicated.

Besides, Zhou Li'an didn't have the guts to fly the Piper M600 across the Atlantic. The small plane was too light and lacked power, so it was prone to accidents.

If he really fell into the sea, even if he could time-travel back and forth several times and enter the sea smoothly, he would have to order a yacht or a seaplane from the present world to return to land.

That scene was so funny.

Later, Barbara got Bombardier's promise again, "Give them another five weeks at most, and it will definitely be delivered. The modification process is already halfway through."


City No. 9 Owens Valley.

In September, Zhou Weiguo and his party took a new road, first arriving at No. 6 City, and then arriving at the northern entrance of Owens Valley.

Niu Shi was quite excited to see his friend and greeted him in full armor, which was the highest courtesy.

A group of war group leaders did not dare to look down upon him.

The only Dzogchen in the Kingdom of God, he also serves as the "supervisor".

Although they don't know what the "inspector" does specifically, it is still much more powerful than being nameless and insignificant, right?

When we met, it was very lively.

The shouts of "inspector" made Zhou Weiguo's eyebrows dance.

Then he was led into the account by Niu Shi, "Weiguo, are you ready? After half a month of training, I will send a transportation team to deliver salt supplies to Big City No. 11."

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

"The best training is on the road. When the time comes, I won't be with the army, so you will lead it."

"Of course, the main leadership should be the responsibility of the battle group leader. You can learn and understand the military laws while watching."

Zhou Weiguo nodded quickly, looking expectant.

All things considered, who doesn't want to join the cavalry army?

Niu Shi saw Zhou Weiguo's disciples and many members of the inspection team moving in wooden boxes one by one, and asked strangely: "What are these?"

Zhou Weiguo was about to speak when he suddenly remembered something and immediately shut up and reorganized his words——

"This is the result of the crime I collected from Didimar."

He hid another half sentence.

There are only 2 boxes of Sin Fruit.

The rest are all engagement tokens and explosives given to you by your Li Huaien.

Of course, it is actually just saltpeter, and the other components will be collected along the way.

Zhou Weiguo opened a box of books and showed them to Cow Shit.

I was shocked after seeing the cow shit.

Although he was once a member of a primitive tribe, he was still young and inexperienced at that time, so he had never really seen the crazy cruelty of the indigenous people.

Even though the battle in Tushi Valley remains in my memory, it is far from the case where Yuki-onna witnessed the death of a witch with her own eyes and had her blood splattered on her face, leaving deep-rooted scars.

"It seems that there will be a turmoil in the future. As Xiaohua said, those sinners have no way out and may be struck to death."

"But don't worry, Qingliang will protect you, and I will protect you too!"

After Zhou Weiguo recuperated for a day, he entered the army for training.

Carrying heavy loads and walking at high speed every day is the training intention given by our Lord God. Please refer to the physical training methods of later generations.

After marching to the Mono Lake Salt Fields, I had to help the people of No. 9 City pile up salt, and temper my body and mind under the scorching sun.

September 19th.

A transport team of 1,000 people set off, carrying salt and supplies to supply the No. 11 city.

When the army arrives, they will only take away a small number of them and go into battle lightly.

Zhou Weiguo's inspection team set off.

Those books and saltpeter have been divided into skin bags and carried by their spare horses.

The iron cavalry goes out to fight, one person and two people riding.

There are also some elites with one man and three cavalry, who can carry out long-distance raids.

In the future, 40,000 people will bring nearly 100,000 war horses, with a mighty momentum that will raise billowing smoke and dust wherever they pass, covering the sky and the earth.

Early October.

A team of thousands of people arrived at No. 11 City.

Zhou Weiguo has visited several times, and now he can see the changes in the city, which can be said to be changing with each passing day.

Now there is no prosperity for the more than 30,000 indigenous people, but in the near future, 5,000 people from each of the 10 cities will migrate to improve the productivity of the cement factory. Only then will the atmosphere of the Kingdom of God appear.

October 21st.

Xiaohua was waiting at the temple early.

The monks of the Temple Mount and the Hall of Elders gathered together.

Soon after, everyone witnessed the arrival of the true God and worshiped and praised him together.

Zhou Li'an and Xue Nu listened to the report for three months, but nothing major happened.

And the biggest thing at the moment cannot compare to the "Sign of Judgment".

The next day.

A shrine has been set up in the central square of the main city.

People from various cities had already calculated their time and came in advance to witness this sacred moment.

Just early in the morning.

The sacred dharma body is revealed, and the golden light is dazzling.

The majestic divine voice descends——

"Today, the time of judgment has arrived!"

"The glory of Balance will dispel the gloom and gloom in the south, and in the holy name of Balance, wave the sword of judgment!"

The sound of praise from all the people kneeling down was like thunder shaking.

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"Equilibrium consists in..."

When the Balanced Sacred Artifact took off and flew to Owens Valley, the whole city cheered enthusiastically.

And under the Temple Mount, there is a prison.

A pair of masters and servants also knelt down and praised the sacred instrument that ascended to the sky realm, trembling with fear.

"May the balance of kindness and mercy cast its gaze upon the Aztecs!"

"Inzcoatl, we have done everything we can, and the rest depends on you."

Owens Valley.

More than 30,000 cavalrymen have already formed an army, showing their majesty in the morning light.

The red armor is like a wave, in sharp contrast to the green grassland.

When the holy weapon flew in, it hovered at low altitude.

My Lord's balanced voice descended from the sky——

"Warriors who believe in me!"

"I am giving you the rain at this moment, so that you will no longer be hungry and thirsty on your journey, and my will will always be with your body and soul!"


The pesticide sprayer installed on the h225 engineering machine is turned on.

It is filled with pure water and sprinkled as mist.

Of course there are no physical effects.

Mainly the sense of ritual and spiritual magic buff blessing.

The army was shaken, and everyone's eyes were filled with tears.

Everyone uncovered their helmets and opened their mouths to receive the sweet rain. After entering the mouth, they shouted out the sweetness and felt that the divine power was protecting them like a spring.

Immediately, the witch's voice revealed——

"The March of Judgment, let's go!


During this period, a disciple of Zhou Weiguo filmed everything on the roof of City No. 9, which will then be broadcast in City 10.

The Holy Artifact of Balance did not leave, but followed the army for a while before drifting away.

People's hearts are on fire and their fighting spirit is fierce.

There is no one who does not want to be heartbroken for our Lord. They just want to reach the place of sin in an instant, burn all sins and purify the world with the balanced eternal fire.

Then, Zhou Li'an returned to No. 9 City.

After picking up Zhou Weiguo's disciples and returning to the main city, he traveled through time and left.

Next time, it’s night.

He handed the edited video memory to the film broadcast team and sent it to various cities to start broadcasting in a few days, completing the wartime internal propaganda work.

I also invited Xiao Hua to give me some pointers.

The next time it will come is two months later, the Kingdom of God’s repertoire, the Day of Recovery and the New Year.

Half a month later.

The army arrived at the large city of Hohokam, stopped for a while, collected supplies and set off again.

At the same time, 10 cities in the Kingdom of God have begun to mobilize for migration.

Some are selected for the Kingdom of God, and some are self-registered.

And because of this, disagreements occurred.

The elder of the Hohokam people came to Xiaohua and said: "Chief, you are the one we have watched grow up. You cannot send the Hohokam people to the border town!"

"How can we, with a balanced mind, stay far away from the presence of our Lord?"

Xiaohua really has a bad temper towards them.

In terms of closeness, the Hohokam people are half of her family, and these elders take great care of her.

If it weren't for cow shit, there would have been a descendant of Elder Hohokam who wanted to marry her.

"City No. 11 is also owned by KJI, and it is also the foundation of the Kingdom of God. Besides...it was your former home, why can't you move there?"

It is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

No one knows the difficulties of opening up wasteland.

More importantly, if they stay away from the true God, they are afraid that they will no longer be taken seriously.

"Anyway, we don't want to leave our Lord's side and want to serve her close by! If you don't agree, we will wait for our Lord to come and ask for her will."

Xiaohua was angry and laughing at the same time. She shouldn't have said more about the future of the Kingdom of God, but due to the close relationship, she still revealed the truth——

"Salt Road is the general trend and our Lord's will. City No. 11 will definitely prosper!"

"And in the future, the population will be concentrated in the eastern region, and millions of southern tribes will migrate there, and people will still need to govern it."

"Otherwise, why would our Kingdom of God legislate?"

"If the Hohokam people are in City No. 11, they will be the first group to move to the eastern region in the future. If your responsibilities are reduced, you will definitely bear the brunt!"

"If you gain merit, your descendants and descendants will surely receive the grace and blessings of our Lord."

"You can't just look at what's right in front of you! When we came to Kibo, the main city was not as prosperous as Huo Huo's big city. At that time, did you ever think that Kibo would build 10 cities and make every city prosperous?"

"Although the pioneers will suffer hardship, they will have more returns than others in the future. This is an investment!"

"If I have said so much, you still don't understand..."

Speaking of this, Xiaohua's face turned serious, and the majesty inherited from the witch suddenly appeared.

"You are disobedient by not respecting the oracle. When my Lord comes, it will be up to you whether my Lord and the shaman will listen to my lawsuit, or whether they will listen to your words of unwillingness to forge ahead and expand territory for balance!"

The Hohokam elder was confused, hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Just go! We have gone through all kinds of difficulties and laid the foundation for a balanced trend, and my Lord will definitely see it!"

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

Wait until the person leaves.

Xiaohua finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Hohokam people have no problem with their beliefs, but human nature is understandable in pursuing profit.

And to put things into perspective, moving to the No. 11 city is indeed to stay away from the gods.

She felt a little guilty.

December 22.

Our Lord comes in equilibrium.

Zhou Li'an heard Xiaohua's arrangement and said with a smile: "Your arrangement is right. The Hohokan people know the terrain of No. 3 area. It will be very convenient for them to explore for mineral resources in the future."

"But they are far away from the main city, so they are really leaving behind something."

"I will give them grace."

"The surname given to the Hohokan people is Huo, which has the same pronunciation as "harvest". Their actions of opening up wasteland and harvesting for the Kingdom of God should be remembered by the Kingdom of God and the people of future generations; they can be included in the "Sacred Book of Balance"!"

Xiaohua was shocked and immediately kowtowed, "Praise my Lord, praise Balance! Huai'en expresses gratitude to the Huo clan."

As soon as she could wait until she was gone, she was anxious to summon a messenger to deliver the news.

Snow Girl interrupted with a smile, "I know that you are close to those Huo family elders, but I am not in a hurry. Even sending the letter will take half a month."

"It's the New Year's Day of Recovery. My Lord will go to Region 10 to patrol the Army of Judgment. When he returns, he will also come to City 11."

"When the time comes, you will inform them of the good news, and then my Lord will personally grant you a favor. You will also lead them to remember your kindness, and you will be able to make orders and prohibitions when managing affairs in the future!"

"This is the way to control your subordinates."

Xue Nu no longer studies various subjects systematically, and only reads books on management, economics, and government affairs compiled by Zhou Li'an.

In this way, his position as a shaman can be stabilized and he can be given teachings from time to time.

The little flower understood with just a click, and showed a friendly smile, "Praise my Lord, and I also praise you, great wizard."

December 31st.

2 a.m.

The Equilibrium Sacred Instrument takes off and will fly to Region 10, Texas, which will last 8 hours.

When the fireworks bloom tonight, it will be the arrival of a new year——

Equilibrium for 14 years.

AD 1414!


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