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[198] kill

banquet hall.

Everyone was furious because of a cup of cacao pepper wine; however, with Quiztitco's comfort, the situation quickly returned to calm.

People will always have first impressions.

The first meeting with the old man laid the foundation for their first impression. Although he was not as good as cow shit, Zhou Weiguo and Zhou Weiguo felt that the old man was extraordinary and could see through the hidden story behind him.

But in the eyes of everyone, the city lord's temperament was far inferior to Quiztitco.

"You said this wine was liked by the Lord of Tepanix?"

Someone grasped the key point and asked the old man.

What the leader of a country likes must have its own uniqueness.

For a moment, his eyes focused on the old man.

Quiztitco immediately said humbly: "Every city-state, from the monarchs and nobles to the farmers and traders, all love it."

"After drinking cocoa, you will feel full. Adding chili pepper can also refresh you and increase your physical strength. There are rumors in every city that the secret of the old king's longevity is because of this cocoa."

Today’s cocoa has no added sugar.

The city-state alliance also had no way to produce sugar, and most of the people's sugar sources came from food.

The alcohol made from agave originated from the exploration of "sweetness" by Chinese and Americans.

Like the wine culture around the world, alcohol was discovered in food fermentation by mistake, and it got out of hand.

Cocoa is indeed rich in multiple nutrients, and raw pepper is the king of vitamins.

These two strange combinations are as good as the compound fruit and vegetable juices of later generations. They are both unpalatable and nutritious.

Once I heard the old man tell me "the secret of longevity", the effect was comparable to that of a TV shopping guide in later generations.

Everyone raised their glasses and tasted again, but most of them still frowned. Only a few seemed to have unlocked some strange taste preferences. The more they drank, the more interesting they became...

Or maybe it’s because: lifespan is 1s.

A corner of the hall.

Niu Shi and Zhou Weiguo also played with the cups in their hands, but did not try again, but said: "Do you remember Xiaohua's outlook for the future in the prison?"

Zhou Weiguo nodded, "You mean the crops in the southern land?"

"Sugar cane, cocoa, tobacco, cotton; now we've found one."

"What's the use of cocoa?"

"I don't know yet, but millions of people in the southern land have surrendered to the equilibrium. They have become accustomed to this drink, so they need to continue to grow it. In my opinion, maybe we can join the supply and marketing cooperative and let these people redeem it at that time."

"Diversify output products and improve the economic system."

Zhou Weiguo nodded in approval, but these were things a few years later.

His thoughts are now focused on the city lord of this hill city, "Look, the city lord has written his hatred on his face because of the old servant's transgression!"

The two of them were spectators, taking in everything in the banquet hall.

Although Quiztitco was quite wise, he forgot about it because of the arrival of the divine messenger, the army of judgment.

Normally, he would never dare to act like this, ignoring the head of the family and taking over the throne.

Just because of what I saw and heard during the day, I have an infinite yearning for this kingdom of God, and I can't help but want to have more contact with those law monks.

"Need to send someone to look after you?"

"It's not just nursing, tonight may be a sleepless night..."

Zhou Weiguo stepped forward and tapped a person at the table on the shoulder.

The man was stunned for a moment, then followed him into the darkness and asked, "Why don't you two, my master, sit down at the table?"

Zhou Weiguo snorted coldly, "Have you all forgotten what my master ordered us to come here? You were deceived by the falsehood in front of you!"

The disciple was shocked and quickly praised the true God, "Praise my Lord, praise the balance...Teacher, I, I don't."

Niu Shi did not interrupt, but was curious about what Zhou Weiguo wanted to do.

Just listen to Zhou Weiguo say: "Gather all members of the inspection team and follow my arrangements!"

The disciple didn't dare to ask any more questions and quickly obeyed: "Yes!"

Niu Shi laughed again and said: "If you say so, the judge and the heads of various ministries are all deceived by lies."

Zhou Weiguo didn't take it seriously, "I don't think so. Although the patriarch has not practiced the secrets of the law, he is also the most important person."

You have already received divine favor! If you are here again, Xiaohua will be punished and imprisoned. How can you not always maintain your piety?"

"Besides, you didn't notice that the patriarch looked at the two of us many times."

Niu Shi turned around and met his father's eyes.

The father and son reached a tacit understanding and understood each other's meanings.

Two hours later.

After the banquet, the servants of the mansion led everyone to stay at the manor.

The city lord even personally led him to climb mountains and fight crocodiles to his master bedroom.

After entering the house, they saw that the room was not any worse than the banquet hall. There was a circular bath in the center, and more than a dozen maids wearing only pieces of cloth had been waiting for a long time, and their eyes were full of flattery.

Weihuter said: "God's envoy, please let these maids serve you. They are all the cleanest girls in the city."

The leaders of the war group laughed, quite arrogantly as if bandits were entering the city.

The balance does not have excessive control over the affairs of men and women, because in order to increase population growth, which of these war group leaders does not have three or four wives?

After months of expedition, it’s time to relax.

Seeing the happy faces of the angels, Weihuter felt more at peace. After introducing the facilities in the house, he quietly left.

When he climbed up the mountain and saw everyone enjoying themselves, he did not stop them and only grabbed the fighting crocodile.

Dou Crocodile was stunned, "Brother mountain climbing?"

"Don't be fooled by lies!

"Climbing the mountain suddenly said seriously.

Just because of this sentence, Dou Crocodile instantly woke up.

Reflecting on the experience of a few hours, this luxurious mansion, countless delicacies, the humble flattery of the servants...

In a balanced way, everyone has enough food and clothing, and everyone has a place to live.

But even so, the food in the cafeteria will not be so grand.

Because food is limited, the whole city needs to be taken care of. Rice, beef, and vegetables are a full meal.

Fighting crocodiles have also come from hard times, so they don't know how precious food is.

Without the glory of our Lord, among the tribes in the past, one person would eat more and the other would eat less.

Wouldn't it be the same if we moved to this hill town?

The people in the city were not like the balanced people. Everyone looked happy. Instead, most of them were sluggish, and many of them looked hungry and thin.

So where do these delicacies come from?

"Presiding Judge, do you have a military order?" Dou Crocodile suddenly understood and became serious.

But when climbing a mountain, I shake my head.

Dou Crocodile was confused: "What does this mean?"

The mystery was revealed only after climbing the mountain. "During the banquet, those two boys were watching the secret conversation the whole time. They must have some ideas. We just need to wait and see what happens!"

"What's the idea?"

Climb the mountain and glare: "How do I know?"

He gradually became frustrated and said, "Since I met the people of this southern land, I feel more and more that my brain is not enough! In comparison, we reckless men are no match for us. It is better to leave it to the cow shit and defend the country."

"The two great perfectionists of our Kingdom of God are in charge. No matter how smart a group of sinners from the southern land are, how can they be our opponents?"

"The city lord only asked me to come to this big house and invite the maid. He knows that our status and responsibilities are the most important..."

"But he doesn't know that my son Niu Shi is the deputy chief judge, and Wei Guo... he is the supervisor, and he is the key to judging the consequences of crimes!"

"When Wu came to City No. 12 with my lord last time, he told me privately that I should listen to Wei Guo's advice and not underestimate it; the power to judge the consequences of crimes lies in his hands!"

"This is... my Lord's will."

"Sigh." Dou Crocodile was greatly shocked. He already knew that Zhou Weiguo was the "Morning Star" of the Chishui Department, but he never expected that this boy would receive such great favor.

However, he frowned slightly, "Then we just wait like this? Do nothing?"

Climbing the mountain was speechless, "You idiot, why are you acting like Jijun?"

"Don't you understand yet?"

"The sinners in this southern land are like the cunning rabbit. There are caves in the meadow in all directions. The rabbit only knows that the two of us are guarding one place, but it doesn't know that the real killer is already waiting at other exits."

"Hunting skills can help us hunt wild beasts for food..."

"Yes, my lord has something to say——"

"All roads lead to balance, and this 'Tao' is the secret of law! Using hunting skills on the enemy is called 'military law'."

The words fell.

It wasn't just Dou Crocodile who was shocked.

A group of leaders who were about to raise and lower their hands were also attracted, their eyes were dull, and they started talking at once——

"Presiding Judge, when did you understand so much?"

"My Lord, is this my Lord enlightening the patriarch of the clan?"

"Wait a minute, are you going to catch rabbits tonight? My lord! I drank three cups of that spicy cocoa water tonight, and my stomach is so hot that I really can't eat any more!"

After all, the quality of leaders is still uneven.

Eat rabbit?

Climbing a mountain makes me angry when I hear it.

With this group of leaders who are even stupider than the successor army, it’s no wonder that I mainly place my heavy responsibility on Zhou Weiguo.

"Gungun, go ahead and do whatever you have to do!"

A group of war group leaders looked at each other——

"Did you really do it?"


at the same time.

In a side hall of the manor, Vihutel and a group of servant guards gathered.

"Where's Quiztitco?"

"Report to the city lord. He has just left. I have sent people to follow him and check his residence so that it will be secretly surrounded by our people."

The city lord took a deep breath, "Have you ever alerted the soldiers in the city?"

"Don't worry, city lord. Since entering the city, they have followed the old guy's relatives back. The army has been stationed in the city square and has not patrolled the cities."

"As long as we succeed tonight, the Lord of the City will have no worries anymore! If he is favored by the divine envoy..."

"With the power of this large army, the city lord can become the lord of a large country!"

Weihuter was already trembling with excitement.

Lord of the great country!

With the strength of this army, Tepanix is ​​no match.

"Let's go! If what happens tonight is accomplished, you and the others will be greatly rewarded!"

Everyone came out of the mansion without disturbing anyone.

Little did they know that all of this had already been under the watchful eyes of Niu Shi and Zhou Weiguo.

"You are right, if there is any negligence, that old servant will die tonight!"

Zhou Weiguo sighed, "Their so-called faith is also false!"

"If you really devote yourself to our Lord, how could you not think that the true God watches the world and sees everything? The sins they have committed cannot be covered up!"

"If the lord of a small city is like this, it can be seen what the rest of the cities are like!"

"Perhaps only by seeing the sharpness of the sword of judgment can they understand the gravity of their sins."

The two of them did not hesitate and followed the figures of those people.

And in the middle of this mountain city.

A small team has already assembled in the square, forming a warrior group of hundreds of people.

Just wait until a figure returns.

It was the middle-aged knight who was scouting the team.

"Captain, we figured it out! Since entering the city, there have been people following the old servant's relatives back home, and now they are all stationed outside!"

The scouts all had to lurk and make arrangements. Before entering the city, Zhou Weiguo ordered Zhou Xiangxi to make corresponding arrangements.

"Let's go, just wear breastplate and arm guards, don't make any noise or attract attention!"

"The armor and stomach are covered with cloth to block the reflected light."

After a moment of rustling, everyone got ready.

The middle-aged knight led the way, and the team of a hundred people headed towards the north side of the city.

The center of the mountain city is the most prosperous and is the residence of the city lord.

To the south is the trade market, lined with many hotels and livestock fences. After the trade teams from various ministries arrive, they collect some goods for their care.

The east and west sides are mostly farmland due to the sunshine.

To the north is the cocoa forest covering most of the hillside, which is very productive.

A courtyard at the entrance of the garden is Queztitco's home, which was originally owned by a farmer who took care of the cocoa forest.

However, because his father committed a crime and died, he was demoted as a slave, so he moved in and the family took on the responsibility of taking care of Cocolin.

Old man all the way

Return home.

Somewhat absent-minded.

I was thinking about how the divine messenger almost revealed the truth, and I was also recalling the much knowledge I gained today.

The earth is a ball and has gravity.

All things and stars are created by our Lord, Balance.

In the kingdom of God, everyone has food, clothing, and shelter, and they are brothers and sisters to each other... Children do not need to work, but must attend academies to learn knowledge of laws.

Those who achieve breakthroughs in the legal realm will receive the best treatment.

You can also gain favor from our Lord and even be given a name.

"What a God!"

"Is there really such a happy kingdom in this world?"

"Children can enter school from an early age! And all that knowledge is the secret of the laws given by the true God!"

"When I was young, my father had not yet made a fortune. It was not until I was a teenager that I had the opportunity to go to a big city to study!"

"I have studied hard for several years. I thought I would be able to come back and help my father, but who knew..."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" He suddenly started sobbing harder, but tried his best to control his voice.

A sixty-year-old man now looks like a helpless child.

Thoughts are messy.

The fantasy of the beauty of the kingdom of God only brought out the misfortune of his fate.

However, when he was almost home, he wiped away his tears, cleared his throat, and opened the courtyard door.

The sound alerted the attention of the people in the room, who came out to greet him.

"Father, you are back!"

"Grandpa, grandpa, how fun is it for you to ride in the sedan with the messenger of the true God today?"

The whole family came in droves.

The young children's voices gradually melted the old man's sad and cold heart.

He picked up his grandson and said, "That's not a sedan, it's a car! The beast is a horse, which means a carriage."

"What is a horse? Why doesn't the city lord have a horse?"

"Horses are the only true god in the world, creatures created by the Lord of Balance, bringing convenience to her people! And everything in this world was also created by the true god."

Not only children, but also my middle-aged son and daughter-in-law couldn't help but ask, "Father, are these the words of a divine messenger? What else did the divine messenger say?"

The old man said: "The messenger of God spoke of the grand scene of the Kingdom of God! People who believe in the true God will find joy and peace!"

"Children should go to school from an early age, without having to work, to learn the secrets of the laws given by the true God."

"When you succeed in your studies, you can contribute to the Kingdom of God!"

After hearing this, the children were shocked and couldn't help but said: "All children can enter the school? Only nobles can study in Ayutthaya College!"

"Father, I remember my mother said that it was only because my grandfather spent a lot of money that you were able to go to school when you were young."

However, just this sentence caused the atmosphere to suddenly freeze.

The old man angrily said, "Don't mention the past! Don't talk about my schooling, let alone your grandfather! We are slaves and servants, and we need to clarify our identities!"

The son also got angry and said: "I have known since I was a child that my grandfather died unjustly!"

"Now that the divine messenger has arrived, why not report it to the divine messenger, uncover the truth, and take back what was lost?"

"This cocoa forest and the trade road belong to us."

Just as the words fell.

The old man was shaking with anger, but he heard a sarcastic smile coming from outside the hospital——

"Lord City Lord, it's just as I expected!"

"They have developed a heart to rebel against the city lord!"

The servant stepped in, followed by twenty or thirty servant guards.

And the one being surrounded was none other than Vihutel.

His eyes were completely cold, and he stared at the old man without saying a word.

Quiztitko panicked and knelt down, "Lord City Lord, I have no intention of rebelliousness. As I just said, I have forgotten the past and don't want to mention it!"

"Please forgive me, City Lord!"

"Excuse me? Your son has already reported to the divine envoy! These are his own words, and everyone can hear them clearly. Is it possible that he is lying?"

"Lord City Lord, this trend cannot grow! If everyone follows suit and disobeys the City Lord, where will the authority of the City Lord be?"

Weihuter had already had murderous intentions, and now he was even more furious——

"Kill, kill them all!"

"Kill them!"

He shouted angrily and shouted filial piety, with a ferocious face.

Several guards have raised their stone axes and are approaching.

The old servant looked at his son again and was at a loss. He could only shout at the top of his lungs, "You idiot! Run! Run! Take your son and get out of here!"

The old man stood up and stood in the front, no longer pretending: "Weihuter, you deserve to die! I should have poisoned you for so many years! Instead of coveting your conscience, you can treat me well!"

"I regret it, I regret it!"

The old servant was ready to rush forward and fight to the death.

But at this moment.


A sound broke through the air.


Before the old servant could get up, he felt a burning heat rushing to his face, splashing onto his face and body.

His eyes turned bright red, but he saw that in the lake, one of the slaves headed by him had a spear on his body.

The spear pierced it and nailed it to the ground.

The shaft of the spear was still trembling.

The slave had a look of confusion on his face, and he tried hard to pull the spear out of the ground with both hands, but he still couldn't do it.

Mouthfuls of blood kept gushing out from his mouth.

Weihuter and others panicked, "Who, who is it?"

Outside the hospital.

Several figures came over, headed by Niu Shi, who were moving their right shoulders after exerting force.

Throwing spears is a combat skill in the army. He has been on expedition for several years and has already perfected it.

At this time, he pulled out his long knife and shouted into the deeper darkness on the side -

"Where is the army of judgment!



After a whistle sounded, there was a deafening battle cry from the hundred-man squad, "In the name of balance!"



Beginning of North America 1400: Nation building in progress

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