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[212] Life is like a play

One month later.

Zhou Li'an and Snow Girl return to Big City No. 12.

On the way, we passed through the Valley of Mexico, but did not arrive.

The snow girl who had listened to our Lord's will now understands...the sinners in the south are not worthy of our Lord's grace.

Those who are not close to the Balance will also be spurned by the Balance.

The dean of No. 12 Dacheng College is named ‘Zhou Qin’, a 20-year-old young man; like Zhou Xiangxi, he is a very rare Temple Mount monk who joins the army.

Nowadays, most monks on Temple Mount are looking forward to completing the "Great Perfection of Laws" assessment.

If you fail to reach the third level, you will not have the qualifications for the Temple Mount in the future.

The second grade is the entrance ticket to the Law Research Group.

Only first-class members can serve as group leaders.

This is not a rebellion against the true God and an unwillingness to carry out an expedition for balance. On the contrary, they have set very clear long-term development goals.

The laws of scientific divine power are the foundation of the Kingdom of God.

Only by mastering the deeper mysteries of law can we devote our strength better, and with the invincible power of the army of judgment, what can stop the sinners in the south?

However, there are some people who think differently than most people.

For example, Zhou Xiangxi, who yearns for life in the army, is willing to become the leader of the scout team and contribute to the balance before others.

Another example is Zhou Qin in front of me...

He was kneeling before my Lord and the witch, listening to the witch's question, "Zhou Qin, are you also from my Modoc?"

Zhou Qin nodded happily, feeling honored to be a member of the same tribe as Wu, "Yes, Wu! I migrated to the Tushi Valley with the Earth Snake Tribe one year before the equilibrium year! Later, I also witnessed the migration and establishment of the Kingdom of God.


"When I was young, you hugged me and gave me that bitter candy. I still remember its taste."

Of course the snow girl doesn't remember these things.

She has seen so many people giving rewards.

She could not recognize all the hundreds of monks on the Temple Mount, except those who had already made a name for themselves like Xiao Hua.

However, the person who was rewarded with "chocolate" by her 14 years ago must be a lovable child.

Not to mention that he can now take charge of the No. 12 city, which has proven his ability.

Although this is a new city, there are currently only 40,000 indigenous people. In the future, it will serve as a transportation hub between the north and the south, which has great significance.

"Time flies so fast, you have grown so big."

The snow girl showed a kind smile.

But her face is even more immature than Zhou Qin's.

But in Zhou Qin's eyes, it was such a young and unchanging appearance that made him feel sacred and majestic.

14 years.

In his impression, witches never age.

This is the only saint under our Lord who can transcend the long river of time.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but burst into tears, feeling grateful because of his faith.

The more people are among the first to see our Lord, the more they understand that God’s grace is hard-earned.

Seeing his mood swings, Snow Girl smiled, knowing that such people are close to balance.

"Why did you join the army? With your level of law, you should be about to break through the Dzogchen, right?"

Zhou Qin calmed down his emotions and said respectfully: "Wizard, my Lord has something to say. Travel thousands of miles, read thousands of books, apply what you have learned, and combine knowledge with action."

"By practicing the rules on the Temple Mount of the Kingdom of God, you may be able to achieve breakthroughs very quickly, but in practice there are still great deficiencies."

"Only after I came to City No. 12 did I realize the significance of my Lord's establishment of various research groups."

"Only by transforming what you have learned into practice will your time spent practicing the law be considered in vain."

"Of course, the choices made by a group of comrades on the Temple Mount were not wrong. It's just that the paths we chose are different, but the end point is the same."

The snow girl asked with great interest: "All roads lead to equilibrium?"

Zhou Qin nodded fiercely: "That's right! We all hope that the kingdom of God will prosper and the fire of balance will be eternal, so that the darkness of the world will fade away and the light will be shrouded..."

"There are people who practice penance on the Temple Mount."

"Someone is going out with the army for a balanced trial!"

"As the dean of the No. 12 Dacheng Branch, I will steadily focus on infrastructure construction and strive for development..."

"Witch, I think we both have a bright future."

The snow girl looked delighted, "That's a good point! In a balanced way, everyone can make progress, even if they don't develop in the same field, they can blossom in an all-round way!"

"You said it well. With the glorious blessing of our Lord, you all have a bright future!"

In the hall.

The excited and crazy account of the secretary of the great city on the 12th——

[April, 14th year of equilibrium; my Lord and the witch came to No. 12 City, the then dean Zhou Qinde and the witch duet, he said... We all have a bright future...]

【Wu Dayue, generous praise!】

After recording, he put it in an envelope.

All the words and deeds of our Lord and the shaman will be recorded by a special person, and then sent to the main city and handed over to the Temple Mount for evaluation, and the final decision will be made whether to be included in the "Balance Scripture".

If it is not loaded, it can be sent to the No. 2 city and published in a newspaper so that the people can listen to the balanced will.

Just then.

My Lord, who had closed his eyes in meditation, woke up, opened his deep eyes, smiled bitterly, and shook his head slightly.

Zhou Qin immediately fell silent.

Then he heard the witch ask, "My lord, what are the variables in the trial?"

Zhou Qin knelt down and worshiped in front of the audience. He was extremely shocked.

So, when my Lord closed his eyes just now, he was looking at the world?

He braced himself and listened to the words of our Lord and the shaman.

Our Lord said: "Life is like a play, just like the teachings I gave you before, anyone who is not close to Balance will also be kept away from and ignored by Balance..."

Zhou Li'an told what he saw.

The Shanshan City household registration was compiled, but the whereabouts of 49 people were unknown.

After the four people left, their lives and deaths were uncertain.

The remaining 45 people all entered Tadong City, but only the father and son named "Lawa" and "Kukmo" survived.

The remaining people were all silenced.

The fate of the father and son was ill-fated. They wanted to exchange information for an heir, but when the brother returned, they fell into misfortune and were demoted as slaves.

After a long and arduous journey, he traveled to the country of Tepanix.

I will finally meet Nakoa.

Little did they know, what awaited them was disaster.

Zhou Qin was dumbfounded when he heard what happened to the father and son. Countless twists and turns caught him off guard...

Is there anyone really so unlucky in the world?

We are about to see the light again and again, but in the end we are swallowed by darkness.

However, I heard the shaman's anger: "Huh! It's precisely because 'Lava and Kucmo's father and son' are far away from equilibrium that they are being chased and eroded by misfortune."

"Why is it that everyone in the hill city is happy, but these 49 people are being annihilated one by one?"

"It is clear that our Lord has sent an army of judgment to give them the grace of redemption, but they turned around and turned their backs on her, staying away from her..."

"If father and son cannot be annihilated, who should be annihilated?"

When Zhou Qin heard this, he was very frightened when he thought about it carefully.


The army of judgment has arrived, so what are they running for? Even if they are worried about their eldest son or brother, they can still be aware of the chief judge and wait for the army of judgment to win a victory and be saved.

It just happens that the sheep enters the tiger's mouth.

Isn't this your own fault?

Snow Girl had another flash of inspiration and realized the profound meaning of "life is like a play", "My lord, this encounter between father and son can also be rehearsed into a 'drama' and performed in various cities!"

"All people must know that if they stay away and abandon balance, disaster will befall them! This can serve as a warning to the world!"

Zhou Li'an didn't expect Snow Girl to be able to draw inferences from one instance and smiled: "Yes!"

He looked at Zhou Qin in the audience again, because he felt his eyes looking upward.

"Zhou Qin, what else are you confused about?"

Zhou Qin saw that my master had penetrated his heart and did not dare to hide it, "My master, I am still curious about the father and son..."

"What will happen when they go to the 'Garden Official's' mansion and meet Keya?"

Before my lord could speak, the wizard said: "If you abandon yourself and stay away from equilibrium, what else will happen?"

Zhou Qin understood, he had become involved in the story, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for the father and son.

However, he heard Wu change his subject and said, "Unless the father and son can change their minds at this time and shout the holy name of our Lord, there may be a glimmer of hope."

Zhou Qin was shocked and looked at our Lord expectantly.

All I saw was that my master looked indifferent and made no statement.

In my heart, I actually couldn't laugh or cry.

The show is over, Snow Girl!

I want to save them and cause trouble in the country of Tepanix, but the problem is that the [Eye of the Void] is a one-way mirror, I can see the world, but the world can't see me!

Therefore, Zhou Li'an could only sigh with emotion——

If the three of them, father and son, could live like this, they would have staged a "legendary drama", and its humanistic value would be no worse than "The Redemption of the Sinful King".

As for comparison with Hamlet and Notre Dame de Paris during the Renaissance in the Old World...

The balance between these several scenes is more important in terms of truth and education (nao).

Still the same sentence...

Material construction must be balanced with spiritual civilization.

"Zhou Qin, have the coordinates of the 'Blessed Land' been returned?" Zhou Li'an changed the subject and got down to business.

Once the supply points are taken care of, there will be no need to focus too much on the Judgment March.

It is now mid-April.

At the end of June or the beginning of July, we will go to East Africa.

Before that, Zhou Li'an also had to guide Zhou Wangshan to complete the construction of "health centers" in each city and a "main health city".

Why build an extra city?

The purpose is to inoculate calves with smallpox and then extract cowpox to complete the most primitive smallpox vaccination.

During this process, they need to go to the main health city in batches to complete isolation.

In the next few hundred years, it will be almost impossible to completely eradicate smallpox unless the world is balanced and unified and has a complete government system.

Otherwise, the only thing we can do is continue to vaccinate the people.

Fortunately, in the 15th century, all kinds of diseases were crushed by modern medical technology.

The cost of various basic vaccines is extremely low.

At least at this stage, Zhou Li'an can afford the expenses;

After another 30 to 40 years of development, with the support of modern production lines, it will not be difficult to build our own vaccine production center.

Under the stage, Zhou Qin reported back: "My lord, the coordinates have been sent. I have been drawing maps these days to ensure that the 'Blessed Land' is accurate when the army returns in triumph."

Zhou Li'an said: "No need, give me the coordinates first, and you can do the mapping work slowly!"

Didn't wait for his answer.

Whoosh, whoosh.

My lord and the shaman have disappeared.

The two people in the hall were shocked and speechless.

After a long time, the secretary stood up and couldn't help but gossip: "Dean, were you really hugged by a witch when you were a child? Do you still need a reward?"

Zhou Qin looked a bit arrogant, "How can this be fake?"

"How old is Na Wu this year?"

"Um..." Zhou Qin really wasn't sure, "Comrade Liangchen seems to be twenty-two years old this year. Wu is his eldest sister, so he must be twenty-five or six, right?"

"My lord, I see that the witch's face is more like that of a seventeen or eighty-year-old. Although the witch is not magnificent, he has a different kind of... closeness to him."

"Witches naturally make people feel kind, but don't say these words in front of witches..."

"I vaguely remember that when I was a child, in Tushi Valley, the women of the tribe were heartbroken because of the witches. No matter how much they ate, the witches couldn't look good. They had always been so thin. The witches seemed quite troubled by this."

"Really? Wu still has troubles?"

"Everyone loves beauty!"

"I think witches are pretty good, but I don't like magnificent ones..."

"Okay, stop talking about witchcraft. Quickly organize the books and quotations, send a messenger to the Kingdom of God, and submit them to the chief."

at the same time.

Capital of Tepanix.

Azka Pocharco City.

At the garden official's residence, Lava and Kucmo's father and son were already sluggish. They were pinned to the ground without any intention of resisting.

Just because of the collapse of belief.

Why, why exactly?

Why do adversities always accompany them? They go through difficulties step by step. They thought they were about to see the light of day, but in the end they found that they were in a more terrifying abyss.

This frustration completely defeated them.

Like an old dog that has reached its age, it feels the approach of death secretly, and chooses to stay away from its owner, find a quiet place with no one, and wait for the end of its life.

The butler was in a completely different emotional state.

Only they themselves know how much suffering a madman Keya has caused them.

I hate him so much that I can't bear to let him die, and I even want him to suffer all kinds of suffering, making life worse than death.

"Hahaha, let's go! Go to Nakoya and ask him to kneel down and lick the soles of his master's feet!"

"Pride is not the quality a slave like him should have."

"He's just a dog!"

Father and son were dragged along like two pieces of rotten flesh.

After walking through the promenade, the garden, and through the ponds and pavilions, you will see a woodland.

There is a figure in the distance, his neck and hands are locked with a wooden cuff board, a few straw ropes are tied to one foot, and the other end is tied to a tree trunk.

Of course there are guard handles on the outside.

As a father, seeing his son finally come to his senses, he couldn't help crying and wailing——

"Keya! Keya!"

"You, how did you end up in this situation?"

Kumo also came to his senses and couldn't bear to see his brother's miserable state, even though they were now reduced to this.

"Brother, it's me, my father and I are here to find you!"

The young man named Keya was shocked. He shook his head to deflect the long hair that blocked his sight. When he saw the appearance of the two of them, he was so shocked that he trembled——

"Father, Kumo, you, why are you here?"

Cook Mo said: "My father and I wanted to save you and get rid of your slave status, but in the end we mistakenly believed in evil people and were demoted as slaves!"

"I had decided to accept my fate, but who would have thought that when I found this manor, you..."

Keya was also speechless.

He can understand the feelings of his father and brother.

I thought that even if I became a slave, my family could be reunited, but who knows that now I am not even qualified to be a slave and I will face the threat of death.

Keya couldn't help but feel even more ashamed.

Just at this moment.

When a group of people arrived, the steward quickly flattered, "Master, these are Keya's father and brother! They have recognized each other."

"Hahaha, it will not be difficult to fulfill the Lord's will in this way!"

When the visitor heard this, he first breathed a sigh of relief and then showed joy.

It is difficult for others to know how much torture he suffered because of this Koya, and now he is finally free.

"Keya!" he roared angrily, "Now that things have come to a close, I'll ask you again, are you willing to fight beasts in a cage?"

"If you don't want to, I have nothing to say and I will kill your father and brothers!"

Keya looked shocked and had reached the limit of collapse.

He was destined to die and had nothing to fear.

But now that the bond of family is right in front of you, that pride that ignores everything can no longer be lifted up.


He was about to speak.

But another voice interrupted him and attracted everyone's attention——

"Then just kill us!"

"Hahaha, kill us, my brother won't listen to your orders either!"

Keya was shocked again. How could he see his father and brother who had been searching for him die because of him?

"Kukmo, you..."

Kukumo shouted again: "Brother, stop talking! We are already in such a miserable situation, what is there to be afraid of?"

At this moment, the seemingly stupid Lava also opened his mouth and roared——

"Keya! Kukmo!"

"You are all good. I, Lava, have children like you and I will die without regrets!"

"Kill us, kill us, I'm not afraid of death! We're not afraid of death!"

"Come, come! You who have committed crimes, come!"

Lava was going crazy, and Kukmo was shouting too.

Keya was a reckless man. Seeing this scene, he no longer hesitated and laughed——

"Yes, I want to die. Come on, kill us! I will never, never bow to you! I am the bravest warrior, and it is because of my bravery that I win her favor!"

A group of people were confused.

How come a family of three are all stupid?

The garden official was trembling with anger, "You, you, you, what do you think we should do now?"

He had long been blunted by Keya, and now all he could do was attack his own servants.

The housekeeper was so frightened that he knelt down and was in a state of confusion. He could only delay, "Master, master, please calm down and give me some more time..."

However, no one noticed that there was a flash of relief in the expression of the young man named Cookmo who was dying with grief and anger.


Who is not afraid of death!

He felt that it was not worth it to have gone all the way to this point and endured all the humiliation!

It was the strange experience that his brother Keya experienced here that made him discover the clue——

Why didn't they just kill their brother instead of imprisoning him?

Cage fighting?

If it's a cage fight, you can just throw him into the cage, so why hesitate?

For those who are slaves, their lives are in the hands of their masters, and there are no laws to protect slaves.

Then there must be something... there must be something that restricts these noble lords so that they have to be checked and balanced by Keya.

Cookmore's idea is simple.

The turning point lies with the elder brother, so they cannot let the elder brother be restricted by their father and son. On the contrary, if the elder brother can survive, they can survive.

And the facts prove it.

He bet correctly!

As for the future...

Kukmo looked up at the night sky.

He called and prayed in his heart——

'The only true God in the world, the Lord of Balance!'

'I would like to see your light, like the light you gave to Quiztitco...'

'Please give me guidance!'

'If I am guilty, I am willing to be punished by your laws...'

‘I don’t beg for survival, but I ask you to cast your majestic gaze on these truly evil people——’

‘Judge their sins!

This chapter has been completed!
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