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[216] God's Likes and Dislikes

Balance the main city.

Inside the temple.

My Lord’s calm yet majestic voice came from the high platform——

"The army of judgment has left the hill city."

The eyes of everyone in the hall were attracted, and they looked up, with fierce fighting intent burning in their expressions.

Although they are thousands of miles apart, their will seems to be with the tens of thousands of troops.

Seeing that my lord had no unnecessary comments on the army's journey, Xiaohua took out the prepared book and presented it, saying:

"Previously, the 40,000 people of the Hohokan tribe have moved to the No. 11 city, leaving more than 970,000 people in the ten cities."

"The list of tribes to be relocated is mostly selected by drawing lots, but there are people from the Huo clan who give their names first, and there are also tribes who are willing to go there, hoping to make contributions and receive the blessing of glory."

Most people are unwilling to be far away from the Kingdom of God and the glorious place where our Lord and God is.

However, the Hohokam people set an example and persuaded some people to move to the new city to open up wasteland.

Zhou Li'an saw the list, many of whom were aborigines from the eastern states.

They are familiar with the local environment, which is more beneficial to the construction of the new city. Now they can be regarded as returning to their homeland.

The snow girl took a look at the data in the scroll and asked, "A total of 70,000 people?"

Xiaohua nodded and said: "Yes, Wu, 70,000 people are the first batch."

She ordered people to spread out the large atlas.

"The 70,000 people will be divided into 7 divisions and seven large cities will be built; the approximate location is temporarily selected as areas 28-34."

“Based on the first expedition and the environmental information obtained by the indigenous peoples of various tribes, these seven areas are extremely suitable for planting ‘Shen Nong Rice Seed’.”

"The specific site where the city is to be built still needs to be inspected by law monks."

"However, taking Regions 31-34 as an example, there are large rivers flowing through the four regions, so the city construction site should be located along the river as the first choice."

"It can not only benefit irrigation, but also facilitate river transportation."

The big river is naturally the Mississippi River.

Regions 31-34 are Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee.

In later generations, the four states were originally divided by the Mississippi River, with the river passing through the four states.

Rice cultivation is inseparable from irrigation.

Arkansas and Tennessee are in the north, and the river flows from north to south into the sea. After a good harvest, the grain can just flow down the river and be sent to Louisiana.

Finally, whether it is sent by land to the No. 12 city in Texas next door.

It would be extremely convenient to develop a sea route and take the Gulf Coast to the city-state alliance.

The remaining three areas, 28, 29, and 30, are Georgia, Florida and Alabama. The three major areas are also close to the sea. As long as the self-sufficiency of the big cities is met, they can be exported.

In the 15th century, famines and disasters frequently occurred in various countries in the Old World.

Don’t forget that the climate giant named “Little Glacier” has not really opened its bloody mouth.

The trajectory of future life.

The Aztecs also suffered disasters. The corn fields they relied on for survival suffered from frost, and the city-states relied on humans for food.

By starting to build 7 major agricultural cities now, we can save food in advance and survive the disaster in those critical years.

Xiaohua has a long-term vision and is considerate, so Zhou Li'an doesn't need to worry too much.

Just a reminder, "The list of subsequent migrations must be selected as soon as possible. 70,000 people are divided into 7 divisions to build the city. The speed is slow, and the people of the south have to surrender and balance. The order of the big city, culture and education all need to be maintained by manpower."

"In addition, a ship research group will be established to promote shipping development as soon as possible."

Even if Zhou Li'an plans to launch the "engine" and upgrade the industrial level, it will still be a long and long project to connect the road.

Opening up the sea is an inevitable trend. We must first learn from shipping on inland rivers and inland seas, and then we can gradually leap into ocean-going business in the future.

Moreover, the establishment of the "Ship Research Group" at this time is of course to get a hand at Ming Dynasty's technological wool.

Although the [Academic Center] on the Temple Mount has everything you need, modern technology may not necessarily be applicable to ancient times.

On the contrary, the shipbuilding skills of the Ming Dynasty, which were lost in later generations, are obviously more suitable for this era.

The wisdom of the ancients cannot be underestimated.

When God's decree comes.

The law monks in the temple were very excited.

The existing law research group is a carrot and a pit, and there is the shackles of the "Great Perfection of Laws" hanging above their heads. An involution atmosphere has been formed.

Now that there are new pits, they represent new opportunities.

Just like the previous research team, even if it breaks through the first level of Dzogchen, the original team leader will definitely continue to be in office because he is more proficient in his business.

If you want to be the leader of a research group, your chances are slim, unless someone is extremely talented and can surpass professional knowledge... But except for the leader, the others do not have this kind of academic confidence.

At this time, both pairs of eyes were burning, as if they were fixated on the position of the new team leader.

The snow girl saw them faintly quarreling with each other, but she wasn't angry at all.

She now practices various management principles and knows how to "manage consumables". If the consumables are not rolled, how can the Kingdom of God usher in development?

The snow girl just glanced at her master, and the tacit understanding between the master and the servant was perfect.

She said: "The ship research team has been established. The selection of team members must be fair and impartial. Those with profound knowledge of the relevant laws and mysteries should serve as team leaders."

"The team leader may receive the blessing of my Lord and me. In early July, he will have the honor of following and serving my Lord and traveling far beyond the ocean."

The snow girl already knew the next arrangement.

To meet the people selected by the "Ming Dynasty", they sailed across the ocean on giant ships and treasure ships. Now that the ship research group has been established, we can learn from it.

And more importantly...

The experience of crossing the ocean is extremely valuable.

The jackpot is thrown out, and the monks on Temple Mount are vying for the position of "leader". If they get the opportunity to travel far away, they will definitely be involved to death.

As expected.

As soon as the witch's instructions came down, the palace exploded.

Even Zhou Ruonan couldn't help but said to Xiao Hua beside him: "Chief, can you go? If you can go, can you take me with you?"

The little flower is equally dull.

Traveling across the ocean?

Isn’t that the old land?

The hope in her eyes flashed away, and then turned into a bitter smile, "How can I decide such grace? What's more, the Kingdom of God is busy with affairs, and I may not be able to follow my Lord and the witch!"

On the other side, someone chuckled and said, "Ruonan, do you want to go? If you want to go, just ask me. I have a way!"

"You're stupid...what can you do?" Zhou Ruonan stared at Zhou Ruoyu and said.

Zhou Ruoyu made a fuss: "Don't worry about what I can do. If you ask me, I will definitely let you follow and serve my Lord."

Xiaohua wanted to beat someone up after hearing this, but now that he had solved the problem and was granted fame and immortality, he should not be underestimated.

Although this young brother is a bit silly, my master's description is really vivid...

Great wisdom is like foolishness.

He has some clever ideas.

"Chief, he bullied me!"

Xiaohua spread her hands and said, "This is a matter between you two and has nothing to do with me."

Zhou Ruoyu became more and more proud, "How about it? I beg you or not!"

"Just begging?"

"Of course not, you still need to ask the Great Elder to help me specially approve 10 foals from our Mono people's stables!"


"9 horses..."

"I want to blind you, my grandpa will not let you do whatever you want..."

"Five horses, this is your last chance! You have to think clearly. If you go far across the ocean, you can meet the sinners of the old continent."

Zhou Ruoyu is well-informed——

"The people in the old continent look different from us. The secret book of laws says that some people are so white that they shine, even whiter than my eldest sister, and some people are as black as coal, and they look the same even when walking at night."

"There are animals in the Old World that we don't have here."

"What animal?"

"How do I know this? Don't you know it when you go? So, tell me quickly whether you agree or not! If you agree, I won't go find anyone else!"

"My uncles and uncles always have several heirs who want to be honored like this. If I agree to them, nothing will happen to you."

Zhou Ruonan was eaten to death, his little face turned red, "You don't lie to others? False deception will be punished by God."

"Is it okay to lie that I was struck to death by my lord's divine thunder?"

"make a deal!"

Xiaohua on the side shook her head helplessly, and she was actually curious about what he had in mind.

But when she calms down...

Although the opportunity to travel far across the ocean is rare, as long as balanced development moves forward steadily, it is possible to travel far in the future.

The great development of the east and the conquest of judgment are imminent, and the Kingdom of God still needs her guidance.

Thinking about it this way, the expectations are not so strong.

At this time, our Lord has spoken again, "The next item is the establishment of a health center and a main health city!"

A whole day.

The Supreme Elder's Hall and the Temple Mount gathered together to discuss and complete all matters.

The new main health city was located in "San Francisco".

There are two reasons.

It is the closest to the main city of Balance, take the waterway to the Sacramento River, and then all the way west from the Sacramento River to San Francisco Bay.

It is convenient for material transportation and construction, and can also transport people for isolation.


It is currently used for health isolation and needs to be developed accordingly in the future.

A ship research group was established and shipping development was put on the agenda. How could we not make use of the natural water port in San Francisco Bay.

In the early stage, water routes from San Francisco to Los Angeles can be connected.

Later on, you can also sail to the Mexican City-State Alliance, land on the west coast of Mexico, and transport the Copper Valley supplies back.

The inner Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf of California separate east and west...

When there is no spare time to build the "Panama Canal" to connect the Pacific and Atlantic shipping routes, only one road can be built as a bridge in the city-state alliance to allow goods on both sides of the strait to be landed and transshipped.

Greatly improve transportation capacity.

Industrial development cannot be separated from the support of large amounts of mineral resources.

Even with roads and engines, land transportation by truck is far less than the loading capacity of several large ships.

The development of San Francisco City will also further extend the balanced long-term planning.

It's night.

Xiaohua was dizzy as she recorded the major and minor matters of today's meeting.

Then I suddenly remembered my Lord’s whisper this morning——

The army of judgment has left the hill city.

The war begins.

Although she is invincible, she still can't help but worry about her sweetheart; she is not afraid of swords and blind eyes, but she is afraid of some femme fatale who has the intention to poison her, or to steal her love with a sword.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Xiaohua won't allow Cow Shit to have more wives.

The Kingdom of God is in urgent need of population expansion, and having more children is a major issue. The key issue is...

The position of the eldest mother is guaranteed!

For a moment, my thoughts were racing and confused.

Little did he know that a figure took this opportunity to sneak out.

Zhou Ruoyu left home and ran all the way to the elder's residence. Then he stood behind the house and imitated the "chirping" sound of the passenger pigeon to send out secret signals.

Squeak, the second floor window opened.

"How's it going? Does your grandpa agree? If so, I'll find a way!"

However, he did not see Zhou Ruonan's face.

On the contrary, I saw the great elder sticking his head out with a half-smile, "You two little guys who don't know your importance..."

"The monks on Temple Mount are all looking forward to the precious opportunity to travel across the ocean. Even Ruonan's brother has stepped into Temple Mount overnight and stayed up all night to practice the laws of shipbuilding."

"Everyone practices hard to receive glory and blessings, but you are just thinking nonsense?"

At this time, Zhou Ruonan was carried to the window and shouted with an innocent face: "I promised you, but my grandpa didn't agree, so there is no other way... Ruoyu, go home, be careful that the chief beats you."

Zhou Ruoyu showed no fear at all, with a high-sounding look on his face: "My third sister would have beaten me up long ago! She clearly acquiesced to my statement this morning."

These words surprised the great elder: "The chief didn't teach you two a lesson?"

Zhou Ruonan also thought of this joint, "Yes, the chief said at that time that this was a matter between the two of us and she didn't care!"

The great elder became confused and wavered a little.

If his granddaughter could be allowed to follow and serve my lord on a long journey, he would certainly be happy to ask for it.

But he is also afraid of disobeying the will of the true God. This is ungodly!

At this time, I heard Zhou Ruoyu downstairs say carelessly: "This opportunity that everyone covets, why can't Zhou Ruonan covet it?"

"The salt road strategy was Ruonan's idea."

"And I, I am now a wise man, an immortal man, a man as wise as a fool!"

"Although we are young, we are not necessarily worse than the monks on Temple Mount! After this trip, we may make some progress."

"Furthermore, our Lord has said that if young people are strong, the kingdom of God will be strong! We are the future of the kingdom of God."

"..." The great elder didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and was actually somewhat convinced.

He pondered.

Only two little ones were left waiting anxiously.

After a long time, the great elder said: "I can give you five horses! But no matter what method you use to appeal to our Lord, you must make the situation clear and not hide it! Otherwise, even if the man is really favored, I will not give it to you."

You foal."

"How dare I deceive my lord? You didn't see how miserable I was when I was banished to the salt road!"

"Furthermore, I want the pony for the purpose of 'drama rehearsal', so that the people of the ten cities will know what kind of crime the southern sinner has committed!"

Say it.

He ran away quickly again.

Second floor.

The elder shook his head and glanced at his granddaughter, "Don't say that grandpa doesn't love you this time!"

"Hehe, grandpa is the best."

Here, grandfather and grandson are kind and harmonious.

Zhou Ruoyu panted all the way and finally arrived outside the temple, but was blocked by the guards of the Temple Mount.

With his previous stupid experience, Xiaohua had already issued an order prohibiting him from entering the temple alone.

Seeing that there was still light in the palace, he shouted——

"My lord, Wu, Ruoyu wants to see you, Ruoyu wants to see you!"

The guards at the door were at a loss.

Who dares to mess with this kid?

The patriarch's son, Wu, the chief's biological brother, said that he would not be allowed to enter the temple. Who can stop his mouthpiece?

So, I heard the voice of the shaman in the temple, "Let him come in."

at this time.

Zhou Li'an was quite curious. He originally planned to watch the [Eye of the Void] and return to the present world with the Snow Girl.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Ruoyu ran over again.

Soon, a little boy ran into the temple and knelt down: "Praise my Lord, praise Balance, and praise you, great wizard..."

Snow Girl said: "Why do you ask to see me? If you can't tell me, I will punish you!"

Zhou Ruoyu chuckled, but turned to look at my Lord, "My Lord, it's... Ruonan wants to follow and serve you, and go on a long journey across the ocean in July."

"Ruonan?" Zhou Li'an looked at him quite interestingly and said, "If Ruonan wants to go, what are you doing here? You don't want to go?"

"I...I don't care if I go or not. My lord, I have been studying the secrets of the law assiduously recently, and I also have to shoulder the responsibility of 'play rehearsals'. I am very busy! Such a precious opportunity should be given to others. I

Ruonan looks good."

The snow girl was furious, "Do you think that my Lord's grace can be obtained by you with just a few words? When did my Lord and I let you go? And also allowed you to pass the opportunity to others?"

Zhou Ruoyu shrank his neck fiercely and whispered: "My lord, just... last time when we were at the No. 7 Dacheng Oil Factory, you wanted to give me a reward, but you never gave it to me."

"I just thought, why not take this time to give me grace?"

Oil factory area?

Owe a favor?

Zhou Li'an thought for a moment and then remembered that Xiaohua had just broken through the Great Perfection of Laws and had yet to decide which Law Research Group to join. He then told everyone about the vastness of the "Sea of ​​Laws".

Even if a mortal spends his entire life, he will never achieve perfection. Only by concentrating on one or two great avenues of practice can he achieve success.

But this boy thought he was letting Xiao Hua "go to sea", so he cried endlessly, showing his filial piety.

Xue Nu also fell into silence. When she came back to her senses, her expression when she looked at Zhou Ruoyu became a little softer. She turned around and said, "My lord, this is indeed the case."

Zhou Li'an smiled and said, "Then go. You and Ruonan go together. This is a rare opportunity. Next time, I'm afraid it won't be until you two are adults before you have the chance to go overseas."

However, Zhou Ruoyu waved his hands awkwardly, "My lord, I won't go! I'm so flattered!"

"Besides, one thing is clear, that is... I discussed it with the Great Elder and asked him to give me five foals in exchange, and then I gave the gift of grace to Zhou Ruonan."


Before he could say "so".

The snow girl was already furious, "You ungrateful fool, how can you transfer our Lord's grace to others? If I don't beat you today, it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

"Hide, if you dare to hide even one step, I will banish you again to build salt roads in the Great Salt Lake!"

Soon after.

"Woo, wow wow wow..."

"Witch, please spare my life!"

The cry spread out from the temple, it was heartbreaking.

Zhou Ruoyu also made it clear that the great elder asked him to confess this matter.

On the high platform.

Zhou Li'an enjoyed a great drama about educating naughty children. He didn't blame him unnecessarily, but instead issued an oracle——

"Okay, Yuki-onna, stop it."

"The great elder's merits should have given him the grace of immortality, but he thanked God for his grace and declined. This grace to Zhou Ruonan can be considered as compensation for the great elder."

"Ruoyu, you have to learn a lesson this time. If you do such ungodly behavior again, I will not stop you even if you are beaten to pieces."

The snow girl turned around and called out softly, "Master, even if the Great Elder deserves a reward for his merits, I can't spare a fool like Zhou Ruoyu."

Zhou Li'an smiled and said: "You can beat him thousands of times and he will change? I know Ruoyu's innocent heart and his piety. At this moment, he is just a naughty child. This is my favor to him. You

No need to say anything more.”

Thunder, rain and dew are all divine grace.

There are clear rewards and punishments, and that is obeying the law.

But the gods' likes and dislikes are based on the will of the true God.

Otherwise, why are all the human races on the earth citizens, but only a few people, such as Snow Girl, Xiaohua, and Quiztitko, get to be chosen and paid attention to?

Classes will form sooner or later.

Especially after the city-state alliance surrenders, the cultures of the two will inevitably blend.

But the world needs to know——

All the happiness, wealth, and class that people have are all given by God’s grace.

Only by devoting your sincere faith can you receive His mercy and grace...

This chapter has been completed!
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