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【220】Aha Okema

Above the night.

Zhou Li'an's consciousness descended from high in the sky.

The vision in front of you seems to be covered with a halo, making everything under the night clearly visible.

This is much more powerful than the fill light technology used in film shooting.

In front of the city wall.

The heavily armored infantry continued to move forward, using manpower to drag the carriage containing black powder.

Horses are precious and cannot be wasted outside the city walls.

Because they were getting closer and closer, the defenders on the city could see clearly...

The man didn't look like a human figure.

The existence of steel armor is beyond their conscious awareness.

The city-state alliance already has a relatively simple bronze smelting process to make jewelry, or daggers, swords, and masks worn by nobles.

Weapons exist more as accessories.

The toughness is far less than that of stone tools.

It is in a stage of development from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.

Therefore, they would not dare to even think about using gold and stone to smelt armor.

The heavily armored infantry we saw before us were like the death guards from myths and legends. They were supposed to only exist in stories, but they came to reality.

However, the wooden shields they held high told Sergeant Tadong that these people were also afraid of arrows.

They can't fly or escape, so they have to rely on one pair of legs to move forward.

They can't get up the high wall!

The wall is so strong that it cannot be broken down by human power!

"Whatever they do, kill them!"

"Fire arrows!!"

Waves of shouts rang out, and arrows poured down like a waterfall, baptizing the army of judgment below the city.

The army of judgment has already experienced hundreds of battles.

"Raise your shield!"

The wooden board at the front was lifted by the combined efforts of 10 people. The infantry pulling the cart at the rear did not stop either. They just raised an iron arm and blocked it in front of the hollow grid of the helmet.

Except for the visor's window and breathing holes, the entire armor has almost no weak points.

Even the joints such as armpits and leg sockets are tightly sealed.

Perhaps the materials used in these areas are lighter, but don't forget that there is also a set of chain armor underneath the armor.

It's a joke to use stone tools to break the defense, and it will only cause some blunt trauma.

The rain of arrows fell with great momentum.

But in the next second.

The people on the city wall were stunned.

I saw arrows like a waterfall, hitting the body of the army of judgment, making a dense clanging sound, and then ejected feebly to the side.

No one in the entire array fell down.

"How is this possible?!"

"They are immortal..."

"The power of the gods is on them, and we can't hurt them at all!"

Another general from the city called out——


"Smash them to death!"

Several people worked together to push down the boulder prepared on the city.

The huge rock hit the wooden shield. The powerful force did not break the wooden board, but the infantry holding the shield was knocked unconscious and fell straight down.

Blood flowed from the gaps in the armor.


"They are not immortal. Hit them to death. Quick, keep throwing rocks!"

Throwing down boulders one after another quickly changed the situation.

The heavily armored infantry that had just arrived at the city fell in pieces.

This situation made Shan Shan and others on the high platform of the rear army shout angrily: "Anyone who hurts my brother's limbs will be annihilated!"

"I will pay with their blood!!"

However, this is just impotent rage.

In comparison, Zhou Weiguo is more calm.

Although the two of them frowned, this was all expected. Attack the city from a low position, and if the enemy throws heavy objects from a high position, the attackers will be damaged.

This is inevitable.


"If we can create a catapult device and fill the iron bullets with gunpowder, we can reduce the damage during the siege and strike first."

"But we have never experienced this kind of siege war, and the corresponding technology has not been upgraded!"

Niu Shi nodded: "Xiaohua has predicted this a long time ago, so we are allowed to use this trial battle to accumulate experience, so that we can advance the advancement of military laws and create new weapons in the future."

"But what you have to pay now is a bloody lesson!"

at the same time.

Zhou Li'an also had some thoughts.

[Academic Center] does not have relevant knowledge of military law, at least not "elementary" yet.

Although he can organize the military knowledge of the world and teach it to everyone, the current balance of development is changing with each passing day.

Black powder is not considered an excessive product.

Firearms and ammunition must be the next important research and development project.

Using black powder to extend it, it is nothing more than a flintlock gun and a first-class matchlock gun, so it will be on par with the world's technology.

But Zhou Li'an had to be crushed.

With ready-made knowledge of laws and regulations in front of you, why bother using technologies that are destined to be eliminated?

Then it took a lot of time and effort to cultivate "line infantry", and not long after... the balanced black powder guns were eliminated.

You know, Xiaohua has been targeting nitrate and nitrocellulose early on. Nitrocellulose is the foundation of modern ammunition.

A higher burning rate means an increase in range and power.

Less impurities means the birth of automatic weapons and repeating firearms.

The line infantry was still reloading, and a heavy machine gun had already started firing from a distance.

There is justice within range.

Why is it necessary to practice formation?

Even if you need to practice military law, it is also the knowledge of modern military strategy for conquering cities and territories.

Moreover, the power of science and technology is fundamental.

In the face of absolute power, everything else is just a trail.

As for now, Zhou Weiguo would not have thought of upgrading weapons and equipment if he had not suffered setbacks.

In the final analysis, military skills and awareness need to be cultivated through actual combat.

We have learned lessons from this war, and we will definitely come up with countermeasures for future wars in various city-states.

Tapdong City is certainly not the consummation of the Judgment Campaign.

Once the city-states stop their people from coming to vote, the army of judgment will of course fight to protect the "brothers and sisters."

Zhou Li'an's previous divine edict was just to create a "famous" persona for the Balanced Expedition.

at this time.

Several big leaders became anxious, Dou Crocodile said: "Should we withdraw our infantry first?"

Don't wait for people to discuss it.

Niu Shi said hurriedly: "No!"

"The huge stones on the city are not endless and need to be consumed. If we give them time to replenish the stones after withdrawing them, we will fall into a vicious cycle."

"The black powder must be sent to the city. All it needs to do is ignite it and detonate it, and that's when we will counterattack and crush it."

A simple truth that makes sense.

Climb the mountain and give the order: "We will fight for the glory of balance, without fear of life or death!"

He shouted down from the high platform——

"Is there anyone who is willing to sacrifice his flesh and blood to our Lord True God and break the defense of the city wall?"

The nearby cavalry were already thundering, and they responded one after another——

"I wish!"

"How can I shrink from the joy my Lord has given me and my relatives?"

"It is the highest honor to offer a balanced sacrifice to our Lord!"

On the high platform, fighting crocodiles is also exciting——

"I want to lead the team myself!"

Everyone still wanted to fight for it, but he quickly jumped down and shouted for the cavalry to form a team.

The army of judgment is united from top to bottom.

Even though there were heavy casualties under the city, no one was afraid. Instead, they became angry and burned with fighting spirit!

Before the fighting crocodile could take off, Niu Shi's eyes moved again and he quickly followed.

Everyone was shocked.

Although everyone should contribute to the balance, the army of judgment still needs to be led by cow shit.

"what are you up to?"

Climbing the mountain to chase after him, he still cared about his son in his heart, "In front of me, I can't help you compete for the glory."

"I will go there in person! You still need to lead the army of judgment!"

Many leaders also cursed: "Dou Crocodile has already taken the lead, how can we let him steal the show by himself? If I go, I will go too!"

Seeing everyone's reaction, Niu Shi felt warm in his heart, and then explained: "The courage of infantry alone is not enough!"

"I want to lead a team of men to ride and shoot in the distance!"

"Our strong bows have a longer range, so why not counterattack? We can not only kill the enemy, but also buy time for the infantry under the city to place gunpowder!"

"If anyone sticks his or her head out, shoot them all!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone suddenly realized.

"Then let's go together!"

"How can I endure those who hurt my brothers' limbs?"

After climbing the mountain and listening to it, I felt relieved.

As long as you are not in the Stonehenge below the city, even if you are hit by the enemy's arrows, you will not be hurt at all.

"Send out 1,000 mounted archers to cover the heavy armored infantry!"

Soon, the cavalry gathered and were led by Niu Shi and Dou Crocodile to attack.

Zhou Weiguo had no choice but to stay, feeling only envy.

His riding skills are acceptable, but his riding and shooting skills are far inferior to those of a cavalry sergeant.

The military laws of bull shit have been honed over many years, and they are among the best in the military.

A thousand cavalry charged.

The man on the city was still laughing: "They rode fierce beasts to attack, and when they came to the city, they were nothing more than meat under the huge rocks."

But when the cavalry stopped in the distance, someone finally realized something was wrong.

"No, they are going to fight back with arrows!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Arrows rained down intensively.

There were screams and screams, and the smiles they had before no longer existed.

Seeing the cover coming, the heavily armored infantry under the city regained their fighting spirit——

"Quickly, arrange the gunpowder barrel. Just complete the installation and we can evacuate!"

"When the city gate is broken, then rush into the city to avenge our brothers and sisters!"

Barrels of gunpowder were placed under the city gate.

The sergeant who had been previously trained entangled the fuses of the powder barrel to complete the merger.

Although boulders are still falling, the frequency has been much reduced.

There were also foot soldiers who knew the Aztec language of Utah and laughed when they heard the shouts from the city——

"Their boulders are gone!"

"About to send troops for supplies!"

"Quick, this is the opportunity I've been waiting for!"

On the city.

Hundreds of soldiers were killed and more than half were killed.

The city wall was no more than a square inch, and the sergeants stood densely packed. When thousands of people under the city fired volleys at one place, the lethality caused was the most terrifying.

The wounded were carried away wailing, and new people rushed in to fill in.

"Hurry up and transport the rocks. The most indispensable thing in our Tadong City is rocks!"

At this time, several people were acting strangely.

They were not injured at all, but they took advantage of the chaos to grab blood from the dead body and smeared it on their bodies.

After everything was done, one of them said: "Ke Ma, how about it? Do you want to do it?"

"Now is the best opportunity! Go to the city gate sling and open the city gate!"

Kema was trembling all over and his blood was boiling: "Do you really want to join me? If we fail, we will be killed if we are not allowed to enter the city with the legions of gods."

"I've long had enough of the ugly faces of the garrisons from these countries! Not only do they bully us and other people in the city, but they even spare us sergeants and deprive us of the food and servants we deserve!"

"Didn't you say that everyone in that hill city will be happy? Moreover, we have already confirmed that, as your brother said, the families of the nobles in the city have long since disappeared!"

"And when I came tonight, I saw in front of the mansion on the hillside, the nobles were anxiously packing their bags, looking like they were about to flee."

"We are all deceived!"

"Only the one true God in the world can save us from suffering!"

Kema saw the determined expressions of several people and finally nodded: "Let's go! Fight through the city gate guards! Open the city gate!"

Several people smeared blood and pretended to be seriously injured.

But he turned into a long corridor in the middle of the stairs.

The corridor is connected to the city gate guard's office, and a winch device for the city gate sling is placed in a room.

As soon as they arrived at the door, they encountered guards.

"What are you doing here..."

Without saying a word, Kema raised his ax and struck it, "Kill!"

A group of less than ten people fought with a group of city gate guards.

Being caught by surprise, they quickly took control of the city gate guard post.

"Quick, work together to turn the winch!"

Have one person guard the outside, and all the others will push the guard of the wheel together.

Although everyone can gather their strength, they still remain motionless.

They were extremely anxious.

"Why can't it turn?"

"I don't know!"

"But what else is there?"

Several people looked at each other, and suddenly someone realized the problem: "Just turning the sling winch is useless. There is a lock at the city gate. If the lock is not removed, the sling cannot pull up the city gate!"

As soon as this was said, they panicked.

There are all soldiers under the city, and just a few people can't break through.

"How about forget it?"

"The army of judgment will definitely be able to enter the city, we just need to wait!"

Kema was impatient, but if he didn't make contributions, he was afraid that his brother would face trial.

He gritted his teeth and said: "You continue to turn the winch, and I will open the city gate lock."

"Kema, you are crazy!"

"No, I'm not crazy! You will know about my brother later. He committed crimes because he was forced by the evil master!"

"I want to fight for his salvation!"

Before anyone could recover, he had already rushed out of the door.

Kema came to the stairs and limped down with the wounded man.

When he reached the city wall, his eyes showed a blazing fire.

Everyone was busy rescuing the wounded and carrying stones, and the scene was chaotic; but there was no one guarding the city gate.

He seized the opportunity, climbed over the fence inside the city gate, hid in the darkness of the night, and climbed under the city gate.

"Lock, where is the lock?"

He groped for a while and finally found three solid wooden beams on the city gate.

The wooden beams were stuck in the stone grooves of the city walls on both sides, and they happened to be against the raised wooden stakes on the city gate, preventing the wooden door from being pulled up by the sling.

Kema made the discovery and began to take out the wooden beams.

The solid wooden beams are very heavy and usually require the joint efforts of several people, but now it was just him.

He clasped his fingers hard on the wood and tried hard to pull out the wooden beam. Even though his fingernails were already opened, he endured the pain and groaned as he exerted his strength.

Two wooden beams were taken out one after another, and he almost lost all strength, and his eyes were dizzy.

The sling rotated again, allowing the city gate to open, but it prevented him from taking out the wooden beams.

He had no other choice but to continue to exert force and try to pull out the wooden beam.

"Stop turning, just wait, just wait!"

After a while, the sling loosened, finally allowing the wooden beam to loosen again. He took out the wooden beam bit by bit, and his hands were already bloody.


The last wooden beam fell to the ground dully.

Kema was so frightened that he quickly crawled down and made sure that no one was paying attention outside the doorway. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and recovered his strength while waiting for the city gate to open.

After a while.

The sling was tight, the city gate trembled, and finally it slowly moved up little by little.

"It's open, it's open!"

Kema whispered excitedly, and clasped his hands under the door, working together.

When the city gate reached the position for people to bend down and get out, he couldn't wait to squat down.

I thought I could get out, but I saw that I was blocked by wooden barrels.

He recalled the scenes he saw in the city.

This barrel was placed by the army of judgment.

But at this time, I can no longer control so much.

Kema pushed down the barrel, finally saw a gap, and saw the heavy armored infantry not far away.

"God's envoy, God's envoy..."

"Quick, I've opened the city gate! I've opened the city gate!"

He called out.

Finally, they attracted the attention of the heavily armored infantry. They were about to evacuate, but they saw the city gate move, and the figure suddenly appeared——

"The city gate is open?"

"Who is that person?"

Kema continued to shout, "I'm here to meet you! Open the city gate and you can enter the city!"

"True God...I believe in the true God, I believe in the true God!!"

The leader of the heavy armored infantry team frowned, "What did he say?"

Someone said: "It seems that it is to open the city gate to meet us!"

"He believes in our Lord, Balance!"

"Leader, what should I do?"

The leader of the infantry team was at a loss.

The black powder was deployed to break through the blockade of the city gate, but now the city gate opened on its own?

However, the city gate that was only slightly opened suddenly stopped, making him dare not give orders rashly, and that small gap was not enough to allow the army to enter the city.

"Tell him to come over and continue to evacuate!"

Someone shouted to Kema, "Come here, come here!"

However, Kema pulled out three wooden beams and was already weak. His ears were ringing and he couldn't hear the other party's words clearly. He was just shouting to himself.

At this time again.

The movement at the city gate finally attracted the attention inside the doorway.

"The city gate is open!"

"There's someone outside the door!"

"The city gate guard is rebellious! Quick, go to the city gate guard to investigate! Close the city gate!"

"Don't let this traitor go, kill him!"

When a shout came from the doorway behind him, Kema was finally awakened.

He looked back, his face already filled with bitterness and helplessness.

However, his will to survive prompted him to run instinctively towards the heavily armored infantry.

While running, I looked back.

Someone came out of the gap in the city gate, they opened their mouths and cursed hysterically.

Several more strong bows were raised.

His conscious instinct told him that he couldn't outrun the arrow that was about to fly towards him.

There seemed to be a flash of inspiration in my heart.

He ran and gave his last cry——

"My name is Kema!!!"

"I am a citizen of Balance!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Arrows kept falling around him.

Finally, plop.

An arrow pierced his body.

The pain caused him to stumble and fall, but he tried his best to get up, yearning for life and hope——

"My brother's name is Ahao, his name is Ahao!"

"It's him...it's Aha'o! It's Aha'o who guides me and wants me to move toward the true God and toward balance!"

"I pray to the true God, to the messenger of God, to give my brother a kind look!"

"Please ask Ahaao..."

Puff puff puff.

Several arrows pierced his back almost at the same time.


He knelt down on the ground, but there was no pain in his expression, only pious hope for prayer.

One pair of eyes stared into the distance, refusing to close until the moment the breath stopped.

At this time, several more arrows hit him, and he was no longer moving, and his figure was kneeling and standing upright with a wonderful balance.

There was another strange noise coming from the city gate, which was about to gradually close.

"Death to rebellion!"

"Hurry, get back, the city gate will be closed!!"

Soon after.

Bang, the city gate fell to the ground.

The retreating heavy-armored infantry were silent, with mixed feelings in their hearts; only the leader of the small team spoke dullly: "What did he say?"

"He said his name was Kema."

"His brother's name is Ahao..."

"He wants us to know that it was his brother Ahao who made him move toward true God and toward balance!"

"Therefore, he risked his life to open the city gate for us."

After hearing this, the leader of the team couldn't help but trembled. He took a deep breath and exhaled:

"He is a true warrior..."

"He is also our brother, brother!!!"

"His spirit will be guided by our Lord in a balanced way and step into the door of the afterlife!!"

"We should remember their names——"

"Ahao, Kema!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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