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[222] Self-judgment

The high wall that originally stood collapsed.

The area within a radius of fifty meters turned into scorched earth.

The soldiers under the city were buried under boulders and engulfed in flames. The few survivors wailed in pain and called for help to those further away who had not been affected by divine punishment.

"War is cruel!"

【Eye of the Void】Consciousness comes.

Zhou Li'an took all this in his eyes and sighed with pity.

"Therefore, the march of judgment should end at the Tower Cave!"

"If your heart is balanced, you will definitely come to me..."

He did not open his eyes and continued to look at the world.

The snow girl's praise came to my ears, "My Lord is merciful."

at the same time.

On the ground outside the city, the cavalry army was reorganized, leaving 20,000 people to guard the frightened horse formation, while the remaining people would enter the city.

The city wall has been broken, and the heavily armored infantry are invincible, but the war horses are restricted in the city.

Boom boom boom.

Each battle group formed a queue and marched towards the city gate.

Under the firelight.

The people in the city finally saw the figure of the legion of gods. The red of their armor was as red as the wrathful flames of the "God of Judgment".

People panic.

People started to run away;

However, some people knelt down on the spot and made a sound of repentance.

At this moment, no one can remain sane.

Whether they are escapees or penitents, they are all driven by the instinct to survive.

There is only one person with clear purpose and firm steps.

He walked along the mountain road, walking faster and faster, weaving in and out of the ranks of escapees, becoming a retrograde clear stream.

Such behavior seems out of place among the crowd.

Soon someone noticed this young man.

A sergeant noticed his attire, he was clearly a guard of the nobles in the city...

Someone grabbed him, either out of curiosity or as a kind reminder, and said, "Sir, run away!"

The young man asked: "Why are you running away?"

The people around were stunned, pointing to the remains of the city wall that were still burning in flames, "Don't you see? Divine punishment, divine punishment is coming! Disaster is coming..."

But the young man shook his head and called out to the people around him: "That is not the coming disaster, but the fire of salvation from the gods!"

"The only true god in the world, the Lord of Balance, issued divine edicts and prophecies as early as two years ago..."

"If you are willing to believe in Him and repent of your sins, you will receive His salvation and enter the kingdom of joy!"

"But we were blinded by sin and resisted His divine will, so He sent down the divine punishment of thunder to break the high wall...the shackles of sin."

Someone shouted: "He is crazy! Ignore him and just watch him die."

The young man also shouted: "I'm not crazy! If the true God really wants to annihilate the world, why not send the divine punishment of annihilation to Tadong City?"

"Who can escape then?"

"But He casts a kind look on us... Don't you understand?"

"This is our last chance - go to Him and you will be saved!"

At this point, he didn't want to say any more.

Continue walking firmly towards the city wall.

It's as if everyone in the world is drunk and I am alone.

And his words also woke people up——

"Yes, if God wants us to be annihilated, God's punishment will definitely destroy the tower cave..."

"I remember two years ago, it was the will of the true God that those who are willing to devote themselves to firm faith and pious repentance can be saved!"

So, someone turned around and followed, "Sir, what's your name?"

"My name is Dedege; my father has been guided by the true God, and he asked me to come to meet the army of judgment."

Others wavered and followed far behind; or they continued to choose to flee.

But the crowd kept getting bigger and bigger.

Someone kept repeating Dedege’s words——

"We should repent to the true God!"

"Whoever believes in Him is saved!"

"That is the distant flame, the fire of redemption, breaking the shackles of sin!!"

When there is chaos and confusion, the only sober person becomes the leader of the lost sheep.

Regardless of right or wrong, people follow blindly.

And when most of the wills are the same, even the wrong choice will become the truth.

Dedege looked at the people who followed him, and he felt unspeakably excited. He never thought that one day, he would become a leader who was followed and respected by others.

"This is my father's guidance..."

"Oh, no, this is the guidance of the true God!!"

When they came to the collapsed city.

When people saw with their own eyes the scorched earth after divine punishment, they all gasped and marveled.

The firmness of the previous moment was shaken again.

But when they saw Dedege standing in front of them, his figure seemed to be getting taller and taller, making people feel peaceful again.

at this time.

The heavy steps outside the city are getting closer and closer.

The roar of treading on the ground hit people's hearts again and again.

Finally, rows of tall soldiers walked through the flames, and everyone trembled.

Even Dedege couldn't help but feel palpitations, as if the space around him was squeezing in on him.

His head was buzzing, making him feel dizzy.

It wasn't until the soldier came and stood in front of him that he suddenly woke up and knelt down——

"I, I would like to believe in the true God, devote my devout faith, follow Him firmly, and become His humble servant and waiter..."

This moment.

Everyone behind was suffocated.

People have almost created a picture in their minds——

The tall armored man pierced his body with a spear and lifted him up high.

Or the weapon that reflected the flames cut off his head and separated the body.

However, what they imagined did not happen.

Instead, I heard a relatively majestic yet friendly inquiry——

"Have you ever committed a crime?"

The image of his father appeared in Dedege's heart, and he gave instructions: 'You have never done anything evil, so you can go to Him cleanly and fall into His arms!'

And he himself also knows what he has done and what he has not done.

He said: "I once believed in false gods because of my ignorance! This is a sin I committed!"

"Have you ever robbed or oppressed others?"


"You can't wait to hurt someone's life for no reason?"


"Then are you willing to praise His name from tonight onwards, obey His will, precepts, and guidance, walk towards Him, get close to Him, and become a balanced people?"

"I do!"

At this moment, the man stretched out his hand and touched the top of Dedege's head——

"I, the deputy chief judge of the Judgment Army of Balance, grant you mercy in the holy name of my Lord, Balance!"

"If what you say is false, your soul will be scrutinized by Him, cast the shadow of disaster, unable to be guided by the gate of rebirth, and sentenced to eternal annihilation."

The words fell.

Dedege heard a soft sound, and after lifting his helmet, he saw a face with a friendly smile and asked him: "My brothers and sisters, tell me your name."

Dedege trembled with excitement and replied loudly: "My name is Dedege!!"

Cow shit helped him up and asked him to stand beside him, and then looked at everyone.

"In the holy name of Balance, we bring judgment!"

"However, our Lord has mercy on the world and looks at him kindly; if he is willing to repent, he can embark on the road of salvation, move towards His kingdom of joy, and find peace in His way."

Up to this moment.

The originally silent place became agitated and uproar——

"Is this a trial?"

"No... only villains who plunder, oppress others, and kill others will be judged!"

"But I have never harmed others? I am just like Dedege, who believes in false gods out of ignorance!"

Someone couldn't help but stepped forward and pleading: "Sir, messenger of God, I also want to have a balanced belief and become his people!"

Niu Shi smiled and looked at the countless people behind him.

When everyone's eyes came into contact with him, people could no longer hold back and rushed forward to pray -

"I am willing to surrender to Balance!"

"I want to believe in the true God!"

"Please God, please grant us mercy!"

At this moment.

The scorched earth in front of us no longer exudes the aura of destruction, but instead brings new life to countless people.

At the same time, more and more Judgment Army entered the city and climbed the mountain to issue an order: "Each war group will explore the entire city and arrest all the criminals they encounter. Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!"

How can sinners be distinguished?

Those who see the army of judgment flee in fear and resist in fear of sin are sinners!

As for the other sinners—

Zhou Weiguo shouted: "The inspection team listened to the order and preached the holy name of our Lord Balance to the people in the city; find a meeting place, build a high platform, and start the trial of crime and punishment after dawn tomorrow."

All departments of the army acted accordingly, step by step.

Then I heard Niu Shi ask De Dege, "Why do you have the holy will of balance and are willing to come to my Lord?"

The city was blocked and resisted desperately.

The Kema who opened the city gate was impressive, but he didn't expect that there was a second person in the city.

Dedege did not dare to hide it, "It was my father who received the guidance of the divine messenger..."

"Your father?"

When everyone is confused.

Quiztitco has already walked over, "This matter is related to my Lord's secret decree..."

"Dedege, take me to see your father!"

After hearing this, everyone did not dare to explore even though they were curious.

Zhou Weiguo said again: "Zhou Damin, you go with the deputy inspector and follow the inspector's orders on all matters."


A group of more than thirty people escorted Quiztitco and set off.

Dedege was not stupid. He knew that the old man in front of him was the one who conveyed the divine will. He hesitated many times and wanted to ask questions, but he did not dare.

But the more he observed, the more he felt that the old man looked familiar.

Finally, he couldn't help but said: "Sir, have I met you before? It may be that I am blind, the Kingdom of God lives in the far north, and I have never been there..."

Quiztitco said: "I was once a servant of the Lord of the Hill City."

Dedege exclaimed and woke up suddenly: "You, are you the wise man of Hill City? Tu Geda... That sinner also wanted to recruit you as his servant, but was rejected by the Lord of Hill City!"

"Yes, why did you become the envoy of God..."

He thought about it and was very frightened.

Dedege knew very well who the Lord of the Hill City was.

Even if this wise man is a good person, he will inevitably be bound by sin and become an accomplice.

But the person who committed the crime has now become an envoy of God?

The sergeant on the side understood his words and said with a smile: "The deputy inspector selects people to watch for our Lord. Such an honor, there are only a few people in the Kingdom of God!"

Of course, Quiztitko also knew what Dedege was thinking. He was afraid that Dedege would make a mistake and said: "I have made my own decision about your father's matter. Please don't delay. Please lead the way quickly."

Dedege felt like he had discovered some big secret.

Moreover, if Quiztitco is redeemed, doesn’t that mean...

There is no need for his father to die?

Thinking of this, he was so ecstatic that his steps became a little faster.

Arrive at a residential house at the foot of the mountain.

Dedege said: "This is it."

Quiztitco had already planned and said to Zhou Damin and others: "You wait here, I will follow him in."

Zhou Damin, who heard the translation, exclaimed: "Deputy Inspector, how can you enter alone? If there is danger..."

Before he could finish speaking, Quiztitco interrupted: "My Lord's balanced glory protects me, no one can hurt me anymore, but you are unwilling to obey my orders?"

Zhou Damin did not dare to say more: "My lord is above, I dare not disobey the inspector's order!"

Everyone is guarding the outside.

Dedege then opened the door.

As soon as he stepped inside, Quiztitco saw a dozen people gathered together and looked sideways and said: "Close the door."

at the same time.

The dozen or so people became vigilant when they saw someone coming...

Everyone knows Dedege.

But who is this old man?

When everyone was confused, Ziboche exclaimed: "You, are you Quiztitco?"

"It's me."

"You are the servant of the Lord of the Hill City, why do you appear here..."

"Wait, are you..."

Dedege was already excited and said, "Father, this lord is now the envoy of the Army of Judgment!"

"Moreover, the divine decree you have received should be the one passed down by the Lord."

Qiboche was also confused.

The servant of the Lord of the Hill City became an envoy?

His first reaction was the same as his son's.

Why do people who commit sins become messengers of God? If so, wouldn’t they also be able to gain life?

Just then.

Quiztitco spoke: "I know what you are thinking! As a sinner, why can I be the judge who judges you and other crimes?"

His frankness shocked Qiboche and his son.

The rest of the people finally understood the location of the joints, their expressions kept changing, and they all showed joy.

He continued: "It is because of the balanced grace of our Lord that He protected my sins and allowed me to gain salvation and new life!"

"It can be said that you and I are of the same kind, but there are differences..."

"The grace I receive comes from my Lord, but you have no such grace."

The words end here.

The joy on everyone's faces suddenly solidified.

Someone asked: "Why, why?"

Quiztitko shook his head: "This is divine grace, the will of the gods... I have also thought about it, how can I get this grace?"

"Until I saw your soul seal, Qi Boche."


"Yes, the seal; that was given by my Lord at the time of my will!"

"What does this mean?"

Quiztitko said: "Just as the army of judgment attacks the city tonight, the power of divine punishment is enough to destroy the world, but the true God is merciful and merciful to the world, and finally left a glimmer of hope and offered salvation to the world."

"So, what about you? Your soul has been sealed. Such great power could have caused you to be annihilated silently. Why are you still alive now?"

Qi Boche was shocked: "Yes, can I also be saved?"


"But the biggest difference between you and me is...my salvation is God's grace, like rain and dew;"

"And yours is a severe punishment and judgment, like the punishment of the thunder god!"

"You, you and everyone else must know one thing -"

“Thunder, rain, and dew are all God’s grace!”

"This is the coming of the gods' will, and mortals can only obey it."

"And after you got my letter, you actually realized this truth, didn't you?"

Quiztitko smiled and glanced at the dozen or so people, "Since you are gathered here, aren't you just getting the will and holy name of our Lord Balance from what Qiboche passed on?"

"This is the salvation you have been waiting for!"

"Let the seeds of the eternal fire of balance be sown in the world."

"Search for your own salvation with the body of sin!"

Dedege said in surprise: "Sir, have my father's sins been completely washed away now?"

Everyone followed and watched.

However, they saw that the smile on Quiztitco's face was no longer there. He said seriously: "Before entering the city tonight, this problem also bothered me."

"Do you deserve redemption and have your sins washed away?"

"But until I saw the young man named 'Kema' opening the city gate, he was killed by random arrows, and when he was about to die, he made a call for salvation..."

"I just understand..."

"Your sins can never be washed away. You can only find redemption in painful sins and seek... self-judgment!"

It was at the moment when these words fell.


One person fell to the ground limply, his eyes were lifeless, and he murmured inaudibly: "Kema, Kema is dead? Why, why... I don't understand!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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