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[226] The beginning of panic

When the Artifact of Balance is about to depart.

Forty thousand soldiers in the military formation raised their arms, slapped their breastplates, and shouted in praise——

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

"I also praise you, great wizard!"

On the earth.

Most of the people in the city looked up blankly, at a loss.

Snow Girl does not understand the Utah Aztec language, so when the will comes, it is completed according to the laws of language.

Only the last sentence of blessing to children is to learn now and sell now.

Therefore, people do not know what the oracle is, and they may have good yearnings or have hidden worries.

But honest children don't care about so much.

When the sacred weapon was getting further and further away, they chased and jumped, waving their arms, with bright smiles on their faces...

It wasn't until the sacred weapon disappeared into the clouds that he stopped panting.

Then I suddenly remembered something, and the low and childish figures were lying on the ground, searching for the colorful "gems" scattered on the ground.

In front of the bronze statue.

Climbing a mountain, gathering cow shit and other people, and gasping again...

The sculpture fits perfectly, with no splices visible, as if it were completed in one go, and is even more lifelike.

Although they do not remember the appearance of Kema, they know that the three-dimensional shape is the same as the creation method of the true statue of our Lord.

After watching for a long time, I heard someone sigh——

"Has the spirit of Na Kema really been guided by our Lord to become an apostle of balance and the embodiment of courage?"

Everyone looked at Zhou Weiguo.

The two of them nodded solemnly, "Yes, won't I also be amazed by this young man's feat that night?"

"Since he has a pious heart, he will naturally attract the attention of our Lord!"

"Just leave this bronze statue here for the people in the city to look up to and remember!"

"The most urgent task is to accept the will of our Lord, the instructions of the witches, and to preach to all peoples."

The arrival of the holy weapon was too sudden.

Even bull shit, Zhou Weiguo, couldn't understand it for a while, let alone others.

Going to the town hall, several law monks completed the records and submitted the books together for comparison and reference, and to check for gaps.

Finally, he transcribed it again, and then the cow shit recited the divine decree.

Several decrees are not difficult to understand.

Tap Dong City was renamed;

Blessings from Brother Aha Okemah;

Definition of punishment trial.

But the last part was like chanting words, leaving everyone at a loss——

"The fire bearer who goes far away, Ahao, my Lord says, don't be sad..."

"If you find the path of salvation one day, then walk on it firmly..."

Niu Shi read it aloud several times and looked at everyone: "Do you know what this means?"

Zhou Weiguo frowned and said: "It should be the oracle that my lord sent down to that Ahaao! Maybe we need to find Nakema's brother and give him the oracle from our lord?"

"But the question is, what is a fire bearer?"

The questions raised by the two people also confused everyone.

Keng Shan and others were naturally even more confused when they got the translation from the law monk, so they said: "Find that Ahao first, then maybe we can understand!"

And in the corner of the crowd.

Quiztitko, who had just received the translation from the Law monk, trembled slightly and his expression changed slightly.

Has there been an oracle from our Lord to Aha'o?

But Ahao, Qi Boche and others left Tadong City as early as the night when the divine punishment came!

Quiztitco wanted to speak out and tell the truth.

However, when the words came to his lips, he suddenly stopped, "No! Our Lord, the True God, has a thorough understanding of everything in the world, how could he not know where Aha'o is?"

"The point is not Ahaao, but..."


"The name given to me by the Fire Bearer is now spoken by the most noble shaman under my lord!"

"This, this is my Lord's recognition of me, so I came today and left a metaphorical message!!!"

This is the thought.

Quiztitko's face turned red and he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

And the one who had the same reaction as him was Dedege standing behind him: "Sir, spread the fire..."

But before he could finish, he said, "Shh."

Quiztitko interrupted him eagerly and shook his head slightly.

Dedege was stunned. Even though he was confused in his heart, he did not dare to say anything more. He just lowered his eyebrows quickly and tried to cover up his emotional fluctuations.

During the scene, Niu Shi said again: "Then send someone to find this ahao."

At this moment, Quiztitko stepped forward and said: "Deputy presiding judge, everyone..."

"Since the great shaman has made everything known in the city, why not give this message to the oracle of Aha'ao, along with the will of the true God, and preach it to all peoples?"

"Although we don't know the specific meaning of the oracle, those words represent my Lord's guidance!"

"...If you find the path of salvation one day, then walk on it firmly!"

"In my opinion, this is not just for Ahao, it can also be said that everyone is Ahao..."

"Anyone who has been deceived by falsehoods and sins, if they can see the glory of Balance, they should firmly walk towards Him, towards Balance, and they will be saved!"

When Quiztitko finished speaking, everyone's eyes lit up.

Moreover, yesterday he gave Niu Shi and Zhou Weiguo the enlightenment, and they were completely convinced by him.


"Since it is an oracle that guides all people, it should indeed educate all people!"

"Who has any objections?"

One person chosen by our Lord takes the lead, and two people review the rules of Dzogchen. It is common for everyone to be blessed with the best soul——

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

Immediately, the decree and the oracle were transcribed into multiple copies and handed over to the law monks, who would start a "study meeting" in the city.

"Study meetings" have long been a balanced practice.

Whenever the "Balance News" is published, there will be newspaper reading meetings in each city in the evening, so that the people can resonate with the will of "Balance".

In addition, there are night classes every day, so that adults after work can also have the opportunity to practice the law.

Therefore, everyone is already familiar with the development of study conferences.

More than an hour later.

People gathered from all over the city to listen to the teachings.

at the same time.

There is also an atmosphere of joy among the cavalry troops.

Everyone has endless aftertaste of the words of witches.

Although they said they marched to trial for glory and merit, it is human nature to feel homesick after being away from home for several months.

Now, with the comfort of the witch's words, the pain of longing has actually given birth to a trace of sweetness, and my heart is at peace.

And this is exactly what Zhou Li'an wants to achieve.

Only when the rear is stable can the front be able to overcome obstacles.

As for why the snow girl was asked to convey the decree instead of myself...

First of all, women’s voices are more healing and contagious.

Secondly, reading a "letter from home" is really inconsistent with the divine status.

Finally, it is to establish the status of Yuki-onna as a character.

It’s true that the Snow Girl is the mascot of the Kingdom of God.

But what is the purpose of mascots?

The first person under our true God, the immortal who has been blessed with eternal life, is the biggest publicity example of Balance to the outside world.

The higher the status of the Snow Maiden in the hearts of the people, the more she can set off the supremacy of the true God.

Moreover, extending from the aspects of mythology, legends and religion, female gods have a necessary existence.

Whether it is maternal brilliance, beauty, or wisdom, they are the key factors that promote affinity and gain faith.

Kema City.

A day flies by.

When people in the city return home, most of them are in high spirits.

After seeing the gods, seeing the sacred vessels in the sky, and listening to the will of the true God, most of their earlier worries and fears were swept away.

Even people who have committed crimes can feel relieved because they know...

As long as you are not a great evildoer, you can wash away your sins by facing the judgment calmly.

On the contrary, if you avoid the judgment of sin, real disaster will come.

Aren’t the "Aha Okema" brothers the best example?

It can be used as a guide for everyone, and it can also be used as a warning.

It is only the fourth day of the arrival of the army of judgment.

The city has returned to its former prosperity, and even at night, there are still children chasing and playing in the streets.

It was as if the divine punishment and the war had never happened.

Tugo House.

It is now the base of the inspection team.

Dedege came outside a room, stood still, took a deep breath to calm down, and then asked for instructions: "Sir, have you rested?"

Quiztitco's voice came almost instantly, "Come in, I know you are looking for me!"

Dedege stepped in.

I saw the old man had not yet changed his clothes, sitting in front of his desk, practicing the secret of the law of balance by the dim light of the fire.

He also had the same textbook, but he couldn't get started in just a few days.

Quiztitko put down the book, rubbed the bags under his eyes, and then smiled: "You want to ask me why you didn't confess about the Firebringer this afternoon?"

Dedege was stunned and nodded: "Sir, have you guessed it?"

"Of course, because at that time I almost blurted it out, but in the end I realized that I couldn't!"

"This is the will of our Lord God!"

"If I were to inform everyone about the existence of the fire bearer, I would definitely make it clear, instead of laying out a riddle for the inspectors, presiding judges and others in front of all the people in the city."

Dedege said: "But why? I don't understand!"

Quiztitco asked, "Then why do you want to unveil the Firebringer?"

"Because..." Dedege opened his mouth instantly, but as soon as he started to speak, he stopped talking.

"Why? Why didn't you say anything?"

"..." Dedege was silent.

"Hmph." Quiztitco became serious, "Because you want the fire bearers to be accepted, like you and me, to live openly and openly in this city of Kema, escaping judgment and redemption!"

"Dedege, you have seen the result of Brother Ahaokma!"

"And I have told you many times that thunder, rain, and dew are all God's grace!"

"How can you still try to avoid the judgment of sin?"

"We, the fire bearers, can only go through hardships, spread the balanced fire, and save more people. Maybe one day we can find our own path to salvation!"

"This is a fixed number and cannot be changed!"

Dedege felt ashamed, "I'm just too impatient! I'm also worried about my father's safety."

Quiztitco looked at the young man as he looked at his own son, "So, I don't blame you! You are a good boy!"

"But you can't cover up the sins your father committed!"

"This is his path of judgment, and no one can change it!"

"Besides that...haven't you ever thought about the serious consequences if the meaning of the Fire Bearer is known to outsiders?"

Dedege shook his head hurriedly: "I don't know!"

Quiztitko said: "How can the city-state alliance allow your father and others to spread my teachings of equilibrium in their city-states and lead their people towards equilibrium?"

"Once the story of the fire bearer spreads and is brought to various city-states by people in Kema City, do you think your father will still be alive?"

"This!!!" Dedege trembled with fright, and said: "But sir, why do you want to teach all people about Ahaao's affairs?"

"In this case, won't Ahaao be exposed?"

"Aha'o cannot be hidden. Kema has been blessed, and there is a bronze statue of our Lord's creation. There must be people in the city who recognize Kema as Aha'o's younger brother!"

"Furthermore, your father and others will definitely be very cautious and low-key in their actions! Even if Ahao becomes famous, only a few people who have actually seen him can recognize him, so just be careful to avoid him!"

"Besides, where is Ahaao? Who knows! Except you and I know that more than a dozen of them have set out to the City-State Alliance to deliver the Fire of Balance. Everyone else thinks he is in the city!!"

"This is why the name of the fire bearer cannot be revealed!"

"And when I let the oracle spread, I let the people who were about to leave Kema City spread the news, and eventually it reached the ears of your father and others."

"Let them know that our Lord has recognized the existence of the 'Fire Bearer'!"

"And told me to wait..."

"If you find the path of salvation one day, then walk on it firmly!"

"I said in the afternoon, this is a guide to the people of the world!"

"Actually, Dedege, this is a guide for my fire bearer!"

The words end here.

Quiztitko stepped forward and touched the young man's forehead, "Son, don't worry about your father's affairs anymore! Starting tomorrow, practice the law seriously with me!"

"Just like what the great wizard said today..."

"When your father comes back, if he sees that you have grown up and become brave and fearless, he will be proud of you and praise you!"

"Dedege, don't let him down!"

By now, Dedege's eyes were red and he was almost crying.

Quiztitko laughed, twisted his body and sent him out, "Go and see me early tomorrow!"

Under the same night sky.

Compared to Kema City, which has returned to prosperity and stability, the city-states in the southern valley have truly fallen into panic.

People who fled from the night of judgment arrived in various cities one after another, bringing bad news——

"The army of judgment has arrived!"

"Tadong City is destroyed!"

"The divine punishment of annihilation has arrived!"

"The legions of gods that control ferocious beasts will trample all parts of the earth, bringing the punishment of judgment!!"

Most of the joyful things are related to individuals and cannot be connected with each other; it is the panic of disaster that spreads rapidly like the plague, and everyone is in danger.

And at dawn.

Messengers from all over the world hurriedly entered the main city of Tepanix, bringing the plague-like news to the most powerful and prosperous city-state on the earth.

News is flying in the streets and alleys.

Soon after, soldiers in the city were seen gathering, sealing off the main city and guarding the main roads, and the streets became deserted.

However, the downtown area in the corner of the outer city was crowded with people. At this time, the cries of merchants and stall owners could no longer be heard.

Instead, residents from all over the city began a round of crazy buying. In just a few moments, all the stalls had been emptied, but there were still people asking for shopping supplies.

The shop and stall owners realized that something was wrong and closed their shops early.

The situation happened so suddenly that these merchants were also frightened! Everyone quickly began to mobilize to find out the real news.

And in the entire city, there are only two people who know this situation well——

Polybomas and his cronies.

The two of them were standing in front of the overflowing warehouse, trembling like crazy, "Here it comes, the war is finally here!!"


"We're going to send it out!!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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