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[228] Sublimation

Arrival and return from Kema City.

Zhou Li'an no longer worried about affairs in the south, and only took a look at the trends in each city every day.

From the general atmosphere in the city, you can know how the situation is developing.

Kema City is now completely open to the public. Those who want to leave are not required to register their household registration, but the vast majority of people are willing to submit to the equilibrium.

Just like a mountain city, it is organized into households, teams, townships and towns.

The balanced contribution point is not applicable to these two new cities for the time being.

However, the production department and the life department have been divided into different categories and each performs its own duties.

The production department mainly hunts for hunting teams, creates salt, harvests timber, and does agricultural planting, etc., with the main purpose of obtaining basic raw materials for production and living.

The living department is responsible for "reprocessing", cooking three meals a day, leather tanning and leather goods production, and wooden tool making.

On the one hand, it is to meet the daily needs of the people in the city, and on the other hand, it is to prepare for the subsequent migration.

Under the operation of a perfect system, Kema City quickly recovered from the chaos of the war.

Of course, in the first two days, people were at a loss.

Because the city-state alliance has entered the low civilization level of the slave society...

The best comparison is the North American ministries "before the advent of equilibrium".

Primitive clans eat from a big pot, with hundreds or thousands of tribes and clans gathering together as one unified body.

However, the material production of the city-state alliance has become excessive, and there is no longer a need to huddle together for warmth. At the same time as individual consciousness is taking shape——

Private ownership arises.

Whether they are at the bottom or the rich class, everyone is busy working for their own livelihood.

Let’s not mention the issue of exploitation/exploitation for now.

The rich hire or even enslave the lower class to earn a lot of wealth, and the hired lower class also survive on the scraps given by the rich.

But now...

Time seems to have gone backwards.

For example, if a hunting team hunts, the meat and fur no longer belong to you, but will be given to the "canteen" and "leather workshop" of the Ministry of Life.

After a busy day, people are at a loss.

I don’t understand why I got nothing after working all day.

But when he got home and was about to complain to his wife, he found that his wife was holding the new clothes in her hands and gesturing on him, "Try it on quickly to see if it fits!"

The husband was surprised, "Aren't you going to do gathering work today? Where did the new clothes come from?"

The wife said: "I got this from the Ministry of Life, every family has it!"

"Receive it? Doesn't it cost money?"

"No, really no need!"

After trying out the new clothes, the family went to the canteen again. The ready-made meals were served on wooden plates and they ate as much as they wanted.

Food rich in oil, water and salt is a delight for almost everyone.

After the meal, the husband said with satisfaction: "This delicious meat is exactly what we hunted today."

The wife got another cup of brown drink.

The husband was overjoyed and asked, "Where does this cocoa juice come from?"

The wife said: "It's over there in the corner. You can get it yourself. This cocoa was picked and roasted by our collection department today."

The couple tasted the mellow bitterness, but their hearts were filled with infinite sweetness.

Until he fell asleep at night, the husband did not say anything about his complaints after the break, and had already forgotten them.

Most people are in the same situation as this couple. They were resentful because they had nothing to gain, but in the end they found out...

They got more than they expected.

The people in the city are still in the transition to a new lifestyle. They seem to have caught something in their hearts and want to speak freely. However, when the words come to their lips, they cannot express themselves clearly.

And in the town hall.

Bullshit, Zhou Weiguo and his two masters of law have begun to question the leaders of the "brigades, townships, and towns"——

"Please submit your insights and thoughts on the pros and cons of the balanced system within three days."

The concept of this question can be big or small.

Even in the Kingdom of Balance, there are only a few people who can talk about this issue.

But without delving into the deeper levels, just looking at the superficial level is enough for these "New Balance" people to achieve an ideological sublimation.

After the meeting.

Dedege, like most people in the city, said, "Teacher, I don't know how to submit this experience."

He now regarded Quiztitco as his teacher, and Quiztitco acquiesced to this, saying with a smile: "You can answer whatever you think. Truth is the most important thing."

"But I just don't know how to tell it." Dedege looked at the gravel on the ground, "Just like these sands, I know they can be shaped into shapes, but I don't know what to shape them into."

Quiztitko said: "Then do you think the new system is good or bad?"


"What's so good about it?"

"It's just... carefree, right?" Dedege was not sure, he frowned and said, "The people no longer have to think about too many things, they just need to do their jobs well, and there will be nothing missing.


Quiztitko continued to guide: "The new system was born from the advent of our Lord's will. I cannot understand the resonance of the more profound will; so within the scope of my ability, I only look at the shallow level."

"Such as an individual."


"Yes, individual! Let's take a hunter as an example. Now when a hunting team hunts, all the income will be turned over and then distributed uniformly by a dedicated person..."

"So what about the past? You only need to compare the past with the present to complete this divine envoy's test."

Dedege thought thoughtfully and recalled, "Once upon a time, the hunter's prey, meat, and furs must all belong to him. The meat could be eaten by the whole family, and the furs could be given to his wife to make clothes."

Quiztitko asked, "A bison, I'm afraid you can't finish it, right?"

Dedege nodded, "If you can't finish it, you can either go to the market to exchange it or pickle the meat."

"Easy to exchange?"

"If the meat is fresh, it is easy to exchange, but if you marinate the meat, you need bitter salt!"

"Tadong...oh, no, the bitter salt in Kema City comes from the south. It is very valuable and difficult for civilians to obtain."

At this point, Quiztitko no longer needed the guidance of questions. Dedege naturally started to extend his thinking and asked and answered himself——

"Then Tugo will work as a salt seller."

"I remember that I went to sell salt with my father, and there were hunters who wanted to exchange meat for bitter salt."

"My father taught me how to be a merchant at that time. He said, 'The hunter's meat has not been aged for a long time. If you want to pickle it, you need bitter salt. And the salt we have is more valuable than his meat.'"

“Therefore, my father asked him to give him more than half of the meat and only enough salt for his family to eat for seven days.”

"So, the hunter said that the salt he received was not enough to marinate the remaining meat, and he cursed that even if the meat was allowed to rot, he would not exchange it with my father!"

Seeing that he was getting better, Quiztitco became a listener and said, "What next?"

Dedege said: "I saw him again the next day. Just as he said, he did not come to see my father again. Instead, he set up a stall in the market and sold the meat."

"Although I bought a lot in the end, at dusk, the meat was already covered with maggots and no one cared about it anymore. As expected, I left it at the street corner, attracting a group of wild dogs to fight for their share of the food."

At this point, Dedege was silent again.

Quiztitko said: "Are you done?"

"Yeah!" Dedege nodded awkwardly, "Teacher, I still don't know how to make the comparison you mentioned."

Quiztitko smiled and said: "Because you didn't make a summary of your feelings. For example, if you tell the story of 'The hunter lost his meat', if you have any thoughts on this story, just tell your first reaction and don't think about it!"

Dedege said: "What a pity! What a pity! On the first day, the meat was very tender, but in the end it had to be thrown away."

"Then what's causing all this?"

Dedege was stunned and became embarrassed, "Yes, it's my father? Because my father didn't give him more bitter salt?"

Quiztitko said: "The business of merchants depends on your willingness and my willingness. It is understandable whoever offers what price!"

"The meat belongs to the hunter, and the salt belongs to your father. These are two individuals!"

"Now what? Who does the meat and salt belong to?"

Hearing this, Dedege was shocked, "Does it belong to the divine envoy?"

"No!" Quiztitco slapped him and said angrily: "It belongs to our Lord and True God, and was given to all of us by our Lord and True God!"

"We are no longer individuals, but a collective!"

"The meat is ours, and so is the salt."

"Dedege, do you understand now?"

Dedege nodded wildly and shook his head violently, "I seem to understand, but, I still can't say it."

Quiztitco no longer made things difficult for him and said: "In the past, hunters could not finish their meat, so it could only rot and be discarded;"

"Now, will the hunter still have enough meat to eat? No! Because it can be distributed to other people who did not participate in the hunt!"

"And then the hunter will think, why should I give to others what I have worked so hard for?"

"At this time, the cafeteria opened, and the cooked food was delivered, with delicious salt in it, and the hunter was told——"

"The meat you brought me through hard hunting and the salt brought by my salt-creation brothers have been cooked by me into delicacies. You can enjoy them as you like until you are full!"

"I hope you can continue to send meat tomorrow, and the salt-creation brothers also promised me that they will send salt!"

"I have thought about it. I will marinate the remaining meat and salt every day into dried meat and store it. When there is no food, I will take it out for everyone to eat! This way, everyone will not worry about starvation!"

"At this time, the leather workshop of the Living Department sent new clothes..."

"He said to the hunter that because the meat he got filled the stomachs of the brothers in the leather workshop, they gained strength and used the furs he got to make clothes."

"The hunter is overjoyed and feels extremely at ease, because he no longer has to worry about anything. He doesn't have to worry about making food after a hard day. Ready-made food will be delivered to him."

"He doesn't have to worry about famine, the excess meat has already been made into dried meat reserves!"

"It can be said that what contributed to all this was the rotten meat that was about to be discarded!"

"Originally, a piece of meat would generate more labor force, but as you said, it was discarded and turned into food for useless wild dogs!"

Dedege exclaimed at this time, "Teacher, I don't understand! In fact, this is a very simple truth. Why didn't we live like this before? In this way, everyone can have food, clothing and happiness!"

Queztitko's words left Dedege stunned——

"Once? That's how we used to live!"

"How is this possible?"

Quiztitco pointed to the north, "Including now, the tribes north of the hill city also live like this. Men are responsible for hunting, and women are responsible for weaving and planting. There are specialized people in the tribe who are responsible for transporting goods to the hill city. Kema

city ​​in exchange for the supplies they need."

"After returning to the tribe, distribute it to every tribe member!"

Dedege shuddered inexplicably, "Then, why did it become like this later?"

Quiztitco took a deep breath and said: "This is what our Lord True God said, the world has committed a sin!"

"When someone is blinded by sin and falsehood, and develops a greedy heart...such as the leaders of tribes and clans, they have more and more, so why do they still go hunting?"

"As long as the leader stays in the tribe with peace of mind, someone will bring them endless food."

"There is one less worker, but the consumption has not changed, so the burden has increased."

"Suppose that there are ten pieces of meat every day, two of which are given to the leader, and the rest are divided among everyone, so that they can eat enough."

"But one day, when only eight pieces of meat are brought back, some people will go hungry! And if the leader still has some leftover, the hungry people will ask the chief to borrow some."

“As things go on like this, if you borrow more and more, and finally you can’t afford to pay it back, you become a slave!”

"At this point, the chief no longer needs to do anything, as slaves will do it for him, and the more slaves he has, the richer he will be!"

"On the other hand, people who once lived a stable life have become enslaved and lived miserable lives, and they have become what we used to be..."

"Your father and I are both slaves. In order to live a better life than others, we will imitate the master's example, squeeze and plunder other people's things, and nourish ourselves!"

"So, the only true God in the world has sent down judgment! He wants to save the suffering people in the world!"

"And under the just and stern gaze of our true God, no one dares to commit sins. Anyone who commits sins will be judged!"

At this point, Dedege was completely stunned.

Quiztitco also took a deep breath and softly praised, "Praise my Lord, praise the balance!"

He can be so clear-headed because he has completely experienced two different identities.

He was once a member of the rich and powerful, but he went to a big city to learn knowledge, and eventually became a slave at the lowest level, experiencing the ups and downs of the world.

Although Quiztitco has not yet been able to summarize the pros and cons of resource integration and distribution under the two systems, he has already begun to get a glimpse.

After a long time.

Dedege came back to his senses and said: "Teacher, may I use what you taught me as an answer?"

“I want more people to know the truth and no longer be confused!”

Quiztitko nodded: "Of course! This is the will given by our Lord Kung-soo, and it should be known to the world."

The next day.

Dedege spoke about the "rotten meat theory" in the crowd.

With easy-to-understand examples and comparisons, even the dullest person can understand the benefits.

And when the leaders of these "brigades, townships, and towns" listened to the motto, they immediately passed it on to more people.

Therefore, people who were once confused can see the fog through clouds;

I hate that sin even more!

They gave heartfelt praise——

"Praise her, our true God!"

"Only the judgment she sends can destroy all evil and bring back the joy and peace that the world once had!"

"Foolish people, listen to her voice, open your true eyes, and see through the false sins!"

When Kema City was completing a sublimation of spiritual civilization...

Balance the main city.

Our true God, the Lord, blesses creation in the presence of hundreds of thousands of people.

500 engines appeared out of thin air.

Zhou Li'an also ordered the craftsmen to prepare the frame in advance and assemble the engine, hub, and chain.

When the engine start lever is stepped on by someone.

Boom boom boom.

The "blue smoke" emitted when the brand new engine is first ignited means another great step forward for a balanced material civilization!

In front of hundreds of thousands of people...

A tricycle pulled by oxen and horses without manpower started to drive under the control of the driver. It ran around the field and never seemed to get tired!


This chapter has been completed!
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