Turn off the lights
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[232] Light up the lights for the night

Polypoma needs a backer?

Is there anything in this world that is more reliable than our Lord’s Balance?

There are sins in the world, but only a balanced faith can lead to salvation.

Qi Boche silently praised in his heart.

Poliboma was already in a state of shock. Qiboche's words seemed to be echoing in his ears even after he had finished speaking for a moment -

Tugo, dead!

Maybe it’s because I woke up from a nap and my mind was still stuck.

Only now did he truly realize the point.

Qi Boqie returned from Tapong City.

But Tadong City has become a place of death, the divine punishment of annihilation has come, and undead legions controlling ferocious beasts have poured in.


"Lord Tugo failed to escape?"

"Then how did you..."

Qiboche interrupted him and said: "You want to ask me, Tugo is dead, why am I still alive?"

"Actually, Tugo could have survived."

"That night the army of judgment attacked Tadong City, and the soldiers in the city stood guard on the high wall. Even if the army of judgment wore the armor and stomach given by the gods, at least the garrison of the city-states in Tadong City were in an invincible position."

Poliboma gasped and said, "Are those rumors true?"

"Is that the immortal army?"

Although it is said that the nobles will hold up the sky when it falls, Polybomas certainly cannot avoid worrying.

The rumors about Tapong City are unbelievable, but if they are verified by people like Qi Boche who have experienced them, they will definitely not be false.

Qi Boche nodded: "I entered the city before dusk and heard the rumors in the city! But we are all mortal bodies, how can we not die?"

"While defending the city, the garrison dropped huge rocks, which also caused damage to the army of judgment."

"But as the rumors say, our arrows are missing, and our swords and axes cannot hurt the legions of gods."

"Then, how was the Tapong City destroyed?"

Qi Boche didn't say anything in a hurry, but turned around and sat down, picked up the kettle on the table and poured water.

Seeing this scene, Polypoma immediately stepped forward and took the cup, "Sir, please continue, I will serve you! Later, a sumptuous banquet will be prepared in the main hall to wash away the dust of your journey."

Qi Boche nodded with a smile and added: "After the first round of defense is over, the garrison will send sergeants to report the good news to the affairs officers of each city."

"The army of judgment is defeated, they are victorious!"

Polybomar looked strange. Even if he had experienced all this, if he were to be involved in it, he would not be convinced by the so-called "great victory".

Qiboche saw through his thoughts and said with a smile: "Yes, Tugo doesn't believe it either!"

"Including the affairs officers of each city-state have made preparations to escape from Tadong City."


"How could they have thought that divine punishment would come!


"The flames soared into the sky, lighting up the night sky. The high wall collapsed, and the bricks and stones were burned, sputtering into the sky, like the end of the world."


As Ciboche described it, Poliboma couldn't help but hold his breath, and scenes were constructed in his mind.

"Then, what happened next?"

Qi Boqie said: "There is great chaos in the city, Tu Ge has asked his servants to pack their bags..."

"As I said, he would have survived."

"There is a long gap between the arrival of divine punishment and the entry of the army of judgment into the city. This is why some people can escape from the tower cave."

"But, I killed him!"

"You killed him..." Polypoma murmured subconsciously, but just a moment later, he suddenly realized the meaning of these words and exclaimed, "You, you, you killed Tugo?!


Polypoma's head roared, and he took a step back out of consciousness and instinct.

But Qi Boche's words did not fall.

"Yes, I killed Tu Ge myself!"

Poliboma was in disbelief, "My lord, are you kidding me?"

"Master Tugo is dead, what good will it do to you?"

But before Qiboche could answer, he exclaimed again: "You betrayed Tugo and turned to the army of judgment?"

Seeing that he had understood clearly, Qi Boche stopped talking in circles, "The only true God in the world has come, and she has given the road to salvation. Why are the people still unwilling to go to Him?"

"This is not betrayal, Polypoma!"

"It's an awakening that exposes falsehood and sin!"

Polypoma's mind was completely confused.

He opened his mouth several times, but hesitated, not knowing how to refute.

Because he also knows...

That is a god, the only true god in the world.

How could it be wrong to believe in the true God?

He then heard Qi Boche say: "I know what you are thinking in your heart! You are afraid of whether you can save yourself after the judgment comes."

"And everyone in the world thinks the same way, alienating themselves out of fear of judgment, turning their backs on her, and turning their backs on balance!"

"But in fact, except for those who were annihilated along with the high wall, the people of Tapong City all found joy and peace!"

"That very night, people were chanting the holy name of Balance and devoting their sincere hearts of faith..."

“Whoever repents his sins is beholden to the merciful sight of our Lord God.”

"Only those evildoers who have hurt other people's lives need a fair trial."

"All the officials of each city-state were arrested, and the people who committed the crime were identified by the people in the city!"

Polypoma was dizzy, but he still grasped the point, "Then why are you still alive? You have also committed crimes!"

Qi Boche shook his head bitterly: "My path to trial is different from others."

Say it.

He took out something wrapped in sheepskin from his arms and opened it carefully, revealing a thin piece of paper.

This was something Polypoma had never seen before.

But when Qiboche lifted it up, he exclaimed again——

"This, what is this?"

Qi Boqie said: "Don't you recognize me?"

Polypoma was incoherent: "I, I know, this, this is you. But why, why do you..."

Qi Boche finally revealed the truth, "This is my soul, which has been detained and sealed by my Lord True God!"

"This is the difference between me and others. My road to trial is even more difficult!"

"Now, do you understand?"

"When the glory of the true God and her severe judgment come, no one in the world can escape or hide!"

"Only by going to Him and praying for His merciful gaze can people be saved!"


Polypoma fell to the ground, dazed, and murmured involuntarily, "The world is guilty, and so am I... I will also be judged?"

However, Qiboche's voice came back, rekindling the fire of hope in his absent-minded eyes, "Polipoma, let me ask you, are you willing to move towards equilibrium? If you embark on a difficult road, go on firmly! Seek

The way to salvation?”

"I-can I?"

Quiztitco's figure suddenly appeared in Qiboche's mind, and his face showed the same expression as he had that night, saying:

"In the holy name of Balance, I send down her precepts at this moment..."

"You need to ask yourself, are you ready to move toward equilibrium wholeheartedly?"

"If you wish, I will protect your sins, let you seek the way to salvation, and pass on the fire of balance..."

"Polypoma, ask the voice deep in your heart, tell yourself, and also tell her your firm belief!"

Poliboma closed his eyes, with a pious look on his brows. He seemed to be praying in his heart, and soon issued a low response——

"I do!"

Opening his eyes, the two looked at each other.

Qiboche smiled and said to him: "Then join me in praising her name!"

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance;"

"Balance exists among all things!"

It's night.

The banquet, which was originally prepared in the main hall, was moved to a side hall by Polybomar's orders, and servants were strictly ordered not to get close and peep.

At the same time, Qi Boche also taught him the teachings of equilibrium and gave a complete account of everything that happened in Tapong City.

"That night, before I asked you to leave the city immediately, the hill city had surrendered to the equilibrium!"

"Do you know the lord of the hill city?"

Polyboma nodded, "Weihuter, he has sent many slaves from the North to us slave traders over the years, either in the name of military service, or arrested under the stigma of crime..."

At this point, he seemed ashamed again, "All this is the manifestation of sin."

Qiboche said: "Therefore, he has been judged!"

"And those nobles in Tapong City who failed to escape will also suffer the same fate as him."

Poliboma said: "Sir, how is Natadong City doing now?"

But Qi Boche shook his head: "I don't know! On the night when divine punishment came, I got the balanced oracle from Deputy Inspector Queztitko, so I left the city overnight!"

"We also explored the situation in each city along the way, and sent my wife and relatives to Tapong City!"

Polypoma added: "But the army of judgment is no longer moving south, what else do we have to do?"

It is true that Qi Boche was confused after leaving Tadong City.

But after trudging along, he already had an idea——

"My Lord has said that those who are willing to move toward balance will be saved!"

"Before I left, the deputy inspector made it clear that Tapong City will not be closed. When more and more people set out from Tapong, they will spread the teachings of balance!"

"Then there must be someone like me who wants his family and relatives to go to the Tower Cave and fall under the glory of Balance."

"However, the city-states will never give up and will definitely obstruct it secretly."

Polypoma exclaimed: "The true God knows everything in the world, and their deeds cannot be concealed. How can they dare to offend the true God?"

Qi Boche sneered: "Only you know the power of the true God, but the people in the world are ignorant, blinded by sin, and only have luck."

"And I just told you..."

"Whoever is close to the Balance and goes to her will be saved."

"And those who betray the equilibrium will also be betrayed by the equilibrium."

"The Deputy Inspector said that in a few decades, disasters will come, and the evil spirits from the other side of the ocean will land..."

"Therefore, our Lord will no longer inflict the divine punishment of annihilation on them. He will only stop looking at him and abandon him. Then they will become the ones abandoned by God."

"When distant disasters come to them and they cry out in pain, there is no longer a balanced glory to offer them salvation."

"Polybomas, you must remember that devout faith cannot be forced, so I want you to ask yourself whether you want to go to her wholeheartedly."

"Even if you are harboring falsehood at this moment, although I don't know it, my Lord Qian Qian knows it, so the chain of your sin becomes even heavier!


Polypoma gasped and immediately praised: "Praise my Lord, praise the balance! Please cast your true gaze and examine my sincerity."

After he asked for help, Qi Boche went straight to the point.

He picked up the luggage he had brought with him from the seat beside him and took out a pocket of gems and feather coins.

"This is the treasure I found in Tugo's house, and I give it to you now."

When Poliboma looked at the exquisite gems and feather coins, his eyes widened and he became excited: "Sir, do you want me to purchase supplies again?"

Qi Boche glared at him, "After hoarding, are you going to make money from the suffering people?"

Polibo suddenly realized that the army of judgment was no longer marching south. Although the market price would not fall back, as long as it did not develop, the market price would stabilize.

Besides, he is already a member of the Fire Bearers, how can he still do such evil things?

"Sir, I may speak out loud for a moment, but I have no intention of going against the balance in my heart."

"Just know it yourself." Qiboche didn't bother to find out what he really meant. If he didn't repent until now, no one would be able to save him, so he continued: "I give you these properties so that you can bribe the guards in the city, the dignitaries or the court.

The waiter..."

"The fire bearer not only spreads the fire of balance, but also lights up the road in the dark and guides the direction for those who yearn for light."

Polypoma immediately understood, "Are we going to secretly help our brothers who are heading towards equilibrium to escape?"

"Yes! The people who set out with me are now heading to various cities to open up a path of balance in the dark!"

"Before that, there is another reason why I came to you this time..."

Polybomar was puzzled.

Then Qi Boqie said: "Have you ever remembered my instructions and given some care to the father and son?"

"Where are they now?"

Poliboma was stunned, and for a moment he didn't know who the 'father and son' Qiboche was talking about.

But he vaguely remembered that there seemed to be such a thing.

After his thoughts were flowing, he finally caught the trace, "But the two slaves you sent when you asked me to escape from the tower cave overnight?"

Qi Boche nodded solemnly: "They are already balanced people, but I was still blinded by sin at that time!"

"Although it's too late now, if it can be made up for, it will at least give me some relief."

Polypoma's thoughts became clearer and clearer, and he recalled the prayer that a middle-aged man made to him on the day he returned to the country of Thepanicus...

"I remember that he was looking for his heir!"

"It should be sent to the garden official's residence."

"Stay until tomorrow. I can ask Oyer to go explore the situation... Also, sir, can I tell Oyer all this?"

Qi Boche looked at him seriously: "It is an honor to pass on the fire of balance, but we live in a bad land, so we must be cautious."

"You must use your true eyes to discern whether that person has a sincere desire for balance."

"If you believe he still has good in his heart, you can tell him everything."

"Otherwise, before we can light the fire of balance for others, the darkness around us will swallow us up and fall into the misfortune of death."

Polypoma also became serious: "Sir, I know the truth! As you said, this is a difficult road, and we must go on firmly!"

"Oyer is my brother, I believe in him!"

The two chatted until late at night.

Qiboche stayed in this house.

The next day, it was daylight.

He was awakened by Poliboma, and there was a young man who came with him. When he saw Qiboche, he knelt down and worshiped, "Sir, I don't know the truth of what my brother said, but I know...those noble gentlemen are not good.


"Just like Natelkant, who has committed endless crimes, I wish he could be tried now!"

"As long as you ask me, I will do my best to complete it!"

"If the only true God in the world can relieve the bad breath in my heart, I will dedicate everything I have to serving her, believing in her, and worshiping her..."

This chapter has been completed!
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