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[235] Are the gods merciful?

At this moment, the three people finally reached a consensus of will.

Let's move in the same direction together.

Oyer seemed to be "tied up", but after experiencing what happened on the street today, it was impossible for him not to become curious about the balance.


"The dozen or so people have been captured by the city guards?"

Oyer nodded: "They were arrested in the name of fine craftsmen, but as my brother said, they should not be fine craftsmen."

"The city guards are rampant in the city. I have never seen them look so 'friendly' today. Even killing people in the street is not uncommon."

The city-state alliance has distinct hierarchies, with slaves being the lowest, but civilians are like nothing in front of the powerful.

Qi Boche said: "This may be just the first batch. There should be a steady stream of people bringing news about Ta Cave... Kema City and spreading the will of Balance."

Therefore, Oyer had expectations in his heart.

The trade gateway between Tapong City and the tribes in the North, in addition to the people in the city, there are at least tens of thousands of business travelers, helpers, etc. from various city-states.

When these people return, they spread throughout the cities...

The words of more than ten people are not convincing, but what hundreds or thousands of people have seen and heard, can they still be false?

After a while.

Polypoma returned to the topic, "Sir, did you just say you had come up with a strategy to rescue the father and son?"

Oyer no longer felt resentful and just listened quietly.

Qi Boqie said: "My idea is too bold, but it is not impossible to try, and I don't know whether I should put you two in jail."

"So, you two can find out the information for me, and I will come forward personally this time."

Poliboma couldn't help but look at Oyer.

Before he could speak, Oyer said first: "Sir, my brothers have expressed their stance and will do their best."

"You also said before that if you show up and are recognized, you will be in trouble. Why take this risk?"

Polypolma nodded in agreement.

Unexpectedly, Qi Boche smiled and shook his head: "Of course I won't walk around in the streets. I have to rely on you to find out the information."

"I will only meet with the 'key person', otherwise it will be difficult for you two to be convincing."

Immediately afterwards, he revealed his plan.

After the two of them finished listening, they fell into a daze. After a while, they gasped: "Sir, do you really want to do this? If there is a slight mistake, then..."

"Praise my Lord, praise the balance." Qi Boche praised, "The glory of my Lord's balance will definitely protect me."

In the afternoon.

The conversations of the dozen or so people who entered the city finally fermented in "Azcapo Tsalco".

People are just curious about rumors, and when things don't happen to them, they tend to have a high-spirited attitude that it doesn't matter to them.

But in fact, people in the palace were already panicking.

After the dozen or so people were arrested, orders from the palace were sent to various dignitaries' mansions to summon them to appear.

Immediately, the news leaked out, and an uproar broke out in the palace.

"There are actually survivors in Tadong City?"

"People who fled before said that the world-destroying divine punishment destroyed the high wall, and the sound of the stamping hooves of tens of thousands of undead legions and the ferocious beasts they controlled shook the earth."

"When the beast tide pours in, there will be no life in the city."

"How can one-sided words be trusted? If it really has such power, why haven't we seen the army of judgment moving south after such a long time?"

The citizens in the streets have learned first-hand information, but the nobles who live in deep residences do not know the specific situation yet.

"Didn't you say that those dozen people have been arrested? Why haven't they been brought yet?"

"I heard that the palace guards and several princes are interrogating him. They will not bring him to the palace until the results are known."

As a result, hundreds of people could only wait, becoming increasingly anxious.

Later, the palace waiters brought melons, fruits and wine, which calmed the atmosphere.

When the sun moved westward and the light falling on the floor of the hall turned into a hot orange-red, the waiter shouted——

"The son of the ancestors of Teotihuacan; the worshiper of the sun; the servant of the God of Balance; the supreme power of the valley, the master of the most powerful kingdom, Tezozomoc...allows his followers to kneel before him!"

A chant-like voice fell.

The hundreds of people who had been waiting in the hall for a long time suddenly fell silent and separated on both sides of the hall to make way for a wide road in the center of the hall.

Outside the main hall, dozens of people gathered around, and waiters in luxurious clothes came carrying a tall ceremonial sedan.

There was actually a bed arrangement on the sedan chair, with an old man sitting on a soft cushion, and two maids kneeling at his feet.

And on the bed, a girl who was not pretty, but had a similar facial features to the old man, was rubbing the old man's shoulders.

In the Hall of Silence, there was faint discussion again...

"It is a myth of immortality. Our monarch of the Kingdom of Tepanix is ​​still so healthy. He will surpass a hundred years and become the first person in history."

At a time when the average age is only over 40 years old, Tzozomok has already lived through two lifetimes as other people, enough to be called a 'myth'.

Someone else whispered: "Who is that girl?"

At the venue, many people were meeting for the first time and were still unfamiliar with the highest royal family in the kingdom.

"That is the 'Pearl on the Blue Lake', the daughter of the 17th prince of the old king, Tzozomok's favorite direct descendant, Mondaya."

"Didn't you notice that her appearance is almost exactly the same as that of the old king?"

"Countless people say that Mendaya is almost exactly the same as the old ruler when he was young."

"There are even rumors in the court that Mondaya may surpass her uncles and become the next queen of the Kingdom of Tepanix."

If a girl looks similar to her grandfather, such a comment is by no means a compliment.

But when her grandfather is the king of the most powerful country on earth, such an evaluation is the highest honor——

There is a throne to be inherited.

A pair of eyes swept over the royal family.

"That is the eldest prince, the wisest man in the University Hall;"

"That is the second prince, the key to the kingdom's treasury..."

"The third prince is a strong contender for the throne, and the legions of multiple city-states have expressed their allegiance to him."

The royal family walked through the crowd, and their identities were revealed one by one, which opened the eyes of some small officials and big businessmen who were meeting for the first time.

Afterwards, a group of princes and princes gathered in front of the palace, and only the sedan chair was carried up to the high platform.


Falling heavily to the ground.

The girl on the soft couch said something to Tzozomok. After receiving a reply, she walked down lightly and walked into the crowd to stand.

At this time, the waiter on the side held a richly decorated golden treasure box and carefully took out a pair of wooden carvings.

The wooden carvings were placed on the left pillar of the throne.

Everyone can clearly see that the pillars have obvious signs of recent repairs.

"That's the Pillar of the Sun God!"

"There used to be a statue of the Sun God on the pillar, but now it has been turned into the seat of the 'true god'..."

Everyone in the hall started to whisper again.

As we all know, the nation of Tepanix worships the sun god.

Such as the glorious name of Tezozomok——

The Tepanix people are descendants of Teotihuacan, a powerful civilization in the previous valley.

In other words, they are refugees.

According to legend, a doomsday disaster struck, causing the destruction of Teotihuacan and the destruction of countless human races. The survivors came to today's Tepanix and established a new order.

They inherited the belief of Teotihuacan and regarded the sun god as the supreme.

Directly opposite the entrance of the palace, you can vaguely see the "Pyramid of the Sun" left by Teotihuacan in the distance.

In later generations, the "Pyramid of the Sun" site became a tourist attraction and one of the few monuments that was not destroyed by colonists.

Tzozomok was supposed to be the "attendant of the sun god".

But now, he no longer calls himself that. He can only become a "worshipper of the sun" and does not even dare to add "god".

At the same time, a new title was given: Attendant of the True God of Balance.

This situation made the atmosphere in the venue extremely weird.

Everyone knows that this palace meeting is for the conquest of the "Army of Judgment".

But unfortunately, there is a statue of the "Lord of Balance" on the sacred pillar.

It's like a funny look.

However, no one can make fun of it.

So far.

Everyone in the palace returned to their seats from both sides and knelt down to the old king on the high platform.

But there was no time to worship and praise.

The voice of the old king passed down: "There is no need to waste time, just tell the results of the inquiry."

Everyone was stunned when they saw the "Third Prince" step out again and said: "There are 17 people in total who entered the city today and caused riots."

"After my interrogation...inquiry, they are indeed merchants and sergeants in Tapong City."

"The 17 people call themselves the 'Balanced People', and they are here to bring their families and relatives to move to Tapong."



He published the information one by one and did not hide anything.

Because the rumors in the city cannot be concealed.

And when it was mentioned that the "Army of Judgment" was no longer going south, there was an uproar in the palace——

"Then the army will stop at the Tower Cave?"

"This is great news!"

"But will the divine punishment come again?"

"The army of judgment will not come, so why will divine punishment come? Didn't those 17 people say that those who are willing to move towards balance will be the people of Balance."

"I don't want to..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Those who are unwilling will be abandoned, and those who abandon the balance will also be abandoned by the balance.

The prince has already spoken out the prophecy of "disaster".

The oracle of the true God comes...

Decades later, a disaster will destroy all city-states, and only by surrendering to Kinkou, seeking the path to salvation, and receiving her glorious protection can we resist the disaster.

The reason is very clear.

Perhaps there will be no more divine punishment, but disaster will also destroy them.

It's nothing more than the difference between dying early and dying late.

Unless, that prophecy is false.

But the problem is...

Can the prophecies of the true God be wrong?

The joyful atmosphere of the previous moment also became depressed again.

A minister asked: "Are the identities of the 17 people false? Maybe they made up these remarks?"

The prince said: "According to them, there were hundreds of people who set out from Tadong with them, and most of them returned to various city-states along the way..."

"And then there will be more people who will set off from Tapong City with the intention of leading their relatives and family members to leave."

Someone asked again: "How many will there be?"

"I don't know; maybe thousands, maybe tens of thousands, maybe..."

Hundreds of thousands!

There may not be many people living in Tadong in each city, but when they come and spread the balanced teachings, there is no guarantee that others will be infected and follow them.

Another person in the hall said: "They say that the one who can balance everyone's food and clothing is salt that is not bitter? How is this possible?"

"Even in my powerful country of Tepanix, there are still people who cannot eat enough because of hunger!"

As soon as this was said, instead of questioning it, everyone showed bitterness.

Isn’t it because some people are in poverty and don’t have enough food and clothing that they want to go to the joyful kingdom of God?

Who dares to say that the kingdom of the true God is not as good as Tepanix?

Maybe, not everyone will leave.

But even if more than a quarter of the people leave, it will cause a crisis for various city-states.

Today's city-state alliance is in a delicate balance of supply and demand, and under the serf system, population is the most precious resource.

Only with people can there be a large harvest of food.

Once the gap on the supply side is too large, it will not be as simple as skyrocketing prices. Even if the nobles have money, they will not be able to buy food.

It is no longer a matter of whether the nobles can work in the fields...

The aristocrats who were originally at a high level have to work in the fields, which is equivalent to their level of interests being downgraded.

The big nobles owned a large number of slaves and even mercenaries, and when the small nobles faced bankruptcy, they had to be plundered and enslaved by the big nobles.

When the class system collapses, order will also be chaotic.

This problem is magnified to the level of city-states...

It will be the oppression of small countries by big countries.

And such a chain reaction will affect the entire city-state alliance, and no one will be spared.

Only by going through a huge chaos and establishing a new order can we find a new way of operation.

Under this situation, not even the State of Tepanix dared to protect itself.

The most powerful country also means the most fertile.

When small countries unite, they will be the first to be destroyed.

Not to mention, who is not afraid of the prophecy of disaster?

Inside the palace.

The discussion was mixed.

Even the heirs of the royal family standing in front of the crowd showed anxious expressions.

Mendaya, who had walked down from the high platform before, stood next to a middle-aged man and said in a very small voice: "Father, I don't understand why we don't surrender to the true God?"

"As the man just said, even in the powerful Tepanix, some people are poor; but if they surrender to the true God, everyone can be happy."

When the middle-aged man heard his daughter's words, his face turned pale with fright. He looked around in a panic to make sure no one was paying attention, and then said urgently: "My Mondaya, you must not say such words again!"

"Don't you understand yet? All the nobles in Tadong City were judged, and no one was spared!"

"That will be the case if we all go to equilibrium."

Mendaya was puzzled: "Father, have you committed a crime? Has the country's grandpa also committed a crime?"

The middle-aged man's face turned from pale to red, and he was a little angry: "Mengdaya, stop talking nonsense!"

"We are members of the royal family, so how could we commit a crime?"

"Since no crime was committed, then why..."


!” The middle-aged man could no longer explain, so he could only shout in a low voice.

It was at this time.

The old man on the throne finally spoke, interrupting the uproar in the room——

"If the true God in the world is indeed merciful."

"Then why does she only bring disasters and judgments, but not blessings and graces?"

"If the true God in the world is indeed merciful."

"Then how could she bear the heart of us leaving the homeland where our ancestors have lived for thousands of years?"

"I have a balanced belief, but if you want me, an old man who has reached the end of his life, to suffer from the fatigue of a long journey, it is tantamount to depriving me of my last precious time!"

"I can no longer travel far... If I am really punished and disaster strikes, I am willing to bear it!"

"And after death, my spirit will repent devoutly and serve at her knees!"

"Of course, I cannot go against the will of the true God. If anyone wants to leave, let them go far away."

"Those who have honored the people for the sake of balance should no longer set foot on my land full of suffering!"

"Let those who have come from afar rest outside the city; send someone to bring their relatives to meet them!"

"This is the limit that I, the lord of a mortal kingdom, can achieve!"

"My subjects, please pass on my royal decree——"

"Perhaps the holy country far away is full of joy, but I don't want to leave my hometown!"

"If the gods are merciful, please hear my cry!"

"But if her powerful army forces me to abandon my homeland and the glory of my ancestors..."

"I would like to die here, on the land where I was born and raised!"

"Starting from tomorrow, seal all the cities under the command of Thepanix Kingdom! People should follow me, get rid of all distracting thoughts, and send out pious praises and supplications every day, asking for her mercy!"

In the palace, some people were moved by the old monarch's heartfelt words.

How can I still endure the pain of moving around at this age when one leg has already been buried in the ground?

Besides, this is our hometown.

And some people were shocked in their hearts, seeing the deep calculation behind the sincerity of the old king——

He asked three questions: Are the gods really benevolent?

If so, why did you abandon your homeland, step into the unknown, and finally encounter judgment?

And if not, how should all the people on the earth face her and the so-called... "true god"?

Tezozomok has made it clear that I believe in you, but your response is cold and cruel.

Then here comes the problem!


Do people really want to believe in such gods?

This chapter has been completed!
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